Acupuncture Strange thing happen today
Hi Mikeluv4lacrosse said:ULTRASOUND THERAPY
Hondo, I have had Ultrasoud Therapy in the past for several athletic related injuries, and this therapy was able to soften and loosen various ligaments, tendons, joints ETC.
Just wondering if this would help to loosen your jaw??
Keep us posted as to the overall result of the Accupuncture Therapy. I was thinking of trying it out hoping it might jumpstart my Saliva Glands.
I never heard of Ultrasound Therapy before for joints and tendons, but you might have something there. I must find out first about if in fact this infection I had 8 months ago is still in my sinus. The acupuncture doctor can’t understand why my pain is increasing and not decreasing.
Thanks for the tips
Hondo0 -
Hi sportsmansportsman said:Acupuncture
Just curious as if my medical insurance would possibly pay for acupuncture treatments. I have not checked on it with them at this point. I have spoken to my ENT about possible treatment to see if I can get saliva back. I don't know if this would even be remotely possible as it will be five years in February of 2012 when my radiation ended. Also if insurance does not pay for this how expensive is the acupuncture treatments. Where can you fine a qualified person to do this in regards to attempt to restore saliva input. I still have the ropy type thick saliva and have continuous dry mouth. I have used Biotene products, gum, tic-tacs to produce saliva up to this point. The dry mouth as all of us know contributes to tooth decay problems and I am have my share of them. If anyone could give me some information on this I would appreciate it. I live in a small town west of Charlotte, North Carolina. Thanks for anyone's help!
My insurance also will not pay for any of my acupuncture treatments; it’s all out of pocket $85.00 bucks a visit. I call MD Anderson in Houston and they directed me to a local acupuncture doctor here in Lafayette.
Hope this helps
Hondo0 -
Hi popo said:sinus infection hondo
hi hope your doing well after your treatment. i'm just getting over a sinus infection ans i can tell you it was minging the smell was horendous and i could taste the stuff. im on antibiotics at the minute and its a lot better snots are still yellow down left side but clear on other side. i had my surgery on my left side.
Can you tell me what type of antibiotic you are taking? I will see my ENT next week and try to get her to put me back on some type of antibiotic to get this under control again. But she like all my other doctors told me they don’t think I ever had an Infection I have cancer which they could never find. It was only my dentist and this acupuncture doctor who believe that there is a big infection in my head causing a lot of my problems.
All I can say is “well oh”
Hondo0 -
Hi JohnSkiffin16 said:Feelings...
Hope you start feeling least with the condition of your poor mouth, I know I won't get much arguement from you on fishing locations or choices, LOL...
I have a loudhailer I got just for when we go Fishing so you can hear me, I might also start taking sign language so if you can’t hear me you might see me. Ha ha ha
Hondo0 -
ASLHondo said:Hi John
I have a loudhailer I got just for when we go Fishing so you can hear me, I might also start taking sign language so if you can’t hear me you might see me. Ha ha ha
Sweet..., LOL...
I just happened to have a few college classes in ASL (American Sign Language) that satisified my language requirements when finishing my degree at USF.
But of course it was the Marines that taught me how to flip off someone in 57 different languages, LOL....
Oh, and of course the pronunciation of "BEER" in those same 57 languages.
JG0 -
flipping off someoneSkiffin16 said:ASL
Sweet..., LOL...
I just happened to have a few college classes in ASL (American Sign Language) that satisified my language requirements when finishing my degree at USF.
But of course it was the Marines that taught me how to flip off someone in 57 different languages, LOL....
Oh, and of course the pronunciation of "BEER" in those same 57 languages.
Who you John, I just can’t believe that and in 57 different languages, well all I can say is that I know one of them, and that is the main one to know.
╠╣ONDO0 -
TicketHondo said:flipping off someone
Who you John, I just can’t believe that and in 57 different languages, well all I can say is that I know one of them, and that is the main one to know.
Yep, just the other day I was driving down the road....a police officer ehind me.
This flock of sparrows flushed from the weeds beside the road and across the front of my truck. Unfortunately one didn't quite make it and the front of the truck clipped him...BAM, over the hood and roof right into the police car behind me...
