Pathology results

JimboC Member Posts: 264
My friends. We've been through a heck of a journey together. I just got the results of my biopsy back today and sad to say, it is cancer. UPMC is suggesting chemo and possibly surgery. I meet with my oncologist tomorrow to discuss. Any treatment I do from here forward can't interfere with my work. Unfortunately, I am out of options. I qualify for Social Security disability but I jut wait two years for Medicare coverage so I must work to maintain healthcare insurance. My disability income will place me above the income limits for Medicaid. If treatment makes me sick, I have to stop because if I can't work, I can't maintain insurance to cover treatment. My wife doesn't work so she can't help with insurance. In this economy, it would be pretty tough for her to find a job with benefits after not working for 20 years. Cobra coverage would cost the exact amount almost of my disability leaving zero to live on. In all likely hood, I will have to work right up to the end and to be honest, that sucks. Sorry about dumping all this here but I'm new at "there's nothing we can do for you". I'm in a bad place now.

Peace and love everyone.


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  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Huge hugs!
    Oh Jim... I'm so sorry to hear this news. Everything looks bleak now, but that will change. How you are feeling at this time is very understandable. You and your wife will be in my prayers.

  • birdiequeen
    birdiequeen Member Posts: 319
    Praying for you
    I was so sadden to hear your news. I went to re-read your profile and it has some great advice on where to draw strength from, your faith. You also said in your profile “I am touched by the genuine caring that everyone around me shows. If a measure of a person's success in life is how well he is regarded by his family and friends, I've been truly blessed.” Very wise words, I hope in the face of this terrible news you rely on your faith for strength and feel your blessings.

    As for working, when EC occurs at your young age, I can see that options are more limited. I pray that you will find other avenues. Maybe others on this site will help you find them.
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    YOU QUALIFY FOR FULL DISABILITY. Period. No matter what. It may be time to be SICK Jimbo. You cannot remain the HERO forever, with ANY stage EC. What stage are you? -I have to go read your about me page next, a little backwards but I had to share this and i KNOW I sound HARSH, but if you have to QUIT working, and BE SICK, and get on disability for the sake of your family and for YOU-how long do you want to live like this, how do you feel now? How much are YOU willing to sacrifice for insurance or "normalcy" which is an oxymoron with EC.

    If there's ONE thing Michelle has taught me well, it is that I am a HUMAN BEING, NOT an HUMAN DOING. Stop doing? Maybe? Again, IMHO only...

    Call hospice if that's the only choice but don't work to fight to chemo to kill to die to end it at work as a drone to the american system of workers and health insurance death and bankruptcy. YOU can't fight this one in some realistic way on insurance...EC is not realistic.
  • Wpturner05
    Wpturner05 Member Posts: 114
    Short term/long term disability

    Does your company offer short and/or long term disability? When kevin went out on long term disability, he was responsible for the premiums that were take from his regular paycheck and that was it. Could you talk with your HR and benefits department to see if that is an option? They may consider that as an option.

    I am sorry to hear your news, heartbreaking to say the least.

  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111

    Short term/long term disability

    Does your company offer short and/or long term disability? When kevin went out on long term disability, he was responsible for the premiums that were take from his regular paycheck and that was it. Could you talk with your HR and benefits department to see if that is an option? They may consider that as an option.

    I am sorry to hear your news, heartbreaking to say the least.


    Jim - please let us know what the oncologist says today ~
    I am praying for you, and hoping that what you learn today won't be as bad as you're thinking it will. ((hugs)), "Homeboy"! Kim
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Hugs to you and your family.
    I've been looking for news about what you learned. I'm so disappointed for you so I cannot imagine how upset you are. Surely, there is a better way for you to get medical coverage. Ask UPMC if they have a department that assists in looking at healthcare coverage and ways to keep you covered.

    Please know we are all pulling for you. Keep us posted. BMGky
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    So sorry to hear this news

    I am so sorry to hear the results of your biopsy. I know things look bleak at this time. There are assistance programs out there to help cancer patients with insurance. Perhaps one of them can be of help. The American Cancer Society has a resource page on this topic.

    American Cancer Society Resource Page

    I know you are feeling very depressed at this time. I will be praying that God has a plan for this and the answers will come forward over the next few days.


    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor
  • Oh Jimbo.............
    I am so sorry you are going through this. I have followed your story heart aches for you and your wife...This was a hard blow.

    I agree with everyone else.......the answers will come Jimbo.... Don't give up. There has to be away.... start reseaching.
    Peace and Love back to you.
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Saddened to hear your news

    You and your wife are in our thoughts & prayers.

    Others have made great suggestions for health care alternatives. I hope that something is found that will work for you and still provide quality care.

    UPMC has done right by you before. They will do their best to do so again. Keep the faith - that is one of the most healing things you can do at this time.

    Love, Hugs & Prayers for better days!

  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    You can do this
    I'm am so sorry to hear this is cancer and am praying for you and yours for some better news when you see your oncologist tomorrow. As others have suggested, I believe there will be someone in the hospital or facility you go to that can be of assistance to you in the areas of financial assistance. I forget what the department is called, but I know there is one, because I had to speak to them when my dad used up his $5 million per lifetime benefit a couple of years ago - they were very helpful and did most everything for us - we only had to provide minimal information. I think it was social workers for the hospital, but not sure. An option worth checking out maybe.

    You are inn our prayers,
    Judy & Don
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    I am so sorry to hear


    I am so sorry to hear your news and know this has to be so difficult to absorb. I agree with the other posts to check with UPMC to see what program they may have for insurance. Also, depending on what State you live in there may be a program to provide coverage for cancer treatments if your insurance has run out or you have lost it. I live in Delaware and there is a program like that here. As Paul said check with the ACS as well and there may be other foundations available to help.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and know how difficult it is when you are fighting for your life to have to worry about insurance issues. Keep the faith you have many people pulling for you and there is hope that you can still keep the monster under control.

