We've lost a friend
Hello Hondo,
I hope you are having a gerat trip and getting lots of R&R. I just clicked on the far right top "contact CSN". Not sure if anyone will get the message, but it is worth a try.
Well for sure I cant type or spell, but I can tell you it is a fact. The statement was not made looking for buyers, just stating facts so that we are all a little smarter each day. I was not even looking for a debate.
The only big pharma contributor to ACS I can find is Pfizer, at less than $2.5 million (much less than Kohl's or Wal-mart). Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place? Where did you get your numbers?
I agree with your philosophy of sharing facts to make us all smarter (or at least, a little less ignorant) - I just like to double-check my sources of enlightenment. . .0 -
Hello Hondo,
I hope you are having a gerat trip and getting lots of R&R. I just clicked on the far right top "contact CSN". Not sure if anyone will get the message, but it is worth a try.
Well for sure I cant type or spell, but I can tell you it is a fact. The statement was not made looking for buyers, just stating facts so that we are all a little smarter each day. I was not even looking for a debate.
I'm not attacking you, and while you aren't looking for buyers, how can I not question your comments when you say it's fact....what fact, and what are your references sources.
If I see it in some legitimate and varifiable form of media, then I might accept it as fact....until then, I'm skeptical.
JG0 -
Scam had some stong and even controversial opinions, but that is what I like about this board and the group. While I may not agree 100% with his viewpoints, I respect his views, and was able to take a few suggestions from him and incorporate them into my daily life.
Is there any way we as a group can petition CSN to have him reinstated??
Mike0 -
Scam Buster
This is a very useful board, it’s not a board for the discussion of alternative treatment in any real sense, as Scam’s fate indicates.
When I first posted to this board, I announced I was going to try marijuana—with my doctor’s approval; tipped by an article I heard on radio by Dr. Dean Edell. Marijuana has long been used to treat symptoms of cancer treatment. The article Dr. Edell discussed had found a lower incidence of throat and head cancers among users, etc. Nothing definitive. I said I was going to give it a try, and would let people know if I had any results that seemed to be related to its use. I was roundly slapped for suggesting that people needed to smoke dope to cure or slow their cancer.
Our government is run by 3 industries energy(oil), pharmaceutical and financial(banks) and we have no way of fighting them. That is 75% of the wealth of this nation. I don’t have the exact figures, so you can skip the rest of this if you need them. The resistance to alternative treatment is no contemporary phenomenon. In the 1840s a pediatric doctor suggested that the washing of hands between seeing patients or visiting the morgue and the next customer seemed to be crucial in public health. Here is a brief excerpt of his story:
In the late 1840's, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was an assistant in the maternity wards of a Vienna hospital. There he observed that the mortality rate in a delivery room staffed by medical students was up to three times higher than in a second delivery room staffed by midwives. In fact, women were terrified of the room staffed by the medical students. Semmelweis observed that the students were coming straight from their lessons in the autopsy room to the delivery room. He postulated that the students might be carrying the infection from their dissections to birthing mothers. He ordered doctors and medical students to wash their hands with a chlorinated solution before examining women in labor. The mortality rate in his maternity wards eventually dropped to less than one percent.
Dr. Ignaz was drummed out of the medical community and ridiculed as a handwashing nutso for his stance. It’s hard enough in any time to present alternative treatment ideas. If you don’t think the ACS, AMA, FDA, et.al., are controlled to a great degree by the pharma companies you’re naïve. A succinct example of the inexorable power of these entities to control the possibilities of future health can be easily explored by watching a film available all over the net on a Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski “who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food and Drug Administration in American history.” Google the name, or paste this link: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/06/11/burzynski-the-movie.aspx
No, I don’t have a dog in Burzynki’s fight. His methodology, for obvious reasons, was immaculate, but he was still piled on by pharma and FDA for suggesting a real alternative to cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The suggestion that Scam was involved in bigger, more sinister pursuits is ludicrous. What he was doing was more than enough to get him kicked off this board. Good for him for trying. I take more vitamins because of him. It doesn’t take a conspiracy, only fear, smugness, and the desire to support the status quo to keep us in line.
I don’t know if this post will last. Copy, paste, and re-post it if you want to send that message. Keep the board free.
