More lovely emails

steved Member Posts: 834 Member

Seen a few of these mentioned by others but seem to have had a steady stream of various proposals- financial and romantic- come through the ACS mail system. My favorite so far is Miss Helen who at least is honest in finishing here proposal with a mixture of hearts and dollar signs:

Hello dear,
how are you today i hope you are ok please My name is Miss helen,
I came across your profile today and It was so good to me.
So i decided to stop on it and let you know that i am interested to have a relationship with you.
Please contact me at my email address(

I believe if you contact me, i will give you a full introduction of my self ,
I know age will not be a bearer to our relationship,
Remember the distance or religion does not matter but love matters a lot in life,
write to me on (
and i will send you my pictures.

beside there is something very important
i will like to tell you when you contact me,
just write to me on my email address(
for me to respond to you quick,
please. waiting to hear from you.

Miss Helen

Others are more blatantly heading towards asking for my bank accounts:


Dear,  after going through your profile i decided to contact you for friendship and assistace.I am Miss Helene Kodjo the only child of late chief and Mrs Kodjo ,my father was poisoned to death by his business associates because of his wealth and during my fathers sickness he called me on his sick bed as his only child because my mother died when i was young and told me about the money($6.500.000) he deposited in a bank here in our country that it was because of this money he was poisoned that if he dies i shall look for some one whom i trust to help me transfer this money out of this our country  to his account for investment purpose abroad while i will continue my education then the person will be managing the investment.Dear am soliciting your assistance to help me transfer this money out of this country for my life sake while i will come to meet you to continue my education in your country.


Dear am looking forward to hear from you so that we can discuss on what will be your compensation for this assistace.As i have every documents that relates to this transfer.

And others a little confusing as to what the heck is going on:

Hello my dear how are you today ? hope is well with you ?. I am Miss Victoria by name, i was impressed by your profile after gone  through it, when i was online searching for a good friend who truly use to understand his or her friend and share their feelings and ideas together and be a honest to each other but to build such real relationship is most of our challenges in life because mostly we love our selves and not others and Untrust our selves before other, if not this there will be real love in relationship which i am looking for and i believe that you understand life more than i do that staying out of  sight does not mean out of mind or feelings and remember distance,  Age, Race, and Religion can never be a barrier but let love and truthfulness connect us as it is a bridge that connected far distance to be-closer to each other for feature hope as i will be expecting your mail response to my mail box today which i will get back to you as soon as i receive your mail and every of mine information which you deserve to know both phone number will be giving to you for us to step forward to see each other face to face Ok. thanks and have a nice day.
yours new friend,

Thought you might enjoy these. For me is all enterntaining but in truth is a sad thing that they are likely targetting cancer sufferers as vulnerable people for money or perhaps relationships with people who might then conveniently die?

Others getting these? Have reported them to ACS but not sure how much they can do in truth.











  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member

    Steve, I recently joined this forum and within 2 days received two similar emails.  I did report the 2nd one to the CSN people, also not sure what they can do about it.  I replied to both scammers not so nicely.  The 3rd one is pretty funny, possibly the longest run on sentence I have ever seen (and it ended with a ,)  I wonder how they get access to our "profiles" and can contact us.  I would think the security on this site would prevent this.  Some people might actually fall for this, which is so wrong.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Why that no-good two-timer!!!

    She promised herself to ME Steve!!! And Victoria too??? Oh man! There goes my weekend!

    These look very much like ones that your SPAM folders usually collect. "Miss Helene Kodjo the only child of late chief and Mrs Kodjo" Late Chief??? I don't think they understand the demographic that they're targeting.

    I do wish that ACS/CSN would have one of those Captcha things when a person registers but have one that's smoewhat legible. Most of the time I have to refresh them a few times before I can read them...

    Thanks for the laugh Steve. You got two, we can share

    from Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein: Igor: Imitating Groucho Marx "Soitenly. You take the blonde, I'll take the one in the toiben."

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Haahaa!!!!   I was sipping


    Haahaa!!!!   I was sipping tea when I read the part about "my father was poisoned to death by his buisness associates" and just about coughed to death with laughter.  :D   I'm STILL waiting for my Saudi Prince to send ME a check!  :D     You have the right idea though, just take it as entertainment - I picture the writer as some big beefy guy with a beard and tattoo sitting at a computer terminal calling himself "Miss Helen".   :D

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    LindaK. said:


    Steve, I recently joined this forum and within 2 days received two similar emails.  I did report the 2nd one to the CSN people, also not sure what they can do about it.  I replied to both scammers not so nicely.  The 3rd one is pretty funny, possibly the longest run on sentence I have ever seen (and it ended with a ,)  I wonder how they get access to our "profiles" and can contact us.  I would think the security on this site would prevent this.  Some people might actually fall for this, which is so wrong.


    DO report them along with the SPAMMER's Screen name. Send a link to CSN. If CSN konws exactly who it is they can block their IP address. If one just says "someone SPAMMED me" but provides no details then they can live to SPAM again and will SPAMALOT Laughing


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I won the "FBI World Lottery" once.

    I still haven't received my check.  Cry

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    DEAR Steve

    I'm surprised they didn't spell it DEER.

    I'm so happy that your future wife is so rich. Terrible about her poor father, poisined and all. I wonder if they used Oxaliplatin?

    I've had a few of these emails myself, though no relationship proposal.  For goodness sakes, do they not think the person they are emailing has a wife or husband. 

    Well, in the words of Mr. Bennet (in the Colin Firth version of Pride & Prejudice)  'What do we live for, but to make sport for our neighbours and laugh at them in our turn?'

    Thanks for shareing, Brightened up my day.


  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296


    I had a weird one a couple weeks ago.   It was from a man who wanted to hook up with me he said he has no friends.  I am on here for information & support because my husband has cancer.  I wonder what brings such crazy people to a cancer website?  Very strange  Now yours is pretty weird, appears to be a really bad scheme.

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    $4000, still no reply

    A few years ago I recieved an unsolicited $4000 corporate check on beautiful stock, about as well printed as currency, drawn on a foreign account.   I forget the exact scam, but after checking the internet I realized that the check  wouldn't be recognized as overdrawn and reported back for 2-3 weeks.    I still haven't bothered to reply.