Adamson 091654, state unk, HPV-16 neck cancer in January 2011. Tumor removed 01/03/2011. Enrolled January 24, 2011.
Agatha, Toronto, Canada, DX stage IV left side of tongue in 2010. Enrolled on January 4, 2011.
Adventurebob, California, diagnosed Nasopharyngeal stage IV in May 2010, enrolled August 21, 2010. Checked in January 20, 2011.
Aeromech, state unk, DX stage 1 SCC right tonsil on September 24, 2011, enrolled July 21, 2011
Akotke, Alabama, DX tonsil stage 4b scc tonsil in November 2010, enrolled August 12, 2011.
Army_Guy, Maryland, diagnosed SCC right base of tongue-April 30, 2010, left salivary gland-May 2010. Enrolled January 15, 2010. Enrolled January 16, 2011
Areomech, Cincinnati, Ohio, DX I1N0M0 on September 24, 2010, enrolled January 5, 2011. Checked in July 21, 2011.
Arjenkins, state unk, enrolled dad diagnosed stage IV cancer base of tongue w/lymph node on both sides. Enrolled January 20, 1011.
Arndog64, DX left tongue base tumor w/lymph node invasion on January 28, 2011. Enrolled April 18, 2011.
Backachedp, Minnesota, DX ? on September 29, 2009, enrolled on July 24, 2010. Checked in August 13, 2011.
Bigfuzzydoug, Mooresville-North Carolina, DX SCC above vocal cord July 2010, enrolled on July 30, 2010. Checked back in on December 29, 2010. Checked in October 25, 2011.
Ballonk, Lousiana, DX SCC left tongue in 2001, enrolled on 02-04-2010. Checked in August 4, 2011.
CajunEagle, Lousiana, 2009, checked in 02-03-2010, DX Stage 4, left tonsilar cancer in 2009. Enrolled on February 3, 2010. Checked in August 4, 2011.
Caspercamp, McKinney, Texas, Diagnosed SCC right tonsil, stage IV on May 26, 2010. Enrolled January 3, 2011.
Christmas, California, diagnosed Nasopharyngeal in 2004, enrolled July 8, 2008, had been absent and reported back on August 22, 2010. Checked in January 23, 2011.
CLRRN, Maryland, reporting for partner Mike, DX SCC left tonsillar basloid, enrolled on 07-13-2010, Checked in August 7, 2011.
Connieprice1, Texas, DX SCC stage IV, base of tongue in October 2010. Enrolled July 17, 2011.
D Lewis, Sierra foothills, California, DX SCC base on tongue, January, 2010, enrolled February 5, 2010, checked in July 23, 2010. Checked back on January 16, 2011. Checked back in January 4, 2012 and all is well.
Davidgskinner, California, DX stage 4, SCC right tonsil, enrolled July 13, 2010. Checked in August 5, 2011.
Dazey, New York, diagnosed SCC unknown primary in 2009, DX SCC, enrolled on 01-31-2010, checked back in December 29, 2010. Checked in July 15, 2011. Checked in January 5, 2012 and doing well.
Debbiejeanne, Cincinnati, Ohio, DX larynx cancer in August 2009, enrolled on 07-11-2010. Checked in January 17, 2011.
Dennis318, Spring Hill, Tennessee, DX stage IV, throat cancer in November 2009. Enrolled on March 17, 2010, Checked in 07-12-2010 with update. Botched surgery when reported back on January 3, 2011 and will try hard to make positive strides in 2011. Rehired after losing job/works a few days. Making small, but positive steps.
DJG1, Louisville, Kentucky, DX lymp node on right neck in April 2010, enrolled July 24, 2010. Checked in November 30, 2011.
Dogsrule, state unknown, DX SCC unknown primary in October 2009, enrolled July 11, 2010. Checked in August 15, 2011
Dragons7-7-2010, Texas, diagnosed SCC right tonsil in July 2010, enrolled August 21, 2010, Checked in January 16, 2011
Ed_PortOrange, state unk, diagnosed SCC of Valledupar-December 2009. Enrolled on January 17, 2011. Checked in July 29, 2011.
Ekdeennie, Oklahoma, diagnosed Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of hard palate w/growth into maxillary sinus-June 30, 2010. Enrolled on January 17, 2011.
Finz2lift, North Carolina, DX SCC base of tongue, enrolled on 07-11-2010, Did not check in. Reported by Skiffin16 on January 4, 2012 that he is around and doing well.
Fire34, Illinois, DX unknown primary June 2009, enrolled March 17, 2010, checked back in July 23, 2010. Checked in August 12, 2011. Checked in January 5, 2012.