Hal630 -
I think of Scambuster as one of the "pioneers" on this site. He had lots of helpful information and experience which could benefit all of us. Just like with anything on here, you can take it or leave it. I like having the option.0 -
Group petitionluv4lacrosse said:CENSORSHIP
Scam had some stong and even controversial opinions, but that is what I like about this board and the group. While I may not agree 100% with his viewpoints, I respect his views, and was able to take a few suggestions from him and incorporate them into my daily life.
Is there any way we as a group can petition CSN to have him reinstated??
That is what I would like to do. I like the sharing of diverse viewpoints, as long as people are respectful, which is how I felt about Scam's post. While I may not always have agreed, I found his comments to be thought provoking and informative. I would be interested.
Stacey0 -
This was my letter to CSNCarolinagal said:Sad
I think of Scambuster as one of the "pioneers" on this site. He had lots of helpful information and experience which could benefit all of us. Just like with anything on here, you can take it or leave it. I like having the option.
This board has been a life saver for me.
I am a Registered Nurse living in north west Montana. I was one of 2 Head and Neck patients in this area, during my treatment. The other patient was being treated at MD Anderson in Texas.
For some of us , the guidance on the boards are an addition to local options, such as support groups. For me, it was the only show in town.
All cancer patients, as you know face varying degrees of rough roads. For Head and Neck patients, the terrain can be extra precarious. The members of this board are virtual sherpa's and road guides.
I felt Scambuster's posts to be thought provoking, insightful and useful. I felt that his viewpoints were always presented in a respectful way, and I enjoyed seeing the diversity of thought. I would be delighted if Scam were to be allowed access to post again.
Thank you so much for your consideration,
Stacey Almos0 -
YepSkiffin16 said:No Debate ~ DJG1
I'm not attacking you, and while you aren't looking for buyers, how can I not question your comments when you say it's fact....what fact, and what are your references sources.
If I see it in some legitimate and varifiable form of media, then I might accept it as fact....until then, I'm skeptical.
Reckon it's not just the collective contributions of all the Pharmas, but also all the other players in traditional C treatments. Think about the money- the billions in yearly C treatment revenue, ranging from the Pharmacy to the nuclear med centers to the hospitals to the lab techs to the Nurses to the ERs to the oncology and rad staffs and Drs to the PCP who starts the process, and to the hospitals and Operations, and stays there in the rough times, to the supplies needed to get thru treatments and to the Insurance companies, who virtually always turn a profit. Heckuva lot more than just the Pharma people wanting treatments to continue, as is.
As the saying goes: what if Dandelions were discovered to be the ultimate cure for C? Pick one out of your yard, eat it raw, and be cured of C. Would Roundup become a requirement for every house, by mandate of the government, so that only the Pharmas could grow the Dandelions in "special" places, and C centers administer to the patients in a "special" way/protocol, and monitor in "special" ways to be certain it is working for the patient? Or would the necessary side-effects have to be engineered into the Pharma Dandelions so that we'd have to go back to the chemo, rad and surgery days?
Personally, no Agenda is acceptable- all that matters is beating C for the health of the C Patient. Bottom-line.
kcass0 -
Any CSN responses?staceya said:This was my letter to CSN
This board has been a life saver for me.
I am a Registered Nurse living in north west Montana. I was one of 2 Head and Neck patients in this area, during my treatment. The other patient was being treated at MD Anderson in Texas.
For some of us , the guidance on the boards are an addition to local options, such as support groups. For me, it was the only show in town.
All cancer patients, as you know face varying degrees of rough roads. For Head and Neck patients, the terrain can be extra precarious. The members of this board are virtual sherpa's and road guides.
I felt Scambuster's posts to be thought provoking, insightful and useful. I felt that his viewpoints were always presented in a respectful way, and I enjoyed seeing the diversity of thought. I would be delighted if Scam were to be allowed access to post again.
Thank you so much for your consideration,
Stacey Almos
Hal and Kent Class, I appreciate and like you post. Dont be surprised if someone jumps in and slap you with their "I know it all approach". Fortunally most here are not that way and only want to share their experience and offer their support. I guess there is one in every crowd.
On the subject of Scam, I am curious if anyone received any response from CSN? I have Not.0 -
Bad MannersDJG1 said:Any CSN responses?
