Just got biopsy results...



  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    ksf56 said:

    Dear Linda
    I am so sorry about your new bad news! It really sucks!! Please know you are lifted up by these many fine warriors! My prayers go up for you and I beg God to take care of you and guide your Doctors in your treatment! Rest in order to bolster yourself for the chemo ahead.

    We're all with you in what's coming up!

    I will continue my

    I will continue my prayers for you. I am so sorry that this was the news you received. Hoping that the new chemo will knock it socks off.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    MAJW said:

    This sucks so bad!!!!! I hate to hear it....if possible, try to enjoy the chemo break, rest and get stronger...

    I know I've harped on this before but consider asking your onc about Avastin....I only harp on it because I care :)

    Also I got the hats today!!!!! Wow, I'm set!...I can't thank you enough...please pm me your address so that I send a proper thank you...

    With love, hugs and prayers,

    I just got a proper thank
    I just got a proper thank you...nothing else is needed.


  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413

    I add my thoughts and


    I add my thoughts and prayers to those expressed by everyone. I think the world of you and admire your spirit so much. One of the most insidious things about this disease is that it can be marching through your body even as you look so fabulous on the outside. At lunch last week you looked wonderful; I couldn't imagine that the biopsy would be positive.

    Please let me know if there is something I can do to help.


    Thank you Deborah, you
    Thank you Deborah, you looked wonderful too! That phone number I promised is 928-9999, 2121 natomas crossing #100, Harris is the last name.

    I hope they can help you. And thank you for the thoughts and prayers.


  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    You are all so special to
    You are all so special to me. It truly is because of you that I am able to face this, so many of you have shown me how to face and fight this monster.

    After talking with my husband, I chose to tell my kids only that I'm taking a break for now. And that I'll have a CT scan which will determine when I start chemo again. My daughter asked about the dosage, so I told her it would be a different medication.

    I found out the Navelbine would be 2 weeks on, one week off and that it doesn't need all those other meds (decadron, zofran, benedryl, etc). That makes it more palatable to me.

    I'm also looking at clinical trials and considering a trip to an IBC expert just to get their opinion.

    Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers, support, hugs, and offers to help. You are such amazing people and incredibly dear to me.


  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member

    You are all so special to
    You are all so special to me. It truly is because of you that I am able to face this, so many of you have shown me how to face and fight this monster.

    After talking with my husband, I chose to tell my kids only that I'm taking a break for now. And that I'll have a CT scan which will determine when I start chemo again. My daughter asked about the dosage, so I told her it would be a different medication.

    I found out the Navelbine would be 2 weeks on, one week off and that it doesn't need all those other meds (decadron, zofran, benedryl, etc). That makes it more palatable to me.

    I'm also looking at clinical trials and considering a trip to an IBC expert just to get their opinion.

    Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers, support, hugs, and offers to help. You are such amazing people and incredibly dear to me.



    Thinking of you
    Linda, so sorry to hear your news. (((Hugs)))) and prayers sent your way!
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    In my prayers
    I just want you to know that I am praying for better days ahead. Your posts are always so heartfelt and caring. Your knowledge and input helps so many on this journey to feel they are not alone and less lost and confused and I truely thank you for that. Continue to stay strong, we will all be sending positive energy your way! As always, all in my prayers.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    You are all so special to
    You are all so special to me. It truly is because of you that I am able to face this, so many of you have shown me how to face and fight this monster.

    After talking with my husband, I chose to tell my kids only that I'm taking a break for now. And that I'll have a CT scan which will determine when I start chemo again. My daughter asked about the dosage, so I told her it would be a different medication.

    I found out the Navelbine would be 2 weeks on, one week off and that it doesn't need all those other meds (decadron, zofran, benedryl, etc). That makes it more palatable to me.

    I'm also looking at clinical trials and considering a trip to an IBC expert just to get their opinion.

    Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers, support, hugs, and offers to help. You are such amazing people and incredibly dear to me.



    Awww, Linda...
    This is heartbreaking news, an awful setback. You've already been through so much...

    I'll continue to wish & HOPE with all my heart for your strength to endure. And that, eventually, you'll get to NED status.

    Hugs backatcha.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member

    I'm so sorry you are having to go through this again. You have had a rough road to travel down. It doesn't seem fair that such good people get this beast of a disease. I'll be saying prayers. Glad you are on SSDI now though, it will make going to treatments easier. No worries about work. Just concentrate on yourself and soldier on. Positivity.

  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    mom62 said:


    I'm so sorry you are having to go through this again. You have had a rough road to travel down. It doesn't seem fair that such good people get this beast of a disease. I'll be saying prayers. Glad you are on SSDI now though, it will make going to treatments easier. No worries about work. Just concentrate on yourself and soldier on. Positivity.


    Sending you lots
    of love and gentle hugs to hold you close during this difficult time. Try to rest up for another part of this journey - we are all here for you!!!! Keeping you close in prayer and to our hearts.
    much love,
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    Sending you lots
    of love and gentle hugs to hold you close during this difficult time. Try to rest up for another part of this journey - we are all here for you!!!! Keeping you close in prayer and to our hearts.
    much love,

    Oh Linda...
    I'm so sorry. You are one of the most inspirational women I know. I hate that you are having to go through this. Take it easy during the break, rest and let your body get ready for the next step. We are all here with you special sister~

    Hugs, Debi
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    You are in my thoughts and
    You are in my thoughts and prayers be strong live,laugh and love this roller coaster just sucks it's not a fun ride.rest up and get strong for the next ride.
    Hugs Frankie
  • Nana C.
    Nana C. Member Posts: 108

    You are in my thoughts and
    You are in my thoughts and prayers be strong live,laugh and love this roller coaster just sucks it's not a fun ride.rest up and get strong for the next ride.
    Hugs Frankie

    Lots of Hugs and Prayers coming your way!
    Dear Linda,
    I am so sorry you have to go through all this. I am so glad you have the summer off, working and doing all this is hard even for the Pink Super Women that we all are. Take care of yourself as I along with everyone else are sending hugs and prayers!

    Great Big Majic Hug!
  • MsGebby
    MsGebby Member Posts: 659
    that's what my bs said to me when she learned that I have lung nodules. I didn't have definitive information at the time (and still don't) but she made it known she was not happy to hear this news.

    So. CRAP! I am not happy to hear this news. If I could be there with you, I would hold your hand with each appointment. Wait ... I'd be the Iron Man of cancer and beat the crap out of this beast! Make me a cape and I will soar across every continent letting the beast know it can't win!

    OK ... back to reality. I hope you laughed or at least smiled. I try to fill my life with humor and tend to be a bit dorky and crack myself up with these thoughts. HAHA ... I can't know what you are feeling. But I do know that you are so eloquently strong and a fighter.

    Please know I am right there with the others praying for you. You are special, Linda.
    Take a breath and smell the roses... Literally... While you are taking a break from chemo, get some rest.

    Keep us posted, please. Sending gentle hugs and waiting for my cape. :)

  • Cinkal
    Cinkal Member Posts: 161
    Sorry you have to start the
    Sorry you have to start the roller coaster ride again. Just know we are all by your side in spirit.