Is there anyway to block someone's posts on this site?
Chen once said (and I willTraciInLA said:Sorry, Chen -- you just "outed" yourself!
If you truly had decided not to read Victoria's and my posts...well, then, you wouldn't be commenting on them right here, now would you? You're a terrible liar, dear heart!
And LOL, New Flower -- yes, we're comin' after you next, so watch out!
:-) Traci
Chen once said (and I will just paraphrase) but the gist is we are like kids in homeroom and you look around and see where you fit. Chen help me here Akkkk. anyway, people have been upset over the two years or so I have been here. I also skip over the ones I dont like and find the pearls, and there are many of them. I did not see the thread you are referring to, i hope i am not guilty of anything but massive typos. Yes and victoria, New Flower, and Traci are ones to watch out for!!!!0 -
as one that's found her posts occasionally flagged for what I can only assume was content that was considered offensive by another, I am certainly amused that someone has flagged cinnamonsmile's initial post on this topic. I've wondered the EXACT same thing and now feel vindicated that I am in outstanding company. In real life we can avoid the toxic personalities a little easier perhaps (When was the last time you saw me post anything to Traci or Victoria, eh?) Here I just try not to let my prosthetic bra get in a wad over it. As if @#$%! cancer wasn't enough, none of us need more aggravation.TraciInLA said:Sorry, Chen -- you just "outed" yourself!
If you truly had decided not to read Victoria's and my posts...well, then, you wouldn't be commenting on them right here, now would you? You're a terrible liar, dear heart!
And LOL, New Flower -- yes, we're comin' after you next, so watch out!
:-) Traci
It's a free country with free speech, and for that I am grateful. We have the right to change the channel, ignore an offender, or in our own pretty little heads covered with varying amounts of hair just think of someone as a kook and keep on smiling. No one can steal your joy without your permission, to paraphrase Eleanor Roosevelt.
and just for fun...
We've come a long way ladies, and now I will shut-up.0 -
Block Posts
DEar CS:
This question might be totally inappropriate - if so forgive me. Everyone but me seems to be in the know about the post you are referring to except this old lady. Can you give me a hint? Don't worry if you can't.
PS - Found a massage therapist right in my back yeard - the health club, I'll have an appointment with her Aug.29, she has dealt with cancer patients, scar tissues and other problems, I booked for 1/2 hr. only to work on the left side and maybe both hands and feet (neuropathy). She is not into the lymphatic system, so this is just a trial balloon, so-to-speak0 -
No Sinee......sinee said:I hope it's not me
If it is, I won't post again~just let me know~I only try to be helpful, but you never know~just tell me if it was me and I will never be heard from again, the last thing I would want to do is upset someone. Thanks, Sinee
It's not you. And don't you dare deprive us of your wonderful smile!0 -
@mruczko, I can't find themruczko said:Block Posts
DEar CS:
This question might be totally inappropriate - if so forgive me. Everyone but me seems to be in the know about the post you are referring to except this old lady. Can you give me a hint? Don't worry if you can't.
PS - Found a massage therapist right in my back yeard - the health club, I'll have an appointment with her Aug.29, she has dealt with cancer patients, scar tissues and other problems, I booked for 1/2 hr. only to work on the left side and maybe both hands and feet (neuropathy). She is not into the lymphatic system, so this is just a trial balloon, so-to-speak
@mruczko, I can't find the post either and would really like to read it. As some-one with "only" DCIS, I would like to put my 2 cents in to her!
Angela0 -
To Cinnamon & Others - the keyword is "Terminology"
Dear Cinnamon,
I am very sorry that you and the others don’t like my posts. I do think it is a case of understanding terminology. I am 17 years with breast cancer, sometimes I forget that others are not up on the terminology or words that I so take for granted.
DCIS acronym for Ductal carcinoma in situ is often thought as pre-cancer or stage 0 by most healthcare provider. It doesn’t mean you don’t have cancer. You certainly did have cancer, but not the invasive kind that can often morphed into stage IV, a terminal disease.
When the word cancer comes to mind, most think of it as a potential spreader of malignant cells. Usually because most cancers do not have the tools to find cancer when it is in the early stages and treatable. Most types of cancers are found to late when symptoms are notice and malignant cells have spread.
Stage 0 is not exempt of going to stage IV, the internet is full of stories of women who did go on to the late stage. RivkA, is one I can think of that went from stage 0 to stage 4. Her blog was an excellent read in courage and humor. Google “RivkA” and you can read her story if your so inclined. I am not implying that you will be in that category, just that the possibility does exist, no matter what stage a person is diagnose in having.
