Charlie horses

laurissa Member Posts: 773
I'm probably getting dehydrated from vomiting 3 times a day, mostly bile comes up, then I feel so much better. Can't keep much down. I've drank ensure today and that stayed down. Now the leg cramps are starting in my right calf when I get up in the morning. Whats a good way to get rid of them? I know bananas help. Is a regular vitamin ok to take, not the mega dose kind? My taste is getting off now, not much appetite and losing some weight. With my last chemo 2 years ago, I didn't vomit once. Thanks.


  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Sorry you're having so much trouble
    Have you contacted your doc regarding the nausea? They would also be the best ones to advise you on the vitamins. It's good that the ensure stayed down, maybe some gatorade or something like that with electrolytes in it? It comes in all kinds of flavors now, maybe 1 would sound good.

    I'm not much help, I ate what I craved during chemo and was blessed that something always sounded and tasted good. Don't hesitate to call your oncologist's office, they are bound to have some suggestions, EVEN on the weekend.

    Hang in there,

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    I am so sorry Laurissa that
    I am so sorry Laurissa that you are having so much trouble with your chemo. Wish I could help you somehow.

    Bananas are supposed to help and maybe even Potassium tablets? Be sure and check with your oncologist though before you would take the tablets.

    Praying for you,

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Kylez said:

    I am so sorry Laurissa that
    I am so sorry Laurissa that you are having so much trouble with your chemo. Wish I could help you somehow.

    Bananas are supposed to help and maybe even Potassium tablets? Be sure and check with your oncologist though before you would take the tablets.

    Praying for you,


    I am glad the Ensure stayed
    I am glad the Ensure stayed down. And, I know you are drinking as much water as you can. That is the best thing for you to do, I think, is to try and get water or liquids in you.

    Maybe one of the pink sisters that are a nurse can help you more.


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Kylez said:

    I am so sorry Laurissa that
    I am so sorry Laurissa that you are having so much trouble with your chemo. Wish I could help you somehow.

    Bananas are supposed to help and maybe even Potassium tablets? Be sure and check with your oncologist though before you would take the tablets.

    Praying for you,


    double post
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I agree with the ensure and
    I agree with the ensure and the gator aid. Maybe you can sip some water also. Are you able to keep anything down? It sounds like they may need to adjust the chemo a little. If you are loosing weight it may be to strong. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Your in my prayers Kay
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Laurissa how i feel for you
    Laurissa how i feel for you right now!
    I had the severe muscle cramps/charlie horses whatever you want to call it...but i had them really bad and i ate alot of bannanas and usually that would do the trick but not during that time it didnt...but that was just in my might help you thou!
    I kept telling my onc for months and months about them and they just basically ignored me about it or said i couldnt take anything at that time for i suffered with them for a while. Finally only 2-3 months ago she put me on vit D3 (4000 UTI a day) im not sure how this worked but it did...i havent had one since ive been on them...wooo hooo...and they were bad. I know it has to be the D3 cuz i forgot to take it one day and i paid for it by getting the charlie horses back so the next day i took it and no more charlie horses. But ask your doc what would work for you...usually they will do a blood test to see what your body is low on. I hope they get something figured out soon for you! Also give you something for the vomiting cuz thats no fun!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Charlie horses are
    Charlie horses are miserable. I have a friend plagued by them who takes an OTC pill that she picks up at the sports store. The pill rebalances electrolytes. Maybe you can check with your oncologist to see if this is something you can take. Sports drinks are another possibility. Maybe a medication that better controls the nausea in the first place is the best answer. Hope that you are feeling better soon. xoxoxox Lynn
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Charlie horses
    Sorry you have got leg cramps in addition to everything else. My medical onc. wasn't too helpful when I complained to him.
    The only thing that works for me is to have a heating pad nearby & to put it on the pain as quickly as I can. I keep one plugged in by the bed & I can just turn in on without having to get up. I hope you can get some relief soon.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Laurissa, I am so sorry that
    Laurissa, I am so sorry that you have the leg cramps. My onco ran some blood work and I was low on Potassium, Calcium and vit D. I haven't seen a huge relief yet, but it is better. He said with the vomiting and running the other way, that it throws off everything. So I am drinking tons of water with all the supplements.

    I would call your doctor today, if your potassium is too low, they can give you an iv which works really fast. But I wouldn't take anything without checking with him first.

    I sure hope it gets better.

  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Magnesium ??
    Dear Lauria,

    For a the past 5-10 years (can't remember how many) I found magnesium 200 mg has alleviated/eliminated my muscle soreness in the legs. I don't dare stop taking it. I did not get charlie horses, but old age did give me muscle soreness.

    A side effect to magnesium, for me, is loose and multiple bowels generally in the morning. By 12 noon everything is perfect. Now, I take chelated magnesium 200 mg every other day which has improved the bowel frequency and consistency.

    Ask your oncologist if magnesium would work for you.

    Lots of Hugs,
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Magnesium ??
    Dear Lauria,

    For a the past 5-10 years (can't remember how many) I found magnesium 200 mg has alleviated/eliminated my muscle soreness in the legs. I don't dare stop taking it. I did not get charlie horses, but old age did give me muscle soreness.

