My name is Laura York
I was diagnosed with severe, extensive incurable, inoperable cholangiocarcinoma last March 2010
Today I am in REMISSION!!!
I have not posted on here for a while mostly because I have been extremely busy with treatments and when I am feeling good I play (rock climb, hike, ski, bike, etc.) as much as possible.
I was diagnosed last year at age 38 on March 24, 2010 with severe, extensive, aggressive, incurable, inoperable cholangiocarcinoma. It was (and still is but I will tell you more about that in a minute) in every segment of my liver. Not neat little tumors but giant ones, some as large as 9cm, that spread throughout every lobe and part of my liver. I was expected to live about 6-12 months and had about a 20% chance of living 5 years.
When I was originally diagnosed I had a PET scan showing the extensiveness of my disease. There was so much disease in my liver that my heart did not even absorb any of the radioactive sugar isotope! It did not even show up on the scan!
My oncologist started me on cisplatin/gemzar combination two weeks on/one week off and I continued on that for quite a while. My platelets and blood cell counts were getting really low and I was beginning to have uncomfortable muscle pain and neuropathy pretty badly, along with the normal nausea, fatigue, severe chemo brain, skin rashes, hair loss (never bald just very thin), and often severe pain in my liver, complete loss of appetite, and all of the other fun stuff that comes along with it. I then received chemo every other week and have been ever since (and still am for a while longer).
I also see a naturopath every other week as well. There I get a nutritional IV with all kinds of vitamins, minerarls, and most importantly glutathione. Glutathione is important for liver function especially when it is already compromised and taking it orally just does not cut it. It must be delivered intravenously to do any good at all. Anything else is basically wasting money. He also put me on a slew of vitamins and minerals and supplements. You can see my entire list either on my facebook site or my blog. I will provide both of those at the end of this message.
I also completely changed my diet. Not gradually over time, but in a frenzy. I could not afford the luxury of doing it gradually. It was do it or die. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I did it anyway. I knew I would miss things like wine, sweets, meat, junk food, etc but I would miss my life more. The choice was very easy.
This is what what I found out last Friday August 26 2011. If you would like to know more I am most happy to share anything and everything with you. I really want to help as much as I can. Please keep in mind I am still getting chemo for a while just to make sure that all of those cells are dead. So it may take a while to respond, and depending on how many emails etc I get it may take me longer.
I have had a CT scan every three months for the past year and a half. They have all showed progress meaning that the tumor cells have been shrinking but lately they have not been shrinking as rapidly as they were in the past. My oncologist thought that the chemo was losing effectiveness and referred me to a surgical oncologist. The surgical oncologist told me that there was nothing she could do because the tumors affected every area of my live and that if they took them out there would be not enough liver left for me to regenerate or survive. I was starting to get bummed....She referred me to a radiological oncologist who has a cutting edge treatment out there called Yttrium-90 (this you simply MUST check out!) that looked extremely promising and I was excited to receive it! I saw the radiological oncologist last friday and he spent the first 5 or 10 minutes complimenting me on how healthy I looked in spite of having such severe, extreme, and aggressive CC. Then he got serious and told me that he would love to help me and that I am the perfect candidate for this miracle treatment but he couldn't help me. The PET scan I had on the prior Wednesday (only the second one since I was originally diagnosed) showed that there was NO MORE BIOLOGICALLY LIVING CANCER IN MY BODY!!!!
Let me say that again. No More Cancer Still Alive, It is all dead!
The CT scans showed all the tumors still there, but what the CT scan does not show is the biological activity of cells. Cellular activity. The PET scan shows biologically active areas such as your brain, heart, kidneys, eyes, cancer cells etc....
In 1.5 years I went from having basically less than a year to live to NO living cancer in my body at all!
The tumors will gradually be absorbed into my live and nothing but some scar tissue will remain and it will not effect the function of my liver at all. AWESOME!!
I am still in shock, but I feel the absolute NEED and desire to share this with you all who are affected by CC or who have love affected by this as well. These things helped me go into remission after 1.5 years from a hopeless situation. Perhaps it can help you too.
I changed my diet. No dairy, no meat, no sugar, no processed anything, no chemicals, organic always or as mush as possible, no animal protein of any kind, no alcohol. Basically if I could not identify the ingredient in a food, I did not eat it. I made green juices and ate lots of veggies...I still do all this stuff but I eat yogurt now and occasionally indulge in some sweets. I still never ever drink. Like I say, I was do or die.
