OT: Got a few of my co-workers up off their lazy behinds!

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
You’ve all supported me in my commitment to exercise and healthy eating since completing treatment, and have listened to me whine about my co-workers, whose only forms of exercise are driving through the McDonald’s drive-thru and lifting froufy coffee drinks the size of their heads up to their mouths.

I finally decided to stop whining and try to DO something about my co-workers’ impending health doom...so, this week, I’ve started a Lunchtime Walking Group!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I now lead 30-minute lunchtime walks through our nearby residential neighborhood. The catch is -- half our employees have assigned lunchtimes at noon and the other half at 1:00 -- so I have to do the walk (about 1 3/4 mile) TWICE! I’m sure gonna have great legs if I keep this up, but man, I’m TIRED!

On Tuesday, our first day, I had 3 employees at noon, and only 1 at 1:00. Today, only 2 employees at noon, and 1 at 1:00. We have 35 employees, so this ain’t much of a turnout so far –- but, those who are joining me are really enthusiastic about it. One young woman in her 20s (who normally eats pizza for lunch while sitting in the lunchroom watching TV) even sent me a thank-you email after the first day, saying how good she felt afterwards and how it inspired her to bring a healthy salad for lunch!

So...baby steps for them, great-looking legs (and more help to hopefully keep the bad cancer joujou away) for me!



  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Good for you Traci!! You

    Good for you Traci!! You are a real source of inspiration. Just the fact that 2 or 3 are joining is a huge step. As the saying goes 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink' but just the fact that you are offering them water is really generous on your part.

    on a side note, sure am glad you are in LA and I in Northern California so I can lay on the couch,eat bonbons and watch TV :) And I am sure I won't have legs like yours at the end of two weeks!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Good for you Traci!! You

    Good for you Traci!! You are a real source of inspiration. Just the fact that 2 or 3 are joining is a huge step. As the saying goes 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink' but just the fact that you are offering them water is really generous on your part.

    on a side note, sure am glad you are in LA and I in Northern California so I can lay on the couch,eat bonbons and watch TV :) And I am sure I won't have legs like yours at the end of two weeks!

    You ARE lucky, Mariam!
    Yes ma'am -- if you were in my neighborhood, I'd be knocking on your door as soon as you were home from your surgery: "Okay, Mariam -- PUT DOWN THE BONBON and get your lazy butt out here and walk with me! Yes I know -- cancer, hernia, blah, blah, blah -- don't want to hear no excuses!"

    :-) :-) :-)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    You ARE lucky, Mariam!
    Yes ma'am -- if you were in my neighborhood, I'd be knocking on your door as soon as you were home from your surgery: "Okay, Mariam -- PUT DOWN THE BONBON and get your lazy butt out here and walk with me! Yes I know -- cancer, hernia, blah, blah, blah -- don't want to hear no excuses!"

    :-) :-) :-)

    The turn out for you new 'walking' at lunch time ..
    is more than I would expect .. given our heat wave here in Southern California. Keep up the good work, and ====they ... will follow in cooler weather.

    You may want to entice them with a few of Mariam chocolate bon-bons! Chocolate is a great motivator, right?

    Vicki Sam
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    It will expand
    When I started hiking from work, it was only one co-worker and I. It grew to 6 at times, usually 4.
    3 miles a day is awesome! When are you going to do the Susan Komen 3 day or the Avon walk?

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    mamolady said:

    It will expand
    When I started hiking from work, it was only one co-worker and I. It grew to 6 at times, usually 4.
    3 miles a day is awesome! When are you going to do the Susan Komen 3 day or the Avon walk?


    You go girl!
    Traci, you always make me laugh! I always look for a post from you And, like someone else said, glad I'm on the east coast! It's great that you're trying to motivate people to exercise..it really is...I need you here in NC...Do you make house calls ?

    Keep up the good work....and we'll be looking forward to a picture of your toned, good looking legs in the near future! :)
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Power Walker & Mover & Shaker!
    Traci... you are leading by example. You deserve a pat on the back for getting your coworkers to take better care of themselves by moving. Hooray for Traci! You did plenty good kid!
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Still our "pace pink"
    You go girl! Now if that energy contagion would just reach to the

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    grams2jc said:

    Still our "pace pink"
    You go girl! Now if that energy contagion would just reach to the


    Traci I agree with Nancy &
    Traci I agree with Nancy & Vicki, we'll never get those good looking legs, and chocolate can be a motivator but only if it is the dark kind.

    Maybe you can get some of us CSN'rs motivated?? Everytime I start exercising I get sick and no that is not an excuse. I do great for a while then bam, down on this fat butt again.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    You ARE lucky, Mariam!
    Yes ma'am -- if you were in my neighborhood, I'd be knocking on your door as soon as you were home from your surgery: "Okay, Mariam -- PUT DOWN THE BONBON and get your lazy butt out here and walk with me! Yes I know -- cancer, hernia, blah, blah, blah -- don't want to hear no excuses!"