    A side effect to magnesium, for me, is loose and multiple bowels generally in the morning. By 12 noon everything is perfect. Now, I take chelated magnesium 200 mg every other day which has improved the bowel frequency and consistency.

    Ask your oncologist if magnesium would work for you.

    Lots of Hugs,

    I just bumped up a thread
    I just bumped up a thread for you laurissa, I would bet it was from losing electrolytes from vomiting. Try taking small frequent sips of clear liquids. I would also call my doc, they should be able to give you something more for the nausea. what have you taken? You need to correct the u nderlying cause first! If you are symptomatic, you need to callyour doc. I got very dehydrated and ended up in the hospital.
  • Passinthru
    Passinthru Member Posts: 1
    Leg Cramps
    Hi Laurissa, sorry that you’re having so many problems.

    About those darn leg cramps, I had them so badly that they would wake me up in agony three or four times a night and often in the morning after getting out of bed.

    Nothing helped until I discovered Calcet, an OTC calcium/ vitamin B3 supplement. Why these pills work I have no idea, I had tried other calcium supplements with no luck, but the Calcet did the trick. My last charlie ride was over three years ago, I would recommend them as being well worth a try. Good luck.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Leg Cramps
    Hi Laurissa, sorry that you’re having so many problems.

    About those darn leg cramps, I had them so badly that they would wake me up in agony three or four times a night and often in the morning after getting out of bed.

    Nothing helped until I discovered Calcet, an OTC calcium/ vitamin B3 supplement. Why these pills work I have no idea, I had tried other calcium supplements with no luck, but the Calcet did the trick. My last charlie ride was over three years ago, I would recommend them as being well worth a try. Good luck.

    Is most likely causing your potassium levels to drop thus the muscle really need to contact your oncologist about the vomiting, pronto especially if accompanied by diarrhea.......low potassium and dehydration cause cause your kiidney function to be off, too...and eating bananas won't cut it....are you taking your anti nausea meds on a regular basis? Don't wait until you feel nauseated....I took mine religiously ...never had any nausea ....You shouldn't let this continue...

    I am so sorry, Laurissa, that you're having to endure such distress....but please contact your onc....don't wait until Monday...

    Hugs, Nancy
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Potatoes have potassium too,
    Potatoes have potassium too, I am sure there are other food that you could try. It really is a crap shoot what will work. All my sister could keep down during chemo was tuna casserole, I personally will never, ever eat tuna casserole.
    It may not be potassium though, talk to your doc. If it is, ask what other foods you can get it from. I know my oncologist didn't want me taking vitamins, yours may be fine with it.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    mamolady said:

    Potatoes have potassium too,
    Potatoes have potassium too, I am sure there are other food that you could try. It really is a crap shoot what will work. All my sister could keep down during chemo was tuna casserole, I personally will never, ever eat tuna casserole.
    It may not be potassium though, talk to your doc. If it is, ask what other foods you can get it from. I know my oncologist didn't want me taking vitamins, yours may be fine with it.


    certain fish have potassium
    certain fish have potassium too, I could tolerate baked fish. but still call your doc!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Laurissa, I am sorry that
    Laurissa, I am sorry that you are having such a tough time. The symptoms you described definately warrant a call to your docs. Your health is so important now to help in your treatment.

    There was a discussion some time ago about placing a bar of soap under your bed sheets for muscle cramps. I'll see if I can find it and bump it up.

    I hope you begin to feel better and soon. Sending strength and (((hugs)))!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Talk to your Dr
    about what you can or cannot take. For me - low potassium is an ongoing problem since 1/2 way through Taxol 1 1/2 yrs ago. I take a mega dose of it daily to keep it in the low normal range. If I forget a day or am out doing more than usual and sweating a lot, I have to take a second one to keep the foot/ankle/lower leg cramps away. Your blood work should show your potassium levels.

    With the up-chucking you could have all sorts of electrolyte imbalances so there are quite a few possibilities of the cause so you really should talk with your Dr.

  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    So sorry you have to go through treatment once again.
    I agree with JoJo about vit D3 and vit. B ...up to recently I was getting terrible charlie horses in the middle of the night until onc. put me on vit D, B complex vit. and I eat at least 2 banana's each day as a result I don't get them any longer.
    Stay strong...I've thought about you many times these past couple of weeks.'
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808

    So sorry you have to go through treatment once again.
    I agree with JoJo about vit D3 and vit. B ...up to recently I was getting terrible charlie horses in the middle of the night until onc. put me on vit D, B complex vit. and I eat at least 2 banana's each day as a result I don't get them any longer.
    Stay strong...I've thought about you many times these past couple of weeks.'

    I've had leg cramps for
    I've had leg cramps for several years and would have to jump out of bed and walk around. Haven't had too many since I'm on calcium plus D but still have them when my legs get cold. Hope your dr can get you something for the nausea, there are meds out there. My onc put me on Pediolytes(?) for awhile, didn't like that but it seemed to help. Hope this se goes away soon.
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    Leg cramps are horrid!
    Leg cramps are horrid! Putting your foot on a cold floor helps them go away faster. I was told to drink tonic water. Something about the quinine in it that helps the leg cramps. Hope the nausea stops soon!
