Mouth sores



  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    ratface said:

    Ice cold water

    None of this might work for head and Neck patients, perhaps the first few infusions for future reference. Just read this in the current issue of "CURE" (which are usually laying around cancer centers in case she can pick one up.) It seems that all metal based chemo therapies cause mouth sores. The best time to combat the effect is during the infusion. People who chewed ice chips or drank ice cold water reduced mouth sores by 33%. Something about reducing blood flow/exposure by cooling the tissue. I don't really understand the mechanics of this??   Of course we  have radiation damage  and drinking anything is next to impossible. Your mom is likely past this stage.  Hurricane spray, a numbing spray helped with eating until the later stages of pain for me. Keep up the support!

    I duuno about this

    Forever there has been this cold cap thingy, that essentially puts hour scalp in an ice bath during chemotherapy.  Said to keep your hair from falling out.  It has never been studied well, nor approved, because of how it works.  It slows blood flow to the area, reducing the amount of chemo available to damage hair follicles. The theoretical danger is that you may also reduce the amount of chemo to treat cancer cells if they are in the area.  I would imagine, without knowing for sure, that the same caveat would apply in spades to chewing ice chips when you  are receiving chemo for mouth cancer.  I  don't think I have ever see this discussed, and am not sure if there is a bit of literature on it.



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    DaveRJ said:


    Sounds like she has everything she needs!  Make sure she takes the Healios as instructed, twice per day even for a week or two AFTER she finishes radiation as the temporary side effects keep lasting even after radiation is finished.  I think it helped protect/heal my taste buds as I was able to start tasting my food again right after radiation when the normal time, my radiation oncologist said, is 7-9 months after treatment to get most of your taste buds back most of the time.  I also took some broken cell wall chlorella tablets each day after radiation that I believe helped heal my body from the radiation poisoning.

    What people without cancer don't understand is that being able to taste your food is not just a delightful pleasure or a luxury...if you can't taste your food it will be like trying to eat dirt.  You won't do it and you will inadvertently starve yourself to the point of needing a feeding tube.


    Please keep me posted on her progress.




    Dave ~ Not Necessarily...

    What people without cancer don't understand is that being able to taste your food is not just a delightful pleasure or a luxury...if you can't taste your food it will be like trying to eat dirt.  You won't do it and you will inadvertently starve yourself to the point of needing a feeding tube.

    I don't necessarily agree with that statement...

    Myself and others here, and like it or not, everyone should realize  that it isn't about taste or pleasure at all....

    It all boils down to two things basically, calorie intake and hydration.

    Not for pleasure or taste, for survival...pure and simple, if you don't take in calories or hydration, you either will be hospitalized, or you won't survive. For some that either don't get that, or just physically can't do it a PEG definitely will help you get there. 

    And that's just during treatment (or a few weeks post rads...), the taste and saliva more than likely isn't going to be there for several weeks, if not months.

    Anyways, just my thought on the subject....

    Myself and others went through minus the PEG, but I think all of us realized one way or another, you still need to get calories and hydrated. I couldn't taste a thing, even water tasted like sweat...

    But you do what ever you need to do to get through.

    Obviously, you found what worked for you, and that's good.

    Sharing, and making it a little easier for others is what it's all about...



  • J.R. and June
    J.R. and June Member Posts: 60

    Oral Lotion + Bicarb Rinses

    Really sorry to hear about your Mother. When I was in the midst of it I rinsed wtih bicarb soda mix at least 10 times a day. I was also prescribed Oral Lotion Aid which is applied to the ulcers / hot spots. It is a Lignocaine mix and seemed to work for me by numbing the pain. Hopefully you can get some prescribed there.

    Thank you

    Thank you Jude and Dunedintech... I will also try these products.


  • DaveRJ
    DaveRJ Member Posts: 9

    Hi Dave

    It looks like they probably sell the broken cell wall Chlorella tablets at the health food store. Is there a certain brand you would recommend? Or, a website if I need to order them online?





    Hi Robin. is a reputable company that has a Kyoto (made in Japan) brand combo of broken cell wall + curcumin that I really like.

  • DaveRJ
    DaveRJ Member Posts: 9
    Skiffin16 said:

    Dave ~ Not Necessarily...

    What people without cancer don't understand is that being able to taste your food is not just a delightful pleasure or a luxury...if you can't taste your food it will be like trying to eat dirt.  You won't do it and you will inadvertently starve yourself to the point of needing a feeding tube.

    I don't necessarily agree with that statement...

    Myself and others here, and like it or not, everyone should realize  that it isn't about taste or pleasure at all....

    It all boils down to two things basically, calorie intake and hydration.

    Not for pleasure or taste, for survival...pure and simple, if you don't take in calories or hydration, you either will be hospitalized, or you won't survive. For some that either don't get that, or just physically can't do it a PEG definitely will help you get there. 

    And that's just during treatment (or a few weeks post rads...), the taste and saliva more than likely isn't going to be there for several weeks, if not months.

    Anyways, just my thought on the subject....

    Myself and others went through minus the PEG, but I think all of us realized one way or another, you still need to get calories and hydrated. I couldn't taste a thing, even water tasted like sweat...

    But you do what ever you need to do to get through.

