Waiting on Results
First, thank you all for sharing on this site as it's aready been so helpful. So far my story sounds very similar to others which is comforting to know what I've been dealing with is pretty 'normal'. I'm almost 45 and starting having irregular periods and chalked it up to peri-menopause. Then about 3 weeks ago I got another period just 2 weeks after the last. I didn't worry at first, but after about 2-3 days when it normally slows down, I was still having heavy heavy bleeding and clotting. It was different than any other heavy period where I could feel the large clots and running to the bathroom a lot. One night I woke up just an hour after I went to bed and was soaked. I really thought I was hemmoraging....but I was in France for work so just dealt with it. I went to see my gyno once I returned from overseas as I was on day 13 and still bright red. She's a family friend too and said she wanted to run the standard test to rule out cancer. She put me on Megestrol to stop the bleeding. Had an ultrasound and then just went in this past Thursday for a biopsy. The ultrasound showed that my lining was still think (21mm) even after bleeding heavily for 15 days straight. Of course I was anemic too. She did the biopsy (took a few tries as I've only had c-sections) but it wasn't too bad. I got dressed and when she came back in she sat down and told me she had to be honest. She didn't like how it looked. Explained something about curling or something of the tissue. She said she hopes she is wrong, but she suspects it is either pre-cancer or cancer. I really appreciated her honesty as I'd rather be prepared for the worst and get the best news rather than thinking its nothing and then get the call. I trust her completely and know she wouldn't say this unless she truly was worried for me. I'm actually at peace with it if it is cancer. I know I'll manage through it and I have my faith. As I read more and more other issues I've been having are starting to make sense a bit more too....although I may be reading more into it as well now that I'm aware of uterine cancer. For the past 2-3 years I've been telling my generalist that I'm fatigued more, lack of sex drive, etc. Not sleepy tired just no energy to do anything. I have also had this intense itch in my groin area for about 2 years that comes and goes and I've seen dermatologist, my gyno, etc. and nothing has been diagonised or cured it. It actually got better several months ago and then just before this last period it started acting up again and especially in the middle of the night. I'm reading that high estrogen levels can cause this. The other odd pain I've been having over the past several months is pain in my hip/buttock. I have a physical therapist that helps to relax the area but the pain hasn't gone away and it doesn't shoot down my leg like sciatica. Its been slowly getting worse especially if I stand for some period of time. I work out and it doesn't hurt then, just when I'm standing still. And there has been a dull pain in my lower left side of my back that has recently started up. Right before the biopsy I was actually telling my gyno that the night before I woke up a couple of times with a bad pain in my lower gut/back. She said the Megestrol can cause bloating and gas. All of this I have been writing off as getting older and closer to menopause. Now....I'm thinking it sounds like it may all be connected to my lady parts and something going on there
The doctor said she'd have the results back by Tuesday. If it's not cancer then she definetely wants to do a D&C to clean out the build up in my lining. She didn't mention if she'd have that biopsied or not. If it does come back a cancer, then she wants me to go see a gyn/onco. She explained what many of you have said in that my gyno could do a hysterectomy but it's best to have it done by the specialist so they can evaulate the other areas while they are inside to make sure they get all of the cancer out. She was very optimistic that this is a curable cancer with many under control just with surgery.
I want to be optimistic that it may be nothing than an overactive lining....but in my heart I just don't believe that will be the case. I wasn't shocked when she told me (although my doctor certainly was as she didn't suspsect it and was only doing it to make sure as my dad was a physician and a friend). I'll be thrilled if the results come back negative, but I'll will probably still anxiously await the D&C and a full report of no cancer. And if it is cancer, I'll take it one step at a time. Either way I plan to start eating right. A friend came down with prostrate cancer over a year ago and became a vegan. I read the books and tried but never could get my habits in shape. This is a wake up call that no food is worth it and I can eat better!!! I also recently joined a women's small group from chuch and we meet on Tuesday, the day I get my results. Talk about perfect timing for support that night. I believe God is walking before me and putting these women in my path for a reason at this time. My husband is taking it well at the moment too, as I worry about him more than me. I lost my mother to breast cancer 20 years ago and I know how difficult it is to watch and not be able to fix it.
Well....that's my story. I really appreciate this site and the information I've found. Thanks for letting me put my story down as it helps and comforts me to be able to 'tell' people. I am waiting to tell family, kids, friends, work until we know for certain what I'm really dealing with or not. My prayer group, my husband and two close high school friends are the only ones who know at the moment....and now you!
One strange question.....My appetite has been terrible the past year and I've actually gained 15-20lbs. I've been maintaining a very healthy weight for the past several years after I finally lost the baby weight. Now I have bad cravings and can't seem to eat right. We lost my father and my father-in-law in 2012 so again I thought it was just my emotions. But I can't get that under control and I'm a bit concerned because what I've been craving the most is dairy (cheese, milk, yogart) and SUGAR. In reading I see that these are probably the worst foods as cancer thrives on them. Has anyone heard or experienced 'cancer cravings'? Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse for my terrible habits No longer....cancer or not time to eat healthy with this scare or news.