Hal and Kent Class, I appreciate and like you post. Dont be surprised if someone jumps in and slap you with their "I know it all approach". Fortunally most here are not that way and only want to share their experience and offer their support. I guess there is one in every crowd.
On the subject of Scam, I am curious if anyone received any response from CSN? I have Not.
Accusing folks of having an "I know it all approach" is not a polite way to conduct a civilized discussion. There are a few posts I've seen that fall into the "it's an established fact" category, but that's not the same. These folks either back up their facts with real research (the kind that others can and have tested and replicated) or they ignore polite requests to back up their facts.0 -
PolitelyDrMary said:Bad Manners
Accusing folks of having an "I know it all approach" is not a polite way to conduct a civilized discussion. There are a few posts I've seen that fall into the "it's an established fact" category, but that's not the same. These folks either back up their facts with real research (the kind that others can and have tested and replicated) or they ignore polite requests to back up their facts.
Part of my main point was in regards to NPC and Scam's part of the world having more experience with it than we do. NPC also goes by the name of "Cantonese cancer" (refering to China), as it occurs there some "25 times" more frequently than any place else. And knowing how they deal with it over there seems to me a good thing to know of- if even only to be aware of other treatment possibilities. And for that, Scam was the only one I'm aware of who was providing any such info on this forum.
And, I didn't mean anything by my Dandelion story- other than to illustrate the obvious in regards to how financially dependent some Pharmaceuticals/Biotechs are in C chemo-type treatments we are using. It is big business/a high stakes game, and the source of millions in expenses and revenues for some companies. And I am aware of "Presentations" made by the Pharmas to Oncology groups of Drs, just as I know they have lobby people working for them in Washington. And I have seen reports with lists of Pharmas who make donations to the not-for-profit ACS, who I've read has some 7,000 employees. Treatments, as is, is big business, and the ACS is on the same team as the Pharmas, pretty much out of necessity for both. And I, for one, have so far benefited greatly from that team's efforts.
I, personally, want to give the ACS the benefit of the doubt, and consider myself on their side in just about everything- but I disagree on the banning of Scam. I reckon there are other sources to get the Asian scoop on H&N C, it's just that Scam made it easier for us who go onto this site, and he was one of us.
kcass0 -
Always PolitelyKent Cass said:Politely
Part of my main point was in regards to NPC and Scam's part of the world having more experience with it than we do. NPC also goes by the name of "Cantonese cancer" (refering to China), as it occurs there some "25 times" more frequently than any place else. And knowing how they deal with it over there seems to me a good thing to know of- if even only to be aware of other treatment possibilities. And for that, Scam was the only one I'm aware of who was providing any such info on this forum.
And, I didn't mean anything by my Dandelion story- other than to illustrate the obvious in regards to how financially dependent some Pharmaceuticals/Biotechs are in C chemo-type treatments we are using. It is big business/a high stakes game, and the source of millions in expenses and revenues for some companies. And I am aware of "Presentations" made by the Pharmas to Oncology groups of Drs, just as I know they have lobby people working for them in Washington. And I have seen reports with lists of Pharmas who make donations to the not-for-profit ACS, who I've read has some 7,000 employees. Treatments, as is, is big business, and the ACS is on the same team as the Pharmas, pretty much out of necessity for both. And I, for one, have so far benefited greatly from that team's efforts.
I, personally, want to give the ACS the benefit of the doubt, and consider myself on their side in just about everything- but I disagree on the banning of Scam. I reckon there are other sources to get the Asian scoop on H&N C, it's just that Scam made it easier for us who go onto this site, and he was one of us.
I did not get a chance to comment on his banning - I just don't know enough about the circumstances and we may never hear. Scam never offended me and he indicated to me that my comments did not offend him - I don't like the idea of banning anyone, unless they start attacking posters (which happened on both sides and was dealt with, it seems).
I'm drafting my note to the powers that be, but beyond that, maybe this should be in Scam's court? If he feels he was banned simply for beating the alternative treatment drum, he knows how to get in touch with us and ask us to intercede.0 -
Know It All ApproachDJG1 said:Any CSN responses?