I got rid of EVERY chemical in my house. I clean with essential oils and water (rosemary oil is a natural disinfectant) and peroxide with water. I got rid of chemicals in my bathroom and makeup and soap. I use a dry brush at almost every shower.
I get as much exercise as I can when I feel good. I love to rock climb, hike, ski, and anything at all outside.
Most importantly I try to find the positive in everything. Even in the crappiest of situations, when I feel like hell, and the universe seems like it conspiring against me. I try to find at least one good thing no matter how small. It can ALWAYS be worse. I always knew I was going to kick cancer ****. I just really did not expect it to be so soon. I am positive that the combination was the key in my success. I think that a positive attitude and a good support network is an amazing thing! The power of the mind is an awesome thing. What you focus on expands.
I wish you all the best of health and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Laura York
The Cancer Assassin
Contacting The Cancer Assassin
find The Cancer Assassin on Facebook as well!
I receive chemotherapy at The Northwest Cancer Specialists, Rose Quarter, OR
My oncologist is Dr Spencer Shao also at NWCS
My naturopath is Dr Noel Peterson at the Center for Traditional Medicine in Lk Oswego OR
Dear Laura,
I have been following you on the discussion boards and on your blog. I even emailed you about naturopaths , once , and you promptly answered, and I thank you. I am so happy to hear your good news. I think by taking the best care of your body as possible, you gave your body the strength to beat this cancer. Good work. My husband Lee also has Cholyangiocarcenoma and he is so far doing much better than we had been told to expect. His tumors are shrinking and the abdominal lymph nodes are all shrinking, also. The stats said only 20% of all primary liver cancer patients respond to chemotherapy. Looks like we are in the 20% and you are basically a miracle. I also have been giving Lee supplements, to help his own body to fight the cancer. I do believe the better physical shape you can keep your body in, the better the outcome. Best of luck to you Laura. It's cases like yours that give the rest of us hope, when the statistics say there is none! Way to go girl!!0 -
Wow! What an incredible
Wow! What an incredible story! I am very excited to read about your progress. I will keep you in my prayers. My mother's story is a bit different but I hope to discuss your progress with her oncologist to see how this may help her. She was diagnosed in April 2007 with bile duct cancer. She had a tumor the size of an orange in the right lobe of her liver. She had surgery in June of 2007. They removed the whole right lobe and she then had 9 treatments of gemzar. It was believed that they got it all. However, as we both know, it likes to come back and it did. I have to add that in the beginning and also when it was found the second time she never had symptoms and always keep her check up appointments. So, we went the the oncologist on May 5, 2011 and they found spots in 4 out of 5 lobes of her lungs. After two biopsy's it was discovered that she has a 2 cm nodule in the lower left lung and many smaller nodules scattered throughout the other lobes. Inoperable with a prognosis of 2 years or so with chemo and 1 1/2 or so without chemo. So we began chemo the beginning of July. It is half gemzar and half oxil (please forgive my notes are not with me so I cannot fully spell the other drug). Her neuropathy is bad for about 3-4 days after treatment. She deals with constipation, headaches and acid reflux. After 2 treatments the wbc dr sothey lowered the strength of the chemo by 15%. Se receives treatment every other week. After the third treatment it had not risen enough so we skipped a week and had a CT scan. The nodules seemed to have shrunk a little. So, we continued on with chemo. Of course we have stayed at the 85% strength. After the 5th treatment the wbc came back up but not as high as we would like. It appears we may be in danger of it lowering again as we continue. As I said I am encouraged by your story and can only hope that it can help my mother even though it did not come back in her liver but her lymph nodes and lungs. Good luck to you and may God watch over you!0 -
Wondering how you are doing. Is your cancer still in remission? I have cholangiocarcino,
diagnosed in 2007 with tumor in my bile duct, had surgery Dec 2007 to remove the bile duct with the tumor in it. Went through chemo and radiation 2008, and chemo again Dec 2011. The cancer is on the surgical bed (liver and intestine)connection along with scar tissue. It cannot be distinguished how much is tumor and/or scar tissue. It's getting close to the five year mark for me but most likely I will have to go through chemo again. I changed my diet too, but apparently I need to do more. Like give up sugar and meat. The main stay of my diet is organic fruit and vegs. Green loose leaf tea and fresh or frozen cranberries have the ability to slow the growth of cancer. Also, I exercise as much as my body will tolerate. I went from three hours a day of exercise which included hiking and bicyle riding to maybe an hour if I am lucky. Now I can do treadmill and elliptical at a very low intensity. I am happy for that. I am 69 and live in Anchorage, Alaska. Any info or advice would be appreciated.0 -
Hi Laura, I am truly inspried by your story. I am still trying hard not to freak out over my fiance's condition but it is not working.
