Femara and Side Effects



  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I've been on Femara for
    I've been on Femara for almost 10 months and for the first several months thought I was lucky because I wasn't having too many side effects. Anyway, it was something I could handle along with painful fibromyalgia. But for the last month my sleep was being affected, night sweats were getting worse and the pain finally became crippling. My hands, wrists, arms, neck/shoulders ache so bad all the time. My knees and ankles hurt when I try to walk/stand and its turning me into a wreck. Called my onc and she said to come off Femara for a couple of weeks and see if it helps. From what I'm reading here, it might be a couple of months before I notice any difference. I'm willing to try other meds but first I want to see if staying off all these will increase my quality of life. My onc will prob ably want to put me on something different but I think I'lll hold out to see what happens. I can hardly hold a cup of coffee in my right hand because of the pain and weakness. I want a better quality of life so I understand what a lot of you are saying. Hoping that a new med will be discovered that will be better if we have to continue to take meds for several years after bc.

    Funny how my oncologist says
    Funny how my oncologist says trigger finger isn't related to Femara, but Lo and Behold, look how many of us developed it! I had never even heard of it before Femara.

    Hope you all find the right route for you. I'm so glad not everyone has bad side effects to this and the other alternative protocols.

    Fond thoughts to all my Sisters.

  • janie560
    janie560 Member Posts: 42
    i was just told today that i
    i was just told today that i will be taking these drugs. After these comments considering not taking the drug.
  • janie560
    janie560 Member Posts: 42

    I'm not on anything
    I'm not on anything Chickadee but I'm very careful to say that is my decision and I don't recommend it.
    Most of the women here can handle the SE's and some are even lucky enough not to have any.
    I sincerely hope that another medication will work better for you.
    I wish you the very best.

    Are u estrogen, prog.
    Are u estrogen, prog. positive and have you had any reaccurance?
  • tabbyfatgirl1
    tabbyfatgirl1 Member Posts: 17
    Femara side effects
    Hi Chickadee,

    I have all the side effects you mention. I also came off the Femara for a month, all symptoms went away, went back on & now all symptoms are back - even worse as you mentioned. I have taken myself off it again (without asking my onc). I've been off now since Dec 1st & still have all the symptoms, but am hoping at about a month they'll start going away. When first getting up in the a.m. or just from sitting 15 minutes or more, I walk like a VERY old woman, my feet are so painful, my back gives me a fit also. Both shoulder joints & neck pain. I had such depression that my onc started me on Effexor which has helped some. The hot flashes - are they flashes or just "hot"? These are just aweful. My hair is thinning also, luckily I have thick hair, thankful for that. I'm going to talk to my Onc about this again, but he feels very strongly about the need for anti-hormone meds. I'm always conscious of that "C" word so I'm torn between the quality of life issue & the threat of recurrence. Your post is from June. sorry I'm just now seeing it, haven't been on the site much. How are you now? Still off Femara? Thank you for sharing this - it has really helped me as all the comments from these wonderful women. Hope you are doing well & again thanks. Merry Christmas!
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member

    Femara side effects
    Hi Chickadee,

    I have all the side effects you mention. I also came off the Femara for a month, all symptoms went away, went back on & now all symptoms are back - even worse as you mentioned. I have taken myself off it again (without asking my onc). I've been off now since Dec 1st & still have all the symptoms, but am hoping at about a month they'll start going away. When first getting up in the a.m. or just from sitting 15 minutes or more, I walk like a VERY old woman, my feet are so painful, my back gives me a fit also. Both shoulder joints & neck pain. I had such depression that my onc started me on Effexor which has helped some. The hot flashes - are they flashes or just "hot"? These are just aweful. My hair is thinning also, luckily I have thick hair, thankful for that. I'm going to talk to my Onc about this again, but he feels very strongly about the need for anti-hormone meds. I'm always conscious of that "C" word so I'm torn between the quality of life issue & the threat of recurrence. Your post is from June. sorry I'm just now seeing it, haven't been on the site much. How are you now? Still off Femara? Thank you for sharing this - it has really helped me as all the comments from these wonderful women. Hope you are doing well & again thanks. Merry Christmas!

    Glad you found it tabbyfatgirl1
    When i went on femara it was ok but now it's been 7 months and boy! just like everybody said i have it all joint pain,can't hardly walk when i first get up,wrist pain,all of it is just too much i wish someone could help because seems like all our oncologist feel the same way about this issues just take it and deal with it. I read one of these post that stated get MSG or something to that effect i cant see it right now it's a natural inflammatory please someone weigh in with some help i don't want to go off of it because the side effects are not as bad as tamoxifen.~~MollyZ~~
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    mollyz said:

    Glad you found it tabbyfatgirl1
    When i went on femara it was ok but now it's been 7 months and boy! just like everybody said i have it all joint pain,can't hardly walk when i first get up,wrist pain,all of it is just too much i wish someone could help because seems like all our oncologist feel the same way about this issues just take it and deal with it. I read one of these post that stated get MSG or something to that effect i cant see it right now it's a natural inflammatory please someone weigh in with some help i don't want to go off of it because the side effects are not as bad as tamoxifen.~~MollyZ~~

    Hi Tabbyfatgirl1. Welcome
    Hi Tabbyfatgirl1. Welcome to the Boards.

    All my side effects have gone with the exception of slight achiness in my hands. The knee thing returned to its 'pre-chemo/Femara' condition. My sleep is so much better; no more trigger fingers/thumb, heavy legs, joint pain. Because my chance of recurrence was so low to begin with I didn't feel too hesitant to discontinue the drugs despite the oncologist stating it was current 'protocol'. My quality of life was much more important to me than the slight improvement the protocol offers. If my particular situation were different, I would probably have tried one of the other options. I'm thankful I am in the condition I am in!

    My former oncologist left the city, so I am meeting a new doctor next week. We'll see how she reacts to my decision. Regardless, I'm certain I don't want to take anything. I am so happy to just be taking vitamins/supplements.

    Best wishes and Merry Christmas!

  • MGNS
    MGNS Member Posts: 197 Member
    Yes, yes, yes. I'm so glad
    Yes, yes, yes. I'm so glad you posted because I'm having all of the symptoms, except trigger finger, and thought it was just me. I've been on Femara for one year and keep thinking only four more years of this. I keep trying to think positive and tell myself that as long as the cancer is gone I can put up with the aches, pains, and weight gain. I'm planning on a new wardrobe in smaller sizes in four years!
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Oh my aching joints
    When first started femara, yes, pretty bad all over. On F for almost a yr and much better. It really attacked my hand/fingers. Mainly the right index. Weird. Onco said it does attack small joints. I do advil, couple a day and gentle stretching yoga. It helps. My onc wants me stay on femara if I can handle pain. I can, and will cont antihormone pill.
  • carrie61
    carrie61 Member Posts: 23
    Trigger Fingers & More
    Oh yes--I developed very painful trigger thumbs shortly after starting Femara.
    Also, pain across the top of my foot by where the toes connect--this is the worst--terrible stiffness and pain when I try to get out of the car or stand up.
    Nothing else, tho.
  • smitters1
    smitters1 Member Posts: 7
    I have been on Femara for about 8 weeks and so far no side effects. I have a friend though that is on it and had a fractured knee cap that she thinks was caused by the Femara. Someone else I know is on it and said after 6 months the aches and pain went away.