It wasn't Cancer

GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member

I wanted to share this to try and relate this perspective..   At one time or another (or constantly) we all fear the worst and that the Cancer will do us in.  Sadly that happens.. but I just got an e-mail from a pal's wife...  Yup my pal passed away yesterday... geeesh.   He did not have Cancer...  In fact I had recently talked to him and he said he was doing well and was working on a motorcycle project.... sigh... geeesh..   At least he was not in a rocking chair going woa is me...

Just a note to LIVE folks... keep on living... one day we will be gone no matter what... no time to worry about the bad...

Please be well all......





  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    "You've just got to go on and live your life"

    Move forward by embracing the uncertainty of life as the one and only certainty. We’ve all been stamped with an expiration date. Unfortunately, some of us are living a little more precariously between the “best before” and final expiration. But you can't dwell on that. YOU JUST NEED TO LIVE YOUR LIFE. 


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sorry for the loss of your

    Sorry for the loss of your friend, Ron.

    What a shock!

    Makes us appreciate all we have TODAY!

    Feel better soon~

    Hugs, Jan

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Sorry for the loss of your

    Sorry for the loss of your friend, Ron.

    What a shock!

    Makes us appreciate all we have TODAY!

    Feel better soon~

    Hugs, Jan

    Jan.. thanks... you are a

    Jan.. thanks... you are a treat around here...!  I am ok... just making the point we need to live more and try to worry less....

    Had a blast tonight with a bunch of pals... it was good to get out..!  

    Tomorrow I will call my pal's wife and see if she needs anything... gosh they were every so close... Hope she is handling it well..


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    GSRon said:

    Jan.. thanks... you are a

    Jan.. thanks... you are a treat around here...!  I am ok... just making the point we need to live more and try to worry less....

    Had a blast tonight with a bunch of pals... it was good to get out..!  

    Tomorrow I will call my pal's wife and see if she needs anything... gosh they were every so close... Hope she is handling it well..


    passed on

    Ron, you've had too many friends pass on in the recent past. It sucks getting older. but it is MUCH better than the alternative. It helps cherish our time.

  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    Passing on....not of cancer

    First, my condolences.  I am still young enough where only a few of my peers are gone. 

    I just want to remind people that even us with cancer can drop dead....last summer, I had a cardiac stent put in.  I had been having Angina for 5 weeks...but I thought is was related to the cancer.  I had gone to my Primary Care Dr twice, and he did not think much of it. 

    Finally, when I had it after the NED, I though it could be heart, and called the cardiologist, and 1 week later, they found a 98% blockage in the LAD artery. 

    So, with metastatic cancer, you can have other things wrong unrelated to the cancer. 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ron, as a widow and having

    Ron, as a widow and having worked in Hospice, I know the best thing you can do for any survivors after a death is to REMEMBER them! Many folks, not wanting to make you feel badly, never, ever mention the person who died. To the survivor it feels like others deny they ever lived!

    So know that as time passes, she'll need more support if just to share memories..and a hug of course! Hopefully for her (and you too I bet) he will make his "presence" known..

    Warmly, Jan

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Ron, as a widow and having

    Ron, as a widow and having worked in Hospice, I know the best thing you can do for any survivors after a death is to REMEMBER them! Many folks, not wanting to make you feel badly, never, ever mention the person who died. To the survivor it feels like others deny they ever lived!

    So know that as time passes, she'll need more support if just to share memories..and a hug of course! Hopefully for her (and you too I bet) he will make his "presence" known..

    Warmly, Jan

    Sorry for your loss, Ron. It

    Sorry for your loss, Ron. It really hits home when your friends die. We start to feel vulnerable. You are right though - it proves that we need to savor and enjoy life and living!!

    It makes you re-think things in your life. Re-prioritize. We lost our best man last year...just a few weeks after I was diagnosed. I lost my mom a few months before that. I am not sure if it was the loss of two loved ones within a  few months, but I felt that losing our friend was harder!! He just turned 50. Or maybe because I was still grieving my mom, my grief just increased. Who knows. But it hit us hard. Life is precious and short - no matter how long you live! Live and love to full capacity and that is all you can ask for!



  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    So true Ron...

    Just last week a good friend's brother passed away from complications of the flu, he was 55, we never know.  Live every day as though its your last, and be thankful every morning when your feet hit the floor.  My father had a life long friend affectionately known as Wild Bill.  When you asked Bill how he was doing the answer was always the same "STILL SUCKIN' AIR!!!" followed by a belly laugh that rattled the walls, everybody laughed with him.  That's the attitude we should all have.

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    garym said:

    So true Ron...

