Neck Dissection Monday

LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160
edited April 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
So I will be a little lighter by Tuesday, less a load of neck tissue and nodes, one tonsil and a chunk of the base of my tongue. I know many on here have had dissections, I know it's going to hurt for a couple of weeks, but honestly - bring it on!

This is the first major step on the road to recovery after diagnosis and if it goes well, and the results are good then I have a fair chance of avoiding treatment - at least for now. I trust my surgeon completely he is top class, and I know he will look after me.

I know many people on here will have gone through much worse in their fights, yes this is a fairly big operation but if we can do this with surgery alone I will be one of the very lucky ones. I am in the hands of another on the day, but I got on the treadmill today and pounded out 10k as fast as I could to get my heart pumping and body ready for the operation, and I'm going to do the same tomorrow.

The buzz from working hard exercising I think will be a good thing to take into Monday. I guess it's my own way of fighting this and doing something positive to contribute to my success.

Thanks to the many people who have posted information in here about dissections, I will definitely be referring to it for my recovery.

Bring it on Dr Jones - this patient is ready! :-)


  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Best of Health

    Are they doing all that on the same day? In some ways it's better to have it all over with at one time. Yes, you will have a few painful weeks but just keep thinking about getting better. You will heal and put this behind you.

    I'll be thinkin' about ya,

  • stayingpositive
    stayingpositive Member Posts: 89
    Good attitude equals good results!
    Good luck!

    Stay Positive

  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160

    Best of Health

    Are they doing all that on the same day? In some ways it's better to have it all over with at one time. Yes, you will have a few painful weeks but just keep thinking about getting better. You will heal and put this behind you.

    I'll be thinkin' about ya,


    Thanks Guys
    Thanks for the kind words gents, really appreciate it.

    They are indeed doing the lot on the one day Tommy - he gave me the option to do it in two operations but I said lets get it done in the one go. Yes it will hurt but I can handle it, it's just superficial pain after all and I want to get going.

    Like I said I know many people here are dealing with much worse and beating tougher odds.

    All the best

  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160

    Best of Health

    Are they doing all that on the same day? In some ways it's better to have it all over with at one time. Yes, you will have a few painful weeks but just keep thinking about getting better. You will heal and put this behind you.

    I'll be thinkin' about ya,


    Thanks Guys
    Double post
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Great Attitude, Leo!!
    and I'm with you 100% on "lets get this show on the road!!". Pumping out those miles, and getting your body ready is a great thing to do...and it does help our minds when there are footsteps we can do to help in our own recovery.

    Two weeks ago I was scared of treatment, now that it's been postponed a week, I can hardly WAIT for Tues to get here, and get my own show on the road.

  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160

    Great Attitude, Leo!!
    and I'm with you 100% on "lets get this show on the road!!". Pumping out those miles, and getting your body ready is a great thing to do...and it does help our minds when there are footsteps we can do to help in our own recovery.

    Two weeks ago I was scared of treatment, now that it's been postponed a week, I can hardly WAIT for Tues to get here, and get my own show on the road.


    In This Together Phrannie
    It's strange isn't it - us actually wanting this unpleasant stuff to happen! But by now we are weeks or longer post diagnosis and we know what has to be done. Until it gets done then the cancer isn't being taken away and we can't start to live our lives again - perhaps never quite the same, but something like it was, looking forward to the future. So we are ready to embrace what has to be done no matter how tough.

    We have different plans at the moment but we are starting out together along with a few others like ditto on here. I hope we can all encourage each other through the darker hours, whilst drawing on the incredible knowledge and wisdom of those on here who are at the end if the road, or looking back over their shoulders at it. Best of luck with your treatment phrannie, it's going to be tough but you will do it!

    As I am having a few things done at once in the surgery I will be in hospital for a few days, but I'm still going to try to get on here Tuesday evening to see how you got on if you have any updates and feel up to it, and let people here know how I went.

    All the best

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Thoughts & Prayers...
    Coming your way for an easy go of it...

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    LeoS2323 said:

    In This Together Phrannie
    It's strange isn't it - us actually wanting this unpleasant stuff to happen! But by now we are weeks or longer post diagnosis and we know what has to be done. Until it gets done then the cancer isn't being taken away and we can't start to live our lives again - perhaps never quite the same, but something like it was, looking forward to the future. So we are ready to embrace what has to be done no matter how tough.

    We have different plans at the moment but we are starting out together along with a few others like ditto on here. I hope we can all encourage each other through the darker hours, whilst drawing on the incredible knowledge and wisdom of those on here who are at the end if the road, or looking back over their shoulders at it. Best of luck with your treatment phrannie, it's going to be tough but you will do it!