Sure enough the lights came on....sirens blasting.
So I pull over and the officer comes to my me a warning.... I couldn't believe it....
Warning was for "Flipping him the Bird"....
Similar to when I hit the wild hog last year....nobody was around to report it, so I left it by the road....several weeks later, a ticket in the mail.
Seems the hog wasn't quite dead, and he had gotten my tag number and apparently "squealed" on me.
LOL.....drum finally please...
JG0 -
HondoHondo said:More bad Pain last night
I will have to give up the acupuncture treatments for now until we can figure out why after the treatment I am having server pain on the left side of my face. Even the acupuncture doctor believes there is an underlining problem there and he thinks it may be that the infection I had 8 months ago is still there in the Mastoid. Last night was another very bad night with pain, to the point I had to start taking Lortaps again to help.
Oh well as they say so much for all my hopes with acupuncture, it works for everyone but Hondo
Hi sorry i haven't re3plied sooner had a bad day really annoyed with my jaw anyway, for the sinus infection i was taking clarythromycin 500mg twice daily but i sent a sample to the docs to check which infection it was to ensure i was on the correct antibiotic so today it came back that i need doxycycline need to collect tomorrow. I'd see if you can give a sample of your snot to the docs and go from there then they can determine which infection you have and how to treat it, but its so frustrating when someone doesn't listen to you. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Dig your heels in until you get an answer.0 -
Thanks Hondo..po said:Hondo
Hi sorry i haven't re3plied sooner had a bad day really annoyed with my jaw anyway, for the sinus infection i was taking clarythromycin 500mg twice daily but i sent a sample to the docs to check which infection it was to ensure i was on the correct antibiotic so today it came back that i need doxycycline need to collect tomorrow. I'd see if you can give a sample of your snot to the docs and go from there then they can determine which infection you have and how to treat it, but its so frustrating when someone doesn't listen to you. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Dig your heels in until you get an answer.
I joined
Thanks Hondo..
I joined the site to have someone to share my story with and see how recovery is going with different people. I had Chemo, radiation and radical neck disection. Neck disection was in March of this year and went back to work in June. I seem to be doing remarkably well for what I went through. Only ended up with big scar on my neck and a few smaller problems that I can surely live with. I'm a police officer and I now have a good tale to tell about the scar..LOL0 -
Hi razorboyrazorboy70 said:Thanks Hondo..
I joined
Thanks Hondo..
I joined the site to have someone to share my story with and see how recovery is going with different people. I had Chemo, radiation and radical neck disection. Neck disection was in March of this year and went back to work in June. I seem to be doing remarkably well for what I went through. Only ended up with big scar on my neck and a few smaller problems that I can surely live with. I'm a police officer and I now have a good tale to tell about the scar..LOL
Glad you are doing so well and back at work, just remember not to overdo it as it will take a year for your body to fully heal from all the treatment.
PS: The next time you stop me for speeding be nice to me. Ha ha ha just joking :+))
God bless and keep you in the work you do to help protect many of us my freind
Hondo0 -
Hi Debbiejim and i said:prayers
Hondo, Sorry to hear the acupuncture did not work out. I am praying that they can get this figured out soon and bring you some pain relief.
I will see my sweet lady ENT this week, so hoping she will do something or at lease looking into the possibility that the infection is still there. After that I will go back for acupuncture as I do find it is helping me swallowing things better. So far it has been no help with opening the Jaw but maybe I need to do it a lot longer.
Hondo0 -
Acupuncture & jaw stuffHondo said:Hi Debbie
I will see my sweet lady ENT this week, so hoping she will do something or at lease looking into the possibility that the infection is still there. After that I will go back for acupuncture as I do find it is helping me swallowing things better. So far it has been no help with opening the Jaw but maybe I need to do it a lot longer.
Hi Hondo,
Amazing how you soldier on. Anxious to see if more acupuncture will help. On the jaw thing, my husband was given 3 pages of exercises to do and he has been doing them religiously since post X and now he can open his jaw wide enough to put a hot dog in with all the condiments. He can't actually swallow it or anything but at least it fits. (Wow, really poor choice of words.)