Fisrpotpe, Champaign, Illinois, diagnosed SCC 5 golf sized node around carotid on January 19, 1996, radionercrosis of pharynx in July 11, 2008, SCC back of tongue on February 5, 2009, broked neck March 5, 2006 in accident, enrolled on December 29, 2010. Reported by Longtermsurvivor on October 25, 2011 that he is still around. Checked in January 4, 2012. Had 4 teeth removed, 4 checkups and continued NED.
Frank10G, Virginia, Checked in 02-03-2010, Diagnosed Stage 3 NPC 2009, Enrolled February 3, 2010. Reported by Hondo on December 17, 2011 that he is in treatment for second NPC and doing well.
Glenna M, New Hampshire, diagnosed SCC laryngeal and NSCLC Aden carcinoma in left lung in May 2009, enrolled on 1-31-2010. Checked back in on January 1, 2011. Checked in March 6, 2011. Checked in July 29, 2011.
GraceLibby, Renton, Washington, diagnosed Stage 3 SCC, right tonsil primary, enrolled in 07-14-2010. Checked in January 16, 2011.
Greg53, Missouri, DX SCC right tonsil, enrolled 07-20-2010. Checked in July 19, 2011.
Hal61, California, diagnosed stage 3 SCC base of tongue in November 2009, enrolled 03-29-2010, checked in August 6, 2011.
Hawk711, California, enrolled January 1, 2012, diagnosed SCC base of tongue January 2010, NED July 2011. Checked in January 4, 2012.
HAWVET, Hawaii, DX Nasopharyngeal January 1998, Enrolled in January 2008. Checked in August 4, 2011. Checked in January 1, 2012 and still okay.
Hondo, Lafayette, Louisiana, diagnosed Nasopharyngeal, enrolled on 01-31-2010. Second time in 2005 and last in March 2006. Checked back in July 25, 2010. Reported back in on January 20, 2011. Will be five years from treatment in March 2011. Checked in Aug 5, 2011.
Irishgypsie, Rochester, New York, DX SCC right tonsil, enrolled on 07-11-2010. Did not check in, but reported by Skiffin 16 on January 4, 2012 that he is still around and doing well.
J3rey, Florida, SCC left lymph node April 2010, enrolled July 26, 2010. Did not check in but reported by Skiffin16 on August 4, 2012 that J3rey is still around and doing well.
Jan Trinks, Atlanta, Georgia, posted as being in forum on August 12, 2011.
Janymac, UK, DX in 2002, enrolled on April 18, 2011.
Jim & I, registered on August 7, 2011. No information provided.
Jimbo55, from Chicago working in Bangkok Thailand, SCC BOT in May 2010, enrolled July 22-2010. Checked back in July 16, 2011.
Joe14, Rochester, New ork, SCC unknown primary in April 2010, enrolled July 22, 2010. Checked in August 7, 2011.
Kent Cass, Quad cities, Midwest, NPC unknown primary in 2009, enrolled July 22, 2010. Checked in January 20, 2011. Checked in January 6, 2011, still dealing with teeth issues/neck spasms, but still okay.
Kingcole42005, California, DX Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma in 2010. Enrolled January 3, 2011
KristynRuth, Texas, Enrolled January 6, 2012, DS SCC of a lymphnode, unknown primary, completed treatment October 25, 3010. Considered "cured".
Kteacher, California, DX SCC HPV - Spindel cell varient, perineural involvement, enrolled July 20, 2011. Checked in December 27, 2011.
Ktjt, state unk, diagnosed SCC NPC in May 2010, SCC on check, Mohs Sx, BCC Jan 2011 Mohs Sx, enrolled January 24, 2011.
Kokom, state unknown, enrolled August 12, 2011, spouse treated for NPC in year 2006.
Landranger25, state unk 2009, enrolled on 01-31-2010. Checked in January 24, 2011
Lena Rose, New Jersey, Husband DX w/ BOT SCC HPV+ in March 2010, Enrolled July 14, 2010. Checked back in January 16, 2011.
Longtermsurvivor, posted on October 27, 2011. Must have missed his enrollment.
Luv2cut1, Myka Landry, Colorado, husband DX SCC supraglottis in May 2008, recurrence in neck-March 2009. Enrolled January 6, 2011. Checked in July 17, 2011.
Luv4lacrosse, St Louis-Missouri, SCC right tonsil in June 2010, enrolled December 28, 2010. Checked in July 15, 2011 & August 5, 2011.
MarkN_Ct, Connecticut, DX SCC recurrent Tongue. Enrolled January 3, 2011.
Meinken, Georgia, DX nasopharyngeal in January 2007, enrolled July 12, 2010. Checked in January 21, 2011.
Miccmill, state unknown, reporting for spouse Glenn, DX with SCC on April 7, 2010, enrolled July 23, 2010. Checked in August 4, 2011.
