Oral sex
First of all, the
First of all, the association may be just that, an association between HPV causing cervical cancer, and HPV causing oral cancer, rather than oral sex causing transmission of the virus. The road to hell is paved with good intent, and those that assume these two are causally related may or may not be right. At the moment this is interesting speculation, not proven fact.
One thing that is for certain, if oral sex causes transmission of HPV fron genitals to throat, and if you have already had an HPV related throat cancer, the for you the genie is already out of the bottle, so to speak. If you personally chose to go down the road of testing for her to see if she is carrying the same HPV virus that you have had isolated from your tissue sample, then you have described the limits of your behavior set. No one really knows the answer to all of this, and anyone who claims they do, is merely trumpeting their ignorance. sorry I can't be of more help, but you won't find definitive answers.
best to you
pat0 -
Thank Pat.longtermsurvivor said:First of all, the
First of all, the association may be just that, an association between HPV causing cervical cancer, and HPV causing oral cancer, rather than oral sex causing transmission of the virus. The road to hell is paved with good intent, and those that assume these two are causally related may or may not be right. At the moment this is interesting speculation, not proven fact.
One thing that is for certain, if oral sex causes transmission of HPV fron genitals to throat, and if you have already had an HPV related throat cancer, the for you the genie is already out of the bottle, so to speak. If you personally chose to go down the road of testing for her to see if she is carrying the same HPV virus that you have had isolated from your tissue sample, then you have described the limits of your behavior set. No one really knows the answer to all of this, and anyone who claims they do, is merely trumpeting their ignorance. sorry I can't be of more help, but you won't find definitive answers.
best to you
Thank Pat.0 -
That's a Fact...
As Pat has said, no definitive studies have proven the oral cancer thought...as far as I have read.
As a side note...
My wife has been tested as part of her annual exams by her MD, she has no HPV showing. We have been together for over 20 years, not venturing in our relationship.
So if indeed oral sex was where my HPV+ derived cancer originated. It would have had to been from over 20 years ago, and lay dormany until my immune system might have became compromised allowing it to become active.
It is a fact that our bodies come into contact with all kinds of bad things. Normally our immune systems fight off these bad things.
But occasionally from stress, illness, etc..the immune system allows something to get through.
So as far as I'm concerne that's how my HPV+ dervived cancer originated.
I was exposed who knows when, where or how, and my body didn't fight it off.
This could be a question you pose to your MD, another might be to make sure your wife for both your knowledge request to be test for HPV during her routine annual exams.
Another topic to investigate, CHarles brought up a few weeks ago concerning Gardasil injections post treatment...either you, or both you and your wife as a possible extra preventive measure.
John0 -
Gardsil...??? John...what is that?Skiffin16 said:That's a Fact...
As Pat has said, no definitive studies have proven the oral cancer thought...as far as I have read.
As a side note...
My wife has been tested as part of her annual exams by her MD, she has no HPV showing. We have been together for over 20 years, not venturing in our relationship.
So if indeed oral sex was where my HPV+ derived cancer originated. It would have had to been from over 20 years ago, and lay dormany until my immune system might have became compromised allowing it to become active.
It is a fact that our bodies come into contact with all kinds of bad things. Normally our immune systems fight off these bad things.
But occasionally from stress, illness, etc..the immune system allows something to get through.
So as far as I'm concerne that's how my HPV+ dervived cancer originated.
I was exposed who knows when, where or how, and my body didn't fight it off.
This could be a question you pose to your MD, another might be to make sure your wife for both your knowledge request to be test for HPV during her routine annual exams.
Another topic to investigate, CHarles brought up a few weeks ago concerning Gardasil injections post treatment...either you, or both you and your wife as a possible extra preventive measure.
Hi John....can you tell me where I can get more info on Gardasil? And maybe give me a quick run down on what it is / does?
Tim / Idaho0 -
Echoing what the other folks have saidTim6003 said:Gardsil...??? John...what is that?
Hi John....can you tell me where I can get more info on Gardasil? And maybe give me a quick run down on what it is / does?
Tim / Idaho
I think I read yesterday that HPV-related H&N cancer shows up typically for men in the late 50's. Mine is HPV-positive and I'm on the other side of the demographics (younger and female), but it's certainly been dormant for many, many years.