My fiance was diagnosed with advanced cholangiocarcinoma last week and was considered inoperable by his oncologist. The right lobe of his liver is 75% spotted with cancer and it also has a 5 cm tumor growth on it. His bile duct is obstructed and it was not sure whether his pancreas is affected. He was given 6 months.
We are seeking a 2nd opinion at MD Anderson next week from Dr Ahmed Kaseb and I have been having anxiety attacks thinking of every possible outcome of the meeting and none of them are good in my mind. Statistics show that there is 0% life expectancy of 5 years for this type of advanced metastatic disease. In fact, most victims succumb to the disease within a year.
I have alternated between despair, grief, anger and depression but am trying very hard not to show it as it makes my fiance feels worse. It has been such a shock to us as he is 50, always been a health freak, diet conscious and exercise fanatic. We were planning to marry this year and this disease has caused us both unspeakable anguish.
I am heartened to hear that you are fighting cancer and beating it too. I read about glutathione and a friend recommended that I buy Immunocal, which I am not sure whether I should or not. My fiance is a red neck who does not usually believe in alternative or herbal remedies but I am willing to try anything at this stage. If necessary I will force feed him if it works. Have you used Immunocal before?
I am hoping and praying that he gets the best possible treatment and that his body responds to the treatments positively but at times, we feel that we won't be so lucky. There have been many cases of tumours being chemo resistant. Surgery seems the best possible chance of survival but if he is deemed inoperable, then I guess they would recommend chemotherapy, which most blog sites say that it is not very effective and that the side effects are toxic.
I am sorry to bother you with my tale of anguish but I feel like as if I am going crazy with my brain working overtime and emotions on a rollercoaster. I am going to take your advice and get the book on The Cancer Fighting Kitchen. Meanwhile, I am still trying to deal with the possibility of losing a loved one within a short period of time.
Debbie0 -
horrible CCCrazywithFear19 said:Glutathione
Hi Laura, I am truly inspried by your story. I am still trying hard not to freak out over my fiance's condition but it is not working.
My fiance was diagnosed with advanced cholangiocarcinoma last week and was considered inoperable by his oncologist. The right lobe of his liver is 75% spotted with cancer and it also has a 5 cm tumor growth on it. His bile duct is obstructed and it was not sure whether his pancreas is affected. He was given 6 months.
We are seeking a 2nd opinion at MD Anderson next week from Dr Ahmed Kaseb and I have been having anxiety attacks thinking of every possible outcome of the meeting and none of them are good in my mind. Statistics show that there is 0% life expectancy of 5 years for this type of advanced metastatic disease. In fact, most victims succumb to the disease within a year.
I have alternated between despair, grief, anger and depression but am trying very hard not to show it as it makes my fiance feels worse. It has been such a shock to us as he is 50, always been a health freak, diet conscious and exercise fanatic. We were planning to marry this year and this disease has caused us both unspeakable anguish.
I am heartened to hear that you are fighting cancer and beating it too. I read about glutathione and a friend recommended that I buy Immunocal, which I am not sure whether I should or not. My fiance is a red neck who does not usually believe in alternative or herbal remedies but I am willing to try anything at this stage. If necessary I will force feed him if it works. Have you used Immunocal before?
I am hoping and praying that he gets the best possible treatment and that his body responds to the treatments positively but at times, we feel that we won't be so lucky. There have been many cases of tumours being chemo resistant. Surgery seems the best possible chance of survival but if he is deemed inoperable, then I guess they would recommend chemotherapy, which most blog sites say that it is not very effective and that the side effects are toxic.
I am sorry to bother you with my tale of anguish but I feel like as if I am going crazy with my brain working overtime and emotions on a rollercoaster. I am going to take your advice and get the book on The Cancer Fighting Kitchen. Meanwhile, I am still trying to deal with the possibility of losing a loved one within a short period of time.
Hey Laura!
What an amazing story and i pray for the success of ever CC patient. My father suffers from CC and was diagnosed in Dec 2011... the docs only gave him a few months. He now only eats organic fruit and veg, does not drink alcohol and refrains from sweets. However, he now suffers from constipation... does anyone know a natural remedy? we seem to have tried all medication and now resort to natural properties.