    As I am having a few things done at once in the surgery I will be in hospital for a few days, but I'm still going to try to get on here Tuesday evening to see how you got on if you have any updates and feel up to it, and let people here know how I went.

    All the best


    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow, Leo.....
    You tomorrow, me on Tuesday...we're on our way!! :)

    I also wanted you to know....My mom had a radical neck dissection, along with a laryngetomy and lymph nodes removed at the age of 63...she was home in 5 or 6 days, feeling pretty darn good. Your youth and your conditioning is on your side...

    Will be tucking you into my pocket tonight when I go to sleep.

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    I agree

    I agree with you about getting as much done as possible in one operation. I too had the removal of part of my tongue done along with my radical neck disection, Peg tube and Trach. The neck disection came with 3 drain tubes as well.

    What I can say is that I had no real pain. The Doctor had given me the correct med's to make me comfortable in the hospital and started weaning me off of the strong stuff after 1 day. I went home after roughly 3 1/2 days with my new prescriptions and I remained comfortable at home. Yes, there were some days that I was in some discomfort, but nothing that I couldn't handle and took some med's to take the edge off of it. Just stay ahead of the pain and you should do fine.

    A little suggestion for you if you have drain tubes when going home. Have a set pajama tops with shirt pockets for the ride home. That way, you can place the drain tube bottles in the breast pockets and that will stop the tugging of the drains on your neck. I wore pajama tops or shirts with pockets as long as I had the drain tubes for that reason.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    MarineE5 said:

    I agree

    I agree with you about getting as much done as possible in one operation. I too had the removal of part of my tongue done along with my radical neck disection, Peg tube and Trach. The neck disection came with 3 drain tubes as well.

    What I can say is that I had no real pain. The Doctor had given me the correct med's to make me comfortable in the hospital and started weaning me off of the strong stuff after 1 day. I went home after roughly 3 1/2 days with my new prescriptions and I remained comfortable at home. Yes, there were some days that I was in some discomfort, but nothing that I couldn't handle and took some med's to take the edge off of it. Just stay ahead of the pain and you should do fine.

    A little suggestion for you if you have drain tubes when going home. Have a set pajama tops with shirt pockets for the ride home. That way, you can place the drain tube bottles in the breast pockets and that will stop the tugging of the drains on your neck. I wore pajama tops or shirts with pockets as long as I had the drain tubes for that reason.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

    I had tongue surgery and
    I had tongue surgery and neck disection done 2 weeks back. One problem i was not prepared was nausea after anesthesia. It would have helped to get the nausea medicine before anesthesia.

    It was a big surgery but they keep you under pain medicine for 24-48 hours and after that it is really not bad. I was released on 4th day and in 2 weeks i am back to work. I did not take any pain medicine after 48 hours.

    I still have stiches on my tongue but they are not hurting and i am able to eat a good regualr meal on the softer side. My speech is about 80% back and getting better every day. My only complain is pain in my hand, i believe this is normal but have left a message for doc.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    LeoS2323 said:

    In This Together Phrannie
    It's strange isn't it - us actually wanting this unpleasant stuff to happen! But by now we are weeks or longer post diagnosis and we know what has to be done. Until it gets done then the cancer isn't being taken away and we can't start to live our lives again - perhaps never quite the same, but something like it was, looking forward to the future. So we are ready to embrace what has to be done no matter how tough.

    We have different plans at the moment but we are starting out together along with a few others like ditto on here. I hope we can all encourage each other through the darker hours, whilst drawing on the incredible knowledge and wisdom of those on here who are at the end if the road, or looking back over their shoulders at it. Best of luck with your treatment phrannie, it's going to be tough but you will do it!

    As I am having a few things done at once in the surgery I will be in hospital for a few days, but I'm still going to try to get on here Tuesday evening to see how you got on if you have any updates and feel up to it, and let people here know how I went.

    All the best


    Still have you in my pocket, Leo....
    and did great...already back to work...amazing.

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813

    You'll be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow, Leo.....
    You tomorrow, me on Tuesday...we're on our way!! :)

    I also wanted you to know....My mom had a radical neck dissection, along with a laryngetomy and lymph nodes removed at the age of 63...she was home in 5 or 6 days, feeling pretty darn good. Your youth and your conditioning is on your side...

    Will be tucking you into my pocket tonight when I go to sleep.


