Is it even possible to lose weight now?

I am doing Taxol weekly, I have bone mets and my leg/knee hurts a lot. I did take a lot of steriods over the summer and I just ballooned up, literally. I look like if you stuck a pin in me I would pop and fly around the room. To look at a picture of myself a year ago is shocking and I weighed the same. Not trying to be vain just want to be in pictures with my kids and not look like a big blob. Anyone do water aerobics? At this point I am not sure I could walk a lot, trying to cut down on junk food but I wonder if this is the kind of weight you lose the old fashioned way? Like I said I weigh the same I just look puffy. Lack of hair makes me look different but I don't care about that. Help! I'm 5'7" weigh about 235 so I definitely need to lose some weight.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    It is too much weight & pressure on your bones
    Diet is a good start. If you reduce all white "stuff" white flour, sugar and salt will see improvement immediately. Since you are at home you should eat small portions more often. I do know everything: new : replace chips by apples, baby carrots or nuts, do not drink coke, especially diet .
    Please do a small step, you will be impressed by results.
    New Flower
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I was on steriods at the
    I was on steriods at the same time as BC surgery, radiation due to Ulcertive colits..I blew up 25 lbs..SINCE going off Dr said it will be slow getting it off..i thought month or two...well 3 yrs later I LOST it surgery/hysterctomy...I could hardly eat and then impacted so then afaid to eat...but all ok now and just bought new work clothes/ jeans..that FIT...exciting..

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    It is too much weight & pressure on your bones
    Diet is a good start. If you reduce all white "stuff" white flour, sugar and salt will see improvement immediately. Since you are at home you should eat small portions more often. I do know everything: new : replace chips by apples, baby carrots or nuts, do not drink coke, especially diet .
    Please do a small step, you will be impressed by results.
    New Flower

    I am not junk food
    I am not junk food eater...and weight was so hard to get off...I was upset since I did not over eat..made it more upsetting to me..but I know I had to take steroids IT did help me but frurstrating..for sure..
  • Corinna11
    Corinna11 Member Posts: 75

    I was on steriods at the
    I was on steriods at the same time as BC surgery, radiation due to Ulcertive colits..I blew up 25 lbs..SINCE going off Dr said it will be slow getting it off..i thought month or two...well 3 yrs later I LOST it surgery/hysterctomy...I could hardly eat and then impacted so then afaid to eat...but all ok now and just bought new work clothes/ jeans..that FIT...exciting..


    Ck out the movie, "Fat, Sick
    Ck out the movie, "Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. I watched it and got a juicer. I need to loose about 30 lbs and this gave me a lot of motivation. It seems pretty easy and healthy and you could modify it slightly to lose more slowly if you like. Keep us posted!
    Cory : )
  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
    Corinna11 said:

    Ck out the movie, "Fat, Sick
    Ck out the movie, "Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. I watched it and got a juicer. I need to loose about 30 lbs and this gave me a lot of motivation. It seems pretty easy and healthy and you could modify it slightly to lose more slowly if you like. Keep us posted!
    Cory : )

    I don;t have an answer
    but just wanted to say I hear you about the weight gain. It's so frustrating! I lost around 25 pounds just before my diagnosis and have gained it all back through steriods and emotional/stress eating. Have been exercising but know I need to cut back on my portions and junk food...but right now just don;t have the motivation.

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    My onc gave me a calorie
    My onc gave me a calorie limit! 1900 calories a day to loose weight. She said it will help with portion control. Take baby steps with increasing activity even 3 minutes on a treadmill is something.


    Be sure to check with doc before starting a diet plan though. You do not want upset your treatment plan.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    What works for me
    What helps me the most is staying active. At the least, I walk a little every day. I'm not talking about a marathon either--just aim low at first--1/2 mile.

