Joint and bone pain
muscle and bone painjackie1020 said:muscle and bone pain
yes, also have been going threw the pain, now for almost 5 years, and also from the chemo it has left me with a perminate brain fog. my employer has expcted me to be normal when i came back to work and i havn't been, physically and mentally i have been it seems permantly effected and i can't get any kind of proof. and i am the breadwinner of the family, i could lose my job. my employer is always giving bad reviews now, and i am always making mistakes,i used to love my job, now i hate it because of the stress my boss imposses on me everyday, i never do anything right, even if i wasn/t the -person that made the error, he still acusses me and thats what he sticks to. i hurt all the time, i had breast cancer but scence chemo i have been left with aching bones and muscles, it is so painful to be on my feet for 9 hours a day, i work and walk in pain everyday, and not appriciated at my job,i just want to cry, its a horrable way to live. that is not a quality life. I have to been to therapist...and other profesionsls to get help but no one can help,they all blame it on somthing else, iknow what it is. i thought when the treatments were over i could get on with my life, not with my life, my old life is gone my body is gone, i have someone elses and i get so tired of the pain, and thinking i am going to have to fight everyday till i retire, fight making myself get up early work allday and be in pain constantly, and facing an employer that downgrades me everyday watching me constantly to catch me in any mastakes so he can document me, get rid of me, gee why would anyone have a depresion from that? drepression would be from the devestating news of having cancer not the side effectes of chemo, right? thats what i'v been told by my family doctor, arthrist specialist, and my onacologists realy isn't conserned, if its not cacerous he just dismisses the whole thing
]I know this is an old post but I was wondering how you are doing.. I am 8 years out of cancer, chemo and all that went with it and I too
have brain fog, bone and joint pain,, I could go on and on... so i was wondering how you are?
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What I foundkatrosel said:after effects of chemo
Hi Jan,
I finished 6 months of chemo in Oct. I was so excited when it was over.
But recently I too, have had severe joint pain. It is hard to get up and stand for long. Usually if I get to moving around it gets better. I still have no feeling in the ends of my fingers and toes. I feel sometimes as if I have been beat up and my bones are so cold on the inside. They are supposed to do a bone scan at the end of Jan. I hope it gives me some kind of hope about what is wrong. Alleve seems to help. But I don't want to keep taking that the rest of my life. I just turned 58 but I feel like my Mom who is 86 gets around better than me!
Let me know if you found anything to help you! Thanks KathiHi Kathi,
I found this product called Jusuru that has been the most beneficial for me I too suffered from severe joint pain and was tired of taking pills which I found did not help much. I am on a mission to help as many people as I can to feel better like me. You can find information about my product on my website at Best of luck to you!
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Bone and joint pain
I finished chemo May 2010 (AC and taxol) and my pain is worse if anything. I too have pain all over my body, joints, muscles, feet. I have mentioned to oncologist who also thinks it may be rheumatiod arthritis but I did not have
any pain until chemo. I do not take pain meds except ibuprofen but sometimes pain is terrible. Some good and some bad days. As much as chemo has changed me I too may not have chosen chemo. I do wish that MDs would listen and hear us because I feel I am not heard and by reading your posts sounds like u too are not being heard! Maybe some of us r
eceived too much taxol? Maybe why we get more pain and neuropathy?
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Omg!!whesha said:I so much understand your problem. I am suffering a lot of joint and muscle pain. Hands, elbows,hips and knees mostly but not only. My doctor says it is not from chemo (5FU/leukovorin) but it has to be. It started right after chemo and it is a year later and I still hurt. It is getting me down, I can tell you. Has anyone else had this following the 5FU and leuko? I know it is more usual after other chemicals?
Yes! I thought i was alone till i found and read this forum. I've been off chemo for 1 year and 1/5. i have terrible muscle and bone pain. I was on 5FU.
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Aches and painKayeKay said:Omg!!
Yes! I thought i was alone till i found and read this forum. I've been off chemo for 1 year and 1/5. i have terrible muscle and bone pain. I was on 5FU.
I did not wish to create an account on the blog site as I have too many passwords to remember.
But in regards to your bone/muscle pain. I am 1 year and 2 months done with chemo and the pain does reduce but I still have horrible. Joint/ bone pain when I over do things and when it's damp or cold. Today I went home sick from work and my biggest complaint is the bone aches and pain, the other symptoms I can manage. I have to take a Norco to touch the pain,and I can't do that at work
When I was on chemo ,the taxol and ( I can't remember the name of the other chemo mediation ) I took with it . It caused me the worst bone pain ,and it was primarily in my feet, they felt as if some giant strong man rung them out. I would have to take several Norco before I could even start my day.