Michdjp, New York, daughter Michelle enrolled Dad on December 28, 2011. DX’ed with right tonsil and lymph stage IV, hpv.
Nankster, state unknown. Enrolled for wife on January 3, 2012. DX Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma and completed radiation December 16, 2011.
Nidociv, Ohio, 2008, Checked in 12-11-2009. Diagnosed w/SCC left BOT. Completed treatment in October 2008. All scans have been clean. Only starting to eat now. Still w/PEG tube. Checked in November 30, 2011.
Oldejack, State and cancer unk. Reported 05-26-2009 only saying “I’m alive”
Paula002, Montreal, 2007, Nasopharyngeal , enrolled November 7, 2008. Reported by Soccerfreaks on November 30, 2011 that he was still around.
Olivia46, New Jersey. DX olfactory neuroblastoma (ethesioneuroblastoma) in the sphenoid sinus. Surgery in October and will start January 2012. Enrolled January 3, 2012.
Olybee, Washington, DX March 2011 on tonsil/lymph node. Enrolled July 21, 2011.
Osmotar (Linda), Airzona. DX June 2011 with SCC Rt tonsil, 1 lymph node. Completed chemo October 2011 & radiation in December 2011. Enrolled January 5, 2012.
PAM M, Kentucky, DX SCC BOT pm October 24, 2009, 2009, enrolled on 01-31-2010. Checked in on July 13, 2010. Update on January 4, 2010. Checked in October 30, 2011.
Pattyanny, New York, Undiagnosed primary head and neck in June 2009. Enrolled November 27, 2010. Checked back in January 1, 2011. Welcome back. Checked in August 1, 2011. Posted on October 25, 2011 appreciating the list.
Pascotty, Bunbury, Western Australia, diagnosed SCC right tonsil in November 2009. Enrolled January 7, 2011. Checked in August 12, 2011.
Puggle, Pennsylvania, enrolled, January 4, 2012, caregiver for husband, DX June 2011, primary epiglottis with node involvement (1 side). Completed 32 rads and 3 chemo (cisplatin) Aug 2011. First scan post treatment shows NED
Rarph123 responded to an entry on January 17, 2011 but did not enroll.
Ratface, Illinois, DX July 2009 BOT, T1N2BMX, Stage IV-BOT-2 nodes right side, selective disection 11-30-09 9 nodes removed. Checked in August 4, 2011.
RayTodd, Checked in December 31, 2011. Cannot locate enrollment data.
Rmdgy, Georgia, SCC right tonsil in 2009, enrolled December 28, 2010. Checked in August 18, 2011. Checked in October 27, 2011. Checked in January 4, 2012. Scans clear and NED.
Robinleigh, caregiver for Andy, Inquired on January 3, 2012 on not being on list. There was no other information given.
Ron49, San Diego, California, DX SCC Mestasized to left lymph node, path reported Epitheleal Neoplasm in December 2009. Enrolled on January 4, 2011. Checked back January 16, 2011.
Rush1958, Kansas City, Kansas, SCC base of tongue January 12, 2010, enrolled July 20,2010. Checked in July 23, 2010. Checked back January 16, 2011.
RushFan, Cypress, Texas, diagnosed HPV=T) N2b MO unk primary in January 2010, Enrolled August 3, 2010. Checked back in January 17, 2011.
Shoeloy, state unknown, Enrolled January 5, 2012. DX hypopharyngeal SCC State 3 in December 2010, Completed treatment in April 2011 and NED as of this date.
Shoemandanl, state unknown, enrolled January 5, 2012. DX March 2011. Had neck disection and 19 lympnoids removed. Pet scan was clear in November 2011. Scope also clear in December 2011.
Sash, Florida, DX SCC base of tongue September 2009, enrolled August 24, 2008. Checked in okay, Jan 20 2009.
Checked in okay, 11-30-2009, Okay in July 23, 2010. Checked in August 10, 2011.
Scambuster, Hong Kong/China, SCC left tongue in August 2009, enrolled July 22, 2010. Reported on Aug 5, 2011 by Skiffin 15 and Hondo that he left the forum. Reported by Hondo on December 17, 2011 that he is doing well working between Vietnam/Singapore and had no more problems with cancer.
Scottied, state unknown, SCC base of tongue ending treatment in December 2009, enrolled, December 28, 2010. Checked in August 10, 2011.
SeenanN, Maryland, DX 2004 NPC state 4 metastasis to lung, enrolled July 21, 2011.
Skilffin16, Lakeland, Florida, DX right tonsil, January 2009, enrolled January 31, 2010, checked in July 23, 2010, rechecked on January 5, 2011. Checked in July 15, 2011 & Aug 5, 2011. Reported in January 4, 2012 w/status of finz2left ~ Lloyd, j3rey ~ Mark, irishgypsie ~ Charles (all doing okay)
Soccerfreaks, not enrolled, but posted on welcoming Sash back. May have missed enrollment, but Soccerfreaks have been around a long time.