    Just last week a good friend's brother passed away from complications of the flu, he was 55, we never know.  Live every day as though its your last, and be thankful every morning when your feet hit the floor.  My father had a life long friend affectionately known as Wild Bill.  When you asked Bill how he was doing the answer was always the same "STILL SUCKIN' AIR!!!" followed by a belly laugh that rattled the walls, everybody laughed with him.  That's the attitude we should all have.


    So, this Friday is my pal's funeral, then right after I head to the airport.. no time to waste.. big shin dig Saturday nite up near Portland..  

    BUT, looking at the calendar, OH SH***..  Time is flying by...

    My big race is mid August, but they  are taking entries now... have to be in by the end of March..  My rider is all set, whew..!  But the bike is not.  I just got a new swing arm last week, and now have it almost ready to install.  Still no new front suspension... and still waiting on parts so that I can get the bike to the dyno..  Lots to do and time is flying by...  Oh yes and then there are two events (4 races) here in California late April / early May.  Time to get my butt to work..!

    And all of you here are so special to me..!!  I mean that..!!  All the good tales and we rally together when the story is not so good...  Nice to see some of the old timers show back up to tell us they are doing OK..

    Life is short no matter what...  keep on living..!

    Any rich widows out there that like race bikes.. look me up... heh Cool

    Be Well All..!!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    GSRon said:


    So, this Friday is my pal's funeral, then right after I head to the airport.. no time to waste.. big shin dig Saturday nite up near Portland..  

    BUT, looking at the calendar, OH SH***..  Time is flying by...

    My big race is mid August, but they  are taking entries now... have to be in by the end of March..  My rider is all set, whew..!  But the bike is not.  I just got a new swing arm last week, and now have it almost ready to install.  Still no new front suspension... and still waiting on parts so that I can get the bike to the dyno..  Lots to do and time is flying by...  Oh yes and then there are two events (4 races) here in California late April / early May.  Time to get my butt to work..!

    And all of you here are so special to me..!!  I mean that..!!  All the good tales and we rally together when the story is not so good...  Nice to see some of the old timers show back up to tell us they are doing OK..

    Life is short no matter what...  keep on living..!

    Any rich widows out there that like race bikes.. look me up... heh Cool

    Be Well All..!!


    Right back at you, Ron.

    Right back at you, Ron. Everyone on this forum is so wonderful, it is hard not to love 'em!!

    Good thing you are retired so you can get all that work done!



  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Right back at you, Ron.

    Right back at you, Ron. Everyone on this forum is so wonderful, it is hard not to love 'em!!

    Good thing you are retired so you can get all that work done!



    JoJo..  you know your smiling

    JoJo..  you know your smiling face has a very calming effect...  so nice to see mostly smiles here lately... although a couple of our group are facing new challenges..

    Today was one of those good days... as my Granny used to say.. "Ronnie is full of piss and vinegar".. and today I was/am..!  I got a lot of work done on the racer, then sat down here to see a few videos..  check this link out... I think it automatically goes to the next video..

    Hope all had a great day..!!


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    JoJo..  you know your smiling

    JoJo..  you know your smiling face has a very calming effect...  so nice to see mostly smiles here lately... although a couple of our group are facing new challenges..

    Today was one of those good days... as my Granny used to say.. "Ronnie is full of piss and vinegar".. and today I was/am..!  I got a lot of work done on the racer, then sat down here to see a few videos..  check this link out... I think it automatically goes to the next video..

    Hope all had a great day..!!


    Teed Off..!

    This is one of those times I want to curse, spit, say bad things.. and maybe hurt someone if they look at me the wrong way...  No, I won't get violent.. but that is how I feel.  I may have another family member that has the crud... geeesh...  If so, then I have suggested all the women on that side of the family get tested.. F*** it pisses me off...  Hope some of these new treatments pan out... we all deserve a break..

    Thanks for the vent session.....

    Back to normal.. wait, I was never normal...


  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    GSRon said:

    Teed Off..!

    This is one of those times I want to curse, spit, say bad things.. and maybe hurt someone if they look at me the wrong way...  No, I won't get violent.. but that is how I feel.  I may have another family member that has the crud... geeesh...  If so, then I have suggested all the women on that side of the family get tested.. F*** it pisses me off...  Hope some of these new treatments pan out... we all deserve a break..

    Thanks for the vent session.....

    Back to normal.. wait, I was never normal...


    I hear ya man, vent away!!!

    Prior to my dx in 2009 seven people close to me including my father-in-law succumbed to rcc and 2 years ago another friend, who thankfully is doing very well, was diagnosed. My hatred of this disease runs deep, but I am happy that today there are treatment options available we didn't have when my friends, relatives, and co-workers were fighting and losing.

    Keep the faith,


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    garym said:

    I hear ya man, vent away!!!

