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  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Awesome News Max!!! 
    May you

    Awesome News Max!!! 

    May you stay in Remission forever! :D (((Hugs)))



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Bill_NC said:

    yes I did take shots to increase WBC.

    I took mine twice between treatments, first shot 4 days after the treatment and the second 4 days later , and by the time my next treatment day comes my WBC were in normal range. Thank GOD I never catch a cold during my treatments. Mine were given in the back of my arm; I tried it once in stomach and didn't like it. 

    It just doesn't make since to me to take the shot just right before treatment, I am thinking the chemo will kill the protein that stimulate the bones to produce WBC. Maybe I am wrong.




    I believe you are totally correct. The neulasta is given shortly after infusion, to keep the chemo from undoing the positive effects it will have on WBC generation.
