OT POLL: Where do you give your time, talent or treasure?

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
I know we have several here who are coping with a new diagnosis, or fighting through treatment yet again, or waiting and praying for tests and test results...so I thought we could use something positive, to lift our spirits a little. And what better way than to share the good we give back to others?

So...what causes do you give your time, talent, or treasure to? Do you volunteer somewhere, or make things to donate, or donate money?

Of course, many here may not have the energy or finances to give right now, so what did you give to in the past, or what are you looking forward to giving to in the future?

For myself...I do a lot of volunteer work with my church, and donate groceries to our local food pantry. Besides that, I'm massively grateful to the ACS for everything I got from them while I was going through treatment, so look for any excuse to give money to them. And I'm a huge fan of PBS, so have been a member of my local station for many years.

What about you?



  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    What are you trying to do.......start trouble
    Sorry Traci, it's the brat in me that sometimes takes over a usually grown up mind!

    Anyway, great post. When I have extra (not too often these days) I have given to Disabled Vets, Lakota Indian School, St Josephs Indian School, Cystic Fibrosis, Jimmy Fund and some missions. Not that I need to name them all and I stagger them of course. Even if it's only $5.00 I figure it's something, right? For my time, I volunteered at a local Detox and found it so rewarding. It was Catholic Charities. That was quite a few years back though, but, I have to remember my good deeds, right. :) Also drove Meals on Wheels for the elderly.

    Anyway, the biggest and nicest donation didn't come from me, a friend sent $500.00 to Dana Farber Cancer Center in MY name. Awesome right.

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    What are you trying to do.......start trouble
    Sorry Traci, it's the brat in me that sometimes takes over a usually grown up mind!

    Anyway, great post. When I have extra (not too often these days) I have given to Disabled Vets, Lakota Indian School, St Josephs Indian School, Cystic Fibrosis, Jimmy Fund and some missions. Not that I need to name them all and I stagger them of course. Even if it's only $5.00 I figure it's something, right? For my time, I volunteered at a local Detox and found it so rewarding. It was Catholic Charities. That was quite a few years back though, but, I have to remember my good deeds, right. :) Also drove Meals on Wheels for the elderly.

    Anyway, the biggest and nicest donation didn't come from me, a friend sent $500.00 to Dana Farber Cancer Center in MY name. Awesome right.


    I was just in a video!
    I recently attended a great program at my local Wellness Community. A well-known local therapist uses hypnosis to help cancer patients be able to get into a state of mental well-being and help alleviate stress. He said that since many people were not able to attend, he was wanting to do a video of the lecture as well has have a volunteer or two to show how hypnosis works. The video will be put on the Wellness Community website. For some reason, my hand shot up and I volunteered. This is not a normal thing I do as I am rather shy with strangers.

    Anyway, last week, I and two other volunteers met the therapist at the University of Arizona Medical School (Phoenix campus) and spent 4 hours doing a video with him. It was actually fun and, yes, I was able to get into a trance-like state of relaxation and peace.

    I am hoping this video helps others who are stressed out and anxious in their journey to recovery.

    Hugs, Renee
  • rainbow4
    rainbow4 Member Posts: 137
    To help all our pink sisters
    and brothers, as well as anyone struggling with the monster, I have worked the last four years with ACS Relay For Life. It's become almost a year-long commitment since I took on the co-chair job, but I feel it's so important to raise the funding for research and to provide help for cancer survivors.
    I'm also helping out one afternoon a week at a shop in our local hospital which sells items at a lower price for survivors.
    And I'm a volunteer usher for the KU performance center - see lots of shows that I normally couldn't afford to attend, provide another face for the community.
    There are also canned-food events for the food pantries, etc., etc.
    It's a good thing that I'm retired so that I have more time for all this!
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    rainbow4 said:

    To help all our pink sisters
    and brothers, as well as anyone struggling with the monster, I have worked the last four years with ACS Relay For Life. It's become almost a year-long commitment since I took on the co-chair job, but I feel it's so important to raise the funding for research and to provide help for cancer survivors.
    I'm also helping out one afternoon a week at a shop in our local hospital which sells items at a lower price for survivors.
    And I'm a volunteer usher for the KU performance center - see lots of shows that I normally couldn't afford to attend, provide another face for the community.
    There are also canned-food events for the food pantries, etc., etc.
    It's a good thing that I'm retired so that I have more time for all this!