    Prior to my dx in 2009 seven people close to me including my father-in-law succumbed to rcc and 2 years ago another friend, who thankfully is doing very well, was diagnosed. My hatred of this disease runs deep, but I am happy that today there are treatment options available we didn't have when my friends, relatives, and co-workers were fighting and losing.

    Keep the faith,


    Thakns Gary... that was like

    Thakns Gary... that was like the second time I felt the need to "scream" in here..  Being that I just reunited with these two less than a year ago after about a 40 year spread..  In a few hours, I get to find out if my eyesight damage is reversible... lost a lot of vision, which I would gladly give up in trade for NED.


  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    GSRon said:

    Thakns Gary... that was like

    Thakns Gary... that was like the second time I felt the need to "scream" in here..  Being that I just reunited with these two less than a year ago after about a 40 year spread..  In a few hours, I get to find out if my eyesight damage is reversible... lost a lot of vision, which I would gladly give up in trade for NED.


    Vision loss?

    This is the first I remember hearing about that, is it from the meds?

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    garym said:

    Vision loss?

    This is the first I remember hearing about that, is it from the meds?

    I will find out (I hope) in

    I will find out (I hope) in about an hour...  seems like blood in my eyes... a bit dark...  could be non Cancer related...


  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    GSRon said:

    I will find out (I hope) in

    I will find out (I hope) in about an hour...  seems like blood in my eyes... a bit dark...  could be non Cancer related...


    you have had your share,


    you have had your share, and then some, when it comes to loss; please let us know about your relatives as soon as you find out.

    How long have you had vision problems? Again, please post as soon as you know.

    Meanwhile, fingers crossed that this nightmare does not cross over into reality.


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Srashedb said:

    you have had your share,


    you have had your share, and then some, when it comes to loss; please let us know about your relatives as soon as you find out.

    How long have you had vision problems? Again, please post as soon as you know.

    Meanwhile, fingers crossed that this nightmare does not cross over into reality.


    Oh Ron, I am so sorry. I hope

    Oh Ron, I am so sorry. I hope it all goes well. Please keep us posted. We are thinking about you, hon.

    Big hugs,


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Oh Ron, I am so sorry. I hope

    Oh Ron, I am so sorry. I hope it all goes well. Please keep us posted. We are thinking about you, hon.

    Big hugs,


    Thanks Ladies..!  Well, my

    Thanks Ladies..!  Well, my local eye doc could not find anything wrong with my left eye.  My right eye "she thinks" may of gotten a bit worse.  I suspect she does not have enough magnification to see it.  I will wait a few days and see what happens.  The only "treatment" are heat packs on my eyes 4 times a day. In 1993 I had what is called Toxoplasmosis, which was slayed by heavy steroids. but left floaters in my right eye, plus occasional hemmoraging.   That part is fine, and no hemmoraging in about 15 years.  However my Doctor back then used three levels of magnification to see inside the eyeball.  Looking back it was kind of funny, two large pieces of magnifying glass both pressed up against my eyeball, then the third one on his head.  Seeing very small things inside the eyeball is difficult for the doctor, but easy for me to see.  If I have any additional concern I will try to contact my old doctor who is a 3rd generation Opthalmic Surgeon.  This guy is awesome..!  As we all know, getting the right doctor is key... 


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    Thanks Ladies..!  Well, my

    Thanks Ladies..!  Well, my local eye doc could not find anything wrong with my left eye.  My right eye "she thinks" may of gotten a bit worse.  I suspect she does not have enough magnification to see it.  I will wait a few days and see what happens.  The only "treatment" are heat packs on my eyes 4 times a day. In 1993 I had what is called Toxoplasmosis, which was slayed by heavy steroids. but left floaters in my right eye, plus occasional hemmoraging.   That part is fine, and no hemmoraging in about 15 years.  However my Doctor back then used three levels of magnification to see inside the eyeball.  Looking back it was kind of funny, two large pieces of magnifying glass both pressed up against my eyeball, then the third one on his head.  Seeing very small things inside the eyeball is difficult for the doctor, but easy for me to see.  If I have any additional concern I will try to contact my old doctor who is a 3rd generation Opthalmic Surgeon.  This guy is awesome..!  As we all know, getting the right doctor is key... 


    Another... OK, so, true to

    Another... OK, so, true to form, I did do my helpful deed for my Cuzzie..  She lives in a smaller town away from a large city.  The soonest she could be seen by a local Dr was almost a month away.. not good enough.  So she asked me if I could get her a referral.  I e-mailed my Onc, who emailed me back in about an hour..  Her appointment is today.  One of the most rewarding things for me is helping others.. whether here or on S.P. or through other methods of contact.   You could say it brings some additional purpose for us all.  And the people here are "Aces"..!!!  (especially you wonderful women..)

    It is almost 5 am, soon the sun will shine today..!!!!
