24 days since last rads and still exhausted

robang13 Member Posts: 333
Hi again~ Been 24 days since my last boost treatment and I am still feeling like crap. Is it normal to be so tired all the time? I can't seem to get moving in the morning and when I finally do I don't want to do much. I am just beat. I find myself laying around and getting annoyed with myself. It seems I start to get energy like 9pm and wind up awake till 1 or 2 in the morning.! How long will this go on for. I need my life back! I also feel like I'm not pulling my weight around here. It was different during treatments. Then I felt I had a reason to be tired. Now that it's a few weeks I feel like I should be back to normal. How did you feel during this?



  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 155
    Hi Angela, My husband and I were both talking about my experience last night. I finished Rads last May 5th. I experienced alot of fatigue during Radiation. I tried to walk with my husband during rads, but had to stop because I almost passed out. Anyway, I think that it took me two or three months after finishing to finally say that I felt almost normal. I did work out 2 days a week, lifting weights, and cardio. I really think that helped me. I was frustrated at the fact that I had to start over with the amount of weights being careful because of lymphedema.
    You may want to take some walks to help you build up energy, but also make sure you rest, your body is still healing from the radiation. I am no longer tired, but still have slight pain in the breast where the radiation was. I wish you quick healing, mary
  • NJMom10
    NJMom10 Member Posts: 176
    Still tired too Angela
    I'm 2 weeks from radiation and still tired. Don't beat yourself up about the exercise and energy. I was feeling sorry for myself last week because I used to do 6 days of cardio and 3 days of weights and "why can't I do that already?" I get you. It would be nice to just get back to normal but the truth is it will take some time. I'm going to try just some easy walking starting today. I WAS trying to get back to that strenous routine I had before but I realize now that that was silly. You've been through a lot. Take it easy on yourself. Barb
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I never got side effects-I am odd ball out I know...
    I never got side effects from radiation..sorry you are going through this...I HOPE it gets better day by day....

    thinking of you..

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    it takes time
    My oncologist said that I will keep on "cooking" for 2 weeks after. If that is the case it is really only 2 weeks after. Give your self time to heal. That and surgery is a lot for you to go through.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    mamolady said:

    it takes time
    My oncologist said that I will keep on "cooking" for 2 weeks after. If that is the case it is really only 2 weeks after. Give your self time to heal. That and surgery is a lot for you to go through.


    Sorry, while everyone is different if you are looking for full recovery (pre-cancer) it could take up to 12 months. You can see initial improvement after 1 months. Please be patient and take it easy.
    Wishing you the best
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I was extremely fatigued after rads. I was off from work for 2 1/2 weeks. When I was told I could return it was for only 4 hrs. a day. I took me 2 months to be able to work 8 hrs. again. I did do water aerobics twice a week which really helped me. Just give yourself time.

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I finished rads Feb 15th and I'm still dealing with fatigue. I was told it could last a year or more. Hang in there and do what you can when you can. Life will move forward.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    cahjah75 said:

    I finished rads Feb 15th and I'm still dealing with fatigue. I was told it could last a year or more. Hang in there and do what you can when you can. Life will move forward.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Thanks once again for
    Thanks once again for everyones encouragement!! I am glad to hear that it's not just me. I mean after awhile you start to feel like you shouldn't be feeling this way any more! My son keeps telling me to get moving , but at 26 just doesn't get it. My hubby is very patient and tries to understand but it's been a long haul and he's not used to me being so useless~ Even when we go out for the day to run errands, I am done after a few hours and have to go home and rest. We leave for 2 weeks of relaxation on july 3rd. Hopefully being away with no cooking or cleaning will help me. We have a huge jacuzzi in the room that I plan on spending hours in: ). It's nice to know that I'm not alone!!

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    robang13 said:

    Thanks once again for
    Thanks once again for everyones encouragement!! I am glad to hear that it's not just me. I mean after awhile you start to feel like you shouldn't be feeling this way any more! My son keeps telling me to get moving , but at 26 just doesn't get it. My hubby is very patient and tries to understand but it's been a long haul and he's not used to me being so useless~ Even when we go out for the day to run errands, I am done after a few hours and have to go home and rest. We leave for 2 weeks of relaxation on july 3rd. Hopefully being away with no cooking or cleaning will help me. We have a huge jacuzzi in the room that I plan on spending hours in: ). It's nice to know that I'm not alone!!