    Prayers and hugs,
  • bingbing2009
    bingbing2009 Member Posts: 177
    Hate to hear that news!
    Jimbo, I am so very sorry to hear the news. I was hoping that everything would be fine--just an inflamed node, not cancer. Maybe it's because you're from Ky and that's where I was born and raised, but I know that I always followed your story especially closely and wished for the best. I am sad to hear this news. As always, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264

    YOU QUALIFY FOR FULL DISABILITY. Period. No matter what. It may be time to be SICK Jimbo. You cannot remain the HERO forever, with ANY stage EC. What stage are you? -I have to go read your about me page next, a little backwards but I had to share this and i KNOW I sound HARSH, but if you have to QUIT working, and BE SICK, and get on disability for the sake of your family and for YOU-how long do you want to live like this, how do you feel now? How much are YOU willing to sacrifice for insurance or "normalcy" which is an oxymoron with EC.

    If there's ONE thing Michelle has taught me well, it is that I am a HUMAN BEING, NOT an HUMAN DOING. Stop doing? Maybe? Again, IMHO only...

    Call hospice if that's the only choice but don't work to fight to chemo to kill to die to end it at work as a drone to the american system of workers and health insurance death and bankruptcy. YOU can't fight this one in some realistic way on insurance...EC is not realistic.

    Thanks Eric. I admire you
    Thanks Eric. I admire you so much. I actually applied for and was awarded disability. I'm due to start receiving checks next month. My problem is that I won't be elegible for Medicare for 24 months afterwards due to the way the program is set up. I can do COBRA at work but it is 1700 per month. I had a good visit with the oncologist today and the worst (he calls it the best) part of this whole thing is I feel amazing. I feel better today than I did before I was diagnosed. I have energy and all. He feels that because I feel so good and am in such good health otherwise, I can expect to make it a good bit. He wants to talk directly with Dr. Luketich before he commits to a treatment plan which I appreciate. As of now, because I feel so good, I am going to shoot for a few more months of work but I agree with you, when I get feeling worse, I'm done. ;) I have read your post about the pain management and I decided that I'm a cancer patient. There's no reason I should be in pain so I told him about the pain I am having. It comes and goes and Lortabs do nothing much for it so he put me on Oxycodone and is refering me to our pain management center. He said he wanted to be ahead of this and that if my pain needs changed, these guys are the experts. As for stage, I was III at surgery. That's one of the things my Dr. wants to discuss with Luketich.

    I agree with you, the system stinks especially at our age (I'm 42). I appreciate everything.

    Take care!
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    My trust is and always will
    My trust is and always will be with God. No matter which way this goes, I'm not too worried. ;) I told my wife the same thing last night. I would more than likely not be here if I had done nothing. I have no regrets about my treatment.

    I'm so glad to see you guys back some. You've been missed.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    Ginny_B said:

    Huge hugs!
    Oh Jim... I'm so sorry to hear this news. Everything looks bleak now, but that will change. How you are feeling at this time is very understandable. You and your wife will be in my prayers.


    Thanks Ginny, I appreciate
    Thanks Ginny, I appreciate it. Last night was a bad night. It was all hitting me and I was in a bit of pain so it came out in the keyboard.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264

    Short term/long term disability

    Does your company offer short and/or long term disability? When kevin went out on long term disability, he was responsible for the premiums that were take from his regular paycheck and that was it. Could you talk with your HR and benefits department to see if that is an option? They may consider that as an option.

    I am sorry to hear your news, heartbreaking to say the least.


    My company does offer both
    My company does offer both STD and LTD. I have exhausted my STD but I have 6 months of LTD remaining. When on LTD, I have to pay the COBRA rate on my insurance which is a little pricy. Now that I'm back at work, I am building back up my STD so in 6 months I will have it back. That should prepare me for whatever lies ahead.

  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    MissusB said:

    Jim - please let us know what the oncologist says today ~
    I am praying for you, and hoping that what you learn today won't be as bad as you're thinking it will. ((hugs)), "Homeboy"! Kim

    Hey Kim, Oncologist went
    Hey Kim, Oncologist went good. He is going to talk to Dr. Luketich and they develop my treatment plan based on their conversation. He feels that we may have a little more fight in the game yet. I should know more next week so we're anxiously awaiting the news.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    BMGky said:

    Hugs to you and your family.
    I've been looking for news about what you learned. I'm so disappointed for you so I cannot imagine how upset you are. Surely, there is a better way for you to get medical coverage. Ask UPMC if they have a department that assists in looking at healthcare coverage and ways to keep you covered.

    Please know we are all pulling for you. Keep us posted. BMGky

    I wish I had brought better
    I wish I had brought better news with me. I'm feeling better about the whole situation today. I've got a few more months of work left in me yet I believe. Then we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I will check with UPMC about the insurance department. I appreciate everything. Take care
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    paul61 said:

    So sorry to hear this news

    I am so sorry to hear the results of your biopsy. I know things look bleak at this time. There are assistance programs out there to help cancer patients with insurance. Perhaps one of them can be of help. The American Cancer Society has a resource page on this topic.

    American Cancer Society Resource Page

    I know you are feeling very depressed at this time. I will be praying that God has a plan for this and the answers will come forward over the next few days.


    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor
    Thanks Paul. I always
    Thanks Paul. I always believe that God always has a plan for us. Thanks for the link. They mention COBRA on there. My big problem is I make too much (Even on disability) to be considered poor but not enough to take care of things. I'm feeling much better tonight and I'm pretty sure it's all going to work out. I've been pretty down and out in my life before and God always seems to work it out if you let him.