Maybe I'm being overly sensitive but......

Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
I love all of you and have never felt so loved by a group of strangers. I have to share my feelings tonight as I read comments under by Lupus post. I feel like I was being slightly attacked. Comments like HUH????? and Did your doctor say that and I hope you both are wrong!

I usually hold my tongue and work through my emotions, but why would this topic upset some of you so much? I try to post more often about my life because it makes me feel closer to you but now I don't know.

I apologise if I'm being too sensitive and maybe I just took it the wrong way.
Just how I feel.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    I hope it wasnt my comment.
    I hope it wasnt my comment. for myself I feel you have alredy had cancer and dont want you to be diagnosed with anything else. but if you are I am glad it is something that can be managed and found early. Lupus is not an easy illness to have either. I like to know how you are doing and am praying for a good bone scan result.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    I hope it wasnt my comment.
    I hope it wasnt my comment. for myself I feel you have alredy had cancer and dont want you to be diagnosed with anything else. but if you are I am glad it is something that can be managed and found early. Lupus is not an easy illness to have either. I like to know how you are doing and am praying for a good bone scan result.
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    carkris said:

    I hope it wasnt my comment.
    I hope it wasnt my comment. for myself I feel you have alredy had cancer and dont want you to be diagnosed with anything else. but if you are I am glad it is something that can be managed and found early. Lupus is not an easy illness to have either. I like to know how you are doing and am praying for a good bone scan result.

    All I know
    is being diagnosed with early anything is scary, and waiting for bone scan results even more scary. Who knows if you're being overly sensitive -- our feelings are our feelings.

    I'm glad you're posting because I've been "tracking" you. Sounds like you're not feeling good and having all kinds of symptoms.

    Take good care of yourself -- looks like you are -- and know that we care and we're paying attention. Oh, and sorry about your daughter's diagnosis, though I confess to knowing nothing about lupus so I don't know the gravity of such a diagnosis.

    Big huge hug to you from west coast to east coast:)

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Wanda we love you
    Sorry for misunderstanding. We are a family, we love you and cary for you. Look I was sitting at the imaging center waiting for my breast MRI test, I try to react because I am very concerned about you. Lupus is very difficult to diagnose, usually requires a combination of tests and symptoms and not easy to manage. I am sorry that you have to deal with it.
    Good luck with you bone scan.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Wanda we love you
    Sorry for misunderstanding. We are a family, we love you and cary for you. Look I was sitting at the imaging center waiting for my breast MRI test, I try to react because I am very concerned about you. Lupus is very difficult to diagnose, usually requires a combination of tests and symptoms and not easy to manage. I am sorry that you have to deal with it.
    Good luck with you bone scan.

    Thank you all for caring and
    Thank you all for caring and as you can see due to the late hour, I'm having trouble sleeping and I'm sorry for posting the last post.

    The old saying never write anything when your in a bad mood is true.

    Sorry and I love you all.

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    It's not you

    I read the posts earlier and thought the same thing on some of them. I don't think they meant any harm but some of them did sound odd. I myself have Rhumatoid Arthritis (sp?) which is a sister disease of Lupus. Some of my aunts have Lupus. I have had my RA for 10 years, longer than my cancer. I wish you the best with all of it.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    That is the problem with
    That is the problem with posting instead of talking directly to a person. The message does get misunderstood sometimes. From both sides. But a person can get misunderstood in person also. It happens to everyone. I've found when I talk about things the other person doesn't know about, it's more apt to be misunderstood.

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    That is the problem with
    That is the problem with posting instead of talking directly to a person. The message does get misunderstood sometimes. From both sides. But a person can get misunderstood in person also. It happens to everyone. I've found when I talk about things the other person doesn't know about, it's more apt to be misunderstood.


    Hi Terry,
    Thanks. I was

    Hi Terry,
    Thanks. I was being tested for RA in the first place as a cause for the effusions in both hips. I'm not being treated for Lupus yet so I guess he just wants to see if more symptoms develop but I am sorry about your RA because I know first hand that it can be a rough road.
    My RF ( rhum factor ) must have been okay.
    On another post women were asking me how I made out so I posted. :)
    Guess I'll just be more careful of what I say.
    Thanks again,
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    mom62 said:

    It's not you

    I read the posts earlier and thought the same thing on some of them. I don't think they meant any harm but some of them did sound odd. I myself have Rhumatoid Arthritis (sp?) which is a sister disease of Lupus. Some of my aunts have Lupus. I have had my RA for 10 years, longer than my cancer. I wish you the best with all of it.


