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Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

Had my six-month visit with my oncologist yesterday (Thursday),  All a-ok.  The anemia that gave us a scare six months ago has totally resolved, and is right in the middle of normal values.  LDH, Sedementation, all low-normal, which is were they are best at. 

The doctor recommends that I continue on my dialy Geritol Multi.  I also take a daily Super-B Complex, which seems to give me more energy.  I have not had a CT in two years now, and appreciated the doc wanting to minimize radiation.  I am also thankful to not have clinical NEED for CTs, and hope I never see that "Doughnut" again.  I am monitored by a CBC and full Metabolic Profile blood panel each six months, which the doctor says is very adequate, lacking any skewed results.


Bless all, and may all either remain in C.R., or achieve it soon. 




  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    Oh, Yea

    Now what else can you ask for? Great news !!!!!

  • Shoopy
    Shoopy Member Posts: 210

    Congrats Max!!!

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    That is great news for a great person!  Very happy for you.

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Great news Max

    Look out, he lives to drive another day!  Many many congrats and thanks for the extra info Doctor.  Bill & Becky

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    illead said:

    Great news Max

    Look out, he lives to drive another day!  Many many congrats and thanks for the extra info Doctor.  Bill & Becky


    I very much appreciate everyone's kind thoughts and responses.  I am living proof that fried chicken is not deadly !


  • coachmike
    coachmike Member Posts: 155


    I very much appreciate everyone's kind thoughts and responses.  I am living proof that fried chicken is not deadly !


    Very happy to hear the good

    Very happy to hear the good news. Congratulations!

  • coachmike
    coachmike Member Posts: 155


    I very much appreciate everyone's kind thoughts and responses.  I am living proof that fried chicken is not deadly !


    Very happy to hear the good

    Very happy to hear the good news. Congratulations!

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    coachmike said:

    Very happy to hear the good

    Very happy to hear the good news. Congratulations!

    Good news!

    Hi Max,

     I love hearing good news! Life is good! Take care...Sue

  • ThisisLife
    ThisisLife Member Posts: 101 Member

    Congratulations Max!  That's fabulous news!


  • sureshwani
    sureshwani Member Posts: 23
    Very good news.


    Very good news. Congratulations. It gives us a positive hope.

    max just guide me for one thing. As you know I have just finished my ABVD.The place where I had biopsy(groin) I am getting feel to itiching that place. does this happen. I shall be taking post treatment scan after 10 days.



  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232


    I very much appreciate everyone's kind thoughts and responses.  I am living proof that fried chicken is not deadly !


    Thank Goodness

    Congratulations....and thank goodness, I have been dying for some fried chickenWink



  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    Great News!


    Well that is GREAT NEWS for a beautiful day in New Jersey!! Thank you for letting us know.  

    SO happy for you- may you stay in C.R.   Period.    Cool



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Very good news.


    Very good news. Congratulations. It gives us a positive hope.

    max just guide me for one thing. As you know I have just finished my ABVD.The place where I had biopsy(groin) I am getting feel to itiching that place. does this happen. I shall be taking post treatment scan after 10 days.





    No idea. Give the doc a call, or wait for the scan results, since they are only about a week away.

    Generally, any cut or incision will itch when it is healing.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Thank Goodness

    Congratulations....and thank goodness, I have been dying for some fried chickenWink



    Doo ?


    What with the great new look ?    You've gone from "pillow fighter" to a more "street fighter" look.  Any KFC will sell you a bucket, any time you ask ! 

    Have a three piece combo on me ! ( love the biscuits also.)  I have always been an "original" guy, but some are more daring, and do the extra chrispy. This, despite  the fact that I grew up in Charleston, SC, the birthplace of everything deep-fat-fried.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    allmost60 said:

    Good news!

    Hi Max,

     I love hearing good news! Life is good! Take care...Sue


    Thank you again to everyone for all of the feedback on this thread.  Sue, I hope you are settled in by  now.

    We moved two years ago Thanksgiving, and this study is still full of unpacked boxes !


  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member
    onlytoday said:

    Great News!


    Well that is GREAT NEWS for a beautiful day in New Jersey!! Thank you for letting us know.  

    SO happy for you- may you stay in C.R.   Period.    Cool



    So happy for you MAX

    Congratulations.. MAX. You are my HERO. I am monitoring your progress very closely and hope to GOD I follow your path of recovery. I have an appointment in 2 weeks with the ONC to put down a plan for future monitering since my last treatment ended 2 weeks ago. All the BEST to you.

    Suresh, I still have itching from my sergury once and while under my arm pet. I don't think it's something to worry about.


  • merrywinner
    merrywinner Member Posts: 626 Member
    Great news!

    So very happy for you.  Mary


  • sureshwani
    sureshwani Member Posts: 23
    Before I was DX with


    Before I was DX with NLPHL. I use to never care for any pain,Itching. But Now every small pain,Itching worries me. I use to take neupogen to increase my WBC count in the Abdomen area before each infusion. That area, where i use to take it pains some time. Bill did you take the neuopogen shots for WBC during your treatment. I also follow MAX on here.I am very Happy for him. Any way I have observed that, Aaron has not posted since couple of days.


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    This is fantastic news and sure to be assuring and hopeful for many. I always love hearing about durable remissions like yours. Contratulations, Max!

    Big smiles and grins,



  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member

    Before I was DX with


    Before I was DX with NLPHL. I use to never care for any pain,Itching. But Now every small pain,Itching worries me. I use to take neupogen to increase my WBC count in the Abdomen area before each infusion. That area, where i use to take it pains some time. Bill did you take the neuopogen shots for WBC during your treatment. I also follow MAX on here.I am very Happy for him. Any way I have observed that, Aaron has not posted since couple of days.


    yes I did take shots to increase WBC.

    I took mine twice between treatments, first shot 4 days after the treatment and the second 4 days later , and by the time my next treatment day comes my WBC were in normal range. Thank GOD I never catch a cold during my treatments. Mine were given in the back of my arm; I tried it once in stomach and didn't like it. 

    It just doesn't make since to me to take the shot just right before treatment, I am thinking the chemo will kill the protein that stimulate the bones to produce WBC. Maybe I am wrong.