Debbie, i am so very sorry to hear of such a tragedy...i will always remember you and your fiance in my prayers. i too have heard of the chemo killing off the good cells too.. and if one lacks good cells to start with, then it does sort of cause a dilema.
My fathers tumors are are in the bile duct and had to be opened using the stents. their is also another tumor on an artery connecting the liver to the heart, the tumor is on the outter part of the artery thank god. it is inopperable.
if you have any information at all that can possibly help my father, please do reply as soon as... i shall too ask around for the Immunocal .
do remember my father in your prayers please...
Shumaila0 -
Hello, Laura. Great to read your story. My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and had gone whipple surgery. I hope he would be as luky as you...0 -
Natural remedy for constipationshumaila said:horrible CC
Hey Laura!
What an amazing story and i pray for the success of ever CC patient. My father suffers from CC and was diagnosed in Dec 2011... the docs only gave him a few months. He now only eats organic fruit and veg, does not drink alcohol and refrains from sweets. However, he now suffers from constipation... does anyone know a natural remedy? we seem to have tried all medication and now resort to natural properties.
Debbie, i am so very sorry to hear of such a tragedy...i will always remember you and your fiance in my prayers. i too have heard of the chemo killing off the good cells too.. and if one lacks good cells to start with, then it does sort of cause a dilema.
My fathers tumors are are in the bile duct and had to be opened using the stents. their is also another tumor on an artery connecting the liver to the heart, the tumor is on the outter part of the artery thank god. it is inopperable.
if you have any information at all that can possibly help my father, please do reply as soon as... i shall too ask around for the Immunocal .
do remember my father in your prayers please...
Hi Shumaila,
My father was also recently diagnosed with CC and he also has severe constipation.
The most effective natural remedy I know for constipation is regular colonic treatment. Colonics are basically professional enemas with water. For modest people the gravity machine is the best way to go because the colon hydrotherapist doesn't even have to be in the room while it is happening. I would consult with his doctor to make certain that it is safe. Here is a website with basic information about what colonics are http://altmedicine.about.com/od/coloncleanse/a/colonic.htm
I will remember your father in my prayers
Jessie0 -
I am new to this site. I am a 44 year old mother of a son who just turned 21. Diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma stage iv on Dec 27th, 2012. You give me hope, although it seems hopeless with his severe weight loss, ascites, and increasing fatigue. He has mets to pancreas, spleen, lymphs in abdomen, and the lung. The doctors only tell me "this is a very aggressive cancer". Sometimes they make me feel hopeless. Your story gives me hope. My son has a strong determination to beat this. I thank you.
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Hi Laura! My name is Ciprian,
Hi Laura! My name is Ciprian, I am from Romania and my father was diagnosen with Cholangiocarcinoma. The doctors perform a surgery but they said they couldn't do anythyng because the cancer invaded too much the liver and if they tried to resect it the liver that would have left would have been too small. Please Laura will you mail me exactly what you did and what you ate. I need to know everything! thank you very much! i am really glad that you are ok and God help us all!
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Ciprian, see my comment.ciprian said:Hi Laura! My name is Ciprian,
Hi Laura! My name is Ciprian, I am from Romania and my father was diagnosen with Cholangiocarcinoma. The doctors perform a surgery but they said they couldn't do anythyng because the cancer invaded too much the liver and if they tried to resect it the liver that would have left would have been too small. Please Laura will you mail me exactly what you did and what you ate. I need to know everything! thank you very much! i am really glad that you are ok and God help us all!
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Ciprian, see my comment. Push for the resection-you need to get to the right doctors to get the best answers.
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My wife has gone through thisciprian said:Hi Laura! My name is Ciprian,
Hi Laura! My name is Ciprian, I am from Romania and my father was diagnosen with Cholangiocarcinoma. The doctors perform a surgery but they said they couldn't do anythyng because the cancer invaded too much the liver and if they tried to resect it the liver that would have left would have been too small. Please Laura will you mail me exactly what you did and what you ate. I need to know everything! thank you very much! i am really glad that you are ok and God help us all!