Today this is my biggest post chemo complaint . I walk and do feet exercises and it helps ,but your best defense is time, eat really healthy ,exercise ( moderately) . and take a pain pill now and then until life becomes more manageable.
I felt/ feel at time Doctors are " programmed" to " not encourage " us so they minimize our post chemo aches and pain. I do believe the doctors believe us because I have yet to meet the patient without ill pst chemo side effects. While you on on our quest do what ever it takes to be comfortable
I am sorry I don't have any articles to share ,i only have my testimony but I will keep my eye open.i wish you success in your quest
Dianella Nunes0 -
Bone and Joint Painalbx5 said:Bone and joint pain
I finished chemo May 2010 (AC and taxol) and my pain is worse if anything. I too have pain all over my body, joints, muscles, feet. I have mentioned to oncologist who also thinks it may be rheumatiod arthritis but I did not have
any pain until chemo. I do not take pain meds except ibuprofen but sometimes pain is terrible. Some good and some bad days. As much as chemo has changed me I too may not have chosen chemo. I do wish that MDs would listen and hear us because I feel I am not heard and by reading your posts sounds like u too are not being heard! Maybe some of us r
eceived too much taxol? Maybe why we get more pain and neuropathy?
I too have a lot of pain in my knee joints, sometimes hip (depends on how I get up), and my feet ache a lot. I didn't have these issues before I started treatment but now I do. I finished chemo Jan. 31/Feb.1-Neulasta shot. I don't know why our doctors don't believe the pain we have but IT IS THERE!!! I am 40 and feel like an old woman getting up from sitting positon or from bed. Once I'm up I do better but too much walking hurts my feet. I hope to do more walking/exercise later...still have radiation (6wks/5days wk) to's been three weeks from lumpectomy/16 nodes removed/port removed, so hope to begin in 2-4 wks from tomorrow.
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Bone and joing painalbx5 said:Bone and joint pain
I finished chemo May 2010 (AC and taxol) and my pain is worse if anything. I too have pain all over my body, joints, muscles, feet. I have mentioned to oncologist who also thinks it may be rheumatiod arthritis but I did not have
any pain until chemo. I do not take pain meds except ibuprofen but sometimes pain is terrible. Some good and some bad days. As much as chemo has changed me I too may not have chosen chemo. I do wish that MDs would listen and hear us because I feel I am not heard and by reading your posts sounds like u too are not being heard! Maybe some of us r
eceived too much taxol? Maybe why we get more pain and neuropathy?
I was very active prior to my chemo and radiation treatments for stage III Lung cancer (non-smoker). After the surgery I felt great, After the chemo (carboplatin and another drug I can't remember) then 25 radiation treatments I got aplastic anemia. That's where things started going wrong. I had nerve damage in my back causing horrible pain in my leg above the knee, then the hip pain started and knee pain ... I used to walk my dogs for hours on the beaches and woods, I did yoga and I rode horses all my life and never ever had pain. The oncologist denied any knowledge of joint pain from chemo as did the radiation oncologist. I had MRI's and CT's which show minor degeneration of the spine and some arthritis in the hips but I can't even get on a horse anymore the pain is so bad I scream. I can't walk more than ten minutes and I've started gaining weight which in of itself is not good for the joints. No one has answers and I feel as if now that I'm in remission the oncologist really isn't interested in my tales of woe! Believe me when I say I am thrilled with each day I've been given and find something positive about every day but this pain gets me down. I have been prescribed narcotics for the pain but won't take them because I get nauseaus and I need to function at a high level for my job, so take Advil every night so I can sleep. I've also started taking a liquid glucoseamine/MSM/chondroiten supplement every night and hope this will help once it builds up in my system. Why if so many of us are telling our oncologists about the joint pain after chemo aren't they listening and trying to help us? I had one friend in the medical field tell me when I asked why aren't we told of the long term side effects of chemo / radiation... He said many people wouldn't have it if they knew how tough the battle was. He is right. I can honestly tell you if the cancer comes back I don't think chemo is the route I'll take.
I hope everyone here finds relief from the pain and can lead a pain free and productive life.
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Bone and Joint PainRobomaz said:Muscle and Bone Pain
I was diagnosed with NHL in Aug 09. I had 6 cycles of R-CHOP. I noticed swelling in my fingers and ankles. I also have trouble sleeping at night. I have tried taking Alleve which seems to help a little. I have since restarted my supplements which consist of taking Shaklee Vivex, COQ10, calcium, Vitamin D3, B Complex, Sam-e, 5HTP, and Alpha Lipolic Acid. I put 2 tablespoons of blended asparagus (canned) in hot water and drink it in the morning and evening. I try to exercise as much as possible, although I have been inconsistent because I ache so much in the morning and I'm too tired to go. My oncologist had me tested for Lymes, RA and Lupus which all came out negative. I've always been such a healthy person, so getting NHL was such a shock to me.