Hal and Kent Class, I appreciate and like you post. Dont be surprised if someone jumps in and slap you with their "I know it all approach". Fortunally most here are not that way and only want to share their experience and offer their support. I guess there is one in every crowd.
On the subject of Scam, I am curious if anyone received any response from CSN? I have Not.
Don't be surprised if someone jumps in and slap you with their "I know it all approach". Fortunately most here are not that way and only want to share their experience and offer their support. I guess there is one in every crowd.
I hope you aren't referring those comments to me, you shouldn't really be referring them to anyone on here. But if you are, that's your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it.
While I don't agree with your comment on "facts", that is my right and privilege to disagree.... I merely questioned your sources and references for the facts.
As for sharing experiences and knowledge, that's a fact that I have always done on here....so in that respect, I am one of those in this crowd. I have always given to this forum, and will continue. I don't always agree with everyone's comments and I rarely call it out, unless it's in response to someone posting that something is the "Golden Standard",or that some certain procedure/treatment should be "Mandatory" for everyone...those comments do rub me the wrong way. In my opinion, there are no one set standard/treatment/procedure that falls into a category that fits everyone.
I'm not one that feels there is some big conspiracy to suppress all information and believe in skewed data. I have a mind, I have choices to believe or read between the lines. Is there suppression and skewed data out there, of course. But at the same time usually it can be researched enough to find enough realistic data to either debunk or confirm the validity.
So I don't endorse ridicule or flaming others to get one's point across.
John0 -
I Don't KnowDJG1 said:Any CSN responses?
Hal and Kent Class, I appreciate and like you post. Dont be surprised if someone jumps in and slap you with their "I know it all approach". Fortunally most here are not that way and only want to share their experience and offer their support. I guess there is one in every crowd.
On the subject of Scam, I am curious if anyone received any response from CSN? I have Not.
I dunno - part of me thinks that perhaps to CSN, a member banning is a private thing (in a public forum, yeah I know) kind of like someone being "let go" at work. The employer would not be in the habit of announcing the reasoning behind each employee termination. I think it might be helpful, though, to those of us "left behind" if we could see a short statment - perhaps on the banned members' "About Me" page explaining that the member is no longer active and why (account has been inactive for x number of months/years, member broke rule x, etc.).
Good to see you post again, Deb - hoping we don't see you as much here 'cause you're just too busy getting back life.0 -
crunchPam M said:I Don't Know
I dunno - part of me thinks that perhaps to CSN, a member banning is a private thing (in a public forum, yeah I know) kind of like someone being "let go" at work. The employer would not be in the habit of announcing the reasoning behind each employee termination. I think it might be helpful, though, to those of us "left behind" if we could see a short statment - perhaps on the banned members' "About Me" page explaining that the member is no longer active and why (account has been inactive for x number of months/years, member broke rule x, etc.).
Good to see you post again, Deb - hoping we don't see you as much here 'cause you're just too busy getting back life.
What can i say. People are perpared to risk the "from damage to death" scenarios with chemo RT & meds , yet pass off the alternative stuff point blank.
My wife had targeted therapy, Erbitux, but unfortunately this failed as sole treatment.
Now four months after RT. Cant help feeling a little desperate.
SOmetimes, at worst the alternative therapies can be NO more effective than conventional, and at best they might be be better,depending on whats being trated. We are all fearfull.
I took a look at Dr Burzynski posts and clinical trial stuff on the net.(mentioned by Hal on this post). Pretty logical and stirring stuff. Came across a post on cancercompass of person treated there & cancersupport site http://www.inspire.com/groups/lung-cancer-survivors/discussion/dr-burzynski-in-houstan. Hope im allowed to put the link here.
Anyone else ever checked this? read? seen the movie?
I too received some very supportive communication from Scam. He did get through his hell on alternative nutrician and treatments, when he was able to. When he wasnt able to he did what he had to and suffered his way through the ensures etc etc.
Like most , i wish him nothing but good health & may his healthy passion see him through all challenges he might face, as it did through his wretched chemo - RT nightmare.
