Introducing myself

I am a caregiver to my mother whom has larnix cancer.  She has already gotten her port and her feeding tube.  She has one round of chemo.  She starts her radiation on Monday.  I am also caregiver to my mother in law whom has diabeties.  My husband also has prostrate cancer. He goes the end of this month to have his prostrate removed.  Some days around here are like never ending.  My husband is on disability for COPD.  So he stays home with these women all day.  I have a full time job.  I am so glad I found this place to just have someone to talk to and know what I am going through.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Welcome Miriam!

    So sorry to hear that you have so much on your plate right now.  There are many caregivers here, and this is a great place to come and vent and gain knowledge and support.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Just where do you live....., I might need your services, LOL...

    Just teasing, man you have a busy schedule for sure...


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, the diabetes forum and the prostate forum, come in , take your shoes off and relax.  Caregivers are a special breed.

    Don’t forget to check out the Superthread for must haves, we H&N patients can be picky.

    Lots of luck,


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Full plate

    Welcome.  Wow, you have a full plate. I suggest that you also take care of yourself, do you have family and/or friends that might be able to help pick up some of your responsibilities.  Your job as caregiver will be emotionally exhausting as well as physical.  Stay in touch, we can help through some of the hurdles.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    miriam12 Welcome

    Welcome, it seems your plate is more that full it's overflowing. This is a great bunch of people for suport, knowledge and especially great for venting. I shure understand COPD, stage 3 myself. The caregiver never gets the time or rest they need. Please always remember to take care of yourself. 


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Welcome to our club

    So sorry you have another added thing to your already over full life. I am a caretaker to my husband who has tongue cancer that has spread to his mandible, lungs and ribs. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster as his caretaker so can't imagine being caretaker to three loved ones. You have come to the right place for advice, knowledge, support and things you didn't know you needed to know. This is the best group on the network for caring and support. They offer humor, virtual hugs and unceasing prayers. Frannie will even tuck you in her pocket when needed. Never feel you are asking too many or silly questions, never feel you are alone, someone is always available with the knowledge and words of comfort and support.




  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hi Miriam and welcome to our

    hi Miriam and welcome to our family.  you're plate is definitely over full right now!  in the mist of taking care of them you MUST remember to take care of you, also.  i also had larynx cancer but i had surgery to remover the larynx and no chemo.  i'm so glad she doesn't have to have surgery.  the rads are rough.  in fact, the whole journey is rough, but she will make it thru and we'll be here to help you thru it also.  come here with all your questions and concerns or if you just need to vernt.  doesn't matter, we'll be here for you.  take care and keep of posted of everyone's progress.

    God bless you.


  • miriam12
    miriam12 Member Posts: 5
    Skiffin16 said:


    Just where do you live....., I might need your services, LOL...

    Just teasing, man you have a busy schedule for sure...


    my house

    I live in Indiana.  But I am sorry my motel 6 light is now out.  Laughing.    It can just get very overwhelming here when I come home from work.  Some days I do not even get my coat off and people are asking me to do things.  I try and keep my attitude postivie.  But somedays like this evening is really hard.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    miriam12 said:

    my house

    I live in Indiana.  But I am sorry my motel 6 light is now out.  Laughing.    It can just get very overwhelming here when I come home from work.  Some days I do not even get my coat off and people are asking me to do things.  I try and keep my attitude postivie.  But somedays like this evening is really hard.

    I hear ya...

    Well like mentioned..., make sure to take some time for yourself also... You can't continue to constantly give without some restoration for yourself also...



  • Mom of 3
    Mom of 3 Member Posts: 7

    Hi Miriam, my husband was dx'd with throat cancer, is done with treatment. But we have a child going through treatment for a brain tumor, so I can relate to your 'life' and how busy it can be. My husband never had to have a feeding tube, but our daughter does, along with a port. They are both pretty simple and easy to maintain. Welcome and PRAYERS for you and your family. 

  • inittogether2
    inittogether2 Member Posts: 18
    Mom of 3 said:


    Hi Miriam, my husband was dx'd with throat cancer, is done with treatment. But we have a child going through treatment for a brain tumor, so I can relate to your 'life' and how busy it can be. My husband never had to have a feeding tube, but our daughter does, along with a port. They are both pretty simple and easy to maintain. Welcome and PRAYERS for you and your family. 

    Miriam, you're in the right

    Miriam, you're in the right place for support and encouragement. I too am new to this forum and I was a care giver for my father who had terminal esophagual cancer and he passed away this past  Dec. 21st after almost two years of being diagnosed. Three days later my husband was diagnosed with throat cancer and we started all over again.

    My dad had Home health and then Hospice come aboard and they helped tremdously with meds and any questions we had, that may be one thing to check into. They can help give you support and much needed time to yourself. I learned real quick to ask other family members to come and sit with my dad and help out. I just couldn't do it by myself, it took a team rotating 24/7 and my daddy was my world. I will never regret being his caregiver and making great memories with him through the end.

    Now I find myself taking care of my husband, coaching him through this journey that will have a happy ending! God is good and we know he will overcome. I also have a full time job and four boys, luckily two are grown and gone and the other two are too smart to move out lol. Hang in there and strive to find the best in everything and don't hesitate to ask for help. Prayers going your way!

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    WOW...........Working many full time jobs can be exhausting. Glad you found us and we can help break up the day. Caregivers are royalty and you my lady should wear a crown. With all the hustle and bustle don't forget yourself, sometimes you just need some down time for Miriam. I know what your thinking, there is only 24 hours in a day but occasionly you need to take 2 for you.

    We are here for you.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Duggie88 said:


    WOW...........Working many full time jobs can be exhausting. Glad you found us and we can help break up the day. Caregivers are royalty and you my lady should wear a crown. With all the hustle and bustle don't forget yourself, sometimes you just need some down time for Miriam. I know what your thinking, there is only 24 hours in a day but occasionly you need to take 2 for you.

    We are here for you.



    Hang on to that day job, it sounds like the easiest part of your day. Make time for yourself or there won't be any.

  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218

    To CSN Miriam. You definitely have a lot on your plate! I will keep you and your loved ones in my prayers.


  • miriam12
    miriam12 Member Posts: 5
    j4mie said:


    To CSN Miriam. You definitely have a lot on your plate! I will keep you and your loved ones in my prayers.


    Love your horse.

    Love you horse.  I two am a horse lover.  I have 9 with two on the way.  They are my therapist at times.  I just go into the barn and talk to them and cry to them.  They always listen to me.  Love my horses