Would you like to be on a prayer list? UPDATED 05-24-13



  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Tim6003 said:

    Got you on Nelson, Kim and Vee :)
    Sorry so long to resond...I declare I don't check my board for 2 days and you all show up :) Just kidding of course. Delighted to have you on the list, sorry for the delay. I will be travleing to Las Vegas with the company I work for Dec. 3 - 7 so I may not chekc the board daily ...but I will be praying!!

    Nelson: Work tranistion goes well, keeps track well of meds and excels at work with no problems, strength.

    Kim: Bleesings for being such a great caregiver, peace of mind and strength to trust in the Lord all goes well. (I know it's easier said or prayed for then done).

    Vee's Dad: strength,healing, wisdom for him, family, doctors to ensure best decisions. Peace in heart and mind.

    Vee: Srength, wisdom to best help Dad as he moves thru this time in his life. Blessings on you for the love and care you have shown to your Dad, and continued comfort, faith all will be well.

    I'm sorry you all have to be on this board. I pray we all are off one day (that may sound so silly to some I know, but the world itself is a miracle in all it's wonders and if He can create this masterpiece...is there really nothing he can't do?) :)



    Tim thank you for all you do
    Tim thank you for all you do on this site. You truly do God's work by giving all of us on this site a little heaven sent TLC every time you are here. And, for that I am grateful this morning.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Tim thank you for all you do
    Tim thank you for all you do on this site. You truly do God's work by giving all of us on this site a little heaven sent TLC every time you are here. And, for that I am grateful this morning.


    Just letting you all know (since it seems I have been AWOL)
    You are not forgotten....prayers for you all. I know there has been a couple on here with bad news...but I will not give up and I will not give in...


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    ditto1 said:

    Post it
    looks good to me. Thanks. I agree everyone of us on this site no matter what our belief system is has had a rough time and doubts at times. But again thank you for adding us to your prayer list.

    Hi All...
    Just letting you all know even with the upgrade, still got the prayer list :):)

    Keeping you all on it and just wanted my cyber family to know.



    I used to have a printed list...I think I will go back to that so I don't lose this just in case ....I will print it tomorrow at work :)
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Just letting you all know (since it seems I have been AWOL)
    You are not forgotten....prayers for you all. I know there has been a couple on here with bad news...but I will not give up and I will not give in...



    Still at it :):):)

    I will not give up, I will not give in ....all on this list are still prayed for ...and I also include folks suhc as Mike (Luv4lacrosse) ..Barefoot Bob, Nick777, Roxanne Jacobs... ...


    My online family is special to me.....by no means am I the strongest in faith at times or best person to be praying (amd I am sure to tell the good Lord that) ...but I care about my online family and I believe he knows that and that's what is most important!  I also believe the very act of bringing up needs / requests in prayer on a daily basis shows perseverence and desire ...and all H&N folks certainly can relate to that!! :)

    Best to you all ...



  • RobinS
    RobinS Member Posts: 3
    My Mother's tongue cancer

    Hello Everyone,


     I am brand new to this site.  My mother just had tongue surgery and is actually still in ICU and has been there for a week.  She is 73 and we were told that although her lymph nodes were clear, that she still would need radiation in a few weeks.  I am going to question the doctor again about why this is, but my mother has a hard struggle ahead of her and any well wishes and prayers for her recovery and strength through the next few months would be greatly appreciated.  This site has been a wealth of information and I am going to sign my mother up and help give her the support she is going to need.  Thank you.


    Robin S

  • blondie21
    blondie21 Member Posts: 1
    prayer list

    I would like a friend of mine added to this prayer list.  His name is Randy and his cancer has reoccurred after  years.  It is stage and he is undergoing chemo.  It started yesterday.  His prognoses isn't good but I am praying he will have a good response to the chemo and God will heal him. 

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    blondie21 said:

    prayer list

    I would like a friend of mine added to this prayer list.  His name is Randy and his cancer has reoccurred after  years.  It is stage and he is undergoing chemo.  It started yesterday.  His prognoses isn't good but I am praying he will have a good response to the chemo and God will heal him. 

    Robin and Blondie

    Robin ...your mother is ON THE LIST:  Sealed


    Robin's mother:  Healing, strength, wise doctors & strength for you the caregiver as well.


    Blondie:  Your fried Randy is on ...