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My wife has gone through this disease going on 7 months. Relative to surgery, doctors are doing amazing things with resection of the liver. They are able to resect when there is 20-30 percent of the liver being clean and limited lymph node involvement. They enlarge the healthy part of the liver pre-surgery by injecting micro particles into the hepatic veins and cutting off circulation to the affected area. The remaining liver grows to compensate and after 7-10days resection becomes possible. Lymph node involvement is a factor and surgeons may argue that the cancer has already metastasized and therefore surgery doesn't make sense because the cancer will likely come back. Endoscopic biopsy/pet scan help make that determination.
my wife did have the resection and some lymph nodes were found to be cancerous. She was treated with gemcitibine/cisplatin which is the standard first line combo for this. She just had a scan and was found to have to small lesions after having two prior clean scans. Recent Pet scan didn't show anything which is a good thing.
there are a couple different avenues to go now. Ablation with follow up aggressive chemo 5 F-U with 2 other drugs or ablation with less aggressive oral chemo.
My wife is also doing alternative medicines and is working with an oncologist who specializes in this. She is on a very regimented low meat, low sugar--almost vegan diet. She also takes Celebrex, Tagamet, thysilin and pancreatic enzymes--look all of this up as there is research supporting their benefits specifically to cholangocarcenoma.
The pet scan showing no uptake is a good thing because it indicates that the cancer cells are not using energy. And are not up taking the glucose. The goal here is to not feed those cells and that's why the diet is so important. My wife feels fine right now and we're likely to use the less aggressive chemo going forward. The idea here is to save the "nukes" for the time when all out warfare is needed. Right now using a pistol makes more sense because after you use the nuke, what do you have left in the arsenal?
Regardless, the fact that the pet scan showed nothing despite the cat scan and MRI results is a good indicator that the cels are not energized. In my opinion, this is likely the result of the alternative meds and diet along with the chemo. My wife is 49 years old.
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Hi Laura,My husband, 49 y.o
Hi Laura,
My husband, 49 y.o was diagnosed to have a cc last june 2012.His case is inoperable and radiation is not also good for him .Chemotherapy is the only option but of course with no garantee that it will cure his disease.Since we know the effect of chemotherapy to the patient, We opted for gerson therapy (carrot, apple carrot and vegetable juicing(all organic) and food supplements. He is visiting his naturopath doctor two times a week for vitaminc IV and glutathione IV.
He had his blood test taken last week and one of the tumor marker (alphafetoprotein) increased,He would like to ask some questions from you privately.I'm always enlightening him with your story, that miracle do happen.His ct scan is scheduled two months from now.Can you send me your facebook account through my email add: ging2m@yahoo.com
Hope you can get in touch with him.
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CEA, Alkaline phosphatase andcarolenk said:Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your story. Do you know how you will be monitored. I don't think there is a blood test for your type of cancer.
Have you considered stem cell therapy to prevent recurrence?
Best wishes for your future!
CarolenCEA, Alkaline phosphatase and alphafetoprotein are tumor markers and blood is the specimen, but the reliable one is the CT scan.We also read about stem cell but we don't consider it this time.Thank you.
Anyone of you who can give us Laura's email add, I will appreciate it.Thank you.
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Hellosp3004 said:Cholangiocarcinoma
I am new to this site. I am a 44 year old mother of a son who just turned 21. Diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma stage iv on Dec 27th, 2012. You give me hope, although it seems hopeless with his severe weight loss, ascites, and increasing fatigue. He has mets to pancreas, spleen, lymphs in abdomen, and the lung. The doctors only tell me "this is a very aggressive cancer". Sometimes they make me feel hopeless. Your story gives me hope. My son has a strong determination to beat this. I thank you.
I am also new to the
HelloI am also new to the site but just wanted to reach out to you. I was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in May 2011 and by September 2012 I was cancer free. This diagnosis can be very scary but isn't unbeatable. I was only 27 when I got diagnosed. It was tough and to be honest I got my butt kicked but speaking from experience the most important thing you can do for him as a parent is be supportive and positive. I went to Cancer Treatment Centers of America and there they go off the belief that cancer feeds on stress and I truely believe it does. My big issue with my mom was that during treatment I needed life to stay as normal as possible, which meant taking care of my daughter, cleaning, cooking, etc. She couldn't understand that everyone deals with illness differently and tho she thought I should lay on the couch and rest all day/night, that wasn't going to help me. I didnt want to feel defeated and helpless. So the best advice I can give is just listen to him and support his choice no matter what. He knows what is best for him and his body
. Please let me know if you have any questions or just need support.
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Inspiring ...!
What an absolutely inspiring read. I live in the uk and we are catching up with many of the alternative therapies offered in the usa. My father has advanced liver cancer and has been written off by his GP and Oncologist. We have changed his diet in the same way that Laura did. He has been taking capsules in the form of Turmeric, IP6, Graviola leaf and Milk Thistle. In the short term he says the pain he was feeling has deminished considerably and had virtually gone and he feels generally better. We may not win the war but hopefully a few battles along the way. I'll try and get some advice about Glutathione after reading Laura's story. Thanks so much for sharing this experience and information with us.
