Pinks Please Accept My Apology

natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
I posted last week naming and thanking some of the people on the boards. I'm so sorry if I offended anyone by ommission. My intention was never to be insensitive, ommissive or offensive, that is why I asked others to list names that came to mind. My last paragraph indicated that we are all special and that I appreciated everyone on the boards. I meant absolutely no offense to anyone. I was hoping that all the others would chime in and add names and thoughts as they came to mind. We have had a difficult year with losses and recurrences. The loss of Meena was such a downer that in my small mind, I thought this post could lift spirits by celebrating the gals who are still fighting and surviving. I believe we are all pink heroes and my intent was never to make any one person a greater or lesser hero, but to thank the ones who came to mind. I'm so very sorry if I offended. Please accept my tearful apology I meant absolutely no harm or malice. Hugs


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    I knew....
    I knew what you meant and that it came from your heart.
    No need for apology's to me at least.
    We are all pink warriors :)
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    No reason to be sorry
    You have absolutely no reason to apologize! I for one really appreciated it - especially not being familiar with everyone yet. I now feel like I know everyone a little better. I find it hard to believe that anyone on this board would find it offensive - or that you have a malicious bone in your body.

    Yes, you did an awesome job of lifting our sprits - as you always do! So a BIG THANK YOU to you!

    Super Giant Hugs,

    P.S. - I'm checking out the Princess waffle irons - thanks!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    not sure what's going on. I don't think you meant anything but positive blessings of those who have helped all of us along the way. Hold your head high and no apologies necessary in my opinion.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    debi.18 said:

    No reason to be sorry
    You have absolutely no reason to apologize! I for one really appreciated it - especially not being familiar with everyone yet. I now feel like I know everyone a little better. I find it hard to believe that anyone on this board would find it offensive - or that you have a malicious bone in your body.

    Yes, you did an awesome job of lifting our sprits - as you always do! So a BIG THANK YOU to you!

    Super Giant Hugs,

    P.S. - I'm checking out the Princess waffle irons - thanks!

    I too knew the heart felt message behind your post. Being fairly new to the board I didn't know people well enough to add anything new to your post. I was looking forward to learning from it. So the lack of a post from myself was only because I didn't know who to add, but I did think of one person and I wished I would have done it. The name I would have added would have been yours because you have always been there for me and others when our spirits needed lifted.

    So clear that conscience girlfriend...

  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    You are being very silly!
    Anybody who would think that you were being insensitive, omissive, or offensive obviously doesn't know you at all, Natly. And if they don't know you at all, that's their problem. Not yours.

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Natly, my gentle soul, I
    Natly, my gentle soul, I can't imagine that anyone who knows you would ever think such a thing! Please don't give it another thought and I am praying it was not anything that I said that has you upset. Believe me, I know what you mean about the hard news these days. We have had a lot of shocks and dismaying news and I welcome any uplifting thread. Hugs to you my friend!
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Natly, my gentle soul, I
    Natly, my gentle soul, I can't imagine that anyone who knows you would ever think such a thing! Please don't give it another thought and I am praying it was not anything that I said that has you upset. Believe me, I know what you mean about the hard news these days. We have had a lot of shocks and dismaying news and I welcome any uplifting thread. Hugs to you my friend!

    Natly, I think your post was wonderful
    and I know that it was from your beautiful heart. I love everyone on this board--and have gotten to know a few personally. We have all had a rough time of it and I hope all of us receive all the many blessings we deserve.

    I appreciate the time and effort that everyone puts into this to post, give welcome advise, encourage and send love out into the universe. I wish I had the time to answer each and every one.

    Thank you Natly--you did good!

    Hugs, Renee
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Natly, my gentle soul, I
    Natly, my gentle soul, I can't imagine that anyone who knows you would ever think such a thing! Please don't give it another thought and I am praying it was not anything that I said that has you upset. Believe me, I know what you mean about the hard news these days. We have had a lot of shocks and dismaying news and I welcome any uplifting thread. Hugs to you my friend!