    Just getting out seems to energize me and then I eat less and move more.
  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself
    If you weighed the same a year ago and are all puffed up now, it is probably steroids. Losing weight is probably a good idea, but if you are sick from chemo it might have to wait. You are still taking steroids, every week with your Taxol, so it might be hard to deal with steroid bloat in the short run. My personal opinion is that you have enough on your plate right now -- but chemo will be over soon, and radiation too, if you are slated for that. I have "return to Weight Watchers" on my calendar for the first week in November -- AFTER I am finished with radiation. My goal will be to lose about 30 or 40 pounds (I weigh about what you do, but I'm shorter) to improve mobility and help deal with issues like your knee pain, then sit at that weight for some months before deciding whether to take off another 20 or 30 or 40. That plan has been working for me for a couple of years, after I regained most of the 125 I lost all in one push.
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    I have only one
    I have only one picture of myself during treatment and while I was convinced I was doing well during chemo cause my weight didn't change and the docs were happy with that, when I see that picture I look like I'd gained about 40 pounds. It's probably all the steriods and just "moon face" as my co-worker called it. I did notice that during rads I lost 10 pounds doing nothing, again probably the result of the lack of steriods at that point.

    After that I went up 20 and now down 35, where I plan to stay since I'm finally at a healthy weight.

    Good luck and don't get discouraged, it's a long, slow process.

  • 2xround
    2xround Member Posts: 9
    So if I'm still doing Taxol
    So if I'm still doing Taxol with steroids there's no point in even dieting? I've been doing the South Beach Diet for almost a month now and lost a grand total of 5 lbs., even though you're supposed to lose 8-10 lbs. in the first two weeks alone. If the steroids are keeping me from losing, then I'd be glad to give up the diet and have fun eating again.
  • jendrey
    jendrey Member Posts: 377
    2xround said:

    So if I'm still doing Taxol
    So if I'm still doing Taxol with steroids there's no point in even dieting? I've been doing the South Beach Diet for almost a month now and lost a grand total of 5 lbs., even though you're supposed to lose 8-10 lbs. in the first two weeks alone. If the steroids are keeping me from losing, then I'd be glad to give up the diet and have fun eating again.

    Couldn't prove it by looking at me!
    Is is even possible to lose weight now? Well, you certainly couldn't prove it by looking at me that's for sure. I've gained about 40+ pounds. I used to weigh like about 110, now none of my clothes even begin to fit me. I'm not eating any more than I used too and I still excersize; I'm guessing between the steroids and being slammed into menopause maybe that's why for..nonetheless the weight is not coming off no matter what or so it seems.

    @2xround = I wouldn't be so quick to leave your diet especially if you've actually lost some weight! Might consider that it's not so much that the steroids are keeping you from losing weight but more so that the diet is keeping you from gaining the usual steroid induced massive weight gain. Just a thought... Really, it'd be best to ask your doctor.

  • Vigee
    Vigee Member Posts: 66
    losing weight
    Well. I have had just the opposite problem. I have lost 40 lbs and the docotors are talking about feeding me intravenously! I just have no appetite and everything tastes awful. I drinking a lot of water with organic lemnon squeezed in it and aloe vera juice.

    We are all so different.

    Wishing you you well and just know you are all the most beautiful women in the world because you are cancer conquerors!

    <3 V
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    try a water aerobics class!! i did!
    My daughter and I joined a gym this summer, and have taken a few water aerobics class. I highly recommend it - I too have alot of joint pain, mainly in my hips and knees. Being in the water makes it really easy on your joints, and the workout is REALLY good. I would absolutely give it a try if I were you :)
  • 2xround
    2xround Member Posts: 9
    jendrey said:

    Couldn't prove it by looking at me!
    Is is even possible to lose weight now? Well, you certainly couldn't prove it by looking at me that's for sure. I've gained about 40+ pounds. I used to weigh like about 110, now none of my clothes even begin to fit me. I'm not eating any more than I used too and I still excersize; I'm guessing between the steroids and being slammed into menopause maybe that's why for..nonetheless the weight is not coming off no matter what or so it seems.

    @2xround = I wouldn't be so quick to leave your diet especially if you've actually lost some weight! Might consider that it's not so much that the steroids are keeping you from losing weight but more so that the diet is keeping you from gaining the usual steroid induced massive weight gain. Just a thought... Really, it'd be best to ask your doctor.


    My onc has no problem with
    My onc has no problem with me dieting, he thinks it's a good idea. He wants me to get rid of all the estrogen in my body and fat tissue contains estrogen. He didn't express an opinion as to whether the dieting will actually do anything for my weight ;). But you have a good point in that just not gaining weight is already something to be happy with.