                   Healing, strenghth and we are just going to ask for a "better prognosis" then what the doctors say.


    Keep us posted please ...



  • CynthiaB1
    CynthiaB1 Member Posts: 7 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Robin and Blondie

    Robin ...your mother is ON THE LIST:  Sealed


    Robin's mother:  Healing, strength, wise doctors & strength for you the caregiver as well.


    Blondie:  Your fried Randy is on ...

                   Healing, strenghth and we are just going to ask for a "better prognosis" then what the doctors say.


    Keep us posted please ...



    Prayer List

    Hi Tim,

    i'd like to be on the prayer list.  I have scc nasopharynx. 5 mos. post rad 3 mos post chemo. Clean pet CT.  Pray that I will enjoy food again. It's been rough going. Thank you

    God Bless You


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    CynthiaB1 said:

    Prayer List

    Hi Tim,

    i'd like to be on the prayer list.  I have scc nasopharynx. 5 mos. post rad 3 mos post chemo. Clean pet CT.  Pray that I will enjoy food again. It's been rough going. Thank you

    God Bless You


    Hi Cindy...

    You are on :)

    I'm sorry it's been rough, there's no way around it, it is rough.  I finished my last tx Jan 2012 and I had my feeding tube removed in June 2012....I sure did miss food.  You will get there.


    Cindy:  Continued clear scans for MANY, MANY years.

                Food taste and eating will return fully and soon.




  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    The Power of Prayer

    Hi Tim,

    Having personally seen what prayer and positive thoughts can do, most definitely please add me to that list. I will keep all those on the boards here in my prayers as well.


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    The Power of Prayer

    Hi Tim,

    Having personally seen what prayer and positive thoughts can do, most definitely please add me to that list. I will keep all those on the boards here in my prayers as well.


    Hello T

    Welcome...and thank you so very much for sharing your personal experience....it came at a time when I could use the support.  A dear friend of mine Roxanne Jacobs (on a fb forum for H&N) has found out she has cancer again.  I was hurt by the news of course, but I told her we will not give up or give in...she too is a prayer :)

    So listed as "T" / fishman:  Continued healing / well being and physical /spiritual blessings. Strength in body and spirit.

    If you have something specific,  or if I missed something, let me know.

    Best to you my friend...


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Hello T

    Welcome...and thank you so very much for sharing your personal experience....it came at a time when I could use the support.  A dear friend of mine Roxanne Jacobs (on a fb forum for H&N) has found out she has cancer again.  I was hurt by the news of course, but I told her we will not give up or give in...she too is a prayer :)

    So listed as "T" / fishman:  Continued healing / well being and physical /spiritual blessings. Strength in body and spirit.

    If you have something specific,  or if I missed something, let me know.

    Best to you my friend...


    Adding Roxxane Jacobs to my list...

    Roxxane is a dear online family member to me (no blood).  I met her on H&N Survivors Facebook group as well as Survivors of Head & Neck facebook group.  She has the best attittude, been through a lot.

    She just foud out c recurrence and at this point she has some pain but the pain meds are not working well with her body ...

    So those that have time, plese send a prayer or Roxanne Jacobs in Indiana ...so sweet and it breaks my heart to heare her in pain.


    Thank you!!!



    PS  I did get her on my church prayer list too Sealed

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Hello T

    Welcome...and thank you so very much for sharing your personal experience....it came at a time when I could use the support.  A dear friend of mine Roxanne Jacobs (on a fb forum for H&N) has found out she has cancer again.  I was hurt by the news of course, but I told her we will not give up or give in...she too is a prayer :)

    So listed as "T" / fishman:  Continued healing / well being and physical /spiritual blessings. Strength in body and spirit.

    If you have something specific,  or if I missed something, let me know.

    Best to you my friend...


    Adding Roxxane Jacobs to my list...

    Roxxane is a dear online family member to me (no blood).  I met her on H&N Survivors Facebook group (or is it H&N Warriors) as well as Survivors of Head & Neck facebook group.  She has the best attittude, been through a lot.

    She just foud out c recurrence and at this point she has some pain but the pain meds are not working well with her body ...

    So those that have time, plese send a prayer or Roxanne Jacobs in Indiana ...so sweet and it breaks my heart to heare her in pain.


    Thank you!!!



    PS  I did get her on my church prayer list too Sealed

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Adding Roxxane Jacobs to my list...

