I'm going back in!



  • faithlou
    faithlou Member Posts: 41
    foxhd said:

    Experimental treatments

    Sarah, you are right. I don't think I would be excited about stem cell transplants. Drugs were designed to kill cancer by what is essentially poison or limiting capilllary growth. The concept of using our own immune system is more recent. Although  mega doses still require a watchful eye. I could not have imagined just how sick the IL-2 could make me. Fortunately it is temporary.

    Djinnie, I'm no trailblazer either. Opportunities have been presented to me and I am going with them. I'm lucky to be in the right place. The biggest message here is that it took several consults before I found the right dr. and clinic to take care of me. I've realized that this search for the right care is like buying a car. No dealership wants to send you to another dealsership. They want you to buy their car. Even if what you really want or need is just down the street. Seek and choose carefully.

    Nana, I guess the IL-2 treatments can be so variable to ones tolerance. I'm glad your recovery got easier. Mine was defintely harder. My Dr. tells me that she expects it to be even more difficult this time in. I met a guy who just finished his second round of IL-2 and he was already going to the gym within a week. I get skin peeling in sheets. It gets very tender and raw. He had a little dusting of dry skin. I'm hoping my response reflects the effectiveness of the treatment. In any event, BRING IT ON!

    Whatever it takes!


    Glad to hear that you're able to move forward with IL-2.  Tip: lotion, lotion, lotion and more lotion.  Start lotioning before, during and after treatment.  Though difficult treatment, this is the best shot next to trials that some of us have.  So, you go guy.  You do it all!  And thanks for sharing your experiences.  I have moved on to Votrient with mid day nap side effects. Laughing  Doing well so far.  MRI Oct 8th.  You know, we are fighting for survival here.  We have no cure for this yet.  With RCC stage 4 and mets, I am to the point that I will try any drug or trial, with in quality of life reasoning, that has a chance of keeping me going.  I am happy to have that opportunity.  Actively waiting on the cure!  I worked 6 hours yesterday.  I am taking my grandson to the fall festival tomorrow. yeahhh!  I am not finished and will not go gently into that good night.   I'm just say'in.



  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308


    I buy those 2 pound bags of ready to eat lettuce from Sams Club i also get me eggs ham and turkey and other veggies and then i put it all together to make salads to eat for my lunch during the week.I also bike any where from 50 to 100 miles a week and i still have all of my hair and very little if any grey hair and i am 52  years of age and sorry but  considering the three cancer surgeries i have endured i still look better than most guys my age.Now for the dark side i also just love that Miller Lite beer for which i usually drink maybe anywhere from a 12 pack to at times a case a week and what can i say i am pretty Damm Happy.I think sometimes its all about perspective and how we veiw ourselfs.Hey Todd just a quick question have you ever seen the movie called Shawshank Redemption if so their is a quote Morgan Freeman makes during that movie,well i will let you figure that out.

    What was the quote? It's killing me...

    Limelife, help! The only quote I remember: "Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of $hit and came out clean on the other side".

    Though most of the time I feel like Andy still on this side, I don't know what it has to do with the diet...

    Todd, the guilt trip your friends are laying on you fades in comparison with what my mom puts me through every morning on the phone. She is 68 and a health nut. Stay strong! If a cookie makes you happy - have a cookie. Life is about living, not over-analyzing your every move to delay recurrence.

  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    Alexandra said:

    What was the quote? It's killing me...

    Limelife, help! The only quote I remember: "Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of $hit and came out clean on the other side".

    Though most of the time I feel like Andy still on this side, I don't know what it has to do with the diet...

    Todd, the guilt trip your friends are laying on you fades in comparison with what my mom puts me through every morning on the phone. She is 68 and a health nut. Stay strong! If a cookie makes you happy - have a cookie. Life is about living, not over-analyzing your every move to delay recurrence.

    Is it?

    "Its time to get busy livin' or get busy dyin'"

    One of my all time favorites too!!!

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    garym said:

    Is it?

    "Its time to get busy livin' or get busy dyin'"

    One of my all time favorites too!!!