You did all you could do to assure that you won’t be in that number with the mastectomy.
The one thing I have learned in my years of breast cancer is it is a very sneaky opponent. One can never be certain that it won’t come back, even 30 years after diagnose. Not many cancer’s have such a long timeline.
Again, it’s terminology that I believe upset you. No where did I say or imply, you didn’t have cancer.
Doris0 -
For Angela in regards to posts you ask to readrobang13 said:
Hi Angela,
The post is:
Ever had a Dr. tell you that your mastectomy was unnecessary?
As I said on this posting, that I believe there is an error of understanding terminology.
Stage 0 or precancer is how the medical establishment refers to DCIS. It doesn't mean you didn't or don't have cancer, it only means it is not invasive. No where in my postings did I diminish what Cinnamon or any other women diagnose with DCIS have gone through with breast cancer.
I sometimes forget that people are not tune in as I am after 17 years with breast cancer.
My best wishes to you on this journey.
Doris0 -
I bring an interestingSIROD said:To Cinnamon & Others - the keyword is "Terminology"
Dear Cinnamon,
I am very sorry that you and the others don’t like my posts. I do think it is a case of understanding terminology. I am 17 years with breast cancer, sometimes I forget that others are not up on the terminology or words that I so take for granted.
DCIS acronym for Ductal carcinoma in situ is often thought as pre-cancer or stage 0 by most healthcare provider. It doesn’t mean you don’t have cancer. You certainly did have cancer, but not the invasive kind that can often morphed into stage IV, a terminal disease.
When the word cancer comes to mind, most think of it as a potential spreader of malignant cells. Usually because most cancers do not have the tools to find cancer when it is in the early stages and treatable. Most types of cancers are found to late when symptoms are notice and malignant cells have spread.
Stage 0 is not exempt of going to stage IV, the internet is full of stories of women who did go on to the late stage. RivkA, is one I can think of that went from stage 0 to stage 4. Her blog was an excellent read in courage and humor. Google “RivkA” and you can read her story if your so inclined. I am not implying that you will be in that category, just that the possibility does exist, no matter what stage a person is diagnose in having.
You did all you could do to assure that you won’t be in that number with the mastectomy.
The one thing I have learned in my years of breast cancer is it is a very sneaky opponent. One can never be certain that it won’t come back, even 30 years after diagnose. Not many cancer’s have such a long timeline.
Again, it’s terminology that I believe upset you. No where did I say or imply, you didn’t have cancer.
I bring an interesting perspective to this discussion as a person with stage 1 invasive breast cancer married to a man with stage 4 colon cancer. My cancer treatment and anxiety is a walk in the park compared to his. I mostly read the posts on the colorectal board and feel jealous by the postings of those suffering at lower stages of the disease than my husband. That's why I rarely post on this breast cancer site. I just don't feel like my small walk up the hill is worthy of posting with those who are climbing mountains. Please try not to feel offended by those who are dealing with higher levels of concern. It's a whole different ballgame for them. Lisa0 -
Hi DorisSIROD said:To Cinnamon & Others - the keyword is "Terminology"
Dear Cinnamon,
I am very sorry that you and the others don’t like my posts. I do think it is a case of understanding terminology. I am 17 years with breast cancer, sometimes I forget that others are not up on the terminology or words that I so take for granted.
DCIS acronym for Ductal carcinoma in situ is often thought as pre-cancer or stage 0 by most healthcare provider. It doesn’t mean you don’t have cancer. You certainly did have cancer, but not the invasive kind that can often morphed into stage IV, a terminal disease.
When the word cancer comes to mind, most think of it as a potential spreader of malignant cells. Usually because most cancers do not have the tools to find cancer when it is in the early stages and treatable. Most types of cancers are found to late when symptoms are notice and malignant cells have spread.
Stage 0 is not exempt of going to stage IV, the internet is full of stories of women who did go on to the late stage. RivkA, is one I can think of that went from stage 0 to stage 4. Her blog was an excellent read in courage and humor. Google “RivkA” and you can read her story if your so inclined. I am not implying that you will be in that category, just that the possibility does exist, no matter what stage a person is diagnose in having.
You did all you could do to assure that you won’t be in that number with the mastectomy.
The one thing I have learned in my years of breast cancer is it is a very sneaky opponent. One can never be certain that it won’t come back, even 30 years after diagnose. Not many cancer’s have such a long timeline.