    Mini Relay
    Our school system holds a mini relay for life involving all the area schools. Each school raises money and the event culminates in a mini Relay on a Sat. afternoon. Last year my high school students raised $2,500 selling t shirts at ballgames. This year we've moved the date up to the end of Sept. to avoid bad weather, so we may not have time to order and sell T shirts. I could really use some good fund raising ideas. Anybody got any ideas to share?
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    dyaneb123 said:

    Mini Relay
    Our school system holds a mini relay for life involving all the area schools. Each school raises money and the event culminates in a mini Relay on a Sat. afternoon. Last year my high school students raised $2,500 selling t shirts at ballgames. This year we've moved the date up to the end of Sept. to avoid bad weather, so we may not have time to order and sell T shirts. I could really use some good fund raising ideas. Anybody got any ideas to share?

    Do Boobie pillows count?
    When I was dx I was given a "care package" where I have my mammo's and the biopsy was done....in this was just a small, square fiber filled pillow...they explained it was to use in the car, so the shoulder harness didn't hurt either the lumpectomy or mastectomy site....works like a charm...back to using it again...:(. In the past I was a fabric freak...had donated much but still had quite a bit....so I started making them for the centers to give at dx.....this one little pillow provides much comfort in the car...they take me bout 10 minutes to make....and before Chemo I was given a "dog bone" shaped pillow to use under my neck during chemo....all these are made by local churches and anyone who wants to...it's a good way to use up scrapes of fabric....anything to help a fellow " sister" is where I put my talent, time and treasure...I also donate to Susan G. Koman
    Hugs to all,
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    MAJW said:

    Do Boobie pillows count?
    When I was dx I was given a "care package" where I have my mammo's and the biopsy was done....in this was just a small, square fiber filled pillow...they explained it was to use in the car, so the shoulder harness didn't hurt either the lumpectomy or mastectomy site....works like a charm...back to using it again...:(. In the past I was a fabric freak...had donated much but still had quite a bit....so I started making them for the centers to give at dx.....this one little pillow provides much comfort in the car...they take me bout 10 minutes to make....and before Chemo I was given a "dog bone" shaped pillow to use under my neck during chemo....all these are made by local churches and anyone who wants to...it's a good way to use up scrapes of fabric....anything to help a fellow " sister" is where I put my talent, time and treasure...I also donate to Susan G. Koman
    Hugs to all,

    what does OT mean?

    what does OT mean?
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    carkris said:

    what does OT mean?

    what does OT mean?

    Bake cookies
    I used to have a cookie business many years ago and have baking in my blood. I support several organizations and most recently have baked cookies for the out of town families who stay at the Ronald McDonald house while a family member receives treatment.

    A little from the heart goes a long way!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    carkris said:

    what does OT mean?

    what does OT mean?

    Off topic
    OT = "Off topic."

    It's used on boards like this one as a courtesy, to flag a particular post as unrelated to the topic of the board -- so that, for example, if someone was only interested in information related to breast cancer, and not wanting to get involved with our more social or silly topics, they could just not read the "OT" ones.

    I'm loving hearing about all your generous hearts -- such lovely stories!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    TraciInLA said:

    Off topic
    OT = "Off topic."

    It's used on boards like this one as a courtesy, to flag a particular post as unrelated to the topic of the board -- so that, for example, if someone was only interested in information related to breast cancer, and not wanting to get involved with our more social or silly topics, they could just not read the "OT" ones.

    I'm loving hearing about all your generous hearts -- such lovely stories!