    See ya's

    I'm re-entering the world of IL-2 this morning. Let's see, I forgot what I like best. Is it the psychosis? diarrhea? vomiting? No. Maybe the sleep deprevation or loss of ability to urinate? Or is it going all week without eating? Just can't choose my favorite. This time I'm bringing my own soft toilet paper and bottled water. Someone mentioned depends for those unexpected departures. I am going to consider this. Now I remember. It is the water weight,skin redness and massive peeling that I miss most. Oh well. I really won't complain. I'm getting chances for survival that so many others never get. So, au revoir my friends. I'm not likely to post for awhile. I'm going to do the best that I can. Total committment. I'll provide an update when I feel able. To everyone, Please do well. Focus on the positive. We can do this. FLY. Fox.

  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    foxhd said:

    See ya's

    I'm re-entering the world of IL-2 this morning. Let's see, I forgot what I like best. Is it the psychosis? diarrhea? vomiting? No. Maybe the sleep deprevation or loss of ability to urinate? Or is it going all week without eating? Just can't choose my favorite. This time I'm bringing my own soft toilet paper and bottled water. Someone mentioned depends for those unexpected departures. I am going to consider this. Now I remember. It is the water weight,skin redness and massive peeling that I miss most. Oh well. I really won't complain. I'm getting chances for survival that so many others never get. So, au revoir my friends. I'm not likely to post for awhile. I'm going to do the best that I can. Total committment. I'll provide an update when I feel able. To everyone, Please do well. Focus on the positive. We can do this. FLY. Fox.

    KO'em Fox!!!

    You are the very definition of "Get busy linin'", sending as much positive energy your way as I can muster!!!  Pizza and beer on me as soon as you're ready.  ROCK ON!!!

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    garym said:

    KO'em Fox!!!

    You are the very definition of "Get busy linin'", sending as much positive energy your way as I can muster!!!  Pizza and beer on me as soon as you're ready.  ROCK ON!!!

    Go Fox Man...!  Hang in

    Go Fox Man...!  Hang in there... dream something nice this time...  And kick Cancer butt..!


  • srbelle1
    srbelle1 Member Posts: 123
    foxhd said:

    See ya's

    I'm re-entering the world of IL-2 this morning. Let's see, I forgot what I like best. Is it the psychosis? diarrhea? vomiting? No. Maybe the sleep deprevation or loss of ability to urinate? Or is it going all week without eating? Just can't choose my favorite. This time I'm bringing my own soft toilet paper and bottled water. Someone mentioned depends for those unexpected departures. I am going to consider this. Now I remember. It is the water weight,skin redness and massive peeling that I miss most. Oh well. I really won't complain. I'm getting chances for survival that so many others never get. So, au revoir my friends. I'm not likely to post for awhile. I'm going to do the best that I can. Total committment. I'll provide an update when I feel able. To everyone, Please do well. Focus on the positive. We can do this. FLY. Fox.

    sending you the best wishes

    sending you the best wishes and perhaps, your expectations of the bad effects will lessen their impact.

    post when you can..., positive energy from CA

  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    foxhd said:

    See ya's

    I'm re-entering the world of IL-2 this morning. Let's see, I forgot what I like best. Is it the psychosis? diarrhea? vomiting? No. Maybe the sleep deprevation or loss of ability to urinate? Or is it going all week without eating? Just can't choose my favorite. This time I'm bringing my own soft toilet paper and bottled water. Someone mentioned depends for those unexpected departures. I am going to consider this. Now I remember. It is the water weight,skin redness and massive peeling that I miss most. Oh well. I really won't complain. I'm getting chances for survival that so many others never get. So, au revoir my friends. I'm not likely to post for awhile. I'm going to do the best that I can. Total committment. I'll provide an update when I feel able. To everyone, Please do well. Focus on the positive. We can do this. FLY. Fox.

    Fox, sorry for all that you

    Fox, sorry for all that you will suffer! It is brutal!  It is tough!  It is not fair to have to endure all of this! Cancer stinks!  But I know you are tough and I know you are keeping the cure in front of you at the end of the line! Do what you can and stop when enough is enough! I am praying it is not as rough as it can be, and you get a break this time!  But so glad that your mets are shrinking and the treatment seems to be working!  You have been given another opportunity to kick this thing to the curb!  Here is praying they find a real cure for cancer, one that is a piece of cake, not more torment!  Will be praying for you and thinking of you daily!  Love you Fox!  And, in your honor, I will have my husband play some guitar while my brother will do two miles on his bike, sipping bear and eating pizza! ;)

  • DMike
    DMike Member Posts: 259
    angec said:

    Fox, sorry for all that you

    Fox, sorry for all that you will suffer! It is brutal!  It is tough!  It is not fair to have to endure all of this! Cancer stinks!  But I know you are tough and I know you are keeping the cure in front of you at the end of the line! Do what you can and stop when enough is enough! I am praying it is not as rough as it can be, and you get a break this time!  But so glad that your mets are shrinking and the treatment seems to be working!  You have been given another opportunity to kick this thing to the curb!  Here is praying they find a real cure for cancer, one that is a piece of cake, not more torment!  Will be praying for you and thinking of you daily!  Love you Fox!  And, in your honor, I will have my husband play some guitar while my brother will do two miles on his bike, sipping bear and eating pizza! ;)

    Kick ****

    Good luck Fox!

  • faithlou
    faithlou Member Posts: 41
    foxhd said:

    See ya's

    I'm re-entering the world of IL-2 this morning. Let's see, I forgot what I like best. Is it the psychosis? diarrhea? vomiting? No. Maybe the sleep deprevation or loss of ability to urinate? Or is it going all week without eating? Just can't choose my favorite. This time I'm bringing my own soft toilet paper and bottled water. Someone mentioned depends for those unexpected departures. I am going to consider this. Now I remember. It is the water weight,skin redness and massive peeling that I miss most. Oh well. I really won't complain. I'm getting chances for survival that so many others never get. So, au revoir my friends. I'm not likely to post for awhile. I'm going to do the best that I can. Total committment. I'll provide an update when I feel able. To everyone, Please do well. Focus on the positive. We can do this. FLY. Fox.

    Good luck Fox!

    The best for me was the synchronized vomiting and diarrhea.  Tongue Out  Wet ones is a good item to take with you.  Best of luck! 

  • Eskimo lily
    Eskimo lily Member Posts: 43
    foxhd said:

    See ya's

    I'm re-entering the world of IL-2 this morning. Let's see, I forgot what I like best. Is it the psychosis? diarrhea? vomiting? No. Maybe the sleep deprevation or loss of ability to urinate? Or is it going all week without eating? Just can't choose my favorite. This time I'm bringing my own soft toilet paper and bottled water. Someone mentioned depends for those unexpected departures. I am going to consider this. Now I remember. It is the water weight,skin redness and massive peeling that I miss most. Oh well. I really won't complain. I'm getting chances for survival that so many others never get. So, au revoir my friends. I'm not likely to post for awhile. I'm going to do the best that I can. Total committment. I'll provide an update when I feel able. To everyone, Please do well. Focus on the positive. We can do this. FLY. Fox.

    Fox, I'll be thinking about

    Fox, I'll be thinking about you. I'm sure it will all be worth is when you hear the golden word, "shrinkage"!! 

  • cran1
    cran1 Member Posts: 139
    Hang in there Fox man.

    Hang in there Fox man.

  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476
    garym said:

    Is it?

    "Its time to get busy livin' or get busy dyin'"

    One of my all time favorites too!!!


    Thanks Gary a great quote

  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476
    Alexandra said:

    What was the quote? It's killing me...

    Limelife, help! The only quote I remember: "Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of $hit and came out clean on the other side".

    Though most of the time I feel like Andy still on this side, I don't know what it has to do with the diet...

    Todd, the guilt trip your friends are laying on you fades in comparison with what my mom puts me through every morning on the phone. She is 68 and a health nut. Stay strong! If a cookie makes you happy - have a cookie. Life is about living, not over-analyzing your every move to delay recurrence.

    Hi Alexandra

    Kind of thought Gary would remember that quote word for word

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    cran1 said:

    Hang in there Fox man.

    Hang in there Fox man.

    If you scan the headers quickly, you'll read that "You're going to back in..."  Now that would not be a pleasant view with you in your hospital gown.  Add to that, all the shrinkage Alice is talking about and you really do have problems.

    Fox, this has been a very informative group of posts.  You articulated what many of us have thought or even talked over with others; and it generated many others posts of support and controversy.

    If there was anything we could do for you, we would.  And we honor your fortitude in going through the physical pain and discomfort; we want you to succeed.

    All love and hugs.


  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308
    Dear darling Fox

    I didn't get to say "good luck" to you before you went in due to some BS in my life. Kick a$$ and come out on top. I will patiently wait for you on the outside. Then we can play doctor, drink beer and laugh at inappropriate jokes.