Have you tried any daily exercises? (I'm guessing you probably have).
Wendy0 -
Hi Wendywaywest said:Acupuncture & jaw stuff
Hi Hondo,
Amazing how you soldier on. Anxious to see if more acupuncture will help. On the jaw thing, my husband was given 3 pages of exercises to do and he has been doing them religiously since post X and now he can open his jaw wide enough to put a hot dog in with all the condiments. He can't actually swallow it or anything but at least it fits. (Wow, really poor choice of words.)
Have you tried any daily exercises? (I'm guessing you probably have).
I was never told of any exercises that you can do for the Jaw, I would love to get a copy of them if you can scan them and send to my e-mail address. I am not sure why but most of my local cancer doctors are like back into the 50th or something and really not up to speed on their treatment. That is one reason why I think they missed the target and had to do all my treatment over a second time.
Hondo timhonmc@aol.com0 -
Hi HondoHondo said:Hi Wendy
I was never told of any exercises that you can do for the Jaw, I would love to get a copy of them if you can scan them and send to my e-mail address. I am not sure why but most of my local cancer doctors are like back into the 50th or something and really not up to speed on their treatment. That is one reason why I think they missed the target and had to do all my treatment over a second time.
This is a first time post for me and it's weirdly nervewraking for me. I have learned so much and gained such respect for all the folks using this site. My husband finished treatments chemo/rad for base of tongue ca on June 1,11. We started acupuncture about midway through treatments (we meaning he wouldn't go unless I did) for 3 reasons. He had constant nausea, hopes to stimulate saliva, and stress relief. We would go about every 2 weeks. It did not seem to help his nausea, but neither did ANY of the meds we tried and I think we had them all, I think it did help some with saliva, don't have anything to really compare to but when I look at his tongue and least the sides look moist. Our acupuncturist moved in Sept and this is kinda where I think of you Hondo, my husbands level of discomfort has increased over the last few weeks so I'm thinking the acupuncture has also been helpful in pain relief. Good idea to follow up with ENT, would a course of antibiotic be harmful???? Your acupuncturist seems responsible in that he/she referred you back to your Dr, maybe twice a week is too much, what does he/she think? Our acupuncturist also had a reduced rate for 'community acupuncture'
On the verge of rambling one think I'd like to ask. My husbands tongue seems to cycle through period of kinda normal, then a coating whity to yellow to rusty kinda leathery, brownish and one time black. Dr's never seemed to think it was thrush but finally did do a 2 week treatment for that, but didn't seem to do anything. Does anyone have any thoughts on that?
Thanks and God Bless to all
Chris0 -
Jaw exercisesHondo said:Hi Wendy
I was never told of any exercises that you can do for the Jaw, I would love to get a copy of them if you can scan them and send to my e-mail address. I am not sure why but most of my local cancer doctors are like back into the 50th or something and really not up to speed on their treatment. That is one reason why I think they missed the target and had to do all my treatment over a second time.
Hi Hondo,
I will send them to you. They had wanted Daryl to start on them right away but he was still in so much pain at the time. It seems to be making a huge difference now that he does them every day. It is also helping with the speech impediment he incurred from the stroke following his embolism. I think he speaks English again instead of "gobble".I'll scan them at work and send them from there tomorrow.He seems to be improving now but still aspirates and chokes on his food. No restaurants for us that's for sure. We are going to Roatan in Jan.but it looks like I will have to pack a blender and a bunch of Boost. At least he looks good in a Speedo now.LOL
Wendy0 -
Hi Wendywaywest said:Jaw exercises
Hi Hondo,
I will send them to you. They had wanted Daryl to start on them right away but he was still in so much pain at the time. It seems to be making a huge difference now that he does them every day. It is also helping with the speech impediment he incurred from the stroke following his embolism. I think he speaks English again instead of "gobble".I'll scan them at work and send them from there tomorrow.He seems to be improving now but still aspirates and chokes on his food. No restaurants for us that's for sure. We are going to Roatan in Jan.but it looks like I will have to pack a blender and a bunch of Boost. At least he looks good in a Speedo now.LOL
I will be looking for them and hope they can give me a little help as well. Not sure why my doctors never said anything about Jaw exercises, but that’s a small city cancer doctor, they don’t know much except how to send you a Bill. I am almost at the point where I will need to blend all my food as it is just too much time & work to chew and my Jaw gets so tired.