    :-) :-) :-)

    Woohoo Traci! Good job! I
    Woohoo Traci! Good job! I am walking with you in my mind! hehe

    Hugs, Jan
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    You go, girl!
    Traci-Great to hear that you are taking positive steps in leading
    co-workers to better health! If I worked where you did, I would
    certainly join you! Keep up the good work!
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    natly15 said:

    Traci I agree with Nancy &
    Traci I agree with Nancy & Vicki, we'll never get those good looking legs, and chocolate can be a motivator but only if it is the dark kind.

    Maybe you can get some of us CSN'rs motivated?? Everytime I start exercising I get sick and no that is not an excuse. I do great for a while then bam, down on this fat butt again.

    Great JOB Traci!!!
    All it takes is Baby steps... one day at a time. Hopefully others will join in. You've planted the seed and that's GREAT. The saying "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make em drink"... :0)

    Way to go on helping others and getting your mojo going at the same time!!!

    I resumed teaching my gym classes 3 weeks ago and it feels GREAT!!!

    I'm hopeful the workouts, clean eating and positive enviornment keeps the beast away.

    Wishing YOU all the Best with your Walking Group!!!

    Work it, Girlfriend!!!
    Mitzi ;0)
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I wish I worked with you
    I walk on lunch (not enough) - I just time it, 15 minutes in one direction & then I turn around. A lot of traffic, so not so peaceful.

    You are doing a great job! It was so sweet of your young coworker to recognize that and thank you for it.

    Keep it up & post pictures of the legs!!

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    What an inspiration! Traci,
    What an inspiration! Traci, you are my hero--can you jog on over to Louisiana and kick my butt too???
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    What an inspiration! Traci,
    What an inspiration! Traci, you are my hero--can you jog on over to Louisiana and kick my butt too???

    yes I need you here in Mass
    yes I need you here in Mass too, this could be a whole new career for you!!! I am suprised they have such poor health habits, they will be sorry.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    carkris said:

    yes I need you here in Mass
    yes I need you here in Mass too, this could be a whole new career for you!!! I am suprised they have such poor health habits, they will be sorry.

    So let me see if I got my "itinerary" straight...
    Okay, first, ladies -- I said WALKING! With my exercise-induced asthma (since I was a teenager, nothing to do with cancer), there is nothing even resembling "jogging" going on here!

    So I guess first I have to walk up to Northern California and wrestle the bonbons out of Mariam's hands (for her own good, of course). Then walk over to Jennifer, then down to CC in Louisiana, over to Cousin Natly in Florida, up to Penny in Massachusetts, then I think I should end at Nancy's, because all I have to do there is just walk with you to the mailbox and back, right, Nancy? Then I'll collapse on your couch and eat Mariam's bonbons, while you make some phone calls to find a physical therapist for me who makes housecalls!

    Sounds like a plan!

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    TraciInLA said:

    So let me see if I got my "itinerary" straight...
    Okay, first, ladies -- I said WALKING! With my exercise-induced asthma (since I was a teenager, nothing to do with cancer), there is nothing even resembling "jogging" going on here!

    So I guess first I have to walk up to Northern California and wrestle the bonbons out of Mariam's hands (for her own good, of course). Then walk over to Jennifer, then down to CC in Louisiana, over to Cousin Natly in Florida, up to Penny in Massachusetts, then I think I should end at Nancy's, because all I have to do there is just walk with you to the mailbox and back, right, Nancy? Then I'll collapse on your couch and eat Mariam's bonbons, while you make some phone calls to find a physical therapist for me who makes housecalls!

    Sounds like a plan!


    I'll treat you to a foot
    I'll treat you to a foot massage while you're in Northern CA...just let me know if you want it before or after you wrestle with Mariam.

    You should be proud of what you are doing for your coworkers.


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Well you certainly are an inspiration, a scary inspiration but an inspiration all the same. :-) I am in awe of you walking all those miles in just a few hours, you're going to have the legs of a runner even if you say you are not a runner! You go girl, very proud of you!

  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    After reading how excited
    After reading how excited you are I am going to make an extra effort to get out and walk also. I need a big kick in the butt but maybe all I need is to keep thinking of what you are trying to do for your friends. Thank You....Diana
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    gagee said:

    After reading how excited
    After reading how excited you are I am going to make an extra effort to get out and walk also. I need a big kick in the butt but maybe all I need is to keep thinking of what you are trying to do for your friends. Thank You....Diana

    The "Ripple Effect"~
    that is what I hope will happen here~ one tells others how good it felt, and they join in and so on and so forth~
    Hang in there Traci~ I too have exercise induced asthma, and I am doing Zumba 2 nights a week now!! bye bye butter (belly fat) and hello skinny jeans!
    ~ Melanie :)
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    I always knew
    you are mover and a shaker!!! I would totally join you on those walks if I was
    working there. But I also may lure you to the next ice cream stand... lol.
