Doc said I'd just be "uncomfortable" for a day or two.

He lied. Damn feeding tube hurts like hell.



  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Get your money back
    If it hurts like hell, it's not right. I'd go back to the doc right away and have it checked. Most of them will let you come in without an appointment this soon after the insertion.

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Get it checked...

    If it's uncomfortable, I agree to have it checked. We were told a couple of days with some discomfort. It was just that, then hardly noticeable. Just a bit of a nuisance.

    Good luck....and I'd ask for a full refund plus some extra for your pain and suffering.(little humor) :)

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Ya know....that's what my Dr. said, too....
    and it hurt like HE**!! They finally knocked me out the first day with Dilaudid...the cramping was that bad (I was already in the hospital for a punctured lung from getting my port)...They sent me home the next day...but it was still cramping pretty bad (like labor pains...the cramp would build upon itself hitting a cresendo, then fade off...only to begin again 10 seconds later). Call your doc...but I'm sure that when he calls what you're feeling "uncomfortable" it's becyase he's never had one. I'm not the only one on here who thought it was pretty darn painful

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695

    Ya know....that's what my Dr. said, too....
    and it hurt like HE**!! They finally knocked me out the first day with Dilaudid...the cramping was that bad (I was already in the hospital for a punctured lung from getting my port)...They sent me home the next day...but it was still cramping pretty bad (like labor pains...the cramp would build upon itself hitting a cresendo, then fade off...only to begin again 10 seconds later). Call your doc...but I'm sure that when he calls what you're feeling "uncomfortable" it's becyase he's never had one. I'm not the only one on here who thought it was pretty darn painful


    Can't say enough about Dilaudid. Of course, missing out on everything is only worth it short term. Rick.
  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Mostly hurts when I move or
    Mostly hurts when I move or take a deep breath (or god forbid a cough sneeze) . I'm going to give it another day and see if it gets any better.
  • corleone
    corleone Member Posts: 312 Member
    a pain in the... abdomen
    My G tube was inserted 5.5 months ago. The pain was very intense for about 2 days. The pain was around the insertion area and also referred to the left shoulder (I can’t say which one was worse). The pain was either spontaneous or triggered by eating/tube feeding. The character of the pain was very similar with what Phrannie described earlier. I guess there was some peritoneal reaction involvement, but there was nothing to do (it happened during a long weekend) except for going to the ER. I avoided that, as I might have had the G tube removed (I didn’t want to go through the same procedure again).
    Now, after 5.5 months, it is completely useless, as I had been eating “normally” for the last 2 months. The medical oncologist didn’t agree to pull it out until after the last chemo treatment (occurred 3 weeks ago), due to the dreaded mucositis (I had that, but I was able to eat). Now I am stuck with the tube until Jan 8th, as there was no earlier appointment available (they said the removal must be done at the same center were was inserted, with all the equipment – like imaging – available). I hate this thing, especially since I have some granulation tissue overgrown that makes it more difficult to tolerate.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    I went through 2 PEGS. My first one started out fine, it never hurt hanging around, but got more difficult to use, the last time we tried to flush or feed through the first PEG I was sobbing it hurt so incredible bad. So, during 5th week of treatments right after rads I stopped in for a quick change at the hospital outpatient area. 2nd PEG worked great till day it was popped. The hanging out and the incision never were an issue just the performance of the PEG itself. Fist one crap and hurt like Heck. 2nd one great and worked every time


  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303
    corleone said:

    a pain in the... abdomen
    My G tube was inserted 5.5 months ago. The pain was very intense for about 2 days. The pain was around the insertion area and also referred to the left shoulder (I can’t say which one was worse). The pain was either spontaneous or triggered by eating/tube feeding. The character of the pain was very similar with what Phrannie described earlier. I guess there was some peritoneal reaction involvement, but there was nothing to do (it happened during a long weekend) except for going to the ER. I avoided that, as I might have had the G tube removed (I didn’t want to go through the same procedure again).
    Now, after 5.5 months, it is completely useless, as I had been eating “normally” for the last 2 months. The medical oncologist didn’t agree to pull it out until after the last chemo treatment (occurred 3 weeks ago), due to the dreaded mucositis (I had that, but I was able to eat). Now I am stuck with the tube until Jan 8th, as there was no earlier appointment available (they said the removal must be done at the same center were was inserted, with all the equipment – like imaging – available). I hate this thing, especially since I have some granulation tissue overgrown that makes it more difficult to tolerate.

