Surgery Update

Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
edited December 2013 in Colorectal Cancer #1

12/3.  I'm layingin the hospital bed and typing this upsate on my I Phone.  Surgery was complicated but successful. I did not need a colposcopy (actually an illuoscopy).  He was able to reconnect successfully and I should be good.

I have a catheter and latest issue is urine is not flowing as expected. They just flushed the catheter so hopefully that helps. 

The next step is to get urine flowing and colon working.

The epidural is wonderful as I am virtually pain free. However I don't know if that is numbing the bladder and affecting its function.



I have surgery schedueld for 12/2.  Fifth surgery in a couple years. And as each day passes my anxiety level climbs.  I woke early this morning (like 3am) and couldn't sleep.  I lay in bed thinking about this surgery, another reoccurance of the cancer...   My doctor said that fighting my cancer has been like playing Whac-a-mole.  And I have to say if feels like that too. lol I really need to start looking at the full half of the glass! Don't I?


I hope your holiday week is filled with Family and Love!


And I hope the Lions beat the Packers!


Oh, and I want to see U of M beat OSU!!!  I'll be at this game!!!


Go Blue!  :-)




  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    I think everyone can

    I think everyone can understand your anxiety.  I hope this surgery does the trick and you are feeling well for the holidays.  Oh and that your teams win too...

  • Whack-a-Mole

    That sounds like just what I need, Phil.  Except they'd have to give everyone in the OR a bat so no one would get tired before they got them all.

    5 surgerys. You should be used to this by now.  Since I work in surgery but have my surgerys done in a different hospital, I like to joke with the staff as they roll me into the room.  Last time the anesthesiologist told me that since I knew so much I could just put myself to sleep.  He put the syringe in my IV tubing and handed me the syringe to push it myself. As I was drifting off I said," You know if you push that propofol slow it doesn't burn my vein at all".  They all laughed and that's all I remember.

    You'll be fine.  Praying for a good recovery.   Dan 

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have experienced the same

    I have experienced the same emotions as you. In fact the day of your surgery is the 2 year anniversery of my last surgery.

    Enjoy your Thnksgiving and the game.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    You wouldn't be human if you weren't anxious!

    It took me 5 surgeries to get to NED, so I'm hoping that this Whack-a-mole game will soon be done, and you'll be the one with the giant stuffed teddy bear.  We'll be thinking of you as you face this new challenge, so keep us posted!


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Praying that the surgery goes well and your healing is speedy.  Even though I'm from MI, sports isn't in my list of things to watch but here's to all of our teams winning.


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Hey Phil,

    Your feelings are understandable. Interestingly I was not anxious before my first surgery, probably because I just wanted target that thing out of me so bad. I started chemo again yesterday and as people here said it many times, I'd take surgery any time against chemo. I feel like a poisoned rat. 

    I think you are anxious now because this is a recurrance, and that is more discouraging. But you know what everything is gonna be all right. You are gonna have your teams win, have a great Turkey Day, get your tumor out of your body and by the Holyday you will feel good again. And these are my best wishes to you as well.

    With brotherly love,


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Go Lions! Go U of M! Go Surgical Phil!

    May you all be winners. 

    We'll be thinking of you on the 2nd. That will give you good time to be up and Adam for the Chrismas/holdiay season.

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Go Lions! Go U of M! Go Surgical Phil!

    May you all be winners. 

    We'll be thinking of you on the 2nd. That will give you good time to be up and Adam for the Chrismas/holdiay season.

    Although, out of care for

    Although, out of care for you, I will join you in hoping the Lions and U of M win, it is YOU I am rooting has the biggest win. 

    Waiting is so anxiety producing.  Take a deep breath....easier said than done. Prayers for good news.

    Enjoy Thanksgiving!


  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member
    Darn Phil

    Don't be hard on yourself,  No doubt everyone on thie board would feel the same way.  If they didn't  then that would be a problem for sure.  

    No reason to believe that you will not pull through this time again.

    Keep the group informed...


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    Darn Phil

    Don't be hard on yourself,  No doubt everyone on thie board would feel the same way.  If they didn't  then that would be a problem for sure.  

    No reason to believe that you will not pull through this time again.

    Keep the group informed...


    Hang in there and remember

    Hang in there and remember the sooner you move afterwards, the sooner you will heal from the pain.  

  • devotion10
    devotion10 Member Posts: 623 Member
    Fellow Michigander ... enjoy yourself at the Big House :)

    but I am not sure that big rival game is going to lower your anxiety lol. 

    Seems I remember you saying you are being treated at the UMHS Cancer Center where my husband was also treated. I bet you are getting excellent care. I wish you all the best Phil. 

    Enjoy the game. Go Blue!

    Peace. ~ Cynthia



  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member

    Fellow Michigander ... enjoy yourself at the Big House :)

    but I am not sure that big rival game is going to lower your anxiety lol. 

    Seems I remember you saying you are being treated at the UMHS Cancer Center where my husband was also treated. I bet you are getting excellent care. I wish you all the best Phil. 

