Wig Shopping Begins

Vickilg Member Posts: 281 Member

Hair continues falling out and now there's no choice but a wig.  In my four year battle I had never lost hair.   Feeling insecure and sorry for myself.  How much more does God think I can handle? 



  • wawaju04976
    wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member
    Hang in there. I bet his plan

    Hang in there. I bet his plan is that when it grows back in, you'll have some of the best hair ever!!!


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Hair there or not

    I thought I wouldn't mind losing my hair, but as it comes out by the handful, I'm find I'm not so easy going about it after all.

    Still, I look on it as the least of my worries.

    I am so sorry for your long battle. I understand when you say How much more does God think I can handle?  After I got diagnosed, and after I got over the shock, I got angy at God. Because I had such a traumatic childhood,  I decided it was quite unfair for me to go out of this world (I thuoght I was going to die at that point) in a traumatic way. 

    Its good to question God now and again. 

  • dmj101
    dmj101 Member Posts: 527 Member
    Bought wig and never wore

    Bought wig and never wore it.. but at home..

    did you know you can get one thru ACS for free as the look good feel good program.. Call you local ACS..

    I spent 400 dollars on a 700 dollar wig I never use because I felt the ACS wig was for people who couldn't afford one.. but they have since told me otherwise..


  • Coloncancerblows
    Coloncancerblows Member Posts: 296 Member
    I bought a wig before my

    I bought a wig before my treatments started just in case.  I've had 4 treatments and notice it getting thinner and thinner and said
    screw it....I'm wearing the wig.  My wig looks almost identical to my haircut I had.  I work with all guys and their reaction was "I like your new haircut"!  Silly guys.  They freaked when I told them it was a wig.  I love getting up in the morning and not having to mess with my hair.  Just throw my wig on.  Yep....the vanity in me hates it but wearing it gives me a little extra boost of confidence since it makes me not so self conscious of my thinning hair.  Embrace the wig!  Hugs.....


  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    How are you feeling? How far are you into treatment? My hair thinned when I was going through treatment and I think it is still coming out. I don't have a wig. I did go to the "look good feel good" a few months ago and they had a lot of wigs.
    Sandy :)
  • Deena11
    Deena11 Member Posts: 199 Member

    My hair had fallen out in big clumps.  It started covering everything (pillows, furniture, carpet, hats, etc...).  I got so sick of it, I just shaved my head.  ACS gave me a very nice wig.  I didn't ever wear it though.  I wore scarves, and head coverings.  Wasn't working while I was in treatment but if I was, I'd probably have worn it.  Check with your local American Cancer Society or this site to get your free wig.  Good luck!  Oh....my treatment ended in September and my hair grew back beautifully,  It is much thicker and looks great!  Not what I thought!

  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    I spent $375 on a wig that


    I spent $375 on a wig that was supposed to be covered by insurance...they wound up denying the claim.  I also thought that the ACS wigs were based on need.  If I go through another round of chemo again ... I will look into it.  I wear my wig all the time when I go out...but not around the house...it just gets too hot!  My only problem right now Ida that my hair is starting to come back in...but instead of dark brown it is gray! 



  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    I spent $375 on a wig that


    I spent $375 on a wig that was supposed to be covered by insurance...they wound up denying the claim.  I also thought that the ACS wigs were based on need.  If I go through another round of chemo again ... I will look into it.  I wear my wig all the time when I go out...but not around the house...it just gets too hot!  My only problem right now Ida that my hair is starting to come back in...but instead of dark brown it is gray! 



  • Deena11
    Deena11 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Maxiecat said:

    I spent $375 on a wig that


    I spent $375 on a wig that was supposed to be covered by insurance...they wound up denying the claim.  I also thought that the ACS wigs were based on need.  If I go through another round of chemo again ... I will look into it.  I wear my wig all the time when I go out...but not around the house...it just gets too hot!  My only problem right now Ida that my hair is starting to come back in...but instead of dark brown it is gray! 




    ACS will give you a wig.  I had red hair (been coloring it for years) and it came back almost all gray too.  Now I am coloring my hair blond.  Now it is short and blond.  Kind of right in style now!

  • Vickilg
    Vickilg Member Posts: 281 Member
    Deena11 said:


    ACS will give you a wig.  I had red hair (been coloring it for years) and it came back almost all gray too.  Now I am coloring my hair blond.  Now it is short and blond.  Kind of right in style now!

    Thank you

    Thank you for all of your support.  I truly appreciate it!   I'm worried the wig will fall off.  Has that happened to anyone? 

    GOOFYLADIE Member Posts: 232 Member

    I wanted to say I have 15 years cancer free after all the Drs said otherwise. We all have our down days now get your best boots for kickin on find some good old metal trash can and go to town. I bet when you done you don't give a crap what you look like, but you will feel fantastic and realize its not about the hair its about the whole picture and hair is just a smallpiece of the puzzle.You are who you are today, tomorrow may change if we are given the opportunity to experience, possibly learn,love, laugh all that, that comes along with human emotions even fear, anger, anxiety hang on a little longer, tighter take a deep breath and find your faith to lean on.The wild road to recovery can have twist and turns UPS an downs but if you give it a chance you may catch a glance of the great ride of getting to be breathing here on earth and I was once walking close in your shoes, if the tables were turned and I was feeling low and someone told me those things I would have told them to stuff it and I did but I filed all my conversations away, kind of like church sermon not everything will pertain to my life currently but I will tuck it away for future use. If you still don't feel better about your hair take your best friend and go have a hat, hair scarf day and do and get what makes your inside glow. At my house, my boys to this day tease me because I have horrible nails now and I used to "say I want to be a girl," when I was having a down day and I would go get a manicure and pedicure it wasn't often because I was too sick most of the time but I felt like the most real woman ever!hot!hot! Hang in there, my point is you do what you have to do to make your world go round!
    Goofyladie (Cass)

