I'm scared......

I had brain surgery just over two weeks ago, I have since enjoyed Christmas but I am scared. I am short of breath today, I am calling all my kids the wrong name, I am having trouble typing this up. Will I ever feel better? Am I destined to feel this way why do I feel so bad? I am taking a nap daily and that is helping but I feel I need I a dog to hold in my lap, what is wrong with me? I am glad that I finally a good Christmas, I went to church services and they brought me communion so I feel good about that. I am 42 years old, I am too young to feel this way I just feel so out of it. I thank god that my mother in law is coming tomorrow to put away Christmas ornmaments. I am go gratful but I am scared. Words to the wise are appreciated! I want to feel normal, it's just too soon. I know that but it doesn't stop me.


  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    No wise words
    Feel up in the air as well. Was so worried after your post about brain surgery, thought of you often. Glad you are going to have some help putting things back in order. I keep telling myself I get a pass this year and will be back in holiday queen mode next year. Want to verify with my RO what I thought I heard, if I heard what I think I did I have cautious optimism.

    I guess we are both looking for another 'NEW NORMAL' UGH!!

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    grams2jc said:

    No wise words
    Feel up in the air as well. Was so worried after your post about brain surgery, thought of you often. Glad you are going to have some help putting things back in order. I keep telling myself I get a pass this year and will be back in holiday queen mode next year. Want to verify with my RO what I thought I heard, if I heard what I think I did I have cautious optimism.

    I guess we are both looking for another 'NEW NORMAL' UGH!!


    I would talk to your doctor.
    Sounds like your brain is still healing. Call your doc and describe your symptoms. Fear is normal for all of us. Try to keep you goal of healing and don't let fear get in your way. Hugs.

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Call Your Doctor

    Please call your doctor and let him know the symptoms you are having. You could be short of breath due to fluid in the lungs. I'm not sure about the other symptoms but please call you doctor. It may be some side effects from the surgery. Sometimes people get blood clots or fluid in the lungs. Please call.

  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Sweet sister, we understand
    Sweet sister, we understand you completely. This entire process brings fears, even with no current treatments. I'm sorry you are going through this during the holiday...how I wish we were ALL GREAT and not dealing with any bad thoughts, fears or scares. I will pray for you tonight, to recover fast and feel better soon.

    Like the other sisters said, please call your Dr. and let him know everything you're feeling. They will know how to address it and put your mind at ease. You deserve to rest and not be worried while healing.

    Feel better soon. Please keep us posted about your recovery.
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    mom62 said:

    Call Your Doctor

    Please call your doctor and let him know the symptoms you are having. You could be short of breath due to fluid in the lungs. I'm not sure about the other symptoms but please call you doctor. It may be some side effects from the surgery. Sometimes people get blood clots or fluid in the lungs. Please call.


    Yes call
    Yes call your doctor or go to ER.Don't wait. It could be a blood clot in the lungs.It happened to a man I knew.Had surgery.About 10 days later had chest pain.Laid around.Didn't go to the doctor or hospital even though it was known he had a heart attack before.His wife took him to the hospital 3 days later(Yes 3 days).She didn't know chest pain could be a heart attack????? Honestly that is what she told me. He passed during surgery.

    Seek medical attention.I am sure they'll get you in ASAP.

    Lynn Smith
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    Remember you had brain surgery! Some-one went in your brain and moved things around! You are going to feel weird for awhile till things go back in place. My cousin had brain surgery twice in her life(25 the first time). It took awhile for her to be normal. Well, new normal. She has never been exactly the same because of the handling and meds.My mother in law also had brain surgery and she took a long while to feel the same. She also is different since her surgery. While they both had long term effects from it they are still here and feeling great. So,don't worry about the strangeness. It will get better! Just let yourself heal. I think it is fantastic that you were able to type this up already! It goes to show you are doing great!!! As for the trouble breathing, that you should get looked at asap!

    Rest, relax and heal.... hugs to you~~

  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    robang13 said:

    Remember you had brain surgery! Some-one went in your brain and moved things around! You are going to feel weird for awhile till things go back in place. My cousin had brain surgery twice in her life(25 the first time). It took awhile for her to be normal. Well, new normal. She has never been exactly the same because of the handling and meds.My mother in law also had brain surgery and she took a long while to feel the same. She also is different since her surgery. While they both had long term effects from it they are still here and feeling great. So,don't worry about the strangeness. It will get better! Just let yourself heal. I think it is fantastic that you were able to type this up already! It goes to show you are doing great!!! As for the trouble breathing, that you should get looked at asap!