Again, it’s terminology that I believe upset you. No where did I say or imply, you didn’t have cancer.
Hi Doris
I am glad to see that you have been doing well. Two days ago women was asking for help because her cancer has spread to lungs and her doctor refused to treat her. I wish you could give her advice. If you go back in several days you might find it.
I know you admire Susan Love, however she 8 not a God. Some citations are conrovertial to me.
New Flower0 -
Susan Love...New Flower said:Hi Doris
Hi Doris
I am glad to see that you have been doing well. Two days ago women was asking for help because her cancer has spread to lungs and her doctor refused to treat her. I wish you could give her advice. If you go back in several days you might find it.
I know you admire Susan Love, however she 8 not a God. Some citations are conrovertial to me.
New Flower
She's the one who several years back was telling women to not bother doing MONTHLY self breast exams...that every three months is fine.that it causes undue anxiety and unnecessary testing....and I know she said this...saw her on the today show and she and Dr. Nancy Snider,agreed to disagree on that..My surgeon and I discussed this....he said he was shocked to hear her tell women this...that it was doing them a disservice....and I know for a FACT that if I had followed her advice I'd most likely be dead...
I am Stage IV and I resent being told it's TERMINAL!!!!!!!!! I'm dealing with a recurrence....dealing with a CHRONIC disease...Not one time have any of my physicians told me I am terminal..and believe me, I have asked them....and I resent " Dr.Strange Love" trying to prove she knows it all from "her" research...I'll stick with my physicians who REALLY have MD after their names....And won't be reading anymore of her posting.. And I stand by what I said earlier....misery loves company!
Hugs to pink sisters who care....
Nancy0 -
WOW! What did I miss while my computer was down for a week?MAJW said:Susan Love...
She's the one who several years back was telling women to not bother doing MONTHLY self breast exams...that every three months is fine.that it causes undue anxiety and unnecessary testing....and I know she said this...saw her on the today show and she and Dr. Nancy Snider,agreed to disagree on that..My surgeon and I discussed this....he said he was shocked to hear her tell women this...that it was doing them a disservice....and I know for a FACT that if I had followed her advice I'd most likely be dead...
I am Stage IV and I resent being told it's TERMINAL!!!!!!!!! I'm dealing with a recurrence....dealing with a CHRONIC disease...Not one time have any of my physicians told me I am terminal..and believe me, I have asked them....and I resent " Dr.Strange Love" trying to prove she knows it all from "her" research...I'll stick with my physicians who REALLY have MD after their names....And won't be reading anymore of her posting.. And I stand by what I said earlier....misery loves company!
Hugs to pink sisters who care....
Guess I'll have to go on a MAJOR update search to see what all happened while we were upgradding our computer system.
On the bright side - I'm back and things are running great. As long as I figure out what I'm doing with Windows 7.0 -
To New Flower about me and my take on metastasisNew Flower said:Hi Doris
Hi Doris
I am glad to see that you have been doing well. Two days ago women was asking for help because her cancer has spread to lungs and her doctor refused to treat her. I wish you could give her advice. If you go back in several days you might find it.
I know you admire Susan Love, however she 8 not a God. Some citations are conrovertial to me.
New Flower
Hi New Flower,
I do admire Dr. Susan Love probably dating back to my diagnose when her book was the only book that offered easy explanations. I never take one source of information, I research my subject intensely. I have always had other ways to fact-find due to where I work. Her take on stage 0 is no different than Mayo Clinic, Merck Manual, NCI and etc. With breast cancer be it stage 0 or late stage 3, there is never a guarantee that a woman won't morph to stage IV. I believe that all stages need support, encouragement and understanding.
My tumors returned in my lungs and pleura in April. Femara failed me, as did Faslodex, Tamoxifen and Arimidex. I have so many health issues that I feel like an old car, one patches one problem and another immediately appears. There are times that I like to just give up. I become so discourage and am so tired of dealing with "my failing body".
Since I don't know the fact to this woman's metastasis, I can't advise. Metastasis depends on where you are in the journey. On another board last January, a young mother was told that they had run out of options. She could try a trial but her oncologist didn't believe it would help her. She ask the forum for advice. This forum is for metastasis breast cancer only. All said, "fight, fight, fight". I didn't post and wish I had. My advice would have been to stop treatment, enjoy the time you have left with your children. Make memories with them. Two months later, she was out of the trial and decided to stop treatment. She died in April.