    Where do I begin lol
    I have been involved for years in donating food and money to the Humane Society. I love animals and it is the least that I feel that I can do for such a great organization. There are so many great dogs and cats that are needing homes, and, we can only take so many. lol

    I also have been working hard on helping the homeless. It seems that the numbers just keeping going up and up. And, it is really sad now to actually see whole families out there with no place to call home. There aren't any in the small communities around me, but, in the big cities, there are just so many that it breaks my heart.

    I organized a great group of my friends at first to start buying and collecting clothing to give to the homeless. The response was so overwhelming that my whole community is involved now. We have fund raisers, car washes, bake sales, garage sales, anything to raise awareness and to get money to buy the things needed by those that are less fortunate.

    At Christmas, we wrap all of the clothes, whether it be a pair of socks or a nice warm coat, so, everyone has a gift to unwrap. You wouldn't believe the big smiles on their faces when we give it to them. That is Christmas to me!

    So, that is some of what I do Traci in giving my talent, treasure and time!

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    susie09 said:

    Where do I begin lol
    I have been involved for years in donating food and money to the Humane Society. I love animals and it is the least that I feel that I can do for such a great organization. There are so many great dogs and cats that are needing homes, and, we can only take so many. lol

    I also have been working hard on helping the homeless. It seems that the numbers just keeping going up and up. And, it is really sad now to actually see whole families out there with no place to call home. There aren't any in the small communities around me, but, in the big cities, there are just so many that it breaks my heart.

    I organized a great group of my friends at first to start buying and collecting clothing to give to the homeless. The response was so overwhelming that my whole community is involved now. We have fund raisers, car washes, bake sales, garage sales, anything to raise awareness and to get money to buy the things needed by those that are less fortunate.

    At Christmas, we wrap all of the clothes, whether it be a pair of socks or a nice warm coat, so, everyone has a gift to unwrap. You wouldn't believe the big smiles on their faces when we give it to them. That is Christmas to me!

    So, that is some of what I do Traci in giving my talent, treasure and time!

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣

    Before and after cancer
    B4 - UCSF Brain Cancer research. Also give to Multiple Sclerosis. Will still do that. Did volunteer work for the local opera house for a couple of years. Hated that.

    After - giving back by being a Peer Navigator for newly diagnosed cancer patients. This is a program sponsored by UC Davis (where I received my treatments). It is the most fulfilling activity (volunteer or paid) I've ever done. I also donate my Phoenix Rising bags to various cancer events and those that I sell, I donate 10% of the sale to UC Davis Cancer Research.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I've only tried to help by
    I've only tried to help by answering posts on here. And lately haven't done a good job of that.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Mow yards
    The only thing I do for others right now is I have 3 yards I keep mowed (I love to mow). 2 are for young single Mothers who are really trying to take care of their kids (and keep them from the 'wanna be' gangs in the neighborhood). The other one is an older lady (well she might not be older than me but she moves and acts like she's a lot older) whose Hubby died since last summer.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I volunteered with hospice.
    I volunteered with hospice. Donate to the Road Home, homeless shelter for adults and families and worked on getting others involved. I give to St. Jude for children. Use to volunteer at the church, as well as Susan Komen 5K. And always give to the Food Bank.

    Now days not so much!
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    camul said:

    I volunteered with hospice.
    I volunteered with hospice. Donate to the Road Home, homeless shelter for adults and families and worked on getting others involved. I give to St. Jude for children. Use to volunteer at the church, as well as Susan Komen 5K. And always give to the Food Bank.

    Now days not so much!

    For the first time
    in my adult life I'm volunteer-less. The last 11 years I've been heavily involved in local writing groups, serving on the board, facilitating a brown bag writing practice group, open mic, putting together an annual anthology. My last commitment ended this June. At the moment I'm enjoying spending more time with my grandchildren.

    I still work so I want to be careful with my time and choosing where next to serve.