Staceya, Whitefish, Montana, originally from Brooklyn, NY. DX stage 1 NPC in 2009, Enrolled February 2, 2010. Checked back in July 28, 2010. Checked back January 16, 2011. Checked in August 5, 2011. Last scan December 2011 - NED. Checked in January 4, 2012.
Stevenl, Fort Worth, Texas, DX SCC right tonsil, enrolled January 31, 2010, checked in July 23, 2010. Checked back in January 7, 2011.
Sumarah8, state unknown. DX September 2011 with NPC, Stage 2b. Treatment until February 2012. Enrolled January 5, 2012.
Susan0803, New Jersey, enrolling husband Joe, SCC of left tonsil (primary tumor)-August 3, 2010, enrolled January 20, 2011.
Swartpb, state unk, DX SCC right side tongue on July 21, 2010. Enrolled March 6, 2011.
Sweetblood22, Pennsylvania, SCC HNC unknown primary stage 4 DX December 2008. Enrolled 03-18-2010. Checked back in July 23, 2010. Checked back in on January 5, 2011. Checked in July 19, 2011. Checked in January 3, 2012, everything appears okay. January 2012 is 3rd anniversary.
Tanager75, Washington, diagnosed SCC left tonsil in July 2009, enrolled July 26, 2010. Checked in August 4, 2011.
Terryscarlet, state unknown, DX SCC left tonsil in July 2010, enrolled January 1, 2011.
Timreichhart, Ohio, DX NPC March 2010. Enrolled January 16, 2011. Checked in December 17, 2011. Checked in January 5, 2012. Still dealing with lung problems and other minor ailments, but otherwise okay.
Tonyanddenise, Central Ohio, DX primary in left tonsil, enrolled July 12, 2010. Checked back in on January 2, 2011.
Vermont Liz, Vermont, husband DX with SCC, stage IV base of tongue in December 2009, enrolled January 5, 2011.
Wife for Life, Missouri, husband diagnosed with stage IV SCC base of tongue. Enrolled April 15, 2010. Checked in January 20, 2011. Checked in August 16, 2011.
The following 52 were once enrolled and have not reported back.
Bughunter, Tennessee, Stage IV tonsilar, last treated 03/28/2007, Home St: Michigan, enrolled August 5, 2008.
Byzas, New York. 2007, Checked in 05-12-2009, Left tonsil, stage III
Clearblue, state unk, for wife, DX SCC base of tongue in 2001, Esophagectomy in 2008, partial larpharingal + lobotomy lung on October 2009, enrolled July 13, 2010.
Craig_Griffin, Indiana, 2008, Mass Squamus Carninoma (tongue base), checked in Feb 4, 2009
Cwcad, state unknown, checked in 01-31-2010, DX ge IV tongue cancer, in 2007, Enrolled January 31, 2010.
Cwctcher, Virginia. Tonsillar in 1997, enrolled November 6, 2008
Davidgskinner, state unk, DX stage 4, SCC right tonsil, enrolled July 13, 2010.
Delnative, Delaware, Diagnosed Stage III SCC Right tonsil in 2008. Enrolled February 2, 2010.
Devildawg, Michigan, 2004, Nasopharyngeal. Enrolled August 29, 2008
Doitforj, Georgia, Checked in 02-01-2010, DX SCC base of tongue and neck in 2009, enrolled on February 1, 2010.
Douglas08, state unknown, diagnosed stage 4 SCC sinus, enrolled August 21, 2010
Fbcuthguy, Tennessee, 2009, diagnosed SCC unknown primary Stage IV in 2009. Enrolled on March 16, 2010.
Fishinggirl, State Unk, 2009, Checked in 11-27-09. Last radiation Oct 09, diagnosed w/ squamous cell carcinoma (Cindy)
Garyr, New Mexico. 1999, Throat & Lymph glands Jestawoman, Oregon, 2006, Checked in 12-01-2009. Reported brother Troy with NPC in 2006. In treatment for past six months. Recurrent NPC, stage IV.
Geezer, Florida, Tonsilar in 2006, enrolled August 5, 2008
Jagged, Washington, Diagnosed Breast 2005-Esophagus 2007 and lungs 2008. Enrolled on October 29, 2010. Checked in on March 29, 2010.
JGE, state unk, checked in 03-17-2010. 2008, BOT w/2 nodes. Had chemo and rads. All scans cleared, return to work 01 2009.
Jkinobay, Arizona & Mexico, HPV16 positive lymph nodes in 2007, Enrolled April 21, 2009, checked in July 27, 2010.