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Metastatis Liver CancerGRWUK said:Inspiring ...!
What an absolutely inspiring read. I live in the uk and we are catching up with many of the alternative therapies offered in the usa. My father has advanced liver cancer and has been written off by his GP and Oncologist. We have changed his diet in the same way that Laura did. He has been taking capsules in the form of Turmeric, IP6, Graviola leaf and Milk Thistle. In the short term he says the pain he was feeling has deminished considerably and had virtually gone and he feels generally better. We may not win the war but hopefully a few battles along the way. I'll try and get some advice about Glutathione after reading Laura's story. Thanks so much for sharing this experience and information with us.
My partner was re-diagnosed 6 weeks ago with metastatis liver/lung cancer orginating from his bladder 3.5 years ago. His oncologis has basically told him not much more can be done, it is Dave's dicision to try further treatments. Doctor said what is important now is to manage his pain. So over the last six weeks they have increased the pain meds, cancer is throughout his lymphatic system now. Dave's basic diet for years included meat and dairy in almost every meal, I have been researching going to a vegie meal plan, and seen claims that this has worked for other cancer patients. I have also been research the Gerson Diet, anyone have any experience with this.
We are at the point where he has started planning his funeral and his sister is assuming his personal affairs, she just keeps saying to him, Dave, day is coming and I have to know your finances if I am going to be the one to settle you estate.
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Hi Dkochdkoch said:Metastatis Liver Cancer
My partner was re-diagnosed 6 weeks ago with metastatis liver/lung cancer orginating from his bladder 3.5 years ago. His oncologis has basically told him not much more can be done, it is Dave's dicision to try further treatments. Doctor said what is important now is to manage his pain. So over the last six weeks they have increased the pain meds, cancer is throughout his lymphatic system now. Dave's basic diet for years included meat and dairy in almost every meal, I have been researching going to a vegie meal plan, and seen claims that this has worked for other cancer patients. I have also been research the Gerson Diet, anyone have any experience with this.
We are at the point where he has started planning his funeral and his sister is assuming his personal affairs, she just keeps saying to him, Dave, day is coming and I have to know your finances if I am going to be the one to settle you estate.
Hi Dkoch, I don't have any knowledge about the Gerson Diet, but I am going to research tonight. My mom was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in the liver and she has been following the "acid-akaline diet", also known as the "Crazy, Sexy, Diet". She has another scan this week, but her last scan showed improvement since she started the diet and chemo (the chemo was supposed to only attempt to keep things at bay).
The diet is a litlte more complex than what I can explain here, but its basically vegan, gluten-free, low carb and high in green veggies. There is also an acid-akaline food pocket guide and a cookbook for the "Crazy sexy diet" (both on amazon). I don't know if you will find this info helpful, but I thought I would at least post it. This diet can potentially help many types of cancers, not just liver. i was a skeptic, but I think at the very least it is an extremely healthy diet and could at least improve anyone's quality of life (cancer or not).
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cholangiocarcenomia my son is 22sp3004 said:Cholangiocarcinoma
I am new to this site. I am a 44 year old mother of a son who just turned 21. Diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma stage iv on Dec 27th, 2012. You give me hope, although it seems hopeless with his severe weight loss, ascites, and increasing fatigue. He has mets to pancreas, spleen, lymphs in abdomen, and the lung. The doctors only tell me "this is a very aggressive cancer". Sometimes they make me feel hopeless. Your story gives me hope. My son has a strong determination to beat this. I thank you.
he was diagnosed in Sept and received confirmation of diagnosis on his 22nd bday in early September. Planning on going back to college in January. We are at MD Anderson but receiving chemo locally. Would like to talk to you.
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S.O.S. CholangiocarcinomaI need some help and a good adviceMy dad has liver cancer. Performed biopsy pathology reports showed that he has Carcinoma hepatis holangiocellulare, grade II. The liver is a primary spot. Changes are multiple,cancer is not operable. He got hemiotherapy (fluorouracyl and leucovorine. This type of cancer does not responding to cytostatics and does act practically incurable.Laura, please, tell me WHAT is VITAMINE CIV-s (IVC, CIV's), and how did you take this (with glutation, or without it,dosage, etc), andhow I can get iti, I am from Serbia and here I cannot buy it, it does not exist.Thank you.0
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