    No! No!
    Don't you dare say you're did nothing to offend...I look at this board in some ways like a parent looks at their any given time one child is going to need 95% of your time and attention....and the other children get the 5% until it's their time of need for the 95%....that's how we are on this board....we circle the wagons when one is in need and hurting...and we cheer when great news is I would love to meet each and everyone of you!

    We lift up each other in good times and bad....That's what we do.....
    Hugs to you Nat....xoxox
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    MAJW said:

    No! No!
    Don't you dare say you're did nothing to offend...I look at this board in some ways like a parent looks at their any given time one child is going to need 95% of your time and attention....and the other children get the 5% until it's their time of need for the 95%....that's how we are on this board....we circle the wagons when one is in need and hurting...and we cheer when great news is I would love to meet each and everyone of you!

    We lift up each other in good times and bad....That's what we do.....
    Hugs to you Nat....xoxox

    Don't be ridiculous
    It was very obvious to me you were starting an uplifting post with the hope it would gather momentum as we all added names and celebrated each other. Period.

    You are sweet. Period.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    aisling8 said:

    Don't be ridiculous
    It was very obvious to me you were starting an uplifting post with the hope it would gather momentum as we all added names and celebrated each other. Period.

    You are sweet. Period.


    I am speechless (okay, no jokes)
    Dear Sweet, Kind, Natly -- no need for any apology .. I hate it to the center of my core, someone or something -- made you doubt submitting such an inspiring post.

    You are a ROCK STAR in my book.

    Gentle hugs,

    Vicki Sam
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I never thought anything
    I never thought anything negative about your post at all. I thought it was thoughtful of you to do that. I hope no one thought you were being mean. In my mind you were not. Please don't feel bad. There is nothing for you to feel guilty about.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    For anyone that knows YOU,
    For anyone that knows YOU, they know that an apology is certainly not necessary. You don't have a mean bone in your body.

    This site is awesome and that's because of all the diverse women and also our beloved, Joe. I am thankful for you all!!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Natly, I can't imagine
    Natly, I can't imagine ANYONE being offended! You don't need to apologize. You are wonderful and what you did was good. xoxoxo Lynn
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Natly, I can't imagine
    Natly, I can't imagine ANYONE being offended! You don't need to apologize. You are wonderful and what you did was good. xoxoxo Lynn

    Don't feel sorry
    Don't feel sorry.I have a very hard time remembering everyone and getting names straight.I could never begin to say I remember all.I am overwhelmed at just having this beast and I know things I say I sometimes don't mean.My husband tells me he could get cancer.Yes he could but he doesn't have it.There is a BIG difference. All of us are working on our life.Trying to live our life to the fullest, fighting the beast, worrying about every ache and pain and wondering what our next mammo will show. Life is overwhelming and worrisome. None of us will ever be the same.

    Right now with my life I am clamming up.I go in for a biopsy and you would not believe how many I know who have NO Idea.

    Lynn Smith
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Natly, I can't imagine
    Natly, I can't imagine ANYONE being offended! You don't need to apologize. You are wonderful and what you did was good. xoxoxo Lynn

    Natly Thank you
    you do not need to apologize, it came from your heart, I hope everyone take an example to elegantly show appreciation for each other. Among many lessons I have learned from cancer, are not holding my feeling or ideas and showing appreciation every time when I feel it. You did just it, expressed yourself, Thank you very much
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Your post was beautiful, thoughtful
    and caring just like you!


  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    I can't believe
    That anybody seriously thought that you had malice in your heart. You shouldn't worry about that. I am sure everyone here knows your intent was caring.

    No worries at all.
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    give yourself a break
    Even before chemo I could not remember everyone. Don't beat yourself up/
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Silly Gal!
    Oh my dear Natly you were pouring out love from your heart, it was in no way offensive. You are right this has been a really tough year and we need posts such as yours that come from the heart giving hope to all. It was uplifting and allowed us all to add to the list and lift each other up. You are one awesome lady and I cannot imagine you offended anyone!


  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Oh Natly, You certainly
    Oh Natly, You certainly don't have anything to apologize for. We know what your intentions were. Your post made me reflect and think of others and I thank you for it. So don't feel bad. And besides Love means never having to say your sorry, and we all love you Chickie, so come on and smile :) HUGS Kay