Clear0 -
I am sorry that I even registered on this site. I will be leaving now. The only reason I even registered was to see Scam's photos. Alternatives to traditional western medicine are where my interests lie. I have found that the AMA is very narrow minded and poorly educated when it comes to nutrition and many other things that are essential to good health. Shame on them, they should call it the "Hypocrit" Oath, not the "Hippocratic Oath"
0 -
Well saidpalmyrafan said:Missed
I am sorry to hear that about Scambuster. I so enjoyed reading all his posts.
The sad thing is I always try to accept everything everyone says as their own opinion, which I was raised to believe, we are all entitled to.
I myself was chased off the Meningioma Mommas board because I dared to disagree with the Moderator and the "owner" of the website got upset about that and suggested I should find another board to go to.
Not fair, but unfortunately, there is just no pleasing some people.
Scambuster will be missed.I remember you from years past, and hope you are doing well. I get sick and fuckin tire of all of the "armchair quarterbacks" on any website that either thinks they know it all, or their need to push your opinions in a certain direction, and when they can't, they act like Ron White in a HS debate, these anointed wastes of good carbon when backed in a corner can only say " yeah, well **** you" or they kick you off their worthless site!!
If you know so much you country ****, go to medical school and become a world class Oncologist. If you don't have the balls to do so, shut up and let people share their opinions. I have gotten more usefull info and support from my friends here than anywhere else.
Sorry for the foul language, but my God is in heaven, not some country **** in a mobile home moderating some useless website!!
0 -
I'm speechless again
RIP my friend. You were there for me when I first became a member of this "invitation only family." You helped me and were there for me when I needed to vent. I did not agree with you from time to time, but ALWAYS RESPECTED your opinion. You were one of the first family members here who "sacked up" and said what you said and always had a form of reference for what you said.
You will be missed!!
0 -
I consider diversity a strenth. I do not know what happened with Scam but hope all keep expressing their opinions. I promise not to flag even if you are rude to me (there is some inside humor in this remark). For any new comers, I like this site. It has been helpful even when controversy is present. I will be selfish and continue to view what helps me and trust there are grown ups watching to keep us in line. Keep the ideas flowing and keep living.
0 -
ScamBuster ~ 2011 ThreadTanager75 said:Strength
I consider diversity a strenth. I do not know what happened with Scam but hope all keep expressing their opinions. I promise not to flag even if you are rude to me (there is some inside humor in this remark). For any new comers, I like this site. It has been helpful even when controversy is present. I will be selfish and continue to view what helps me and trust there are grown ups watching to keep us in line. Keep the ideas flowing and keep living.
As far as I know, Craig (scambuster) is alive and well in Asia with the company that he works for..., though I haven't heard from him in awhile.
Scam being kicked from the board was more involved than just one or two posts, if I remember, it was several and continued after requests from CSN to limit posting about Black Salve mainly I believe..., not sure of all of the specifics. But it wasn't a one post reaction...
I'm neither pro/con as far as the happenings...
I can say the site is owned by ACS and there are specific guidelines for posting on the site, and unintentional liability.
Scam is a nice guy and was posting something he is/was passionate about. But I'm pretty sure there were other survivors that took offense to some of the postings and brought it to CSN..., not sure.
Anyways, just some of the rest of the story as I remember...
Discussion Boards
- All Discussion Boards
- 6 CSN Information
- 6 Welcome to CSN
- 122.1K Cancer specific
- 2.8K Anal Cancer
- 448 Bladder Cancer
- 309 Bone Cancers
- 1.6K Brain Cancer
- 28.5K Breast Cancer
- 398 Childhood Cancers
- 27.9K Colorectal Cancer
- 4.6K Esophageal Cancer
- 1.2K Gynecological Cancers (other than ovarian and uterine)
- 13K Head and Neck Cancer
- 6.4K Kidney Cancer
- 674 Leukemia
- 795 Liver Cancer
- 4.1K Lung Cancer
- 5.1K Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)
- 239 Multiple Myeloma
- 7.2K Ovarian Cancer
- 65 Pancreatic Cancer
- 490 Peritoneal Cancer
- 5.5K Prostate Cancer
- 1.2K Rare and Other Cancers
- 543 Sarcoma
- 738 Skin Cancer
- 658 Stomach Cancer
- 192 Testicular Cancer
- 1.5K Thyroid Cancer
- 5.9K Uterine/Endometrial Cancer
- 6.3K Lifestyle Discussion Boards