Jodyman, Texas, 2008, Current, squamous cell carcinoma at base of tongue. Lung Cancer in 2005. Enrolled August 30, 2008
Kimba1505, Pennsylvania, partner with SCC left tonsil April 13, 2010, enrolled July 20, 2010, Checked back in July 20, 2010.
Lady4darknight, Mtn Grove, DX mass base of tongue, B lymphoma BOT and both tonsils in August 2008, enrolled July 11, 2010, checked back in July 23, 2010.
Ljoy, Sauk Rapids, MN, right tonsil cancer in 2005, enrolled August 20, 2008, checked in 01-31-2010, doing fine and no signs
Lolojldunn, Montana, 2007, Stage 4 Tonsilar (last treated 8/16/2007)
Lorileona, Wisconsin, 2005/2008 Wife of Ron w/Tongue and lymph nodes (Spouse)
Luckyfl, 2009, Checked in 05-13-2009, Just started, left tonsil and lymph. Nodes removed pass Monday, Name: Roxie
Marymoo, Alabama, 2008, SCC of tongue and lymphnodes current at time of posting, enrolled August 28, 2008
Marywiz15, Colorado, 2007, epithelial myo-epithelial carcinoma
Michelle H, state unknown, diagnosed cancer on base of tongue, enrolled August 21, 2010
Micktissue, Sonoma County, California, DX unk suspect Nasopharnyx December 2009, enrolled March 20, 2010, reported in July 23, 2010., 2008,
Mikki332, South Dakota, husband Gary w/SCC base of tongue in October 2010, enrolled December 28, 2010
MLC53, State Unk. 2007?, Checked in 11-27-09. Had been 2 1/2 years since post treatment.
Moondreamer, Phoenix, cancer unk, Originally from Indiana, checked in 02-06-2009. Caregiver, daughter in law brain/bone
Morris, Michael "Mick", California, diagnosed Stage IV unknown origin in 2009. Enrolled January 31, 2010.
Naturenaw, North Carolina, diagnosed SCC in tonsil in 2005. Enrolled on April 14, 2010.
PBAILEY, Virginia, 2008, Checked in 03-25-2009, named Patti. Operation in November 2008. Esthesioneuroblastoma. Followup radiation should be in June. Checked in 07-25-2009, last MRI good
Pie123, State unk, 2007, Squamuous cell cancer behind the left tonsil, enrolled August 25, 2008
Pmfennell, NE/Florida 6 mos, Checked in 07-24-2009 after 6.5 years clear, Name: Pete
Pumakitty, Virginia, father diagnosed cancer base of tongue in March 2010, enrolled July 22, 2010.
Sassyque-Betsy, Pennsylvania, 2003, Cancer of the tongue, Checked in 01-22, Steeler fan, Checked in 07-29-2009 good and steeler fan
SIRENAF42, Texas, 2008, Checked in 02-06-2009, Esthesionueroblastoma of the Ethmoid Sinus and Naspharnyx,,
Name Sienna Finch. Checked in 03-25-2009, doing okay completed June 2009. Followup. PET and CT were clean. (John)
Silver_Foxette, Indiana, DX vocal cord cancer in January 2009, also 30 year cerval cancer survivor, enrolled July 31, 2010.
Slickwilly, Michigan, Large B-cell lymphoma, cancer from sinus to jaw bone in 2003, enrolled, August 7, 2008
Checked in 01-20-2009
Smithmama2, Georgia, 2009, Checked in 12-06-2009. Husband Kevin diagnosed Stage 4 SCC in base of tongue. Early December 2009, had clean PET/CT scan. Completed treatment in October 2009. (Karen)
Souplady, Washington, 2009, Tonsil Stage 4 removed last Monday, checked in May 13, 2009
TereB, Houston, Texas, Milignant Paraganglioma (started as glomus jugulare tumor) in 1987, enrolled August 6, 2008.
TIM_WWJD, Oregon, 2009, Checked in 01-31-2010. SCC Stage 4, left tonsil, last ENT clear, chest X-Ray clear. Was removing port in early February.
Tom55, Michigan. 2006, Medullary thyroidTootsie47, Oregon, 2009, enrolled November 7, 2008. Checked in 01-31-2010, husband Dx June 2009, occult primary, clean scan 12-2009Train-nut, Oklahoma. 2007? Checked in on 01-31-2010, SCC of the hypopharnx. Thanks for keeping tab. It's great to see such a long list. Still doing well. Keeping on eye on my teeth. Otherwise, I'm putting on too much weight. I may have to increase dosage of thyroid medication.
Trainnut, Tulsa, Oklahoma, hypo pharyngeal cancer in 2007, enrolled August 5, 2008
Wboaz, Oregon, 2006 Squamous cell cancer of left tonsil. Checked in 05-12-2009. Spot showed in right lung at followup. Another scan In two months. Name Wayne
Up2myneck, state unknown, DX July 2008, recur March 2010, enrolled July 23, 2010.