Even if oral sex with an HPV-positive partner had a role in the cancer, there are many factors that caused cancer for each of us, and we will never know what they were. Millions of people have oral sex every year, millions of people are HPV-positive, and this cancer is still comparatively rare (although the numbers are growing).
Why did it become cancer in us and not in other people? IMO, we can't try to guess that or blame ourselves. It's just something that happened to us. We hit the wrong kind of lottery... or maybe we hit the right kind, because HPV-related cancer responds so very strongly to treatment that they're considering reclassifying it so it can show the proper survival stats. When I heard my biopsy showed strong HPV presence, it was probably the most joyful day since my diagnosis. I still tear up, thinking about it.
The genii is indeed out of the bottle for you! For your wife, I'd keep having her tested and have her ask her GYN about the Gardasil. Here's a link to their website with more info. I don't know if it's been proven to work on adults (it's usually given to kids) but it may not hurt to try! http://www.gardasil.com/what-is-gardasil/
The odds of her hitting the same lottery--especially since she tests negative--are pretty astronomical, and you already hit the numbers. IMO, this is a time when you should be enjoying being alive and with the woman you love. :-)0 -
Good Subject!!Laralyn said:Echoing what the other folks have said
I think I read yesterday that HPV-related H&N cancer shows up typically for men in the late 50's. Mine is HPV-positive and I'm on the other side of the demographics (younger and female), but it's certainly been dormant for many, many years.
Even if oral sex with an HPV-positive partner had a role in the cancer, there are many factors that caused cancer for each of us, and we will never know what they were. Millions of people have oral sex every year, millions of people are HPV-positive, and this cancer is still comparatively rare (although the numbers are growing).
Why did it become cancer in us and not in other people? IMO, we can't try to guess that or blame ourselves. It's just something that happened to us. We hit the wrong kind of lottery... or maybe we hit the right kind, because HPV-related cancer responds so very strongly to treatment that they're considering reclassifying it so it can show the proper survival stats. When I heard my biopsy showed strong HPV presence, it was probably the most joyful day since my diagnosis. I still tear up, thinking about it.
The genii is indeed out of the bottle for you! For your wife, I'd keep having her tested and have her ask her GYN about the Gardasil. Here's a link to their website with more info. I don't know if it's been proven to work on adults (it's usually given to kids) but it may not hurt to try! http://www.gardasil.com/what-is-gardasil/
The odds of her hitting the same lottery--especially since she tests negative--are pretty astronomical, and you already hit the numbers. IMO, this is a time when you should be enjoying being alive and with the woman you love. :-)
This is a subject that unfortunately most people of the medical community and patients tend to ignore!! Instead they say don't smoke, don't drink alcohol anymore; they don't say don't have anymore oral sex!! Also,one that I have had trouble with from the beginning; since I'm single. (How do you meet someone and let alone tell them you are a cancer survivor and in addition, tell them you got this from a STD)???
This is why I stopped going to my support group because all the older people who didn't get tested for HPV and the clinicians don't want to talk about this subject!!
Regardless of what we don't know the fact is it's a reality; though there isn't 100% certainty that this was caused by oral sex; all the research is leaning that way! I won't share my oral sex history, but as far as the research goes, I am definitley in the (more than 5 partners)high risk category!
If this isn't caused by oral sex then why is HPV+ Oral Cancer low in african americans? From the african american men that I have made friends with over the years; they have mostly all stated that they don't partake in oral sex. Is this why there tumors are negative for HPV? who knows for sure, but it definitley makes sense!! In addition, those of you who are lucky to be in relationships; chances are if your spouse did have HPV; most likely there bodies cleared it like the rest of the majority of the population; so obviously the paps will be negative, but rememeber it's not just in the cervix; it can be on the genitals, hence vuvlar cancer, penile cancer etc!!! These areas are not tested in a PAP or male exam!!! In addition, people are not having there spouses oral cavities swabbed! Is HPV there? Afterall they performed oral sex as well most likely!! it's a viscious cycle, possibly being passed back and forth, like a viral ping-pong game!!! Maybe it's being spread from french kissing??? Who knows, but are we gonna stop kissing????
Yes we are unlucky at this cancer lottery; but like laralyn stated, "we are lucky it's HPV+) the bottom line is "life is short and you have to be happy"; we all know this too well being the ones on this side of the fence. I guess it just depends what you can live with. We can't say for certain if oral sex will continue to put us at risk; you can use a dental dam; but I know it's unnatural; I say go for it, life is short!!