    Enjoy the game. Go Blue!

    Peace. ~ Cynthia



    poor encouragement

    Hey Phil: although this is a quite poor encouragement but look at it this side: you'll be done by the surgery for Christmas. Imagine if it was scheduled for the 26th or something of December? Your whole Christmas would be ruined. This way by the time Christmas rolls in you'll be all done with it. And of coure we're going to be here on the board waiting to hear back how you are doing. Don't be too anxious....not good for your body. Wish you a quick surgery with a quick recovery!!!

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Well Phil

    Since I'm a former Ohioan, I can't wish that the big M beats OSU, but I hope you enjoy the heck out of the game, here's hoping it's a close exciting game since you'll be there watching it. (I'll just secretly hope you get your wish) ;)

    You'll do fine on the surgery, it'll be same ole same ole for you, you're getting to be a pro at it.

    I'll be thinking of you on the 2nd, for an excellent surgery and then a speedy recovery.

    Winter Marie 

  • Hooley
    Hooley Member Posts: 156
    Hang in there

    Praying for u Phil.  love having u on this site all the way from land of Aus!   This too will pass.....

  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member

    Fellow Michigander ... enjoy yourself at the Big House :)

    but I am not sure that big rival game is going to lower your anxiety lol. 

    Seems I remember you saying you are being treated at the UMHS Cancer Center where my husband was also treated. I bet you are getting excellent care. I wish you all the best Phil. 

    Enjoy the game. Go Blue!

    Peace. ~ Cynthia



    Cynthia and All

    Yes, I'm being treated at UMHS.  You're memory is A+ 


    And yes, I think I'm getting the best care I can get.  They do a good job at UMHS.


    And I'll enjoy the games win or loss.  But of course I'd rather see a win. :-)


    Thank you all for your encouragement and support.  And I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded by family and friends, basking in Love and Joy, and enjoying a delicious and nutritious feast!


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Phil64 said:

    Cynthia and All

    Yes, I'm being treated at UMHS.  You're memory is A+ 


    And yes, I think I'm getting the best care I can get.  They do a good job at UMHS.


    And I'll enjoy the games win or loss.  But of course I'd rather see a win. :-)


    Thank you all for your encouragement and support.  And I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded by family and friends, basking in Love and Joy, and enjoying a delicious and nutritious feast!


    Keep well!

    I'm sure you'll be fine! Sharkey is right, you'll be done with the surgery and feeling better before Christmas. I think the hardest part is the waiting. Patients and famiies wait for test results, wait for surgeries, etc... December is almost here, so this will be behind you before you know it. Let us know how you're feeling and how the surgery went. Best wishes!


  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    Hooley said:

    Hang in there

    Praying for u Phil.  love having u on this site all the way from land of Aus!   This too will pass.....


    Hi Phil, I just received the call yesterday, my surgery is also cheduled for Dec. 2, so we will be under the knife on the same day.

    I know what you mean by anxiety, I also lay awake, knowing that when I am home again I am without care, and have to look after myself. Don't know how that is going to play out with groceries etc. we are also in deep snow, the good thing is to get it over with, and be home in our own beds by Christmas.

    So I be thinking of you and wishing you speedy recovery and healing,

    hugs, Marjan

  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    Please breath


    You have had a tough road.  We all, sadly, understand the anxiety and the constant doubts and how many nights, after nights of no sleep.

    Please breath....... focus on that.  You can get through this.  Anxiety is normal.

    I took yoga classes in the Wellness Program after my treatments and they taught us to breath in (and say "Let") and breath out (and say "Go").

    It may sound silly, but try works.  Even if you can't sleep, just try it and totally focus.  You will get back to sleep.

    Nervous about a test or results, try it again, you will be surprised.

    Please take care and enjoy Thanksgiving.

  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member

    sometimes i get anxious and i get a headache and think, "i must have brain cancer."  i get a scratchy cough and think, "i must have esophogal cancer."  my abdomen hurts (because i ate some nuts - what an idiot) i think, "i must have several cancers in my abdomen."  then my bag leaks because i decided i could squeeze another half day out of it (i have NEVER gotten an additional half day out of it) and i think, "no, i am just an idiot and i am fine." if you are like me, you have done far too many stupid things that you should be concerened about than to spend too much effort fretting the what-ifs.

    have a great thanksgiving!


  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    thingy45 said:


    Hi Phil, I just received the call yesterday, my surgery is also cheduled for Dec. 2, so we will be under the knife on the same day.

    I know what you mean by anxiety, I also lay awake, knowing that when I am home again I am without care, and have to look after myself. Don't know how that is going to play out with groceries etc. we are also in deep snow, the good thing is to get it over with, and be home in our own beds by Christmas.

    So I be thinking of you and wishing you speedy recovery and healing,

    hugs, Marjan

    All prep is done and final

    All prep is done and final antibiotics have been taken. my surgery is scheduled for 1pm tomorrow. I'll be looking for your update in a week or two.  Good luck!