Victor53, Rhode Island, Tonsil into base of tongue, Lives in Costa Rica, enrolled August 5, 2008. Had been actively checking in. Last check in on March 3, 2010 and hanging tough.
Hunpot, Massachusetts, Mom passed away, August 18, 2008 (Squamous cell carcinoma top voice box). Checked in Jan 2009 Name Tracy
MOM674, Passed away in December 2008. Was a brief member, fought hard…reported by knobby
Mswijik, New York, husband Patrick diagnosed laryngeal stage 4 - September 2010, enrolled January 16, 2010.
Condolences extended. Reported on March 6, 2011 that Patrick passed away on February 17, 2011.
Bany, Canada, 2008, Dad (TR2), SCC of the maxillary sinus (located near Canada). Enrolled on July 30, 2009.. Dad completed treatment 03-2009, Dad lost 70 pounds. Bany later reported that dad passed away on 11-02-2009.
Not on list
Sorry... Would respond but neither of us are on your list.. Where does it come from?
Andy...survivor0 -
Checking back in.
Had a scope and exam done 12/28/11, everything appears ok. January is my 3 year anniversary for my neck dissection. Still here.0 -
Not on the list 2
Don't know where to register. I joined CSN 9/7/2011. I was diagonosed with olfactory neuroblastoma (ethesioneuroblastoma) in the sphenoid sinus. Had surgery in October and will start radiation therapy next week. I'm from NJ and see doctors in PA.
olivia0 -
How to Enrollrobinleigh said:Not on list
Sorry... Would respond but neither of us are on your list.. Where does it come from?
Thank you for asking. We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you enroll on this thread. I noticed that H+N had a very high survival rate and the enrollment/reporting would provide incentive and good news on our survival to those checking in for the first time. I am sure that many of the 50 plus who failed to report back in are still around.
There may be others who post in this section and unless they enrolled, I have not included their names. We welcome your enrollment. As noted, please include your state, date diagnosed, type of cancer, brief description of your treatment and your status. After you have enrolled, we hope you will check back in at least once a year even if you had left this forum. A brief statement that you are still around and doing okay would suffice.
The date of enrollment will be different from date diagnosed. The enrollment date is when you checked in for the first time for Roll Call.
There are two other threads you should be aware of. Sweetblood22 has a super thread that may answer many of your questions. Skiffin16 has a map pinpointing where we are located in this world. Check the map site shown below: -
Enrolling and updatingHAWVET said:How to Enroll
Thank you for asking. We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you enroll on this thread. I noticed that H+N had a very high survival rate and the enrollment/reporting would provide incentive and good news on our survival to those checking in for the first time. I am sure that many of the 50 plus who failed to report back in are still around.
There may be others who post in this section and unless they enrolled, I have not included their names. We welcome your enrollment. As noted, please include your state, date diagnosed, type of cancer, brief description of your treatment and your status. After you have enrolled, we hope you will check back in at least once a year even if you had left this forum. A brief statement that you are still around and doing okay would suffice.
The date of enrollment will be different from date diagnosed. The enrollment date is when you checked in for the first time for Roll Call.
There are two other threads you should be aware of. Sweetblood22 has a super thread that may answer many of your questions. Skiffin16 has a map pinpointing where we are located in this world. Check the map site shown below:
I joined for my wife in December. I research and read the forums and pass the information to her. She is loathe to become active but I hope that I can get her to do so in the future. She completed radiation on December 16th after having her soft palate and a large part of her hard palate surgically removed due to Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. She is two weeks past final radiation treatment and has yet to show much improvement. Pain is under control and she has stopped losing weight although getting proper nutrition is still a challenge due to lack of taste and appetite. She is dealing with tons of anxiety but I keep telling her that she has bottomed out and will now begin a slow climb to normalcy. Thank you for letting us participate in this forum. It is a Godsend.
Nankster0 -
Checking in and Thanksolivia46 said:Not on the list 2
Don't know where to register. I joined CSN 9/7/2011. I was diagonosed with olfactory neuroblastoma (ethesioneuroblastoma) in the sphenoid sinus. Had surgery in October and will start radiation therapy next week. I'm from NJ and see doctors in PA.
Thanks for doing this list.
I really appreciate the time and energy it must take.
Checking back in:
Name Stacey A
From Whitefish, Montana (But from Brooklyn, NY)
Dx NPC Stage 1 Tumor 1 Node 0 12/2009
Treatment 35 Rads No Chemo
Completed March 2010
Last Scan 12/2011 NED for cancer.
Occupation RN0 -
Skiffin16 ~ Mahalo
Still here and kicking...still doing well, no signs of cancer..
