Trying to keep going



  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    jnl said:

    I am like the other sisters
    I am like the other sisters as it's hard to even find the words to write back to you Kat. You have always been an inspiration to all of us on this board and you still are. I know we all write the word amazing about you, but, that's because you are! Kat, you are an amazing, young, beautiful pink sister!

    You're just too young to have to endure any of this and that angers me. No one should have to, but, certainly not at your age.

    You will be in my prayers Kat and I am always here for you. Please come back and post anything new for us as we love you.

    Love and lots of prayers,


    This is alot
    This is alot for a young lady like you to have to comprehend.It's hard ehough for us so we know what it must be for you.I believe in Prayer.I never stop praying and many times miracles have happened in my life.I prayed for them. That's what I'll do for you.

    For what to do.I guess the chance that just maybe chemo will kick in I think I would go for it.Wish you could start now but I know you need to heal from this other surgery.If there would be just a glimmer of hope I would try.I hear so many have one chemo not working.Try another and it works. I guess I would wish for that.

    Will continue to think about you and Pray. I hope whatever decision you make you get get a quick recovery from this last painful surgery.Then decide on the chemo or take the time for your family and friends.Your family and friends will support you on whatever you decide.And of course your PINK SISTERS.'

    Lynn Smith
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    SIROD said:

    Hardest Decision
    Dear Kat,

    I was like everyone else so sorry to learn how painful your surgery was and the extent of your mets.

    I do know from my long years reading forums that everyone who does have metastatic breast cancer comes to the day that they have to make a choice between on going treatments that aren't working or find the joy with quality of life in the time that they have left.

    One lady whose blog I read for many years was Amber Chase. She posted on another board. Amber was 31 when she died was married with 5 children. Her cancer was inflammatory breast cancer, a very aggressive one, especially in younger women. I am going to post the page where Amber and her husband made the decision to do palliative care by using hospice.

    Copy and paste:

    This will give you Amber's journey on a blog should you want to read it. A courageous woman just like you who went through so much in hopes to live longer. Like you she had so much of life ahead of her.

    I hope it helps you.

    My very best to you in one of life's most difficult decision.


    I'm so sorry for the pain
    I'm so sorry for the pain that you are in and wish I could do something to help you to feel better Kat. It's with a heavy heart that I read the decision you are facing. You're too young!

    You have always lived your life to the fullest. I know you will do what is right for you. You're an inspiration to everyone on this board!

    I'm sending love, hugs and prayers to you,

  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I am speechless. What you

    I am speechless. What you have been through is absolutely astounding and the courage you have facing all of this at the age of 21. It is heart breaking! Whatever your decision, it is supported and we will keep prayer for you. Many many hugs and love to you. Mariam.
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    I am speechless. What you

    I am speechless. What you have been through is absolutely astounding and the courage you have facing all of this at the age of 21. It is heart breaking! Whatever your decision, it is supported and we will keep prayer for you. Many many hugs and love to you. Mariam.

    You are always
    in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    missrenee said:

    Oh, Kat
    like Sylvia--I do hear the positive tone that is still in your being. The pain makes being hopeful and positive so difficult--but I still hear it in you. And Mary--that prayer said it all. Thank you for sharing it with Kat and all of us.

    Like yourself and other gals here, being Stage IV changes everything. I choose to be positive and hopeful most days--but then those other ones creep in and I get scared and really sad. As much as I truly don't want to leave this life, I just have to believe there is something so much better waiting for me and all of us.

    You've been on my nightly prayer list for a long time, Kat, and there you'll stay. Stay strong when you can but don't be afraid to let go once in a while.

    Love and many hugs, Renee

    Thanks MsGebby for the
    Thanks MsGebby for the prayer...
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    jnl said:

    I am like the other sisters
    I am like the other sisters as it's hard to even find the words to write back to you Kat. You have always been an inspiration to all of us on this board and you still are. I know we all write the word amazing about you, but, that's because you are! Kat, you are an amazing, young, beautiful pink sister!

    You're just too young to have to endure any of this and that angers me. No one should have to, but, certainly not at your age.

    You will be in my prayers Kat and I am always here for you. Please come back and post anything new for us as we love you.

    Love and lots of prayers,


    Lit a candle
    I went to church Kat and lit a candle for you and said a prayer. Prayers are heard and I pray that mine was.

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Ctine70 said:

    You will be in my thought and prayers. Please don't give up hope, have faith miracles do happened
    You are an inspiration to all of us
    Stay strong
    Hugs Christine


  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    debsweb18 said:

    I can't imagine what you're going through. I can't say anything, except that I'm so sorry you're going through this.


    I check in daily now just to
    I check in daily now just to see if you have logged on Kat with an update. Praying for you!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Oh Kat, my heart is breaking
    Oh Kat, my heart is breaking tonight. I can only imagine how hard this is for you. Because I am stage 4, I have thought about it alot. I know, for me, I would not hesitate to call hospice. It doesn't even mean, to me, that you have given up. It means that you want to have the very best pain management and comfort care out there, so you can live every last day to the hilt.