Yes, I have decided to get the vaccines; is this a waste of time? Who knows for sure, however some research is tending to show this may help with preventing HPV reaccurence, which can lead to cell dysplasia; which we know may lead to cancer reaccurence. In addition, Why get this?; because I believe that chances are if we are lucky enough to be alive 10,20,30 years from now an HPV outbreak is more than likely to reaccur again!!!
This is such a good/Huge subject it probably should have a super thread of it's own!!!
Charles0 -
Asked two doctors this weekIrishgypsie said:Good Subject!!
This is a subject that unfortunately most people of the medical community and patients tend to ignore!! Instead they say don't smoke, don't drink alcohol anymore; they don't say don't have anymore oral sex!! Also,one that I have had trouble with from the beginning; since I'm single. (How do you meet someone and let alone tell them you are a cancer survivor and in addition, tell them you got this from a STD)???
This is why I stopped going to my support group because all the older people who didn't get tested for HPV and the clinicians don't want to talk about this subject!!
Regardless of what we don't know the fact is it's a reality; though there isn't 100% certainty that this was caused by oral sex; all the research is leaning that way! I won't share my oral sex history, but as far as the research goes, I am definitley in the (more than 5 partners)high risk category!
If this isn't caused by oral sex then why is HPV+ Oral Cancer low in african americans? From the african american men that I have made friends with over the years; they have mostly all stated that they don't partake in oral sex. Is this why there tumors are negative for HPV? who knows for sure, but it definitley makes sense!! In addition, those of you who are lucky to be in relationships; chances are if your spouse did have HPV; most likely there bodies cleared it like the rest of the majority of the population; so obviously the paps will be negative, but rememeber it's not just in the cervix; it can be on the genitals, hence vuvlar cancer, penile cancer etc!!! These areas are not tested in a PAP or male exam!!! In addition, people are not having there spouses oral cavities swabbed! Is HPV there? Afterall they performed oral sex as well most likely!! it's a viscious cycle, possibly being passed back and forth, like a viral ping-pong game!!! Maybe it's being spread from french kissing??? Who knows, but are we gonna stop kissing????
Yes we are unlucky at this cancer lottery; but like laralyn stated, "we are lucky it's HPV+) the bottom line is "life is short and you have to be happy"; we all know this too well being the ones on this side of the fence. I guess it just depends what you can live with. We can't say for certain if oral sex will continue to put us at risk; you can use a dental dam; but I know it's unnatural; I say go for it, life is short!!
Yes, I have decided to get the vaccines; is this a waste of time? Who knows for sure, however some research is tending to show this may help with preventing HPV reaccurence, which can lead to cell dysplasia; which we know may lead to cancer reaccurence. In addition, Why get this?; because I believe that chances are if we are lucky enough to be alive 10,20,30 years from now an HPV outbreak is more than likely to reaccur again!!!
This is such a good/Huge subject it probably should have a super thread of it's own!!!
Oral sex terrifies me. History: I was base of the tongue, which is associated with higher incidence of HPV. I was however HPV negative. I have had more than six degrees of sex partners. According to theory, I have then touched all of mankind. My wife has had cervical dysplasia all of her adult life. We have been married over thirty years. It is possible I infected her originally and cleared it. Is it possible we will keep infecting one another? She has never been able to clear it? Web MD says 99.9 percent of cervical dysplasia is caused by the HPV virus. I have now had several opinions in the 75-to 80 percent range, one from My ENT on Tuesday. HPV is transmitted by skin to skin contact. This seems to be bourne out in the gay community as this demographic suffers a higher degree of HPV positives. Men are twice as likely to be HPV positive as women. The normal person can clear the virus within 2 years. It seems to me that the virus is not in saliva. If we ingest saliva does it not get absorbed into the bloodstream via the digestive tract, yet the virus is not blood bourne? My oncologist said it was a one time infection which I don't really understand, nor does that make sense to me. There are 141 strains of the stuff, four which are implicated in cancer. If you get one strain and clear it, are you then immune?
My oncologist stated that he thought we were around 80 percent safe from the virus if my wife is tested and found to be HPV negative.
My Ent thought we were 99 percent safe if we maintained a monogamous relationship,
regardless of the dysplasia. She also mentioned that 50 percent of their head and neck cases now are HPV derived and that the country is at epidemic proportions and growing.