Here are links to the mentioned above;
Happy to report that;
finz2left ~ Lloyd
j3rey ~ Mark
irishgypsie ~ Charles
Are all doing well, and I occasionally hear from them through facebook mainly.
Actually, Charles just posted on here a few days ago.
Thanks for staying up on the Roll Call
John0 -
I am excellent!
D Lewis, Sierra foothills, California, DX SCC base of tongue Stage IV, bilateral lymph node mets, Rads and Cisplatin Chemo. January, 2010, enrolled February 5, 2010, checked in July 23, 2010. Checked back on January 16, 2011.
18-Month PET-CT showed NED, in late October 2011! Scopes and palpations still show NED. A few lingering effects of the radiation but all is well.
Thanks for doing this!
Deb0 -
Fisrpotpe, Champaign, Illinois, diagnosed SCC 5 golf sized node around carotid on January 19, 1996, radionercrosis of pharynx in July 11, 2008, SCC back of tongue on February 5, 2009, broked neck March 5, 2006 in accident, enrolled on December 29, 2010.
2011 ... had four teeth removed and do well, 4 check ups with continued NED0 -
Here I amfisrpotpe said:here
Fisrpotpe, Champaign, Illinois, diagnosed SCC 5 golf sized node around carotid on January 19, 1996, radionercrosis of pharynx in July 11, 2008, SCC back of tongue on February 5, 2009, broked neck March 5, 2006 in accident, enrolled on December 29, 2010.
2011 ... had four teeth removed and do well, 4 check ups with continued NED
Put me down as a Californian please.
thanks Steve0 -
EnrollingHAWVET said:How to Enroll
Thank you for asking. We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you enroll on this thread. I noticed that H+N had a very high survival rate and the enrollment/reporting would provide incentive and good news on our survival to those checking in for the first time. I am sure that many of the 50 plus who failed to report back in are still around.
There may be others who post in this section and unless they enrolled, I have not included their names. We welcome your enrollment. As noted, please include your state, date diagnosed, type of cancer, brief description of your treatment and your status. After you have enrolled, we hope you will check back in at least once a year even if you had left this forum. A brief statement that you are still around and doing okay would suffice.
The date of enrollment will be different from date diagnosed. The enrollment date is when you checked in for the first time for Roll Call.
There are two other threads you should be aware of. Sweetblood22 has a super thread that may answer many of your questions. Skiffin16 has a map pinpointing where we are located in this world. Check the map site shown below:
Thanks for doing this!
Caregiver to husband
State - Pennsylvania
DX - June 2011
Primary epiglottis with node involvement (1 side)
Completed 32 rads and 3 chemo (cisplatin) Aug 2011
First scan post treatment shows NED
2nd scan scheduled mid Jan. 2012
Still dealing with side effects of treatment - Kidney damage and peripheral neuropathy0 -
Update from down south
Rmdgy, Georgia, SCC right tonsil in 2009, enrolled December 28, 2010. Checked in August 18, 2011. Checked in October 27, 2011. News for 1/4/12. Received PET and CT on Friday, 12/30. Received word today that the scans were clear and that my status is still NED. Happy New Year everyone.0 -
roll callHAWVET said:How to Enroll
Thank you for asking. We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you enroll on this thread. I noticed that H+N had a very high survival rate and the enrollment/reporting would provide incentive and good news on our survival to those checking in for the first time. I am sure that many of the 50 plus who failed to report back in are still around.
There may be others who post in this section and unless they enrolled, I have not included their names. We welcome your enrollment. As noted, please include your state, date diagnosed, type of cancer, brief description of your treatment and your status. After you have enrolled, we hope you will check back in at least once a year even if you had left this forum. A brief statement that you are still around and doing okay would suffice.
The date of enrollment will be different from date diagnosed. The enrollment date is when you checked in for the first time for Roll Call.
There are two other threads you should be aware of. Sweetblood22 has a super thread that may answer many of your questions. Skiffin16 has a map pinpointing where we are located in this world. Check the map site shown below:
Still doing well - still working - and that is a good thing. Thanks for keeping this roll call going. Dazey0 -
Congrats...rmdgy said:Update from down south
Rmdgy, Georgia, SCC right tonsil in 2009, enrolled December 28, 2010. Checked in August 18, 2011. Checked in October 27, 2011. News for 1/4/12. Received PET and CT on Friday, 12/30. Received word today that the scans were clear and that my status is still NED. Happy New Year everyone.
Great news on the status....
John0 -
Adding My NameHAWVET said:How to Enroll
Thank you for asking. We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you enroll on this thread. I noticed that H+N had a very high survival rate and the enrollment/reporting would provide incentive and good news on our survival to those checking in for the first time. I am sure that many of the 50 plus who failed to report back in are still around.
