What do we think of WhatNext so far?

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
edited September 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
After a little encouragement from RE :-), I signed up for the new ACS cancer support site, WhatNext, and have been trying to find my way around it. I see a lot of your names and faces there, too!

So...what do we think so far? New Flower and I were messaging about it, and she mentioned that it seems to her very Facebook-influenced. I don't do Facebook -- is that why I don't understand a lot of their terms, like "wall" and "following"? Frankly, I'm having a hard time navigating many aspects of the site.

There don't seem to be any kinds of groups there, like different boards for different types of cancers (like here). Not sure how I feel about that...a lung cancer survivor, for example, would have a very different treatment experience than a breast cancer survivor.




  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I'm no help as I'm not on
    I'm no help as I'm not on either.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I'm no help as I'm not on
    I'm no help as I'm not on either.

    Hi Traci,
    I don't do

    Hi Traci,
    I don't do Facebook either and am also having a hard time navigating. I thought it was just me!
    I answered a question and I guess I put it on "wall" instead of after the question.
    I'm so confused :)
    I guess I'm just used to this site and prefer it, but maybe if I understood it, I'd like it more.
    Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone :)
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Not terribly impressed. I do
    Not terribly impressed. I do have a facebook page and I still have trouble navigating whatnext.

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    mamolady said:

    Not terribly impressed. I do
    Not terribly impressed. I do have a facebook page and I still have trouble navigating whatnext.


    Group hug!
    Thank you both, Wanda and Cindy, for being my little WhatNext "support group," and letting me know I'm not the only one -- group hug! :-)

    I was talking about the site with my girlfriend and her 17-year-old daughter over dinner tonight. Both are active on Facebook, and have poked around Twitter, Digg, and Tumbler -- they said that some of what I was describing from WhatNext actually comes from those sites, not even from Facebook.

    So, in order to navigate WhatNext, maybe you have to be fluent in current social media sites? It seems like the ACS is going after a very different demographic than this board. I'm also surprised that none of their FAQs cover technical issues, like how to navigate the site -- maybe that's on its way, since the site is still very new?

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    I think it is a lot like FB
    I think it is a lot like the other "social network" sites too~ and though I did join, I am finding it near impossible to navigate, and frankly, it is just another time-eater, as far as I am concerned! Not that the site in and of itself is bad, just that I don't want to give any more time to the computer and yet another online site! I am so far behind in my personal reading, and things that I like to do outside of the cyber-world, that I have only been to the new site twice...and it's too confusing! So, I am probably opting out of the experience...I feel a connection with you here, and I honestly don't see the need to be anyplace else!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    never heard of it..I"ll have
    never heard of it..I"ll have to check it out..
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    never heard of it..I"ll have
    never heard of it..I"ll have to check it out..

    I am feeling the way Chen
    I am feeling the way Chen does. I have another non cancer related site, plus fB but my email, so I think that is enough. I am actually trying to cut down.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    carkris said:

    I am feeling the way Chen
    I am feeling the way Chen does. I have another non cancer related site, plus fB but my email, so I think that is enough. I am actually trying to cut down.

    So funny I actually left you all messages on your walls there
    I feel somehow different about whatnext site. I have to agree technically it is not user friendly place. Hybrid between FB and Twitter and maybe something else. I cannot go about cancer on Face Book because my family, including my elderly mother on it. She is worried about every acme on my skin and I cannot put her throughout my health and life concerns. So I was happy to Whatnext is an opportunity tell you about my life and keep in touch with those who I personally know and have met. It does not need to be about cancer or someone I would like to help, I am going post my weekly updates about my life and feeling my"followers" are welcome to comment and read. What I like that I am getting notification via e-mail that my friends have comment on my post, since I can read my e-mails on my phone I always can read your messages at any place on any time.
    This week I was happy to read that Lynn had a wonderful hike with friends and Rena has planned camping with her friends.

    Claudia, Penny, and Traci I have left you all short messages on your wall.My hope is that ACS will improve the site and give people tutorials to navigate and use benefits of a group hug idea.

    I am leaving for 1 week vacation. Please take care of each other and yourself using any means available to you.

    Wishing everyone a nice relaxing weekend.