    I may have mentioned this before, but Danny's grandmother had a rough end in the hospital after receiving surgery that she could never possibly heal from. I won't go there, but her daughter, Danny's aunt, decided she would never have that happen to her.

    Years later, when she was dying from terminal colon cancer, she died at home with hospice involved. She was on lots of drugs, back happy. We saw her right before she died and we had such a lovely time with her and she seemed comfortable and at peace.

    That is how I want to go, when it is time. Now only you know when it is time and, whatever you decide, I am here for you. I admire your spunk, your unselfishness and your courage. I am praying for you and sending big (((hugs))).

    Many prayers, many hugs and
    Many prayers, many hugs and lots of love for you Kat are coming your way from every survivor on this board!

    Keep fighting!
  • Ctine70
    Ctine70 Member Posts: 150
    You been on my mind
    Kat you have been on my mind I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing?
    Hugs Christine
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    This is alot
    This is alot for a young lady like you to have to comprehend.It's hard ehough for us so we know what it must be for you.I believe in Prayer.I never stop praying and many times miracles have happened in my life.I prayed for them. That's what I'll do for you.

    For what to do.I guess the chance that just maybe chemo will kick in I think I would go for it.Wish you could start now but I know you need to heal from this other surgery.If there would be just a glimmer of hope I would try.I hear so many have one chemo not working.Try another and it works. I guess I would wish for that.

    Will continue to think about you and Pray. I hope whatever decision you make you get get a quick recovery from this last painful surgery.Then decide on the chemo or take the time for your family and friends.Your family and friends will support you on whatever you decide.And of course your PINK SISTERS.'

    Lynn Smith

    Any news on Kat?

    Any news on Kat?
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    debsweb18 said:

    I can't imagine what you're going through. I can't say anything, except that I'm so sorry you're going through this.


    I put you on our prayer list
    I put you on our prayer list at church Kat.

    Hugs, Debby
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    Oh Kat
    Hate the fact you are so young. I am so sorry about your news and all of us totally feel for you as only we can. Tough decision. I have decided if this happens to me in the future I would prefer to let things take their course but when reality kicks in we don't know what we will decide at the time. Thinking you need to get all the facts, sit down with the professionals, then have some personal time for you to think things through. Perhaps some one very special to you could at least not guide you but be there to listen to you and your thoughts. Sorry sweetheart........ There are no words to explain how I feel.
  • Eleanor1
    Eleanor1 Member Posts: 68
    I cried reading your post
    I cried reading your post but I prayed harder to God that you will get better and to give you more strength and for Him to walk with you hand in hand.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Kit Kat --
    I don't have the words to convey my sadness. Like so many others have stated, I can
    not imagine what you are feeling, or going through right now. Your world must be
    upside down, and sideways.

    My heart and soul go out to you, and your parents. Hoping and praying that things
    get better for you.

    Gentle hugs, dear Kat.

    Vicki Sam

    You've always been such a
    You've always been such a bright light on this board Kat and quite honestly, I think everyone of us admire you and are amazed by each and every post you write. I can't imagine what you're going thru right now.

    I will keep you in my prayers and I will also be praying for your family.

    Biggest of hugs,

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Oh Kat i have such sadness
    Oh Kat i have such sadness in my heart and tears in my eyes as i read your post,yes for some one so young this is devastating but never give up hope miracles do happen and where always hoping for a cure for all cancer's.I know this is easy for me to say but live your life to the fullest as we never know what tomorrow will bring.My heart and prayers go out to you.
    Hugs Frankie

    Hoping that you have made a
    Hoping that you have made a decision Kat and that you will come back and let us know. You know you've got many prayers headed your way!

    Hugs and love,

  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    I too am very sorry for your news and know that you are close to many of our hearts let alone our souls. At stage 3 and with cancer I had I know what it means to be scared and sometimes just knowing what you have control over and what you do not can help make decisions with a little clearer of a conscience. But know this is something you have to do for yourself and that too helps to make better decisions.
    You are so young, so beautiful and I am sorry you carry the burden of the others because you should not. You now have to worry about you alone and that sometimes is the hardest thing to do.
    I am glad you have this site to lay all you feel because I do know one thing more than anything we all need to let so much go and if not sharing with those closest to us we need to lay it all somewhere and it doesn't get any better than this.

    BE good to yourself always and be that best friend to yourself first...
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    Beautiful prayer
    New just a bit ago and I read your prayer for Kat - and I stand in agreement. For her and ALL - every one of us.

    Thank you Jesus.

    Jan (justbeachie)

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Amen Mary. Thanks for
    Amen Mary. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful prayer.

    Hugs, Lex

    Thanks Ms.Gebby for the
    Thanks Ms.Gebby for the beautiful and touching prayer for our dear Kat.

    Love, Leeza
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    I am speechless. What you

    I am speechless. What you have been through is absolutely astounding and the courage you have facing all of this at the age of 21. It is heart breaking! Whatever your decision, it is supported and we will keep prayer for you. Many many hugs and love to you. Mariam.

    Still looking and checking
    Still looking and checking for any update.

    Hugs to you Kat,