Hope you like Roatan all my family live on all three Islands Roatan, Guanaja, & Utila. Someday I hope to move back and retired then all my CSN friends can come down and visit me and I will be able to drive them around and keep there cost down.
Take care
Hondo0 -
Hi Christarzandchris said:Hi Hondo
This is a first time post for me and it's weirdly nervewraking for me. I have learned so much and gained such respect for all the folks using this site. My husband finished treatments chemo/rad for base of tongue ca on June 1,11. We started acupuncture about midway through treatments (we meaning he wouldn't go unless I did) for 3 reasons. He had constant nausea, hopes to stimulate saliva, and stress relief. We would go about every 2 weeks. It did not seem to help his nausea, but neither did ANY of the meds we tried and I think we had them all, I think it did help some with saliva, don't have anything to really compare to but when I look at his tongue and least the sides look moist. Our acupuncturist moved in Sept and this is kinda where I think of you Hondo, my husbands level of discomfort has increased over the last few weeks so I'm thinking the acupuncture has also been helpful in pain relief. Good idea to follow up with ENT, would a course of antibiotic be harmful???? Your acupuncturist seems responsible in that he/she referred you back to your Dr, maybe twice a week is too much, what does he/she think? Our acupuncturist also had a reduced rate for 'community acupuncture'
On the verge of rambling one think I'd like to ask. My husbands tongue seems to cycle through period of kinda normal, then a coating whity to yellow to rusty kinda leathery, brownish and one time black. Dr's never seemed to think it was thrush but finally did do a 2 week treatment for that, but didn't seem to do anything. Does anyone have any thoughts on that?
Thanks and God Bless to all
Welcome and glad to have you here with us but sure with it was for a different reason. I seen my ENT yesterday and yes she did put me on some antibiotic on the advice of the acupuncture doctor. But she said she did not see any infection in my nasal passage but I know something is there because I can feel something wrong and I can smell it too. On the tongue it does sound like some kind of fungus there. I did not get any help from my oncal dr for that, it was my chemo nurse who when she seen that I was getting a thrush got me on the anit- fungal meds to keep it down. I am hoping to start back up with the acupuncture doctor as soon as the infection is down as I am swallowing a lot better now then I have been in quite sometime.
Thanks for your post and again welcome to the family
Hondo0 -
Strange Feeling happen today
Something funny happened today at work this morning. For some reason my mouth and tongue felt different so I stuck my finger in my mouth and realized that I could feel my teeth with my tongue on the left side of my face. I had feeling in my tongue again and could even feel my finger. The feeling did not last too long before everything went back to numb but it was sure a strange thing. I am not sure why this happened my Wife seems to think it is from the acupuncture treatments I too last week. My ENT put me on antibiotic for the infection in my sinus at the request of the acupuncture doctor, so I am not sure what is working but I sure hope it comes back again and comes to stay.
Hondo0 -
AcupuntureHondo said:Strange Feeling happen today
Something funny happened today at work this morning. For some reason my mouth and tongue felt different so I stuck my finger in my mouth and realized that I could feel my teeth with my tongue on the left side of my face. I had feeling in my tongue again and could even feel my finger. The feeling did not last too long before everything went back to numb but it was sure a strange thing. I am not sure why this happened my Wife seems to think it is from the acupuncture treatments I too last week. My ENT put me on antibiotic for the infection in my sinus at the request of the acupuncture doctor, so I am not sure what is working but I sure hope it comes back again and comes to stay.
My husband could not move his right arm at all from his dissection and now he can lift his arm and brush his teeth. Not a huge improvement but one never the less. We think its due to acupuncture. Hope you see some improvement but it is baby steps ! At least it is some improvement.
Best of Luck
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