brain mets.

pmd1490 Member Posts: 7
two weeks ago, my mom was diagnosed with 2 brain mets that metastasized from her BC. One was located right on her brain stem. The neurosurgeon came in and told us that if we didn't do surgery, we would lose my mom, but that surgery was still risky. It could drastically impair her quality of life, speech, mobility, you name it. At that point, i just lost it and started to sob uncontrollably. I begged my mom to do whatever could be done to survive. I'm only 20, turning 21 in 1 month. I need my mom. She needs to see my get married, and have a family of my own. She needs to see me grow and learn still. If she was going to die anytime soon, it was going to be fighting this monster, and not succumbing to it. Call me selfish, but I could take her rolling around on a wheelchair. I could even take her not speaking well. Hell, I could take her bedridden. just as long as she was here with me and the rest of the family.

Fortunately, my mom's neurosurgery was a huge success. After an MRI was done, the neurosurgery said he was confident he was able to get it all. Again...tears. I walked into my mom's ICU room and immediately told her how proud of her I was. She rolled into the operating room not knowing if she was going to come out the same, and she still risked it. That's my mom for you. A fighter.

Mom's onc kept her in ICU for 3 days then transferred her to a nursing home so she could undergo therapy to gain back what she had lost, which, let me tell ya, wasn't much. She was a little weak on her left side. Couldn't walk or stand without assistance. But after a week and change in a nursing home, mom can finally put some weight on her left foot. Walking is still a challenge, but worst case scenario is she needs a wheelchair.

She's coming home from the nursing facility tomorrow and I couldn't be happier. I've missed coming home from school and work and seeing her sitting on the couch on her iPad. I've missed telling her my crazy stories of working as a hostess in a busy restaurant(and trust me, there are many!). I've missed laying in bed watching reruns of Frasier, Golden Girls, and I Love Lucy. I've missed watching padres games with her. I've missed HER.

Up next...10 rounds of radiation for 2 weeks to finally nuke the hell out of this cancer once and for all. One downside is that it will probably cause permanent hair loss. I was bummed to hear this, as she just had her hair grown after ending chemo for breast cancer. But I keep telling her it's a small price to pay in order for you to still be here with me today.

Overall, I've never been so scared in my life. This is the only time in my mom's year-long cancer journey that I ever considered her dying a legitimate option. I can't believe how close she was to death, and how well she's recovered since her surgery. Right after she came out of her craniotomy, she was cracking jokes with everyone as if nothing ever happened. Unbelievable.

All I can say is that my mom had angels with her in that operating room. I've never prayed so hard for anything in my entire life. I even pleaded with God: Please take all of her hurt and pain and put it on me instead, because she doesn't deserve this. Sometimes, I still wonder why this all had to happen to my sweet, loving, caring, vibrant mom. The best answer I can come up with is that God never gives us more than we can handle. He puts obstacles in front of us all to prove our strength, and from that, I gain a sense of peace.

For those who have read this post in its entirety, I appreciate it. I guess I just needed an outlet to let my feelings go. And for those who are going through similar situations, I hope you gain a sense of hope. Please don't lose faith. Every moment you're with your loved one affected with cancer, remind yourself how lucky you are to have them with you in that moment. Treasure it. Just remember: Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't lose.

Hugs to all.

Psalm 46: God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]

4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.


  • mckevnic
    mckevnic Member Posts: 71
    Praying for you and your mom....
    Thank you for sharing your story! With all the challenges your mom has faced and will face in the future what I see here is a child (you) who is caring and compassionate and a mom who is a strong fighter. You both are an inspiration to others! Praying for you all...
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    mckevnic said:

    Praying for you and your mom....
    Thank you for sharing your story! With all the challenges your mom has faced and will face in the future what I see here is a child (you) who is caring and compassionate and a mom who is a strong fighter. You both are an inspiration to others! Praying for you all...

    Prayers and angels
    Prayers and angels are surrounding you and your mom. So glad to hear that she chose to fight and that you chose to push her to do so.