Does anyone have any other suggestions which may help? I will have to have 2 years of Rituxan every 6 months (once a week for a month for each treatment) as a follow up because I have indolent NHL. I must admit, It's getting quite depressing.I have a sore hip, knees and neck and can hardly stand especially after sitting awhile. I had RChop for NHL but mine was the large diffuse B cell. I know this is worse since all the chemo. not much doubt in my mind. I too have had swollen ankles and hands off and on. I try not to take anything but it is sooooooooo hard. Quality of life is awful and I look terrible. I have a friend my age and she looks like she couldbe my daughter and we are the same age! Pretty hard to take. I get depressed all the time and have insomnia like crazy. Sorry we have to go through this. I am worried now it has come back the NHL. Constant fear!
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JOINT PAINnunesdian said:Aches and pain
I did not wish to create an account on the blog site as I have too many passwords to remember.
But in regards to your bone/muscle pain. I am 1 year and 2 months done with chemo and the pain does reduce but I still have horrible. Joint/ bone pain when I over do things and when it's damp or cold. Today I went home sick from work and my biggest complaint is the bone aches and pain, the other symptoms I can manage. I have to take a Norco to touch the pain,and I can't do that at work
When I was on chemo ,the taxol and ( I can't remember the name of the other chemo mediation ) I took with it . It caused me the worst bone pain ,and it was primarily in my feet, they felt as if some giant strong man rung them out. I would have to take several Norco before I could even start my day.
Today this is my biggest post chemo complaint . I walk and do feet exercises and it helps ,but your best defense is time, eat really healthy ,exercise ( moderately) . and take a pain pill now and then until life becomes more manageable.
I felt/ feel at time Doctors are " programmed" to " not encourage " us so they minimize our post chemo aches and pain. I do believe the doctors believe us because I have yet to meet the patient without ill pst chemo side effects. While you on on our quest do what ever it takes to be comfortable
I am sorry I don't have any articles to share ,i only have my testimony but I will keep my eye open.i wish you success in your quest
Dianella NunesI have lower rectal Cancer. I have only had one week of Radiation and 5FU. The X-Rays have to pass through my hip joints to hit the tumor. Now, my hips joints have caught fire! Get'n hard to even sit still or walk. Maybe I should refuse radiation for a while, so my joints can keep up? Don't want to anger the Doctors, as they seem very quickly irritated and provoked easially! Amazing, these Scum Bag "Oncologists" have your life in their hands, then treat you as if they couldn't be bothered...
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Joint Pain
Thank you for asking this question and for all the replies. Definitely makes me happy I don't have to add "gone loopy" to my side effects list. I am one month out from treatment completion for Hodgkins Lymphoma. I asked my doc about my knees and she said it was probably the chemo. It was intense - not the pain but the inability to use them normally. I'm 45 and I couldn't bend my knees and expect to get back up again. Not as bad as it was at first. I'm hoping all this stuff will subside and fade into the background 'cause I've got a lot more stuff to do! Outta my way joint pain, I'm comin' through!!!
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may sound strange but only
may sound strange but only accupressure and phsiotherapy can mum in law is suffering from same but after 13 years of chemo therapy and treatments like such. so after heavy medication and all, she opted for some excercises and she is getting helped by it. it is working very well for her.
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Please replyTess2001 said:Bone and joing pain
I was very active prior to my chemo and radiation treatments for stage III Lung cancer (non-smoker). After the surgery I felt great, After the chemo (carboplatin and another drug I can't remember) then 25 radiation treatments I got aplastic anemia. That's where things started going wrong. I had nerve damage in my back causing horrible pain in my leg above the knee, then the hip pain started and knee pain ... I used to walk my dogs for hours on the beaches and woods, I did yoga and I rode horses all my life and never ever had pain. The oncologist denied any knowledge of joint pain from chemo as did the radiation oncologist. I had MRI's and CT's which show minor degeneration of the spine and some arthritis in the hips but I can't even get on a horse anymore the pain is so bad I scream. I can't walk more than ten minutes and I've started gaining weight which in of itself is not good for the joints. No one has answers and I feel as if now that I'm in remission the oncologist really isn't interested in my tales of woe! Believe me when I say I am thrilled with each day I've been given and find something positive about every day but this pain gets me down. I have been prescribed narcotics for the pain but won't take them because I get nauseaus and I need to function at a high level for my job, so take Advil every night so I can sleep. I've also started taking a liquid glucoseamine/MSM/chondroiten supplement every night and hope this will help once it builds up in my system. Why if so many of us are telling our oncologists about the joint pain after chemo aren't they listening and trying to help us? I had one friend in the medical field tell me when I asked why aren't we told of the long term side effects of chemo / radiation... He said many people wouldn't have it if they knew how tough the battle was. He is right. I can honestly tell you if the cancer comes back I don't think chemo is the route I'll take.