  • CAchick
    CAchick Member Posts: 277
    cash and time
    I give money to fight violence against women. I also volunteer at a women's shelter...although I had to cut back on volunteer time when I went through treatment because I still work also.
    I also give money to the local volunteer fire dept, and the local animal shelter.
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    I have done the Avon Walk 3 times, the Race for the Cure 3 times, the American Heart Assoc. Heart Walk 4 times, the Nike Dog Walk 2 times, the Relay for Life once, the Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome once. I usually donate to the Relay for several friends that walk.
    Other than that, my husband likes to do food, shelter and clothing so we donate to things like the Second Harvest Food bank, the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, and Habitat for Humanity on a regular basis. He also likes KQED and then others as people ask.
    We don't volunteer a whole lot any more because it isn't easy with a seven year old....

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I dont' do anything
    I dont' do anything officallly but I LOVE TO take care of seniors, always have...used to stop at one who's family all out of state...daily to check on her to and from work..now I go visit friend 4-5 x in nursing home! I have been like his since teen..one day off week and took my elderly family members out..

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I've only tried to help by
    I've only tried to help by answering posts on here. And lately haven't done a good job of that.

    As Marcia
    As Marcia I donate my talant and time here on CSN board. To be honest I feel more satisfied helping real people than big organization. We were able to help real people who have had difficult time have been buying lymphedema compression sleeves from the company which donates to The breast Cancer Research Foundation, every time when I buy 10% is donation. I volunteered for several clinical studies, related to young breast cancer survivors.
    Always donate Clothes and household items to salvation Army
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    I dont' do anything
    I dont' do anything officallly but I LOVE TO take care of seniors, always have...used to stop at one who's family all out of state...daily to check on her to and from work..now I go visit friend 4-5 x in nursing home! I have been like his since teen..one day off week and took my elderly family members out..


    I am a spay/neuter
    I am a Spay/Neuter advocate and also now on the Board of our local Humane Society and was the Board of a neighboring no kill shelter(took minutes for 10 years for them). Started spay/netuer clinics 11 years ago. Over 7,000 dogs, cats and rabbits have been fixed.Soon we will be doing smaller animals like guinea pigs etc.Animals make better pets when fixed and it also helps the overpopulation.No pet owner is turned away.If the family needs just a little money to get it done I help.They pay at 1/2 or more.

    Just this past month I also added to my organizng. I am bringing another unit that does cats only.Less than a month we did over 50 cats.As you see I don't have alot of time.This to me is almost full time.It is non stop.Phone Calls,appt,calling to confirm people will be there.I am very up front so I mail everything for them to see what to do before surgery, time to be there and where to go.

    Also I trapped 30 wild cats once and tamed them.Husband built a building with a fence and they lived there till their passing.It took a year to catch all but there has never been another cat in that location since.

    I trap cats for people who pay to get them fixed.Sometimes they work or are elderly.If the people will feed I will trap and return them back to their location.

    Much more that goes along with this. Its in my blood.I can't stand to see a animal starving, females giving birth over and over and see they've been abused or injured.I can't turn my back.My family is the same way.They love animals.My grandkids always help. I feed 4 locations and my grandkids go with me when they visit.Something they love doing.

    Also just in the last couple years been doing Relay for Life (walk and donate) and been asked to do a style show.I am kinda bashful.I am sure it will be all women but they have asked me for the second time and I must do it.Knowing me I will fall flat on my face.LOL.

    These are my 2 passions now.I won't turn the animals or the cancer organizations away for money or help. I do a couple other things that don't take much time. The Post Office has a food drive once or twice a year that I donate too. Also after cleanng out closets I drop the clothes off at the Salvation Army.

    Lynn Smith
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    My volunteer time is spent
    My volunteer time is spent on education. I'm very active and involved in both my kids schools (even tho my son doesn't like it). As for money donations, my husband and I are both suckers for any kid who says they are raising money for something at school.

    Right now, a lot of my time has been devoted to trying to keep the GATE program at my daughters school alive and active. At my son's school I participate in lots of one time events like proctoring tests or registration. I have previously been involved in Odyssey of the Mind and a local mother's group.

    Thanks for starting this Traci!