    New Flower
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    I can tell you about your "wall"
    That is essentially your area where you can post things and others can post things to you but that aren't private. So, for example, I could post a message on your wall saying, "Hey Traci, how are your co workers and their drinks that are bigger than their heads?". That would be visible to anyone who can see your "wall". On FB, only your friends can see your wall. On WhatNext, I think (but am not sure about this) that only the people whom you follow (and/or that follow you) can see your wall. As for the following part, once you follow a person, their activities (questions answered, posts generally) will pop up into your "home" area. So you will have a list of things people say and do here. In FB, they call it your "newsfeed" and I think that makes it easier to understand.

    Anyway, I am still trying to figure it out. I think since it is new, they are still working out the bugs. It probably will just take a bit before it is easily navigable.

  • CAchick
    CAchick Member Posts: 277
    Signed up, but not really enough time to explore it
    I signed up for it, but between work, family, home, and other activities, I really haven't had time to explore it much. I guess if I have the time, I would rather come here...So no real feedback!
    Thankful for this site, though!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    I can tell you about your "wall"
    That is essentially your area where you can post things and others can post things to you but that aren't private. So, for example, I could post a message on your wall saying, "Hey Traci, how are your co workers and their drinks that are bigger than their heads?". That would be visible to anyone who can see your "wall". On FB, only your friends can see your wall. On WhatNext, I think (but am not sure about this) that only the people whom you follow (and/or that follow you) can see your wall. As for the following part, once you follow a person, their activities (questions answered, posts generally) will pop up into your "home" area. So you will have a list of things people say and do here. In FB, they call it your "newsfeed" and I think that makes it easier to understand.

    Anyway, I am still trying to figure it out. I think since it is new, they are still working out the bugs. It probably will just take a bit before it is easily navigable.


    Thank you, Clementine!
    Your explanations of "wall" and "following" are really helpful -- any chance you can volunteer to write a "How to Navigate the Site" tutorial for the WhatNext folks? :-)

  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Thank you, Clementine!
    Your explanations of "wall" and "following" are really helpful -- any chance you can volunteer to write a "How to Navigate the Site" tutorial for the WhatNext folks? :-)


    The class shall commence the Tuesday after Labor Day, but I will first post the syllabus. ;)

    See, this conversation could easily be one that takes place on your "wall" and any of your friends/followers can chime in as well!

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    CAchick said:

    Signed up, but not really enough time to explore it
    I signed up for it, but between work, family, home, and other activities, I really haven't had time to explore it much. I guess if I have the time, I would rather come here...So no real feedback!
    Thankful for this site, though!

    LOL Clementine..I'll be in
    LOL Clementine..I'll be in that class.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    carkris said:

    I am feeling the way Chen
    I am feeling the way Chen does. I have another non cancer related site, plus fB but my email, so I think that is enough. I am actually trying to cut down.

    I am not leaving WhatsNext
    I am not leaving WhatsNext because of the confusion and it not being user-friendly~ which is sooo true, but as I said, simply because I spend enough time on the Internet as it is! For those who find it advantageous ( the reasons NewFlower stated are certainly valid!) I say log on and enjoy!

    I must say, I did notice a person who "unfriended" me on FB ( say what??? LOL) is on the WhatsNext site...will she be able to unfriend me there, too? It is odd to be on one internet site together, but not on another...perhaps out of deference to her, I will also stay away from WhatsNext! Ahhhhh, the beauty and curse of the internet! LOL LOL

    And, as many of you know, I belong to a book group, I take care of my 2 year old granddaughter 3 days a week, I am doing battle with the beast ( again) so I REALLY need to free up my time!

    That having been said, if Clementine posts the tutorial, I may save it for another time!

  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Where do you find it
    can someone send me their address. Did a search and couldn't find it
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    I am going to check this out.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member

    Where do you find it
    can someone send me their address. Did a search and couldn't find it

    hope this


    hope this helps!
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member

    Where do you find it
    can someone send me their address. Did a search and couldn't find it

    Don't put in the www or it won't come up.

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member

    The class shall commence the Tuesday after Labor Day, but I will first post the syllabus. ;)

    See, this conversation could easily be one that takes place on your "wall" and any of your friends/followers can chime in as well!


    Sign me up for class!
    I am still having trouble with the sight. Maybe my internet connection is too slow, but it seems to take forever to navigate. I may just be getting too impatient.
    It may be the twitter influence because I don't have much trouble with FB.

  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    I am going to check this out.

    I joined
    but haven't been back to it yet. Between this site, regular e-mail and FaceBook, haven't had the chance to really check it out.