I read a blog on a woman name Amber for a long time. She was a young mother and had decided to write her journey. In due time metastasis spread everywhere and Amber was a fighter. I admired her for her courage and humor. Her husband finally said to her the treatment will kill you faster than the disease at that point. She went into hospice and they gave her four months. She felt better for a long time, vacations with the family, alone with her husband and enjoyed life to the hilt. After 5 1/2 months she took a turn for the worse and died. My point is each woman took a different path. There is in my opinion a time to quite and to live quality time for the remaining days.
My own views are since I am very hormonal positive, will take everyone one them, restart them in hopes to buy me time. I might take a few oral pills of chemotherapy. I will never do infusions. I am taking one now for my eye condition, not cancer. It hardly works on my eye condition but due to my cancer I can't take a target therapy. The one I take does little for my breast cancer mets. It didn't work stopping the cancer's returning nor has it worked when faslodex and femara failed.
I won't go fighting to the end. I am in my 18th year dealing with breast cancer and my journey has had some real bumps and problems. I believe when your newly diagnose, you fight, fight, fight. I have had 5 recurrences and I want to leave the world enjoying it. So many women who began the journey with me are now decease. What they wouldn't have given to be in my shoes. At diagnose my cancer was aggressive but my oncologist and I believe it is now indolent.
I would recommend a 2nd opinion when one doesn't believe their doctor's take on a specific medical issue. That is what I do.
Best to you, hoping you are doing well.
Doris0 -
To Nancy aka MAJW regarding Stave IVMAJW said:Susan Love...
She's the one who several years back was telling women to not bother doing MONTHLY self breast exams...that every three months is fine.that it causes undue anxiety and unnecessary testing....and I know she said this...saw her on the today show and she and Dr. Nancy Snider,agreed to disagree on that..My surgeon and I discussed this....he said he was shocked to hear her tell women this...that it was doing them a disservice....and I know for a FACT that if I had followed her advice I'd most likely be dead...
I am Stage IV and I resent being told it's TERMINAL!!!!!!!!! I'm dealing with a recurrence....dealing with a CHRONIC disease...Not one time have any of my physicians told me I am terminal..and believe me, I have asked them....and I resent " Dr.Strange Love" trying to prove she knows it all from "her" research...I'll stick with my physicians who REALLY have MD after their names....And won't be reading anymore of her posting.. And I stand by what I said earlier....misery loves company!
Hugs to pink sisters who care....
Hi Nancy,
I never do a monthly self breast exams and no longer do mammograms. I feel ct or PET scans will find any other metastatic problem in due time. It doesn’t matter. I like Dr. Love's books mainly because it was the only one I could read at diagnose. However, when a problem arises, I check many, many sources.
Stage IV is terminal as there is no Stage V. My oncologist told me it was but there is lots of things they can do today. My aunt was diagnose with lung metastasis in the month of June, just like me. However there was a 44 year difference. She died early September while in that time period, I was doing all my activities and mets was not a problem. There is no cure at this time, but lots of new hopes are coming along. Who knows what might be offered next that will work.
I just past my 17th year date since diagnose. I have read and read everything I could find. I've been on forums since 1997. In this time, I have watched many online friends with metastasis die. The most they have in years is 10 plus a few more months. I rarely read about women in the 12th year.
There are exceptions as we know and they might be that 1% that will survive or live long enough to say, “I had a good life”. Rita Arditti lived 30 years with her metastasis and spoke a few years ago at a conference in Boston. There is Katherine Rich in her 18th year with metastasis, an author living in India. Ms Rich post every year on another forum to say "I'm still here". There is the lady on the Herceptin Forum who should have died, tried Herceptin in a trial and continues living. There is hope that you to Nancy can be in that number.
I am not trying to be cruel when saying stage IV is terminal I am being realistic for those who seek information. They should understand the seriousness of their disease. Maybe this is why I am living so long is that I understood my enemy. Maybe not.
Wishing you the best on your journey. I would hope you will link arms with me as we walk this path.
Doris0 -
To Lisa aka as buckeye2buckeye2 said:I bring an interesting
I bring an interesting perspective to this discussion as a person with stage 1 invasive breast cancer married to a man with stage 4 colon cancer. My cancer treatment and anxiety is a walk in the park compared to his. I mostly read the posts on the colorectal board and feel jealous by the postings of those suffering at lower stages of the disease than my husband. That's why I rarely post on this breast cancer site. I just don't feel like my small walk up the hill is worthy of posting with those who are climbing mountains. Please try not to feel offended by those who are dealing with higher levels of concern. It's a whole different ballgame for them. Lisa
I am so very sorry to read about your husband's stage 4 cancer. I always feel for those who go on other forums as so many of them don't have a lot of people postings compared to BC forum.
