Stopping chemo

Vickilg Member Posts: 281 Member

Told my husband I don't want to do chemo anymore.  I'm canceling my Monday appointment.   I just think outs time.  My cancer is too wide spread and there is no chance at remission.  I think it's time me and my family move on.  



  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    Such a hard decision

    I know this has to be such a hard decision and only you know when enough is enough. I pray for you and your tough choice. I always told myself that I may decide to stop but the good thing is I can change my mind too. Bless you. Jeff

  • joemetz
    joemetz Member Posts: 493
    Thanks for Sharing!


    Thank you so much for sharing your decision with us.

    my eyes fill with tears for you, and big virtual Hugs from Toledo!

    You and your family are in my prayers, and I wish you one glorious day after another for each day ahead of you.


    Never forget, that there is someone who is waking up this morning, that is perfectly healthy who will lose their life today, and never be able to say I Love You to the people they truly love. We all hate cancer, but if I had a choice between a process like Cancer vs. A deadly stroke or "the greyhouse bus syndrom"... I'd take cancer.

    We're here with you and cheering you on. Maybe your days and nights be peaceful, happy and glorious.

    Some may get mad because you choose this path... but now you can put all your energy into loving others.

    Hugs to you and yours!




  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Vicki -


    I’ve never had chemo, but I can certainly sympathize with your decision. But you still have a lot of options, and once you get a second breath, you might want to consider them!


    There are some new western medicine cancer fighting drugs that are not considered “chemo”. If your Oncologist hasn’t suggested any, perhaps it’s time to find a new Oncologist! Taking some time and interviewing oncologists in other areas of the country, can often provide a new lease on life!


    And of course, there are still “alternatives” to try. Not the expensive “alternatives” geared to rich Australians, but fairly inexpensive alternatives that almost anyone can afford.


    I won’t push anyone into trying the herbs I used, but the list is there for anyone to consider.


    If doing something different doesn’t break the bank or make you sick, why not try it? You already took the time and effort, and the brunt of the force against your health and spirit using western medicine’s toxic chemicals, so why not try something healthy?


    Get a second breath, you need it! Then reconsider –all- your options; there’s a lot waiting for you!



    Think well; Be well.




  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member will of course be will of course be in my thoughts and prayers.   This decision is need to feel in control of your life and thankfully you have the loving support of your family and all of us.  The chemo can be a very long hard Road....right now you need to concentrate on the ones you love and live each day fully.  Please keep us updated if you do decide to try some of the alternative therapies...we all learn from each other.


  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    I just don't know what to
    I just don't know what to say. This is something I worry about with regards to my husband. How will we know when it's time to stop? I hope this decision brings you peace and may you enjoy the time you have left. You're a very brave person.

  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    I know it is a hard decision. I totally respect your decision. I think a lot of us will come to that point. I wish you many days of happiness and peace.
  • devotion10
    devotion10 Member Posts: 623 Member
    It is your choice, your life, you are in control

    of your treatments.  My husband made the decision to stop chemotherapy and now focuses on his comfort therapies only.  We do not feel that he has given up, it is simply a change in the way he has freely chosen to deal with his incurable cancer.

    I know that you have recently started Irenotecan treatment that has been rough for you both physically and emotionally.  You have also begun to or have, lost your hair.  These are very difficult challenges.

    Your desire to stop treatments may be a momentary decision that results from the difficulties you now face that have compounded for you ... or, you may have truly reached a decision that if you face a limited life span from incurable cancer that you want to spend that time having therapies that feel more dedicated to your well-being like massage, acupuncture, TCM.

    Irenotecan can extend your life but the quality of that life may not feel right to you.  Stopping chemo can also actually extend the quality and quantity of time you have left.

    Strong support for whatever decision you choose.

    Best to you and your family -- Cynthia 


  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member
    Great Courage


    I seldom write anymore.  I was drawn to the courage with which you shared this decision.  This is a very personal decision.  It is humbling to think that you have shared this very personal part of your life with us.

    Huge (((HUGS))), freedom from pain and wishes of peace for you and your family.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    More and maybe more

    I know that there is a time when we all have to make this desicion, and I know it has to be very heartbreaking. 

    You may find that you have a better quality of life without the chemo, and you never know, with a good diet and exercise, you may be able to be around longer than you think.