I hope everyone here finds relief from the pain and can lead a pain free and productive life.
My sister is going through the same thing with pain.
can you please email me.
I need to help her.... It kills me to hear her in so much pain.
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I finished chemo in May 2011 and then started the anti-estrogen drugs to prevent recurrence. I was never sure if the pain was from chemo or the anti-estrogen drugs. The only thing that gave me relief was India Pale Ale beer. I told my doctor I was going to become an alcoholic! Howver, Now I am 2 years 6 months outside of chemo and still on the anti-estrogen. Over time, my joint pain has gotten better and now I don't take anything. And, this may be in my head, once I started taking the anti-estrogen at night, the joint pain seemed to be less.
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Joint pain
Post Chemo Rheumatoid Syndrome or Chemo Related Arthropathy. These are the names of what we are going though and here is the article you need ; go to PubMed.Gov look up P MID22842318. Hope it helps God Bless!
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I am suspecting the cause is the fluoroquinolones family of drugs in chemotherapy infusions. Please look at
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Count me in, too
God bless all you survivors. Grateful to be sunny side up, but I started having serious joint pain and inflexibility three months after finishing chemo for lymphoma. I don't know what to do about it yet, but now I understand and sympathize with you all. I know it's not depression because I'm not depressed, just in pain. And I know it's real, like the fatigue is real, but hard to document it or prove it to skeptics who've heard less about it than even us patients! And many of us have been taken by surprise, obviously. So, I'm looking for answers and some relief.
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Joint pain is more common than the admit
I'm well and truly out of chemo and radiation the last was back in 1999 first diagnosed in 93 was about 6 and a half and i just turned 31 this year from about 8 I had ankle problems and knee problems the doctors always put down to growing pains even when I stopped growing for a few years it was growing pains then the doctor told me I was imagining it and it was in my head the pain can be unbearable as a kid I would just burst into tears it hurt so much now I'm still going in to the doctors same problem different year xrays and scans never come back with much but I'm so happy! they told me I would never have kids of my own because of how young I was when I was radiated well I have my beautiful daughter took her to the doctors he pointed at her and said how Did that happen I cope day to day some better than others some the pains a little tingle others it keeps you up all night but the GPs here are hopeless so I try my hardest to keep moving and spending all the time I can with my daughter. For all of you struggling with the joint pain I hope with all my heart your doctors get it sorted for you so you may all live life to the fullest and have many pain free years to come
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I'm not quite sure how to
I'm not quite sure how to follow this discussion but it looks like it may have been quite a while since anyone participated. I had my first chemo treatment ten days ago-carboplatin and pacilitaxol for a recurrence of endometrial cancer. Since it never should have recurred and I am young relatively (59), they decided to attack it aggressively so chemo then radiation then chemo. Should be around 7 months of treatments. I definitely suffered bone and joint pain after my first treatment. It was so debilitating. My onc suggested I try ibuprofen. I didnt think it would help so I didnt. Im afraid the reaction will be worse after my second seession next week. Is anyone outh there reading this? Any hints of how to ward it off? Thanks!
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Left to suffer after chemo
Hi I'm new to this site. I'm desperately looking for other people who have been suffering in horrible bone pain. I finished 5 mths of aggressive chemo a yr and 5 mths ago. I still suffer daily from my hips to my toes from really bad bone pain. My Dr.s look at me like I'm crazy or something. I can't belive I'm the only one with this issue. My Dr. Just says you were on Taxol, ur cancer free. Like it doesn't matter what the chemo/Nulasta shot has done to me, I'm cancer free! Pain management dropped me because I'm cancer free even tho she knows I'm s still suffering in horrible pain daily. I don't know what to do, where to turn for help. I'm tired of being blown off. My oncologist got up in the middle of my apt and left. About 5 min. Later the nurse came in with my paper work, I asked her why the Dr. Just left and if she could ask him a couple questions for me. I asked if he could please speak to my pain management Dr. About my leg pain, he said no. Are you kidding me! No one cares or is willing to help manage the damage chemo did to me. All I'm told is your cancer free!
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