I believe that everyone dealing with cancer needs a place to talk. Every stage has issues they want to learn about or discuss with others. I also believe it helps caregivers too.
My very best to you Lisa as you deal with your husband's very serious condition.
Doris0 -
I am humbled to be part of this 'open' forum ...SIROD said:To New Flower about me and my take on metastasis
Hi New Flower,
I do admire Dr. Susan Love probably dating back to my diagnose when her book was the only book that offered easy explanations. I never take one source of information, I research my subject intensely. I have always had other ways to fact-find due to where I work. Her take on stage 0 is no different than Mayo Clinic, Merck Manual, NCI and etc. With breast cancer be it stage 0 or late stage 3, there is never a guarantee that a woman won't morph to stage IV. I believe that all stages need support, encouragement and understanding.
My tumors returned in my lungs and pleura in April. Femara failed me, as did Faslodex, Tamoxifen and Arimidex. I have so many health issues that I feel like an old car, one patches one problem and another immediately appears. There are times that I like to just give up. I become so discourage and am so tired of dealing with "my failing body".
Since I don't know the fact to this woman's metastasis, I can't advise. Metastasis depends on where you are in the journey. On another board last January, a young mother was told that they had run out of options. She could try a trial but her oncologist didn't believe it would help her. She ask the forum for advice. This forum is for metastasis breast cancer only. All said, "fight, fight, fight". I didn't post and wish I had. My advice would have been to stop treatment, enjoy the time you have left with your children. Make memories with them. Two months later, she was out of the trial and decided to stop treatment. She died in April.
I read a blog on a woman name Amber for a long time. She was a young mother and had decided to write her journey. In due time metastasis spread everywhere and Amber was a fighter. I admired her for her courage and humor. Her husband finally said to her the treatment will kill you faster than the disease at that point. She went into hospice and they gave her four months. She felt better for a long time, vacations with the family, alone with her husband and enjoyed life to the hilt. After 5 1/2 months she took a turn for the worse and died. My point is each woman took a different path. There is in my opinion a time to quite and to live quality time for the remaining days.
My own views are since I am very hormonal positive, will take everyone one them, restart them in hopes to buy me time. I might take a few oral pills of chemotherapy. I will never do infusions. I am taking one now for my eye condition, not cancer. It hardly works on my eye condition but due to my cancer I can't take a target therapy. The one I take does little for my breast cancer mets. It didn't work stopping the cancer's returning nor has it worked when faslodex and femara failed.
I won't go fighting to the end. I am in my 18th year dealing with breast cancer and my journey has had some real bumps and problems. I believe when your newly diagnose, you fight, fight, fight. I have had 5 recurrences and I want to leave the world enjoying it. So many women who began the journey with me are now decease. What they wouldn't have given to be in my shoes. At diagnose my cancer was aggressive but my oncologist and I believe it is now indolent.
I would recommend a 2nd opinion when one doesn't believe their doctor's take on a specific medical issue. That is what I do.
Best to you, hoping you are doing well.
and valued each and every post, whether I agree with them or not.
I truly admire any SISTER that is well informed, educated, focused or engaged in their own SURVIVAL thru any means necessary.
SIROD/Doris .. I am a fan, and have been since my introduction to ACS site.
-- My Breast Cancer Specialist -- discussed my ' personal case ' among a panel of 12 Surgeons, Oncologists and BC Specialists -- I was then presented with surgical options.
I have DCIS -- In situ, High-grade solid with comedo. Stage 1 -- Her2/neu
3.0 x 2.4 x 2.0 cm tumor size, 10,0 x 7.0 x 4.0 cm lumpectomy specimen removal -- no clear margin
I am a WARRIOR, I used every option available to me to fight for my life. I am strong and brave. I crawled my way to the finish line of chemo therapy. I vowed to do everything it takes to get my dignity and life back after 'breast cancer'.
Strength, Courage and Hope.
Vicki Sam0 -
I finally decided to add myVickiSam said:I am humbled to be part of this 'open' forum ...
and valued each and every post, whether I agree with them or not.
I truly admire any SISTER that is well informed, educated, focused or engaged in their own SURVIVAL thru any means necessary.