Take care and thanks for reading!
Welcome Suzi!
As many of the veterans on this site say sorry you have to be here, but I can tell you it is the most supportive and informative bunch of ladies I have ever encountered.
I had to comment on what you posted as I had so many of the same symptoms of heavy bleeding about 10 years before my diagnosis. I was put on a 10 day run of estrogen to stop the bleeding because I also became anemic due to it going on for months on end. The estrogen would work for about a year and then the bleeding would return in full force about a year later. Again, I was put on a 10 day only run of estrogen that helped for about a year, but then the cycle continued up until I stopped having my periods completely. I was told my lining was thick when tested during these times, but not too thick to be concerned about. They did the 'watchful waiting.'
In 2012 I began to have what I thought were very frequent UTI's which I had a history of with blood. I always tested positive for an infection and was treated. Then in 8/2012 I had a full-blown period even though I had started menopause in 2008. I also had started having a discharge. I went to the gyno. Biopsy indicated grade 1 cancer! I was referred to a gyno-oncologist.
I had a radical hysterectomy this past January. I was diagnosed stage 1a/grade 1. Very minimal penetration in the lining. I only have to go for internals every 3 months as my treatment.
I do not want to put out false hope, but since your story sounds so similar....the appetite and pains also...maybe IF it is cancer it is very early. I am a very anxious person by nature and it was SO odd that when I got the call confirming it was cancer I did not freak....again like you I had this calm reaction.
Good luck on how everything goes. I am trying to change my diet, but in some ways it has been a bigger challenge then I ever expected. I have eliminated almost all granulated sugar from my diet, but this stuff is so sneaky in other forms I suspect I am still eating more than I should. But I'm working on it!
Keep us posted!
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Thanks KathyKathy G. said:Welcome Suzi!
As many of the veterans on this site say sorry you have to be here, but I can tell you it is the most supportive and informative bunch of ladies I have ever encountered.
I had to comment on what you posted as I had so many of the same symptoms of heavy bleeding about 10 years before my diagnosis. I was put on a 10 day run of estrogen to stop the bleeding because I also became anemic due to it going on for months on end. The estrogen would work for about a year and then the bleeding would return in full force about a year later. Again, I was put on a 10 day only run of estrogen that helped for about a year, but then the cycle continued up until I stopped having my periods completely. I was told my lining was thick when tested during these times, but not too thick to be concerned about. They did the 'watchful waiting.'
In 2012 I began to have what I thought were very frequent UTI's which I had a history of with blood. I always tested positive for an infection and was treated. Then in 8/2012 I had a full-blown period even though I had started menopause in 2008. I also had started having a discharge. I went to the gyno. Biopsy indicated grade 1 cancer! I was referred to a gyno-oncologist.
I had a radical hysterectomy this past January. I was diagnosed stage 1a/grade 1. Very minimal penetration in the lining. I only have to go for internals every 3 months as my treatment.
I do not want to put out false hope, but since your story sounds so similar....the appetite and pains also...maybe IF it is cancer it is very early. I am a very anxious person by nature and it was SO odd that when I got the call confirming it was cancer I did not freak....again like you I had this calm reaction.
Good luck on how everything goes. I am trying to change my diet, but in some ways it has been a bigger challenge then I ever expected. I have eliminated almost all granulated sugar from my diet, but this stuff is so sneaky in other forms I suspect I am still eating more than I should. But I'm working on it!
Keep us posted!
Appreciate the response. Glad to hear yours was stage 1a/grade 1 and minimal penetration. I'm prepare and ok if I need to have a hysterectomy. That doesn't scare me and I know so many women have gone through it without issues. Haven't thought much past that as I'm keep hope that if it is cancer they caught it early and surgery will be my solution. Of course, if it isn't we will cross that bridge later. I will certain let you know what the results come back as on Tuesday. I'm thankful I only have wait 4 business days as it sounds like many others had to wait up to 2 weeks. That would drive me nuts. Right now it sort of comes in waves where I think about it and other times I carry on with life as normal. Appreciate the support.
Did you ever find out if the eating and cravings were related to cancer? It's just been the oddest thing for me and I seem to have absolutely no will power (although so far...knock on wood...today has been a good eating day and I don't feel hungry or have cravings!).
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Kathy G. said:
Welcome Suzi!
As many of the veterans on this site say sorry you have to be here, but I can tell you it is the most supportive and informative bunch of ladies I have ever encountered.
I had to comment on what you posted as I had so many of the same symptoms of heavy bleeding about 10 years before my diagnosis. I was put on a 10 day run of estrogen to stop the bleeding because I also became anemic due to it going on for months on end. The estrogen would work for about a year and then the bleeding would return in full force about a year later. Again, I was put on a 10 day only run of estrogen that helped for about a year, but then the cycle continued up until I stopped having my periods completely. I was told my lining was thick when tested during these times, but not too thick to be concerned about. They did the 'watchful waiting.'
