Colbolt Radition in the 70's

I am a daughter of a surviver from Colbolt radition.  Please forgive me I am not a good speller and our family has been going through a lot with my dad the last 6 months and I would like to know if there is other surviver out there that is going through what we are going through.  My Dad is now 61 years old when he was 23 or 24 he had cancer.  He got Colbolt radition in the mid 70's, we were lucky and for 20 years afterward nothing.  Now he has had colon cancer and now we are having hell.  He had heart valve replacement in February and since then it is a nightmare.  His lungs have filled and we can not explain why it is doing that and the doctors don't know why either. Can anyone tell me if they or one of there family members gone through this and if so what the doctors have said.  please let me know.  We are living a nightmare


  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member
    So sorry about your

    So sorry about your dad. 

    Where was his cobalt radiation targeted to? If it was his neck, chest and or abdomen, it is likely he is at risk for secondary cancers, heart and lung problems.  Many survivors treated with radiation or cobalt long ago encounter problems like your dads years later.  Your dad needs someone on his team who is aware of radiation after effects on our bodies.  I would keep asking until someone on his team conects his past treatments with his current illnesses.  They may be needed to be approached differently because of his previous treatments.

    Good Luck,