SIROD/Doris .. I am a fan, and have been since my introduction to ACS site.
-- My Breast Cancer Specialist -- discussed my ' personal case ' among a panel of 12 Surgeons, Oncologists and BC Specialists -- I was then presented with surgical options.
I have DCIS -- In situ, High-grade solid with comedo. Stage 1 -- Her2/neu
3.0 x 2.4 x 2.0 cm tumor size, 10,0 x 7.0 x 4.0 cm lumpectomy specimen removal -- no clear margin
I am a WARRIOR, I used every option available to me to fight for my life. I am strong and brave. I crawled my way to the finish line of chemo therapy. I vowed to do everything it takes to get my dignity and life back after 'breast cancer'.
Strength, Courage and Hope.
Vicki Sam
I finally decided to add my two cents to this discussion. I think each of us have to make decisions based on the information available to us at the time. And whatever decision we make is one we'll have to live with but its still our decision to make. What works for one person make not be the right decision for another. This is a wonderful board with courageous, loving, supportive, informative and experienced people giving input. We can all gain from each other and we're all in this together. Sometimes we don't agree, get our feelings hurt and are offended by someone. But I believe no one here is trying to be hurtful and really just wants to be helpful. As many have said, life is just too short. Now can we all hug each other and encourage each other and circle around each other as we fight to keep bc from defeating us. The battle wages on but we can be victorious. We truly need each other's love and encouragement. Love, hugs and peace to all of you.0 -
DorisSIROD said:To New Flower about me and my take on metastasis
Hi New Flower,
I do admire Dr. Susan Love probably dating back to my diagnose when her book was the only book that offered easy explanations. I never take one source of information, I research my subject intensely. I have always had other ways to fact-find due to where I work. Her take on stage 0 is no different than Mayo Clinic, Merck Manual, NCI and etc. With breast cancer be it stage 0 or late stage 3, there is never a guarantee that a woman won't morph to stage IV. I believe that all stages need support, encouragement and understanding.
My tumors returned in my lungs and pleura in April. Femara failed me, as did Faslodex, Tamoxifen and Arimidex. I have so many health issues that I feel like an old car, one patches one problem and another immediately appears. There are times that I like to just give up. I become so discourage and am so tired of dealing with "my failing body".
Since I don't know the fact to this woman's metastasis, I can't advise. Metastasis depends on where you are in the journey. On another board last January, a young mother was told that they had run out of options. She could try a trial but her oncologist didn't believe it would help her. She ask the forum for advice. This forum is for metastasis breast cancer only. All said, "fight, fight, fight". I didn't post and wish I had. My advice would have been to stop treatment, enjoy the time you have left with your children. Make memories with them. Two months later, she was out of the trial and decided to stop treatment. She died in April.
I read a blog on a woman name Amber for a long time. She was a young mother and had decided to write her journey. In due time metastasis spread everywhere and Amber was a fighter. I admired her for her courage and humor. Her husband finally said to her the treatment will kill you faster than the disease at that point. She went into hospice and they gave her four months. She felt better for a long time, vacations with the family, alone with her husband and enjoyed life to the hilt. After 5 1/2 months she took a turn for the worse and died. My point is each woman took a different path. There is in my opinion a time to quite and to live quality time for the remaining days.
My own views are since I am very hormonal positive, will take everyone one them, restart them in hopes to buy me time. I might take a few oral pills of chemotherapy. I will never do infusions. I am taking one now for my eye condition, not cancer. It hardly works on my eye condition but due to my cancer I can't take a target therapy. The one I take does little for my breast cancer mets. It didn't work stopping the cancer's returning nor has it worked when faslodex and femara failed.
I won't go fighting to the end. I am in my 18th year dealing with breast cancer and my journey has had some real bumps and problems. I believe when your newly diagnose, you fight, fight, fight. I have had 5 recurrences and I want to leave the world enjoying it. So many women who began the journey with me are now decease. What they wouldn't have given to be in my shoes. At diagnose my cancer was aggressive but my oncologist and I believe it is now indolent.
I would recommend a 2nd opinion when one doesn't believe their doctor's take on a specific medical issue. That is what I do.
Best to you, hoping you are doing well.
Thanks for you tough love answers. Sorry that Femara stopped working for you. I guess cancer cells can adapt and undergo mutation so we have been chasing it and have to change our weapons.
Being realistic sometimes can be very discouraging, however patients should have open eyes and make very non trivial decisions.
Wishing improvements for your conditions.
New Flower0
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