In 2012 I began to have what I thought were very frequent UTI's which I had a history of with blood. I always tested positive for an infection and was treated. Then in 8/2012 I had a full-blown period even though I had started menopause in 2008. I also had started having a discharge. I went to the gyno. Biopsy indicated grade 1 cancer! I was referred to a gyno-oncologist.
I had a radical hysterectomy this past January. I was diagnosed stage 1a/grade 1. Very minimal penetration in the lining. I only have to go for internals every 3 months as my treatment.
I do not want to put out false hope, but since your story sounds so similar....the appetite and pains also...maybe IF it is cancer it is very early. I am a very anxious person by nature and it was SO odd that when I got the call confirming it was cancer I did not freak....again like you I had this calm reaction.
Good luck on how everything goes. I am trying to change my diet, but in some ways it has been a bigger challenge then I ever expected. I have eliminated almost all granulated sugar from my diet, but this stuff is so sneaky in other forms I suspect I am still eating more than I should. But I'm working on it!
Keep us posted!
My doctor and I were both very pleasantly suprised.....no cancer! I didn't get everything she said but report came back estrogen high and something else, but no pre-cancer or cancer cells. She wants to do a D&C on Friday to get the heavy lining out. She feels confident now that if I had cancer it would have showed in the biopsy. A bit of a scare over the weekend but I was ok and was actually at peace with it.
I appreciated your stories and support. I wish you all the very best and will keep you in my prayers. I've been a huge supporter for breast cancer with my mom passing away 20 years ago....but Uterine Cancer is now on my radar and I will work to support and fight for a cure here too!!!!
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Kathy G. said:
Welcome Suzi!
As many of the veterans on this site say sorry you have to be here, but I can tell you it is the most supportive and informative bunch of ladies I have ever encountered.
I had to comment on what you posted as I had so many of the same symptoms of heavy bleeding about 10 years before my diagnosis. I was put on a 10 day run of estrogen to stop the bleeding because I also became anemic due to it going on for months on end. The estrogen would work for about a year and then the bleeding would return in full force about a year later. Again, I was put on a 10 day only run of estrogen that helped for about a year, but then the cycle continued up until I stopped having my periods completely. I was told my lining was thick when tested during these times, but not too thick to be concerned about. They did the 'watchful waiting.'
In 2012 I began to have what I thought were very frequent UTI's which I had a history of with blood. I always tested positive for an infection and was treated. Then in 8/2012 I had a full-blown period even though I had started menopause in 2008. I also had started having a discharge. I went to the gyno. Biopsy indicated grade 1 cancer! I was referred to a gyno-oncologist.
I had a radical hysterectomy this past January. I was diagnosed stage 1a/grade 1. Very minimal penetration in the lining. I only have to go for internals every 3 months as my treatment.
I do not want to put out false hope, but since your story sounds so similar....the appetite and pains also...maybe IF it is cancer it is very early. I am a very anxious person by nature and it was SO odd that when I got the call confirming it was cancer I did not freak....again like you I had this calm reaction.
Good luck on how everything goes. I am trying to change my diet, but in some ways it has been a bigger challenge then I ever expected. I have eliminated almost all granulated sugar from my diet, but this stuff is so sneaky in other forms I suspect I am still eating more than I should. But I'm working on it!
Keep us posted!
My doctor and I were both very pleasantly suprised.....no cancer! I didn't get everything she said but report came back estrogen high and something else, but no pre-cancer or cancer cells. She wants to do a D&C on Friday to get the heavy lining out. She feels confident now that if I had cancer it would have showed in the biopsy. A bit of a scare over the weekend but I was ok and was actually at peace with it.
I appreciated your stories and support. I wish you all the very best and will keep you in my prayers. I've been a huge supporter for breast cancer with my mom passing away 20 years ago....but Uterine Cancer is now on my radar and I will work to support and fight for a cure here too!!!!
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SuziSpaceparents said:My doctor and I were both very pleasantly suprised.....no cancer! I didn't get everything she said but report came back estrogen high and something else, but no pre-cancer or cancer cells. She wants to do a D&C on Friday to get the heavy lining out. She feels confident now that if I had cancer it would have showed in the biopsy. A bit of a scare over the weekend but I was ok and was actually at peace with it.
I appreciated your stories and support. I wish you all the very best and will keep you in my prayers. I've been a huge supporter for breast cancer with my mom passing away 20 years ago....but Uterine Cancer is now on my radar and I will work to support and fight for a cure here too!!!!
So glad you got good news. Live well, be happy.
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SuziSpaceparents said:My doctor and I were both very pleasantly suprised.....no cancer! I didn't get everything she said but report came back estrogen high and something else, but no pre-cancer or cancer cells. She wants to do a D&C on Friday to get the heavy lining out. She feels confident now that if I had cancer it would have showed in the biopsy. A bit of a scare over the weekend but I was ok and was actually at peace with it.
I appreciated your stories and support. I wish you all the very best and will keep you in my prayers. I've been a huge supporter for breast cancer with my mom passing away 20 years ago....but Uterine Cancer is now on my radar and I will work to support and fight for a cure here too!!!!
So happy you got excellent results. Enjoy each day. In peace and caring.
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