    Please know that you are in my thoughts and in my prayers. 


  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    I understand

    You only know you best. 

    From your post you made this decision thoughtfully and how it makes sense for you and your family. 

    Please keep posting.  The best - as always. 

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    You have every right to make that choice,

    and we will support you, whatever choices you make, as you walk the rest of the journey.  Someone on the other cancer forum stated that she didn't want to die with chemo in her veins, and personally I'm in total agreement with that feeling.  I hope that this decision gives you peaceful time to enjoy with your family, free of suffering.  Many hugs~AA

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Dear Vicki:


    Oh how I wish it wasn't so, but, you have faced the reality of your situation and disease.  When the treatment becomes unbearable and there is no chance of remission or stability, it is heartbreaking.  I have no words of wisdom for you, for there are none.  Myself and the rest of the board is here for you, with whatever support we can lend, and saddened along with you. 

    Take care - Tina

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    geotina said:

    Dear Vicki:


    Oh how I wish it wasn't so, but, you have faced the reality of your situation and disease.  When the treatment becomes unbearable and there is no chance of remission or stability, it is heartbreaking.  I have no words of wisdom for you, for there are none.  Myself and the rest of the board is here for you, with whatever support we can lend, and saddened along with you. 

    Take care - Tina

    thank you

    thank you Vicki for sharing this very difficult decision with us.  I salute your incredible wisdom and bravery....

    I wish the very best smooth sailing for you Vicki...I hope you can find some peace and relief from the chemo blues...

    all love.....mags

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Quality of Life

    We respect your decission. One has to choose quality of life over everything else.   We are sending our thoughts and prayers for seeing many more encouraging words from you on the forum. 



    Best A:ways,  mike


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm so sorry to hear that decision that you have made but can understand completely.  You have gone the great struggle to heal and when you decide that it's enough it is.  My prayers and thoughts are with you as you continue to go forward with your decision.  Please keep us informed and know that you are in my prayers.


  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member


    We are here for you as you go forward.  I'll be praying for peace and some wonderful, special  times ahead for you and your family.




  • fighting_ big_c
    fighting_ big_c Member Posts: 64



    We are here for you as you go forward.  I'll be praying for peace and some wonderful, special  times ahead for you and your family.





    It is heartbreaking to hear this. But we all respect your decision and we will back you all the way. Will be praying for you.

  • Erinb
    Erinb Member Posts: 293
    I can relate with Joe's

    I can relate with Joe's comment. People die everyday with out being able to say how much they love someone. This experience allows all of us to treasure the time we have with people we love. You're courageous.


  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member
    Vicki, only you can make this

    Vicki, only you can make this decision.. All the best to you on this leg of the journey. May you be watched over and cared for.. may your love eminate to all around you.. it is not without love you an make this choice I am sure..

    When ever I see someone post this message I wonder what really drives along whichever path we take.. I guess we never really know as I too have chosen to not treat my thyroid cancer anylonger but am still fighting my mets of CRC.. I wonder when I will have the courage to say - enough...

    I am proud of you my friend and only wish you the best..

    Love you ... Donna



  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    the road ahead

    Dear Vicki, I will echo John23's sentiments.

    Our own options are further afield, if the status quo at highest doses fail and any recurrence is irresectable.   As far as we know, based on tests, Folfox, Folfiri won't work. Not sure that Avastin, Erbitux would add that much in my wife's case, she's already hit those targets.   Maybe the GOLFIG protocol would have some effect, at least that is what the tumor kill tests suggested from 2 years ago, but less than present tx orignally.  

    What else could we do?

    We could try alone, or add, TCM a la John23. 

    We could try direct immunotherapy, if available like perhaps the Caribbean,  NDV, MBX vaccines or other trials, probably plus the other immunomodulators we already use like PSK, Biothera WGP, Dr Prendergast's standalone protocol for megavitamins K2-D3 up to 50 or 100,000iu per day (1-3 caps with professional over sight for calcium every 5-9 weeks), and the various supplements/fruit-herb extracts in the Life Extension recommendations.

    As long as the kidneys are decent, we will do IV vitamin C, up to 50-200 grams per infusion day, #500 soon. We will always do something extra at home for maximum comfort, coverage and chances.