  • Deena11
    Deena11 Member Posts: 199 Member


    I wanted to say I have 15 years cancer free after all the Drs said otherwise. We all have our down days now get your best boots for kickin on find some good old metal trash can and go to town. I bet when you done you don't give a crap what you look like, but you will feel fantastic and realize its not about the hair its about the whole picture and hair is just a smallpiece of the puzzle.You are who you are today, tomorrow may change if we are given the opportunity to experience, possibly learn,love, laugh all that, that comes along with human emotions even fear, anger, anxiety hang on a little longer, tighter take a deep breath and find your faith to lean on.The wild road to recovery can have twist and turns UPS an downs but if you give it a chance you may catch a glance of the great ride of getting to be breathing here on earth and I was once walking close in your shoes, if the tables were turned and I was feeling low and someone told me those things I would have told them to stuff it and I did but I filed all my conversations away, kind of like church sermon not everything will pertain to my life currently but I will tuck it away for future use. If you still don't feel better about your hair take your best friend and go have a hat, hair scarf day and do and get what makes your inside glow. At my house, my boys to this day tease me because I have horrible nails now and I used to "say I want to be a girl," when I was having a down day and I would go get a manicure and pedicure it wasn't often because I was too sick most of the time but I felt like the most real woman ever!hot!hot! Hang in there, my point is you do what you have to do to make your world go round!
    Goofyladie (Cass)

    Thanks Goofyladie

    Thanks Goofyladie for telling us you have been cancer free for 15 years.  I only finished my treatment in September and just had a clear colonoscopy on Friday.  I always want to hear success stories.  So worried I will get a new cancer or recurrence.  Thanks for sharing.

  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    Vickilg said:

    Thank you

    Thank you for all of your support.  I truly appreciate it!   I'm worried the wig will fall off.  Has that happened to anyone? 

    I use bobby pins to help

    I use bobby pins to help secure my wig.  I use about 4 or 5 ...one on each side above the ears, one in the front near the part, and sometimes two in the back.  I also twist what little bit of hair I have left up in a bun and secure it with another bobby pin.  You can get a pack of like 50 in brown or black at any drug store.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Vickilg said:

    Thank you

    Thank you for all of your support.  I truly appreciate it!   I'm worried the wig will fall off.  Has that happened to anyone? 

    I think...

    they have some kind of head covering that goes on under the wig that gives it stability. 

    You will look lovely, and your avatar is you, then I think you would look lovely bald. 

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm sorry Vicki.  It does

    I'm sorry Vicki.  It does seem like God is piling too much on you, but you can handle this.  You've gone through so much, it's just another bump in the road.  Hang in there, you will be beautiful - hair or no hair.   Hats and scarves are cute for spring/summer!

  • Eltina21
    Eltina21 Member Posts: 173 Member
    Wig Shopping Begins


       I know how you feel, however, a new day is coming.  I had processed hair  before I started my chemotheraphy and it thinned our a lot.  However, when it started coming back, I had the remainder of my processed hair removed.  Today I wear an Afro, because I don't want chemicals in my hair anymore.  The hair does come back.  This too shall pass.

    Peace and Blessings,


  • Eltina21
    Eltina21 Member Posts: 173 Member
    Wig Shopping Begins


       I know how you feel, however, a new day is coming.  I had processed hair  before I started my chemotheraphy and it thinned our a lot.  However, when it started coming back, I had the remainder of my processed hair removed.  Today I wear an Afro, because I don't want chemicals in my hair anymore.  The hair does come back.  This too shall pass.

    Peace and Blessings,


  • Eltina21
    Eltina21 Member Posts: 173 Member
    Wig Shopping Begins


       I know how you feel, however, a new day is coming.  I had processed hair  before I started my chemotheraphy and it thinned our a lot.  However, when it started coming back, I had the remainder of my processed hair removed.  Today I wear an Afro, because I don't want chemicals in my hair anymore.  The hair does come back.  This too shall pass.

    Peace and Blessings,


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Eltina21 said:

    Wig Shopping Begins


       I know how you feel, however, a new day is coming.  I had processed hair  before I started my chemotheraphy and it thinned our a lot.  However, when it started coming back, I had the remainder of my processed hair removed.  Today I wear an Afro, because I don't want chemicals in my hair anymore.  The hair does come back.  This too shall pass.

    Peace and Blessings,



    Your hair is beautiful. 

    We are all beautiful in our natural state.  

  • ajouteast
    ajouteast Member Posts: 10
    Beginning to think I might

    Beginning to think I might have to join you.  Just finished chemo #2 and and my already thin hair is really starting to come out.  I can't imagine that it will last 10 more treatments.  Have to say it's making me freak out a bit.  I thought I could handle "thinning" but the amount that's coming out when I gently brush it (only when I absolutely have to) is depressing.  Even running my hands through it brings out lots of strands.  Never thought I'd consider a wig, but it might come to that I'm afraid.  I'm not even sure where to start...

    So my thoughts go out to you! Hang in there.