Upcoming Scan



  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    coachmike said:

    Today I met with my oncologist at MCV cancer center. The results from my scan are in. The waiting period for the outcome brings a sense of fear and stress that attempts to overtake every aspect of your life. My doctor comes in and states, "your scans look great!" The relief that comes from those words are incapable of expression. My life is so wonderful and while this may seem a little crazy to say, having fought for my life made me realize how much of a blessed life I really have. Thank you all for your love support and prayers.

    So happy for you!

    So Happy for You CoachMike!

    Awesome news, Thank God!!! I agree with Jim, go out and celebrate or do something nice for yourself. (((Hugs))) take care




  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member
    coachmike said:

    Today I met with my oncologist at MCV cancer center. The results from my scan are in. The waiting period for the outcome brings a sense of fear and stress that attempts to overtake every aspect of your life. My doctor comes in and states, "your scans look great!" The relief that comes from those words are incapable of expression. My life is so wonderful and while this may seem a little crazy to say, having fought for my life made me realize how much of a blessed life I really have. Thank you all for your love support and prayers.

    I wanted to add my congrats,

    I wanted to add my congrats, its wonderful to share in your good news!


  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    coachmike said:

    Today I met with my oncologist at MCV cancer center. The results from my scan are in. The waiting period for the outcome brings a sense of fear and stress that attempts to overtake every aspect of your life. My doctor comes in and states, "your scans look great!" The relief that comes from those words are incapable of expression. My life is so wonderful and while this may seem a little crazy to say, having fought for my life made me realize how much of a blessed life I really have. Thank you all for your love support and prayers.

    So Happy for you!!


    So glad and relieved for you that the scan looks great!  That's the kind of news I like on a Friday!  :) 

    What a great start to summer for you. 

    Congratulations and enjoy!  (I know you will)




  • DadysGirl
    DadysGirl Member Posts: 346
    coachmike said:

    Today I met with my oncologist at MCV cancer center. The results from my scan are in. The waiting period for the outcome brings a sense of fear and stress that attempts to overtake every aspect of your life. My doctor comes in and states, "your scans look great!" The relief that comes from those words are incapable of expression. My life is so wonderful and while this may seem a little crazy to say, having fought for my life made me realize how much of a blessed life I really have. Thank you all for your love support and prayers.

    Very.. Happy for you and your

    Very.. Happy for you and your loved ones Mike... May you continue to have clean resultsforever...

    Take care and have a wonderfulweekend...