    Praying that her recovery is complete and easy and that she'll be dancing at your wedding and holding grandchildren in the future.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    mckevnic said:

    Praying for you and your mom....
    Thank you for sharing your story! With all the challenges your mom has faced and will face in the future what I see here is a child (you) who is caring and compassionate and a mom who is a strong fighter. You both are an inspiration to others! Praying for you all...

    I am so glad that you found
    I am so glad that you found this site to write. I will be praying for your Mom and for you.

    Hugs, Jan
  • gami43
    gami43 Member Posts: 281

    I am so glad that you found
    I am so glad that you found this site to write. I will be praying for your Mom and for you.

    Hugs, Jan

    God bless you and your mom.
    God bless you and your mom. So glad the surgery was a success.
    You two have a precious relationship. Thank you for sharing.

    Luv, Teresa
  • Nana C.
    Nana C. Member Posts: 108
    What a beautiful Story!
    I will be praying for your family and thank you for sharing that beautiful. There is nothing more special than a mother daughter relationship and it sounds like you mother is very lucky to have you on her side!

    Love and prayers
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    gami43 said:

    God bless you and your mom.
    God bless you and your mom. So glad the surgery was a success.
    You two have a precious relationship. Thank you for sharing.

    Luv, Teresa

    Thanks for sharing this.
    Thanks for sharing this. There is nothing like a close daughter and mother relationship and you are blessed to have one.

    I will keep your mother and you in my prayers.


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Nana C. said:

    What a beautiful Story!
    I will be praying for your family and thank you for sharing that beautiful. There is nothing more special than a mother daughter relationship and it sounds like you mother is very lucky to have you on her side!

    Love and prayers

    Thank you for your beautiful story.
    It gives us all hope to read stories like this. God bless you and your Mom.
    I think the heavens and angels were absolutely right there with you.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Nana C. said:

    What a beautiful Story!
    I will be praying for your family and thank you for sharing that beautiful. There is nothing more special than a mother daughter relationship and it sounds like you mother is very lucky to have you on her side!

    Love and prayers

    You are both in my prayers.
    You are both in my prayers.
  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    congrats to you and your mom
    what an amazing daughter she really can and does give so much strength...hugs to you both, and may she be dancing at your wedding and holding grandchildren, even if you get married at 35~love to you both
  • HootieGirl
    HootieGirl Member Posts: 85
    So you and I are kind of
    So you and I are kind of going through the exact opposite situation, but I can relate to you in so many ways. I am 20 years old, just like you, and I have metastatic breast cancer just like your mom. Reading your post made me so emotional, because I have such an incredible relationship with my mom and I couldn't imagine not being around to get married and have my mom plan my wedding with me. You are such a light and I hope you never lose faith. Your mom sounds like an incredible woman and you clearly are as well. So many of us are praying for you and your family. I'm so glad you can see the positive and remain hopeful. Lifes blessings often come during trying times. At least with my situation, I have had some of the most amazing and hilarious moments and I am so much more aware of lifes little blessings now more than ever. Keep us updated and stay strong. Praying so hard for you!

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    So you and I are kind of
    So you and I are kind of going through the exact opposite situation, but I can relate to you in so many ways. I am 20 years old, just like you, and I have metastatic breast cancer just like your mom. Reading your post made me so emotional, because I have such an incredible relationship with my mom and I couldn't imagine not being around to get married and have my mom plan my wedding with me. You are such a light and I hope you never lose faith. Your mom sounds like an incredible woman and you clearly are as well. So many of us are praying for you and your family. I'm so glad you can see the positive and remain hopeful. Lifes blessings often come during trying times. At least with my situation, I have had some of the most amazing and hilarious moments and I am so much more aware of lifes little blessings now more than ever. Keep us updated and stay strong. Praying so hard for you!


    Kat, it is good to see you
    Kat, it is good to see you posting. How are you doing now? Please post an update when you can for the pink sisters.

    Hugs, Debby
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    Brain Mets
    Looks like you have a wonderful mum and she has a wonderful daughter. Two strong ladies. Good luck in her recovery she must be very proud of you too.
  • Vigee
    Vigee Member Posts: 66
    thank you
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.

    I will pray for you and your Mom.

    <3 V