    I read the posts too and
    I read the posts too and kind of thought as you did Wanda. I have seen other posts on here from a few, 2 in particular, that seem to attack newbies if they don't give enough info or sound different than they do, or, don't have their "about me" page filled all out perfect, and I've always thought how hateful their comments were. But..some are just like that, and, I just assume that they are miserable in their lives and need to take it out on someone.

    I will be praying for you Wanda.

    Hugs, Lex
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Hi Terry,
    Thanks. I was

    Hi Terry,
    Thanks. I was being tested for RA in the first place as a cause for the effusions in both hips. I'm not being treated for Lupus yet so I guess he just wants to see if more symptoms develop but I am sorry about your RA because I know first hand that it can be a rough road.
    My RF ( rhum factor ) must have been okay.
    On another post women were asking me how I made out so I posted. :)
    Guess I'll just be more careful of what I say.
    Thanks again,

    Wanda never censor yourself.
    Wanda never censor yourself. victoria is a stalker who knew???
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member

    Hi Terry,
    Thanks. I was

    Hi Terry,
    Thanks. I was being tested for RA in the first place as a cause for the effusions in both hips. I'm not being treated for Lupus yet so I guess he just wants to see if more symptoms develop but I am sorry about your RA because I know first hand that it can be a rough road.
    My RF ( rhum factor ) must have been okay.
    On another post women were asking me how I made out so I posted. :)
    Guess I'll just be more careful of what I say.
    Thanks again,

    Watch any Infections
    Hi Wanda,

    If you get any cuts or sores please be aware to watch for infections. Autoimmune difficiancy diseases make it harder to heal. My second cancer I had surgery and fought infection for 2 years (my surgical sight wasn't healing well). I'm on ciproflaxin for life now. You can always PM me if you need to talk. Don't worry about what you say. The board is made for venting. Vent away.

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    carkris said:

    Wanda never censor yourself.
    Wanda never censor yourself. victoria is a stalker who knew???

    My subject line was "Huh?" . I asked that because of my own ANA test results 9 months ago and wondered if I'd been living with my head in the sand. So I asked what tests you'd had done. Your post frightened me from a personal standpoint. It sent me off on a Google search for lupus after chemotherapy, lupus and breast cancer, autoimmune disorders and cancer, etc.

    It was absolutely not meant to be insulting or dismissive of your concerns. I'm sincerely sorry if it "read" like that.

    So now I'm being overly sensitive.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    You should always be able to
    You should always be able to voice your concerns or opinions here Wanda without worry. I am proud of you for posting this and I hope that you feel better now. I will put you in my prayers.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    carkris said:

    Wanda never censor yourself.
    Wanda never censor yourself. victoria is a stalker who knew???

    Penny.too funny about Victoria!
    You made me laugh!
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Kylez said:

    You should always be able to
    You should always be able to voice your concerns or opinions here Wanda without worry. I am proud of you for posting this and I hope that you feel better now. I will put you in my prayers.

    Hugs, Kylez

    Thanks Suzanne, Terry and Kylez,
    Enough said and I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457

    Thanks Suzanne, Terry and Kylez,
    Enough said and I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Post what ever you want to
    Post what ever you want to say,i thought this was the hole point of this board was to vent and ask questions with out being judged.There's a few on here need to curb there tongues .Live,Laugh and Love.

    Hugs Frankie
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    Penny.too funny about Victoria!
    You made me laugh!

    What a relief
    to know that I can now stalk openly! No more sleuthiness. All that hiding and jotting things down in notebooks -- it's been hard to keep up with everything.

    Kidding aside, let is know about your bone scan when you get a chance. Hopefully you know now how loved you are:)

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    being sensitive NOT a bad
    being sensitive NOT a bad thing...

    wish you the best..

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    See how it works
    By openly posting about you aprehensions you allowed another to explain motives. That was good because your initial post allowed her to explore another issue she may be suffering from. This is why it is always good to say what you feel without aprehension. The exception to this rule would be axe murderers, and those trying to sell us some voodoo cure that has no scientific proof. It seems as though the air is cleared.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Thanks Suzanne, Terry and Kylez,
    Enough said and I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And we all love you
    And we all love you Wanda!!!!