    Rest, relax and heal.... hugs to you~~


    Who wouldn't be scared
    With all you have been through, and brain surgery, yeah I would be scared too. We all would. Don't be so hard on yourself for feeling the emotion fear. Just remember to have hope and faith, which sounds like you do. Give yourself some time. Enjoy the small things in life, most the time those are what brings the most joy.

    I do agree call the dr. May not be anything, but you will have peace of mind.

    Take care. Jennifer
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Who wouldn't be scared
    With all you have been through, and brain surgery, yeah I would be scared too. We all would. Don't be so hard on yourself for feeling the emotion fear. Just remember to have hope and faith, which sounds like you do. Give yourself some time. Enjoy the small things in life, most the time those are what brings the most joy.

    I do agree call the dr. May not be anything, but you will have peace of mind.

    Take care. Jennifer

    Please call your doc
    I hope you are feeling better. If you have not called Still please do it the first thing tomorrow.
    It could be something very simple and easy to fix and treat. Please do not be scared. God and your family are with you.
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    I can't imagine what you are
    I can't imagine what you are going through but please like the others have said call your Dr.and ask if it is normal to feel this way hugs and prayers for you.Frankie
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    The breathing part
    The breathing part doesn't sound right to me. So call if you have not done so already. About the rest, perhaps this is how it is supposed to be for a little while. But while you have the doctor on the phone about the lung thing just mention the other. He would be glad to put your mind at ease and kill two birds with one stone.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    so sorry not feeling
    so sorry not feeling up...but you've been through a lot..take your time...and take it easy...

    I"LL be thinking of you

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    so sorry not feeling
    so sorry not feeling up...but you've been through a lot..take your time...and take it easy...

    I"LL be thinking of you


    Sorry your feeling so bad.
    Sorry your feeling so bad. You just had surgery, it may take a while to feel better. Glad you posted. We are here for you.
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Sorry your feeling so bad.
    Sorry your feeling so bad. You just had surgery, it may take a while to feel better. Glad you posted. We are here for you.

    Please let us know what your
    Please let us know what your doctor says. We're pulling for you!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    I can't imagine what you are
    I can't imagine what you are going through but please like the others have said call your Dr.and ask if it is normal to feel this way hugs and prayers for you.Frankie

    Praying for you!

    Praying for you!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Please let us know what your
    Please let us know what your doctor says. We're pulling for you!

    Stayingstrong ... How are you doing ..
    Dear Sister .. Please post when you can .. I am sure you are being tugged and pulled in several directions, multiple doctor visits and family commitment ===) Just know that we are thinking of you, and continuing to send positive thoughts, and prayers your way.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Please call your doc
    I hope you are feeling better. If you have not called Still please do it the first thing tomorrow.
    It could be something very simple and easy to fix and treat. Please do not be scared. God and your family are with you.

    I agree that you probably
    I agree that you probably should call and talk to your doctor. You have been to heck and back and it is no wonder that you are scared.

    You've got the pink sisters cheering you on and supporting you.

    Keep posting to let us know how you are.

    Hugs, Diane
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Sweet sister, we understand
    Sweet sister, we understand you completely. This entire process brings fears, even with no current treatments. I'm sorry you are going through this during the holiday...how I wish we were ALL GREAT and not dealing with any bad thoughts, fears or scares. I will pray for you tonight, to recover fast and feel better soon.

    Like the other sisters said, please call your Dr. and let him know everything you're feeling. They will know how to address it and put your mind at ease. You deserve to rest and not be worried while healing.

    Feel better soon. Please keep us posted about your recovery.

    Wish I could do more for you
    Wish I could do more for you than just post, but, I hope you know that I am sending prayers and lots of hugs.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    mom62 said:

    Call Your Doctor

    Please call your doctor and let him know the symptoms you are having. You could be short of breath due to fluid in the lungs. I'm not sure about the other symptoms but please call you doctor. It may be some side effects from the surgery. Sometimes people get blood clots or fluid in the lungs. Please call.


    Fear is very normal after
    Fear is very normal after being diagnosed with cancer. We all have felt that way and I think all of us always will unfortunately. But, if you think you need some help in feeling better, please talk to your doctor. You deserve to feel good!

    Hugs, Noel
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Stayingstrong ... How are you doing ..
    Dear Sister .. Please post when you can .. I am sure you are being tugged and pulled in several directions, multiple doctor visits and family commitment ===) Just know that we are thinking of you, and continuing to send positive thoughts, and prayers your way.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    Thinking of you
    and wondering how you are doing.

    Hugs and Prayers, Debi
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    so sorry not feeling
    so sorry not feeling up...but you've been through a lot..take your time...and take it easy...

    I"LL be thinking of you


    Like the others wrote, we
    Like the others wrote, we are all here for you. I am very sorry for what you are going through. Hoping that your doctor can help you. Keep us updated please.