    Granulation tissue
    might be able to be cauterized. That happened to me with my trach stoma. It's now gone and not painful anymore. And now to Joe, there is no way it should be hurting now that you've had it that long. Does it look red or swollen underneath the flange? You might have an infection. If it's that painful, I would go to an ER. Otherwise check with your doctor first thing Monday morning.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    jcortney said:

    Mostly hurts when I move or
    Mostly hurts when I move or take a deep breath (or god forbid a cough sneeze) . I'm going to give it another day and see if it gets any better.

    Yep - "Call the Doc" Bandwagon
    I was in the minority, too - mine was definately more than "uncomfortable". I was already in the hospital, on juicy pain and anti-nausea meds when I got my PEG installed. I still had issues when I left the hospital a few days later. Tried to get into the gastro's for a visit (on the weekend, New Year's Eve), and was blocked by a nurse/office aid/whatever who let me know that since I'd never SEEN the doc outside the hospital, I had to wait to see him outside the hospital - told me to go to the ER. I did, and they very kindly checked my PEG placement, and sent me on my merry way, telling me to schedule an appointment with my gastro (did I mention the appointment Nazi would NOT let me come in before my "first" appointment, scheduled a few weeks out?). Sigh and Grr. Hope you're already feeling some relief.
  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Ya know....that's what my Dr. said, too....
    and it hurt like HE**!! They finally knocked me out the first day with Dilaudid...the cramping was that bad (I was already in the hospital for a punctured lung from getting my port)...They sent me home the next day...but it was still cramping pretty bad (like labor pains...the cramp would build upon itself hitting a cresendo, then fade off...only to begin again 10 seconds later). Call your doc...but I'm sure that when he calls what you're feeling "uncomfortable" it's becyase he's never had one. I'm not the only one on here who thought it was pretty darn painful


    Did you adjust to the tube
    Did you adjust to the tube naturally or was there any other procedure to improve the adjustment to it during those first days and weeks? Just curious what to expect.

    I know the biggest bummer for me is the lack of joy tasting wonderful food. LOL

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    donfoo said:

    Did you adjust to the tube
    Did you adjust to the tube naturally or was there any other procedure to improve the adjustment to it during those first days and weeks? Just curious what to expect.

    I know the biggest bummer for me is the lack of joy tasting wonderful food. LOL


    Oh are in for a bummer.... :(
    Taste goes away with the first chemo (with a return about a week or so later)...radiation kills them for weeks/months after it's finished. I'm 6 months out of rads and can only taste the first few bites of food (scantily)...then it's back to tasteless.

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member

    Oh are in for a bummer.... :(
    Taste goes away with the first chemo (with a return about a week or so later)...radiation kills them for weeks/months after it's finished. I'm 6 months out of rads and can only taste the first few bites of food (scantily)...then it's back to tasteless.


    I forget the medical term
    I forget the medical term, but this is a cruel trick your eyes and mind play on your taste buds. It also happened to me. You eyes see the food and your mind tastes it from past memory, for a while. You can "taste" the first few bites from memory, but soon the taste sensation goes away.

    Be encouraged that your real taste does come back, little by little, but it's not likely that you will get back 100% of your taste for every kind of food.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716 it getting better?
    I'm hoping so.

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503 it getting better?
    I'm hoping so.


    It's weird
    It woke me up this morning about 4 am. The tube felt like it a being pulling inside my body. Pressure built up for a few seconds then almost with an audile pop released. Did this three or four times before I said screw it and got up. Ate some cereal and had a few cups of coffee and it stopped. Later, the area around the incision (rib) was very sore. Got the doc on the phone at about 9:00 am and he is going to meet me a 7:00 AM tomorrow to have a look even though he is off.

    Took a couple of advil and had a nap and everything feels fine right now. I have no idea what's going on but almost no pain at all.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    jcortney said:

    It's weird
    It woke me up this morning about 4 am. The tube felt like it a being pulling inside my body. Pressure built up for a few seconds then almost with an audile pop released. Did this three or four times before I said screw it and got up. Ate some cereal and had a few cups of coffee and it stopped. Later, the area around the incision (rib) was very sore. Got the doc on the phone at about 9:00 am and he is going to meet me a 7:00 AM tomorrow to have a look even though he is off.

    Took a couple of advil and had a nap and everything feels fine right now. I have no idea what's going on but almost no pain at all.


    I know that "popping" feeling
    Hi J.

    I had that too. It's like your stomach is "rolling" under the tube or turning if you will and then the pressure builds up and suddenly "pop" was kind of cool for my boys but my wife and daugther thought is was gross....I joked with my wife that each of our kids during pregnency would push their heel against her stomach wall and it would do the same why is mine gross?? :):)