    Finished rads March 30
    and I'm still dealing with stamina issues. It's slowly getting better but everyone says it will take time. I try to exercise regularly and that helps but have also started yoga. That's been great!
  • Survivor73
    Survivor73 Member Posts: 135
    skipper54 said:

    Finished rads March 30
    and I'm still dealing with stamina issues. It's slowly getting better but everyone says it will take time. I try to exercise regularly and that helps but have also started yoga. That's been great!

    same as you
    Hi There. I am also about the same as you...I finished rads on May 31st...so 21 days out.

    I am still really tired...I'm trying, but some days, I just sleep until 2 in the afternoon.

    I go to bed around 1 am and get up with my kids at 7, get them off to school...then go back to bed at 8 and sleep until 2.

    When I do this, I feel ok for the day...

    I noticed on the weekend, we were at my SIL for a bbq and swim...everyone was having a great time and I was dreaming about my bed...lol.

    I always have to plan my days like this...what am I doing the night before...will I have enough time to sleep...if not, I plan to sleep that afternoon or evening...I nap whenever I need to. I played baseball last night...I have to eat a chocolate bar after the first game to give me an energy boost to get throught the second one...and then I slept all day today.

    I don't know how long this will last...I'm waiting for another surgery in 2 weeks, so hopefully I will feel better by then.

    Take care...
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333

    same as you
    Hi There. I am also about the same as you...I finished rads on May 31st...so 21 days out.

    I am still really tired...I'm trying, but some days, I just sleep until 2 in the afternoon.

    I go to bed around 1 am and get up with my kids at 7, get them off to school...then go back to bed at 8 and sleep until 2.

    When I do this, I feel ok for the day...

    I noticed on the weekend, we were at my SIL for a bbq and swim...everyone was having a great time and I was dreaming about my bed...lol.

    I always have to plan my days like this...what am I doing the night before...will I have enough time to sleep...if not, I plan to sleep that afternoon or evening...I nap whenever I need to. I played baseball last night...I have to eat a chocolate bar after the first game to give me an energy boost to get throught the second one...and then I slept all day today.

    I don't know how long this will last...I'm waiting for another surgery in 2 weeks, so hopefully I will feel better by then.

    Take care...

    @survivor73 Glad I'm not
    @survivor73 Glad I'm not alone. I can't get out of bed before 11 if i wanted to. I get up around 8, feed the cats, get my old kids up and go back to sleep. I wouldn't even get up at 11 if I didn't have my hubby or my mom worried about me. I feel like I could sleep all day. Just now it's 4:30pm and I fell asleep watching judge judy. hubby calls and I sound irritated. He goes: what's wrong? I said I was sleeping. He goes: why are you sleeping at 4:30? Because I AM!! Oh he says and hangs up. I mean how many times do I have to say I am exhausted before he stops asking why I am sleeping?! It's like everyone expects everything to be normal since the rads are done. No one gets that I had 2 surgeries, 1 with complications that set me back 3 weeks and then 7 weeks of rads!! I should be supermom and superwife like nothing happened. I don't think they get that I had cancer!! It's not like I had a cold!! I think I am getting more upset with them than myself because no-one gets it!!

    I hope you start feeling better soon. Let me know your progress so I can judge mine too. I have nothing to judge against, so maybe being in the same time frame can help both of us know we are normal : )

  • midnight10
    midnight10 Member Posts: 74 Member
    My nurse navigator said to give yourself time---at least the total treatment time (chemo, surgery, radiation) to get over the tireds and get your strength back. Chemo, surgery then to the end of radiation was almost 8 months for me. I'm 3 months from the end of radiation and feeling less tired, a little stronger every week...but long naps on Saturday are still a good thing.
    Don't push, but don't baby yourself either. Get some exercise even if it is just a walk every day.
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    My nurse navigator said to give yourself time---at least the total treatment time (chemo, surgery, radiation) to get over the tireds and get your strength back. Chemo, surgery then to the end of radiation was almost 8 months for me. I'm 3 months from the end of radiation and feeling less tired, a little stronger every week...but long naps on Saturday are still a good thing.
    Don't push, but don't baby yourself either. Get some exercise even if it is just a walk every day.

    My doctor told me
    My doctor told me years ago if you are sick it will take that much longer to get to feeling better.If you have the flu and it lasts 2 weeks then it would take 2 weeks to get better and get your strength.

    I didn't need chemo but I am sure it will take time but rest and don't overdo it.If you do you could have a setback.That was what I was always told.

    Hope you get your strength back soon.

