First chemo

Hi, just checking in after my first chemo. cisplatin really sucks! It knocked me down for 5 days straight, three of them in the hospital. I tried everything to stay hydrated and could not keep anyhting down at all. Meds did not help, but now feel much better. Radiation is not nearly as bad, eight txs done so far. I lost 16 lbs in 10 days, good thing I had some to spare lol. Now at least I know what to expect for the next 2 rounds. 



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    rj, i have no experience with

    rj, i have no experience with chemo but wanted to say i'm praying that it gets better for you.  i had rads and surgery and the surgery was by far the worst for me.  hope you get thru the rest of tx w/very few side effects.

    God bless,


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    well done

    RJ I got 6 weeks radiation coming up in a month or so. Keep me updated on how its going mate. Greetings from Liverpool UK.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hydration and Calories...

    Both are key..., if the meds aren't working, have them try something else... One thing my Onco always told me.., if you have something going on, let me know..., I have something for it..., and she always did.

    Hang in there...


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    5 days was how long

    the Cisplatin would do me in, too.....tho I never ended up in the hosptial.....I was getting Amifostine everyday tho, at the Onoclogist office, so got ultra hydrated via an IV everyday for 7 weeks, that might have been what saved my bacon.  You're getting the 3 big doses, right?  So you have 2 weeks to recover before you go for the next one.  16 lbs in 10 days is a lot of weight to drop, tho....

    Did you Oncologist mention Emend for the first three days after chemo?  It's a "big gun" when it comes to nausea.  Expensive as far as meds go, but it's got to be cheaper than 3 days in the hospital. 

    Congrats on 8 rads down.....the next you'll be telling us is that you're half-way through......a milestone!!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Your Avatar fell over


    Be pro-active on the chemo side effects and keep your nurses aware of what is going on (they are smart).

    I felt pretty good into the third week of rads (when my hamburger tasted stale) then the ride gets a little bumpy.

    Stay in the driver’s seat and take the battle to the invader (it is already on the run).

    Good luck,


  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    Glad I'm not the only one...I

    Glad I'm not the only one...I had my first round tuesday and felt good until that nite then bad headach stomach went nuts on me.Ended up throwing up 4 times weds and twice thursday.Finally feeling alittle better and able to eat and drink something.Start my rads monday then back for another dose on tuesday.Hopfully the nurse is right and that it does get better after the first big dose.We gotta just hang in there and do as they say.They know best

  • Steve5
    Steve5 Member Posts: 147

    Glad I'm not the only one...I

    Glad I'm not the only one...I had my first round tuesday and felt good until that nite then bad headach stomach went nuts on me.Ended up throwing up 4 times weds and twice thursday.Finally feeling alittle better and able to eat and drink something.Start my rads monday then back for another dose on tuesday.Hopfully the nurse is right and that it does get better after the first big dose.We gotta just hang in there and do as they say.They know best

    You can do it

    You can do it - Cisplatin can get you down - I had the weekly treatments at 40 so they were lighter than the 3 week rotations, Wednesday treated and felt great, you gotta love that steroid, I could lift the sofa with one hand and vacuum under it with the other, then 12 PM the next day I sat on the sofa and after getting ahead of the nausea with the green bottle I stayed on the sofa and slept in the bed and napped on the sofa for 2 days, then my energy came back up a little - 7 weeks worth with the daily rad treatment - about week 6 can be tough and week 7 tougher but YOU CAN DO IT - stay the course and come out the other end - and you are right the nurses are the best!!

    Go get em


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Certainly not a pleasant walk in the park but one step at a time will get you through the park. Keep pushing forward there are many on here who will grab ya by the arm when you tend to slow up and help you forward. The fight is well worth it. I lost 92 pounds in my battle four years ago and I have always said I am gaining it all back and some because there is no way cancer is going to hold me down.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Duggie88 said:


    Certainly not a pleasant walk in the park but one step at a time will get you through the park. Keep pushing forward there are many on here who will grab ya by the arm when you tend to slow up and help you forward. The fight is well worth it. I lost 92 pounds in my battle four years ago and I have always said I am gaining it all back and some because there is no way cancer is going to hold me down.



    Cisplatin kicked my rear too, however, I took the anti-nausea pills from the get go and never experienced that. I did need to go several times for extra fluids after 1st tx. but never hospitalized. They cut my dose in half and I did it weekly after 1st episode. That was easier on me but I still wasn't able to complete the entire course. Lost 65 pounds.

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    hwt said:


    Cisplatin kicked my rear too, however, I took the anti-nausea pills from the get go and never experienced that. I did need to go several times for extra fluids after 1st tx. but never hospitalized. They cut my dose in half and I did it weekly after 1st episode. That was easier on me but I still wasn't able to complete the entire course. Lost 65 pounds.


    RJ, just got the good news Im getting 3 days of chemo at start,middle and end of 6


     weeks radiotherapy. Any tips on how to stop yourself going crazy hooked u to a drip for 6 hours?!

  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    Guzzle said:


    RJ, just got the good news Im getting 3 days of chemo at start,middle and end of 6


     weeks radiotherapy. Any tips on how to stop yourself going crazy hooked u to a drip for 6 hours?!

    I'm lucky they have a nice

    I'm lucky they have a nice recliner and tv to watch while hooked up.Plus you can sneak in a nap...

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Guzzle said:


    RJ, just got the good news Im getting 3 days of chemo at start,middle and end of 6


     weeks radiotherapy. Any tips on how to stop yourself going crazy hooked u to a drip for 6 hours?!

    maybe - maybe not

    I remember the very first infusion, they stuffed a bunch of benydryl in which put me to sleep, wasting away the day. Once I figured that out I sayd NO MORE sleepy juice and I was able to work on my laptop all day getting something done.