There is no definitive answer from the experts. We have to make our own decisions and assess our own risks. We are still undecided and will probably wait for the HPV test. I don't want to go through this again but it would be really tragic if I gave this cancer to my wife. I think oral sex is part of the human existence and behavior cycle. I'm glad we are talking about it though. Wish someone had the answers.0 -
Here is an NCI studyIrishgypsie said:Good Subject!!
This is a subject that unfortunately most people of the medical community and patients tend to ignore!! Instead they say don't smoke, don't drink alcohol anymore; they don't say don't have anymore oral sex!! Also,one that I have had trouble with from the beginning; since I'm single. (How do you meet someone and let alone tell them you are a cancer survivor and in addition, tell them you got this from a STD)???
This is why I stopped going to my support group because all the older people who didn't get tested for HPV and the clinicians don't want to talk about this subject!!
Regardless of what we don't know the fact is it's a reality; though there isn't 100% certainty that this was caused by oral sex; all the research is leaning that way! I won't share my oral sex history, but as far as the research goes, I am definitley in the (more than 5 partners)high risk category!
If this isn't caused by oral sex then why is HPV+ Oral Cancer low in african americans? From the african american men that I have made friends with over the years; they have mostly all stated that they don't partake in oral sex. Is this why there tumors are negative for HPV? who knows for sure, but it definitley makes sense!! In addition, those of you who are lucky to be in relationships; chances are if your spouse did have HPV; most likely there bodies cleared it like the rest of the majority of the population; so obviously the paps will be negative, but rememeber it's not just in the cervix; it can be on the genitals, hence vuvlar cancer, penile cancer etc!!! These areas are not tested in a PAP or male exam!!! In addition, people are not having there spouses oral cavities swabbed! Is HPV there? Afterall they performed oral sex as well most likely!! it's a viscious cycle, possibly being passed back and forth, like a viral ping-pong game!!! Maybe it's being spread from french kissing??? Who knows, but are we gonna stop kissing????
Yes we are unlucky at this cancer lottery; but like laralyn stated, "we are lucky it's HPV+) the bottom line is "life is short and you have to be happy"; we all know this too well being the ones on this side of the fence. I guess it just depends what you can live with. We can't say for certain if oral sex will continue to put us at risk; you can use a dental dam; but I know it's unnatural; I say go for it, life is short!!
Yes, I have decided to get the vaccines; is this a waste of time? Who knows for sure, however some research is tending to show this may help with preventing HPV reaccurence, which can lead to cell dysplasia; which we know may lead to cancer reaccurence. In addition, Why get this?; because I believe that chances are if we are lucky enough to be alive 10,20,30 years from now an HPV outbreak is more than likely to reaccur again!!!
This is such a good/Huge subject it probably should have a super thread of it's own!!!
which showed oral HPV in men to not have a positive correlation to oral sex practices. If you have a study that shows black men do not engage in oral sex as often as white men, could I please see it? Because honestly, this is how wives tales tend to get started. Heres the link:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21148755
Pat0 -
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!longtermsurvivor said:Here is an NCI study
which showed oral HPV in men to not have a positive correlation to oral sex practices. If you have a study that shows black men do not engage in oral sex as often as white men, could I please see it? Because honestly, this is how wives tales tend to get started. Heres the link:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21148755
First, When I stated my comment on the African American population it was just to state a theory; it's my personal opinion it was not intended to offend anyone! I have several African American friends/aquatinces and they have all pretty much stated the fact they don't partake in oral sex; at least giving!!
Second, this is just one study and yes I know it's from the NCI and I'm a U.S. Public Health Officer so I am all to familiar with NIH and NCI. This study seems biased because it definitely targets tobacco use. It kind of contradicts all the other current studies out there that are being done or have been done!! Just from this small pool of HPV+ patients on this web-site and the oral cancer foundations web-site; correct me if I'm wrong but most are non-smokers. I'm mainly talking about the folks being diagnosed younger in the 20,30,40 range. I agree that there is something else going on than just HPV exposure; be it decreased immune response, combined with ETOH use, chronic sinus infections causing a inflammed response etc, who knows?
One huge problem with these studies is that most people are hesitant to talk about there personal sex practices and be truthful about there sexual history. So until people are honest they will never get to a true study!!! This board is a perfect example; I remember when they started a thread "things we have in common" none of the questions contained anything about "how many oral sex partners have you had?" Unfortuantely this cancer has a stigma to it
I still believe after the research that I have read and getting this disease first hand that oral sex is the main culprit.Only future studies and time will tell!