There may be others who post in this section and unless they enrolled, I have not included their names. We welcome your enrollment. As noted, please include your state, date diagnosed, type of cancer, brief description of your treatment and your status. After you have enrolled, we hope you will check back in at least once a year even if you had left this forum. A brief statement that you are still around and doing okay would suffice.
The date of enrollment will be different from date diagnosed. The enrollment date is when you checked in for the first time for Roll Call.
There are two other threads you should be aware of. Sweetblood22 has a super thread that may answer many of your questions. Skiffin16 has a map pinpointing where we are located in this world. Check the map site shown below:
State - Arizona, living in the SW Desert, but still an east coast PA girl
Diagnosed - June 2011 with SCC Rt tonsil, 1 lymph node
Joined CSN July 18, 2011
Started Chemo cisplatin/taxotore/5FU Aug 8th, 1 unfusion every 21 days, finished Oct 2011
Started 39 rad treatments and 1 weekly infusion of carboplatin, Nov 1st finished Dec 3oth
Doing very well, after all said and done, loss of taste is annoying , but getting thru it.
First post scan will be at the end of March 20120 -
Diagnosed March 2011HAWVET said:How to Enroll
Thank you for asking. We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you enroll on this thread. I noticed that H+N had a very high survival rate and the enrollment/reporting would provide incentive and good news on our survival to those checking in for the first time. I am sure that many of the 50 plus who failed to report back in are still around.
There may be others who post in this section and unless they enrolled, I have not included their names. We welcome your enrollment. As noted, please include your state, date diagnosed, type of cancer, brief description of your treatment and your status. After you have enrolled, we hope you will check back in at least once a year even if you had left this forum. A brief statement that you are still around and doing okay would suffice.
The date of enrollment will be different from date diagnosed. The enrollment date is when you checked in for the first time for Roll Call.
There are two other threads you should be aware of. Sweetblood22 has a super thread that may answer many of your questions. Skiffin16 has a map pinpointing where we are located in this world. Check the map site shown below:
Had neck disection April and had 19 Lympnoids removed. Six week later I had seven weeks of Radiation. In November I had a pet scan witch came back clear.December they did a scope that came back clear also.
So far so good praise God0 -
Diagnosed March 2011HAWVET said:How to Enroll
Thank you for asking. We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you enroll on this thread. I noticed that H+N had a very high survival rate and the enrollment/reporting would provide incentive and good news on our survival to those checking in for the first time. I am sure that many of the 50 plus who failed to report back in are still around.
There may be others who post in this section and unless they enrolled, I have not included their names. We welcome your enrollment. As noted, please include your state, date diagnosed, type of cancer, brief description of your treatment and your status. After you have enrolled, we hope you will check back in at least once a year even if you had left this forum. A brief statement that you are still around and doing okay would suffice.
The date of enrollment will be different from date diagnosed. The enrollment date is when you checked in for the first time for Roll Call.
There are two other threads you should be aware of. Sweetblood22 has a super thread that may answer many of your questions. Skiffin16 has a map pinpointing where we are located in this world. Check the map site shown below:
Had neck disection April and had 19 Lympnoids removed. Six week later I had seven weeks of Radiation. In November I had a pet scan witch came back clear.December they did a scope that came back clear also.
So far so good praise God0 -
EnrollHAWVET said:How to Enroll
Thank you for asking. We started this list a few years ago. It is a voluntary enrollment for Head and Neck Cancer folks and you enroll on this thread. I noticed that H+N had a very high survival rate and the enrollment/reporting would provide incentive and good news on our survival to those checking in for the first time. I am sure that many of the 50 plus who failed to report back in are still around.
There may be others who post in this section and unless they enrolled, I have not included their names. We welcome your enrollment. As noted, please include your state, date diagnosed, type of cancer, brief description of your treatment and your status. After you have enrolled, we hope you will check back in at least once a year even if you had left this forum. A brief statement that you are still around and doing okay would suffice.
The date of enrollment will be different from date diagnosed. The enrollment date is when you checked in for the first time for Roll Call.
There are two other threads you should be aware of. Sweetblood22 has a super thread that may answer many of your questions. Skiffin16 has a map pinpointing where we are located in this world. Check the map site shown below:
DX hypopharyngeal SCC, Stage 3, Dec 2010.
Finished treatment 4/11. Still NED.0 -
Checking Insumarah8 said:Diagnosed Sept 2011, npc
Diagnosed Sept 2011, npc stage 2b, still on treatment till mid Feb 2012.
James chambliss, npc stage 3, diagnosed 2009, I talked to him once in a while and he's doing fine.
26 months out now, starting annual checkups, CT this month, so far so good everyone here knows about the new normal, that is where I am at as far as swalowing etc. Wishes & Prayers for those starting this journey
Discussion Boards
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