    Obviously, you found what worked for you, and that's good.

    Sharing, and making it a little easier for others is what it's all about...



    Thx John

    Hi John.  I don't disagree with anything you said.  My point was that if you can't taste your food it is very difficult to want to eat that food and therefore get the calories and hydration you need...especially if you are also suffering from mouth sores.  All the best to everyone and have a great week.  Weekend's almost here Laughing

  • J.R. and June
    J.R. and June Member Posts: 60
    DaveRJ said:


    Hi Robin. is a reputable company that has a Kyoto (made in Japan) brand combo of broken cell wall + curcumin that I really like.


    Thank you, Dave. I will order some as well.

  • shugytx
    shugytx Member Posts: 10

    Thank you

    Thank you Jude and Dunedintech... I will also try these products.


    dont forget predizone pill steroid to heal mouth

    taken every day or mouth will not heal you will not get much sleep and a little cranky but it will work  

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    shugytx said:

    dont forget predizone pill steroid to heal mouth

    taken every day or mouth will not heal you will not get much sleep and a little cranky but it will work  


    I don't think your facts are correct.....

    Although there might be a few here, I don't think the majority if any were using Predizone for mouth sores.. And definitely the statement that you won't heal with out taking it is not correct....


  • J.R. and June
    J.R. and June Member Posts: 60
    Skiffin16 said:


    I don't think your facts are correct.....

    Although there might be a few here, I don't think the majority if any were using Predizone for mouth sores.. And definitely the statement that you won't heal with out taking it is not correct....


    I was wondering about this one

    I read about prednizone and didn't see any data regading mouth sores. I was also not willing to go this route due to the potency of the drug and the numberous side effects.



  • cid817
    cid817 Member Posts: 58
    Mouth Sore Relief

    After 2 weeks into radiation, hubby had such a sore throat he couldn't eat or drink.  Nothing worked - Magic Mouthwash, L-glutamine, salt/baking soda mix - nothing.  Doc thought he had thrush even tho no sores were seen so he prescribed an anti fungal for the thrush and liquid Hydrocod-Acet for the pain.  The pain med worked really well and also helped with the thick mucus.  He says it burns going down, but not for long.  I'm also planning to get the Healios; sounds like a good product.

  • shugytx
    shugytx Member Posts: 10

    I was wondering about this one

    I read about prednizone and didn't see any data regading mouth sores. I was also not willing to go this route due to the potency of the drug and the numberous side effects.



    I had 33 rad.treatments to tonsil. cut out walnut size tumor.

    Rightside 6 weeks chemo back gums were peeling ulser on tongue drank 1/2 cup water each day lost 60lbs then put in feeding tube the dietitian told me to get[ reBalanceCa ] for my mouth  online $ 9 a bottle it worked very good. Used salt and water , and baking soda solution with no change.  But the rebalance worked very well. This was recommended by dietitian that heard from other cancer patients.  After a month out of radiation , I went to the radiation oncologist and still had ulser and no healing in my mouth.  He had perscribed prednizone , but I hadn't taken it.  My radiation oncologist told me to start taking the pred.  My mouth immediatly started to heal.  The side afffects made life uncomfortble for awhile, but it was worth it for my mouth to heal.  I guess everyone is different and has reactions to the treatments in a differant way.  This website is for the rebalanceCA. This is cancer patients only and relieves the pain of oral mucositis. A PH balanced oral rince oncology care. Can be used 6 times daily. I used Acts for drymouth.  It seemed to work well for that problem, but as I said everyone is different. My cancer had also moved to my lymph glands in neck. I still suffer from ringing in ear. I am 21 months  cancer free as of September 2013.

  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428

    If your doc does send you to prednisone route - GET THE PEDIATRIC liquid!  Strong grape flavor.  The other liquid should be outlawed!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    I feel her pain


    Lots of good ideas this thread, some I have tried and some not.  I managed well with salt and soda water as a rinse and magic mouth wash (Oregon vintage, the best) and Lidocaine gel (if needed).  Now I sipped, swished and swallowed my magic mouth wash (6 bottles) and that way I got the full effect.

    I do not recommend taking all the suggestions at once or she will get quite a buzz.  I am kind of late to this party so I wish your Mom a happy “half way”


  • shugytx
    shugytx Member Posts: 10
    lornal said:


    If your doc does send you to prednisone route - GET THE PEDIATRIC liquid!  Strong grape flavor.  The other liquid should be outlawed!

    Prednisone YOUR RIGHT

     i took pill form morning and night it was pretty bad sleep most 4 hours a night. angery a bit. my poor wife i could not of done it with out her i wish i found this sight earlier thank you for the help GOD BLESS 

  • Hummingbird3
    Hummingbird3 Member Posts: 67
    Robin,  I really am hopeful

    Robin,  I really am hopeful your mom is finding some relief.  The Mugard was a lifesaver for me. And as Phrannie recommended to me also the L-Glutamine was more tolerable to taste.  Praying this week brings some promise and Relief.  Praying for you both.


  • hsnmp1978
    hsnmp1978 Member Posts: 44
    aloe vera juice and Zinc

    My husband drank 100% aloe vera juice(u can find at walmart for $8.00) and zinc also helps .