    GOOD LUCK Leo and Phrannie
    good luck to both of you, Leo and Phrannie. Many prayers coming your way. Wishing you the very best outcomes.
  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160
    Sam999 said:

    I had tongue surgery and
    I had tongue surgery and neck disection done 2 weeks back. One problem i was not prepared was nausea after anesthesia. It would have helped to get the nausea medicine before anesthesia.

    It was a big surgery but they keep you under pain medicine for 24-48 hours and after that it is really not bad. I was released on 4th day and in 2 weeks i am back to work. I did not take any pain medicine after 48 hours.

    I still have stiches on my tongue but they are not hurting and i am able to eat a good regualr meal on the softer side. My speech is about 80% back and getting better every day. My only complain is pain in my hand, i believe this is normal but have left a message for doc.


    All Done
    All done folks, stil above ground!

    In hospital the following day. Massive scar - might scare the kids a bit :-) but the pain isn't too bad so far (just turned down my painkillers dont need em!) Can lift my arm right up, move tongue about, grit teeth etc so looks like the doc has done a great job of saving my function.

    Going to take some time to heal but this is the first major hurdle towards getting better.

    Thanks for all the kind words everyone and good luck in all your battles.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    LeoS2323 said:

    All Done
    All done folks, stil above ground!

    In hospital the following day. Massive scar - might scare the kids a bit :-) but the pain isn't too bad so far (just turned down my painkillers dont need em!) Can lift my arm right up, move tongue about, grit teeth etc so looks like the doc has done a great job of saving my function.

    Going to take some time to heal but this is the first major hurdle towards getting better.

    Thanks for all the kind words everyone and good luck in all your battles.


    Great to hear you're doing good, handling it well, and Positively moving forward. Great news for all of us.


  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160
    Kent Cass said:

    Great to hear you're doing good, handling it well, and Positively moving forward. Great news for all of us.



    Thanks Kent
    As always thanks for the positive words Kent - you are an inspiration!

    All the best

  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    LeoS2323 said:

    Thanks Kent
    As always thanks for the positive words Kent - you are an inspiration!

    All the best


    Hey Pal.
    We know you can do this, one procedure down now your on your way.
    Soon it will be all a distant memory as you enjoy a long life with your family.

    Keep the faith, always be positive and god will hold you in the palm of his hand.

    God bless
    Tonsil Dad,

  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160

    Hey Pal.
    We know you can do this, one procedure down now your on your way.
    Soon it will be all a distant memory as you enjoy a long life with your family.

    Keep the faith, always be positive and god will hold you in the palm of his hand.

    God bless
    Tonsil Dad,


    Thanks Dan
    Thanks Dan, feeling strong.

    Seriously - this scar is cool too. It runs from mr ear straight down my neck to nearly the shoulder, then right across to the adam's apple with great big staples. Aptly I actually brought Dean Koontz's 'Frankenstein' for reading material! :-)

    All the best

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    LeoS2323 said:

    Thanks Dan
    Thanks Dan, feeling strong.

    Seriously - this scar is cool too. It runs from mr ear straight down my neck to nearly the shoulder, then right across to the adam's apple with great big staples. Aptly I actually brought Dean Koontz's 'Frankenstein' for reading material! :-)

    All the best


    That is so rockin' that you are able to post so quick after the big surgery. Sounds like your doctor did a great job and you should be on your way to a decent recovery. Amazing how different mine was compared to yours. (I won't say here)

    Try to rest and don't be a hero with the pain pills. They should be taken before the pain starts, not after. Just my unwarranted 2¢

    Great News!

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813

    That is so rockin' that you are able to post so quick after the big surgery. Sounds like your doctor did a great job and you should be on your way to a decent recovery. Amazing how different mine was compared to yours. (I won't say here)

    Try to rest and don't be a hero with the pain pills. They should be taken before the pain starts, not after. Just my unwarranted 2¢

    Great News!


    way to go, Leo
    LEO, you are doing soooo well, so happy for you. Tommy is right, don't try and tough it out, take the meds whether you think you need them or not... it's hard to get them to work after the pain becomes bad. Continued good luck in your recovery !
  • stayingpositive
    stayingpositive Member Posts: 89
    LeoS2323 said:

    Thanks Dan
    Thanks Dan, feeling strong.

    Seriously - this scar is cool too. It runs from mr ear straight down my neck to nearly the shoulder, then right across to the adam's apple with great big staples. Aptly I actually brought Dean Koontz's 'Frankenstein' for reading material! :-)

    All the best


    Yup, mine is about the same, cept it don't go across the adams apple, I posted a pic on facebook calling myself "frankenbill" LOL

    Keep staying positive