    Roxxane is a dear online family member to me (no blood).  I met her on H&N Survivors Facebook group (or is it H&N Warriors) as well as Survivors of Head & Neck facebook group.  She has the best attittude, been through a lot.

    She just foud out c recurrence and at this point she has some pain but the pain meds are not working well with her body ...

    So those that have time, plese send a prayer or Roxanne Jacobs in Indiana ...so sweet and it breaks my heart to heare her in pain.


    Thank you!!!



    PS  I did get her on my church prayer list too Sealed

    February 27 2013

    Just  to let you know you are not forgotten!!!  Though we have lost a few, I still believe and wanted you all to know I really do care for each of you and thank the good Lord for having met you all.




  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Yes, Tim

    I haven't been on much in the past few months, this third trip on the bus has really wiped me out.  I just finished radiation on Tuesday and chemo last week.  I know I have a few weeks but so ready for the healing to begin.

    Just finished treatment for the third time since Auugust 2010, need to put some weight back on, regain energy, get diabetes under control and learn to live with one eye.

    Thank you for organizing prayer warriors.

    Bev aka KTeacher, soon to be retired, now the pirate Grandma, arrrh

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    KTeacher said:

    Yes, Tim

    I haven't been on much in the past few months, this third trip on the bus has really wiped me out.  I just finished radiation on Tuesday and chemo last week.  I know I have a few weeks but so ready for the healing to begin.

    Just finished treatment for the third time since Auugust 2010, need to put some weight back on, regain energy, get diabetes under control and learn to live with one eye.

    Thank you for organizing prayer warriors.

    Bev aka KTeacher, soon to be retired, now the pirate Grandma, arrrh

    Arrrrrr.....got you on the list :)


    So sorry you have been through so much.  Sure wish it was not so.  I remember reading your posts and seeing (I think your daughter) posting for you on updates.  You absolutely amaze me with your attitude to fight.

    I have you down:

    Bev:  Speedy recover, no more trips on this "c" bus, weight gain and energy physically.

    Bless you Bev ...hugs and admiration from this warrior private to you, a General in this war.


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Arrrrrr.....got you on the list :)


    So sorry you have been through so much.  Sure wish it was not so.  I remember reading your posts and seeing (I think your daughter) posting for you on updates.  You absolutely amaze me with your attitude to fight.

    I have you down:

    Bev:  Speedy recover, no more trips on this "c" bus, weight gain and energy physically.

    Bless you Bev ...hugs and admiration from this warrior private to you, a General in this war.


    bumping up for any new requests, and so u know u r not forgotten

    I told my wife today on the way home from my scan results ...I love my CSN family and I want so badly for all of them to be well ...so I will not give up and I will not give in ....you all continue to be in my prayers...if only, if only I could do more.

    (It's okay for a guy to get a little mushy/soft now and then, right?)  Phhht!Tongue Out



  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Sounds like a wonderful person ..
    GlennaM, though I never met her or read a post from her, obviously she has made an impression on and helped others.

    GlennaM: Give strength and comfort to her husband Bob, family and friends she will leave behind.



    I am all in- unknown primary-

    I am all in- unknown primary- partial neck dissection - removal of one lymp node- 3 months out of treatment NED. Starting to have some side effects from treatment

  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    Tim please add me Rachel C.
    Tim please add me Rachel C. To your list that my swallow issues will resolve and SSI will come back with help of lawyer approved this time, and also that my health stays in control.

    Thank you, I pray all the time and for everyone here, but I am living proof of the Matthew verse that you shared at numerous times in my life. Prayer helps. Thank goodness for my realtionship with the Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ.

    God Bless you for this,

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Tim, please add me to your

    Tim, please add me to your prayer list.  i had a complete laryngectomy a year ago and still have a hard time accepting it.  i'm thankful to be cancer free but hate this trake.  please don't think i'm ungrateful b/c i truly am.  i just had no warning how hard it was going to be living with a trake.  i recently had surgery on my neck again due to a previous surgery.  it is healing nicely.  please pray for my faith to stay strong as i continue this journey.  i do love God and thank him everyday for all he has blessed me with.  i am truly a blessed person and i know this and have for many many years.  anyway, i'd love to be on your prayer list.

    Thank u 4 doing all you do and thank you for your words of encouragement.  thank you for caring enuf to start a prayers list!!  thank you for being a speaker for God.

    God bless,