Charles0 -
just sayin'Irishgypsie said:That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
First, When I stated my comment on the African American population it was just to state a theory; it's my personal opinion it was not intended to offend anyone! I have several African American friends/aquatinces and they have all pretty much stated the fact they don't partake in oral sex; at least giving!!
Second, this is just one study and yes I know it's from the NCI and I'm a U.S. Public Health Officer so I am all to familiar with NIH and NCI. This study seems biased because it definitely targets tobacco use. It kind of contradicts all the other current studies out there that are being done or have been done!! Just from this small pool of HPV+ patients on this web-site and the oral cancer foundations web-site; correct me if I'm wrong but most are non-smokers. I'm mainly talking about the folks being diagnosed younger in the 20,30,40 range. I agree that there is something else going on than just HPV exposure; be it decreased immune response, combined with ETOH use, chronic sinus infections causing a inflammed response etc, who knows?
One huge problem with these studies is that most people are hesitant to talk about there personal sex practices and be truthful about there sexual history. So until people are honest they will never get to a true study!!! This board is a perfect example; I remember when they started a thread "things we have in common" none of the questions contained anything about "how many oral sex partners have you had?" Unfortuantely this cancer has a stigma to it
I still believe after the research that I have read and getting this disease first hand that oral sex is the main culprit.Only future studies and time will tell!
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/224296030 -
How do you displaylongtermsurvivor said:just sayin'
the entire article. Pat, once at their site what do you do to get the source document of the abstract?0 -
it isnunfortunateratface said:How do you display
the entire article. Pat, once at their site what do you do to get the source document of the abstract?
i have proprietary access to several subscription sites. If you are interested I will try to pull up and mail.0 -
That would be wonderful , butlongtermsurvivor said:it isnunfortunate
i have proprietary access to several subscription sites. If you are interested I will try to pull up and mail.
do you know what they charge for a full version of the article. I registered on their site and the next step is the purchase , but they don't list prices up front, a minimal fee would be well worth it.0 -
most articles are quite inexpensiveratface said:That would be wonderful , but
do you know what they charge for a full version of the article. I registered on their site and the next step is the purchase , but they don't list prices up front, a minimal fee would be well worth it.
a couple of bucks will do it.0 -
Your Comments....Roselvr said:Content removed by site administrator.
Content removed by site administrator.
You know, you were banned once on your other screen name for your personal comments.... You think you would have figured it out then.
It's great that you have an agenda, but all that I see is that you only mainly enter conversations concerning Gardasil.
We get it, you are not for Gardasil...how many times do you need to copy and past this long post slamming it.
Comparative...how many more people die from cancer than die from Gardasil?
John0 -
I agree, we get the point!!!Skiffin16 said:Your Comments....
You know, you were banned once on your other screen name for your personal comments.... You think you would have figured it out then.
It's great that you have an agenda, but all that I see is that you only mainly enter conversations concerning Gardasil.
We get it, you are not for Gardasil...how many times do you need to copy and past this long post slamming it.
Comparative...how many more people die from cancer than die from Gardasil?
I agree with Skiffin; we get the hint "Roselvr" your against vaccines!!!!!! I also hope your not or never got the Flu vaccine, pneumovax; polio vaccine, measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine for (MMR; because I wouldn't want you to get those diseases since vaccines aren't effective. Oh and also, don't travel because I wouldn't want you to get any vaccines that may protect you from infectious diseases such a malaria, small pox, etc; and you probably don't want the TST test to test for TB if you goto high risk countries as well!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and god forbid if there ever is a vaccine developed that cures all cancers; don't take it!!!!!
Charles0 -
Sorry!!Irishgypsie said:I agree, we get the point!!!
I agree with Skiffin; we get the hint "Roselvr" your against vaccines!!!!!! I also hope your not or never got the Flu vaccine, pneumovax; polio vaccine, measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine for (MMR; because I wouldn't want you to get those diseases since vaccines aren't effective. Oh and also, don't travel because I wouldn't want you to get any vaccines that may protect you from infectious diseases such a malaria, small pox, etc; and you probably don't want the TST test to test for TB if you goto high risk countries as well!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and god forbid if there ever is a vaccine developed that cures all cancers; don't take it!!!!!
Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now!!I guess it's the Registered Nurse in me!!!