  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    donna_lee said:

    If you scan the headers quickly, you'll read that "You're going to back in..."  Now that would not be a pleasant view with you in your hospital gown.  Add to that, all the shrinkage Alice is talking about and you really do have problems.

    Fox, this has been a very informative group of posts.  You articulated what many of us have thought or even talked over with others; and it generated many others posts of support and controversy.

    If there was anything we could do for you, we would.  And we honor your fortitude in going through the physical pain and discomfort; we want you to succeed.

    All love and hugs.


    Hey Fox!  I tried to help

    Hey Fox!  I tried to help you, I really, really did!  I got food poisoning just so I could share your symptoms with you....you know, problems shared are halved.....so I've got the diarrhea and the vomiting covered, along with the skin so cold it hurts.  I couldn't quite come to terms with the water weight (I have enough troubles with that anyway, so didn't want more) or the peeling skin without benefit of a bodacious sunburn.  If you need more help getting through this, just let me know!  Hang in there, and WLY2

  • alice124
    alice124 Member Posts: 896 Member
    Okay, I admit it. Not sure if

    Okay, I admit it. Not sure if it's age or this site, but SHRINKAGE IS my favorite word. (NED is three words.)  

    Fox, hope you come home from your latest drug induced psychosis to lots of it. 



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    alice124 said:

    Okay, I admit it. Not sure if

    Okay, I admit it. Not sure if it's age or this site, but SHRINKAGE IS my favorite word. (NED is three words.)  

    Fox, hope you come home from your latest drug induced psychosis to lots of it. 



    Thanks Y'all

    OMG! That is mean chit. I'm getting experienced at this IL-2 stuff. Treatments were stopped after 5 infusions. This time I was afraid that I would never pee again. Then what would I do with it? Maybe Alex has some ideas? It is amazing just how psychotic one can become. I was very confused and disoriented by weds. I didn't know the month, let alone the year. I began the lexapro once I was admitted. It sure helps with sleep and passing time. There is no such thing as passing gas. That comes at a cost. Same skin peeling, redness, and overall miserable. It is amazing. Good news is I am feeling better after only a few days. Better news is I'm home home for a week and then just one more admission for this stuff. I've developed hives along my waist and axillas. I want to scratch them off to raw skin. I'll start on something for it today. Also, unlike our buddy, the Wedgemiester, I am painless. Bone mets are behaving. Let's hope they are surrendering. I wish I could help you out in this area Tex. My eyes are red and swollen. It makes using this computer difficult. But not a biggy. Looking forward to completing this series is a mixed blessing. Because it means a new plan comes into play. I've got several weeks to prepare for that. Alice, I concentrate on believing that having completed IL-2 will make other treatments more effective. I'm all in on that thought. Please all be well. I will be limited in my tolerence for reading and concentrating for a while. But I am here and in everyones corner. FLY!

  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    foxhd said:

    Thanks Y'all

    OMG! That is mean chit. I'm getting experienced at this IL-2 stuff. Treatments were stopped after 5 infusions. This time I was afraid that I would never pee again. Then what would I do with it? Maybe Alex has some ideas? It is amazing just how psychotic one can become. I was very confused and disoriented by weds. I didn't know the month, let alone the year. I began the lexapro once I was admitted. It sure helps with sleep and passing time. There is no such thing as passing gas. That comes at a cost. Same skin peeling, redness, and overall miserable. It is amazing. Good news is I am feeling better after only a few days. Better news is I'm home home for a week and then just one more admission for this stuff. I've developed hives along my waist and axillas. I want to scratch them off to raw skin. I'll start on something for it today. Also, unlike our buddy, the Wedgemiester, I am painless. Bone mets are behaving. Let's hope they are surrendering. I wish I could help you out in this area Tex. My eyes are red and swollen. It makes using this computer difficult. But not a biggy. Looking forward to completing this series is a mixed blessing. Because it means a new plan comes into play. I've got several weeks to prepare for that. Alice, I concentrate on believing that having completed IL-2 will make other treatments more effective. I'm all in on that thought. Please all be well. I will be limited in my tolerence for reading and concentrating for a while. But I am here and in everyones corner. FLY!


    Didn't expect to hear from you for several more days, glad you are bouncing back so quickly.  As hard as it is on you I gotta believe its kickin' cancers **** big time!  Now get some rest.