Done with chemo-follow-up CT scan Wednesday!

Penny67 Member Posts: 65
Well I made it through chemo with my final treatment on December 14. It was by no means a picnic , but I made it through with a few side effects that I am hoping will go away (like the weight gain :) ) or the ones that won't I think I can deal with. Now I have a ct scan this Wednesday to check on a liver spot from back in August that they thought was a cyst or hemangioma but was too small and the radiologist would only call it "undetermined." My oncologist wanted to follow-up with a scan to take another look at it. My MO is VERY thorough which I appreciate, but his thoroughness causes me many sleepless nights waiting for test results. So ladies I think I need the pink bus for my scan on Wednesday and probably mores for Friday when I meet with my MO for a 1 month follow-up after chemo ended and for the results of my ct. I know myself and I will be sick to my stomach while I sit in the exam room waiting for him to come through the door. I try to be strong and not cry but I know whether good or bad I am always shedding many tears. It is almost a conditioned response to that exam room.

I must say that you ladies are a constant source of strength and inspiration to me. I read almost all the post, although I am not one to give my feedback as everyone always seems to put things much more eloquently than I can. Many times when I am going through a down day such as checking my hair for the umpteenth time and seeing nothing but white hair coming in or feeling a pain and automatically assuming it is cancer somewhere else, I read a post that brings me out of my dark cloud and back to positive thinking.

As I start radiation next Monday, I am hoping that I will be going into this phase of my treatment with a clean CT scan and will be able to count down my 33 radiation treatments and pray for minimal side effects, especially no more lymphedema in my left arm. Even though the swelling has been minimal, it is a constant reminder of this disease and something else to deal with on a daily basis. I joked with my RO that if I didn't have major lymphedema before, I will after they radiate my nodes under my left arm, under my collar bone and in the middle of my chest!


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Of course! We'll all be
    Of course! We'll all be there hugging and cheering you on! YAY on being done with Chemo! The wait on those tests are just emotionally draining to say the least. I'm praying the rads go by fast. I personally found the Chemo to be tougher than rads. Believe it or not, the month will go by quickly.

    Keeping you in prayer and packing the cooler for the pink bus ride!


  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    sea60 said:

    Of course! We'll all be
    Of course! We'll all be there hugging and cheering you on! YAY on being done with Chemo! The wait on those tests are just emotionally draining to say the least. I'm praying the rads go by fast. I personally found the Chemo to be tougher than rads. Believe it or not, the month will go by quickly.

    Keeping you in prayer and packing the cooler for the pink bus ride!



    I'll be with you!
    Congrats Penny on finishing chemo! Praying for a clean scan for you Wednesday!

    Hugs, Megan
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    Megan M said:

    I'll be with you!
    Congrats Penny on finishing chemo! Praying for a clean scan for you Wednesday!

    Hugs, Megan

    Yay, yay, yay, yay ... and
    Yay, yay, yay, yay ... and Yay !! No more chemo, no more chemo... Woohoo...

    Congrats Penny and my prayers and pink spirit will be with you awaiting good scan results.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Yay, yay, yay, yay ... and
    Yay, yay, yay, yay ... and Yay !! No more chemo, no more chemo... Woohoo...

    Congrats Penny and my prayers and pink spirit will be with you awaiting good scan results.


    I 2nd that motion -- Done with chemo!!! YIPEE Ki Yay
    Not a picnic in the park for me, either!! So happy that you Survived chemo infusions with your dignity, humor and sense of self.

    I'm on the bus with the others come Wednesday, Penny. I am bring Appletinis -- drinking at least 3 of them, myself. I am hoping our dear Sister, Ayse will be bring along some Pastrami sandwiches from NY .. yum yum yummy ..

    Prayers, positive thoughts == on your scan.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Yay, yay, yay, yay ... and
    Yay, yay, yay, yay ... and Yay !! No more chemo, no more chemo... Woohoo...

    Congrats Penny and my prayers and pink spirit will be with you awaiting good scan results.


    It is such a milestone being done with chemo. Don't you feel proud of yourself for enduring it? I hope you never have to do it again. Doable or not, it just plain sucks!

    I'll be on the bus Wednesday and Friday. Good luck with your scans and your oncology appointment. Please let us know the results.

    Sending support, hugs, and prayers -

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    will be there
    Will be there. You are on the prayer list.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    will be there
    Will be there. You are on the prayer list.

    Pick me up! Nd I wish you a CLEAN scan...if it helps, a good friend who went through bc 2 years ago, had a spot show up on her liver on her CT scan.... oncologist said they see this a lot in women with bc and they're not sure why....but as a rule, they're usually deemed " a fatty liver spot...". She has a scan every 6 months...the spot hasn't changed....

    I'll be on the bus, I'll bring Brie cheese wrapped in puff pastry, crackers and grapes to go with Vicki's Appletinnies....

    Wishing the best news..
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    It is such a milestone being done with chemo. Don't you feel proud of yourself for enduring it? I hope you never have to do it again. Doable or not, it just plain sucks!

    I'll be on the bus Wednesday and Friday. Good luck with your scans and your oncology appointment. Please let us know the results.

    Sending support, hugs, and prayers -


    Congrats on chemo! Best of
    Congrats on chemo! Best of luck with your scans!


  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    will be there
    Will be there. You are on the prayer list.

    Woohoo! Congrats on
    Woohoo! Congrats on finishing chemo! Praying for a clean scan for you!

    Sue :)