God Bless everyone!!! Big Hugs!!
Charles0 -
I'm surprised to see theSkiffin16 said:Your Comments....
You know, you were banned once on your other screen name for your personal comments.... You think you would have figured it out then.
It's great that you have an agenda, but all that I see is that you only mainly enter conversations concerning Gardasil.
We get it, you are not for Gardasil...how many times do you need to copy and past this long post slamming it.
Comparative...how many more people die from cancer than die from Gardasil?
I'm surprised to see the comments by you guys. I have not come here much since whatever happened to my other user name; which the mod can't answer. I was never warned for anything. I have no clue if I'm supposed to be banned or not- the mod did not see anything. The board was having issues that week; since they have no support here for stuff like that; who knows how many other people were affected? I don't post unless I feel I can contribute something & I posted to 2 threads before; the other about peg tubes.
I participated on my other account; do you remember the list of questions for doctors? I brought over the questions I wrote when my hub was diagnosed & you guys helped me write a better version. One reason I didn't participate much here is because I had a bad injury back in September where I couldn't sit long. I'm disabled to begin with; I'm not "needed" here. If you go to CC; you know Gardasil is not my only interest. Being disabled & in pain; I count on email replies to remind me where I have posted. I post on CC & Inspire as well as a few FB boards; then I have noncancer interests. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here to begin with; I send a LOT of people here via PM at CC because I actually prefer the help you guys give compared to some members there. You give helpful advice which is what they need. I stopped in today to grab Dawn's super thread link for the person at CC with the post titled surgery with no primary. I give the link to everyone that is new there. If you know CC; you know they moderate posts with links; everything is done via PM. Marine is familiar with me & my posts; message him & ask if Gardasil is the only thing I post to.
As far as Gardasil; I scan the page- this post wasn't even about the vaccine- it's titled oral sex; which is something else I'm interested in reading because I have not found where they know it's caused by oral sex. I saw gardasil mentioned & wanted to give links for people to make their own mind up. I am not against the vaccine- I am against them giving it to people that should not have it. How do I know this? It was offered to MY daughter by 2 different doctors without asking specific questions. I told them I had to research it because that's what I do. We've all had our vaccines- my daughter did not have chicken pox vaccine because it had just come out in early 90's & I felt it was too new.
I know people that have successfully gotten Gardasil with no side effects but I know a few that have side effects. I would never tell someone to run out & get any vaccine without looking it up.
I don't even buy a coffee pot until I research it. I'm not putting any vaccines in my body before I read information. I was around toxic chemicals all of my life with my job (family business started helping at 11).. I was exposed to the same toxic chemicals that caused my dad's AML Leukemia.. so you're right; I'm a little picky about what I do now; even something as simple as a vaccine. Birth control freaks me out too; especially the depo since you're stuck for 3 months if your body rejects it. I just lost 3 weeks of my life due to Effexor antidepressant- which my hub took with no issues. My body is weird with medications; doesn't matter what it is. All I posted was for people to read as much info as they can. If I post to Gardasil again; I will tell them to google; which is what I started doing but felt I should post a few other links; like the 2 articles that you guys posted a few months ago. I will take out all of the information I posted; they can google. *Note- problem is that I feel like I'm being cold saying- gee; you have cancer; you don't have enough on your plate; so use google.
And by the way... I'm actually interested in Gardasil for my husband; the oral cancer patient after seeing that some of you participated. I'm keeping my eyes on posts about that when I remember to come here
Do not read any of this snotty because I'm not being snotty. Nothing is in all caps; I bolded a few words. I understand you guys don't know me because you don't go to CC & are not familiar with my posts.
Edit- can't modify my posts because you guys reported it. Trust me; I will never post those links again0 -
Gardasil VaccineTim6003 said:Gardsil...??? John...what is that?
Hi John....can you tell me where I can get more info on Gardasil? And maybe give me a quick run down on what it is / does?
Tim / Idaho
It is a vaccine that they have been offering to younger girls for a few years now..mainly three injections to help in preventing HPV derived Cervical Cancer.
There have been a lot of studies and research if it is or would be benificial in boys as well.
Just lately there are discussions going on about the possibility of recurrence reduction for individuals that have already had HPV derived H&N Cancer.
HPV Vaccine & Recurrences of Cervical Cancer
Charles above (Irishgypsie) I believe has already had the injections, or looking into having them.
He knows a lot more than I on the topic....
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