    Lynn Smith
  • TKMomma
    TKMomma Member Posts: 54
    I have five left and finish next Wed. I guess I was hoping I would miraculously be myself also after and get over this tired fatigue exhaustion feeling that just lingers constantly with no energy for anything. Thanks for the heads up. I'll mentally prepare myself.
  • renee616
    renee616 Member Posts: 181
    robang13 said:

    @survivor73 Glad I'm not
    @survivor73 Glad I'm not alone. I can't get out of bed before 11 if i wanted to. I get up around 8, feed the cats, get my old kids up and go back to sleep. I wouldn't even get up at 11 if I didn't have my hubby or my mom worried about me. I feel like I could sleep all day. Just now it's 4:30pm and I fell asleep watching judge judy. hubby calls and I sound irritated. He goes: what's wrong? I said I was sleeping. He goes: why are you sleeping at 4:30? Because I AM!! Oh he says and hangs up. I mean how many times do I have to say I am exhausted before he stops asking why I am sleeping?! It's like everyone expects everything to be normal since the rads are done. No one gets that I had 2 surgeries, 1 with complications that set me back 3 weeks and then 7 weeks of rads!! I should be supermom and superwife like nothing happened. I don't think they get that I had cancer!! It's not like I had a cold!! I think I am getting more upset with them than myself because no-one gets it!!

    I hope you start feeling better soon. Let me know your progress so I can judge mine too. I have nothing to judge against, so maybe being in the same time frame can help both of us know we are normal : )


    Why are you sleeping??????
    I am only on my second day of rads, 2 weeks out from chemo...still dealing with side effects from that last one. I'm not usually a nap person....Too nosy! But yesterday & today after rads, I came home and took a 2 hour nap, sound asleep. my husband called and said whats wrong, are you sick...well duh...a little bit! I've been telling him that the last treatment really kicked my butt! Then he said the same thing...Why are you sleeping? Your right, they dont get it and do want normal back....but that will need to wait a while longer! Nobody wants normal more than We do!
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    TKMomma said:

    I have five left and finish next Wed. I guess I was hoping I would miraculously be myself also after and get over this tired fatigue exhaustion feeling that just lingers constantly with no energy for anything. Thanks for the heads up. I'll mentally prepare myself.

    @ TKMomma maybe you will be
    @ TKMomma maybe you will be one of the lucky ones?! I am just soooo tired of being tired! Guess I thought I would just jump back like I always have for any surgeries I've gotten through the years.Maybe age is catching up and my body has had enough? Good luck to you and hoping you will be the one that runs home!!

  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    renee616 said:

    Why are you sleeping??????
    I am only on my second day of rads, 2 weeks out from chemo...still dealing with side effects from that last one. I'm not usually a nap person....Too nosy! But yesterday & today after rads, I came home and took a 2 hour nap, sound asleep. my husband called and said whats wrong, are you sick...well duh...a little bit! I've been telling him that the last treatment really kicked my butt! Then he said the same thing...Why are you sleeping? Your right, they dont get it and do want normal back....but that will need to wait a while longer! Nobody wants normal more than We do!

    @ Renee, right?! What is in
    @ Renee, right?! What is in their heads?! Especially since you are just starting after everything else you have gone through!! Tell him he better get used to seeing you sleep, cause as it goes on it really knocks the crap out of you! Come my 4th week I was shot. I would come home from my rads at noon , eat something and then sleep the day away, have dinner and sleep the night away. It's not even a pleasant sleep. It was always the ones where you are trying to wake up but can't. So I would wake even tireder! Are you sick?! He actually said that to you? Well answer like I do, no I only have cancer, what about you? Shuts them up fast!! MEN!!!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    robang13 said:

    @ TKMomma maybe you will be
    @ TKMomma maybe you will be one of the lucky ones?! I am just soooo tired of being tired! Guess I thought I would just jump back like I always have for any surgeries I've gotten through the years.Maybe age is catching up and my body has had enough? Good luck to you and hoping you will be the one that runs home!!


    Angela .. it's not age, gender or race ...
    Cancer .. kicks our butts in some many ways. Some WARRIORS have mild side efforts, while other suffer endlessly. Some women bounce back from surgeries, and go about their business, while others take weeks to heal .. Our bodies just react differently from chemo and rad's ..

    I've been here a while, and I've seen it all --- or so, I think! LOL

    Take the time to heal, and rest. Everything will fall into place soon.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    robang13 said:

    Thanks once again for
    Thanks once again for everyones encouragement!! I am glad to hear that it's not just me. I mean after awhile you start to feel like you shouldn't be feeling this way any more! My son keeps telling me to get moving , but at 26 just doesn't get it. My hubby is very patient and tries to understand but it's been a long haul and he's not used to me being so useless~ Even when we go out for the day to run errands, I am done after a few hours and have to go home and rest. We leave for 2 weeks of relaxation on july 3rd. Hopefully being away with no cooking or cleaning will help me. We have a huge jacuzzi in the room that I plan on spending hours in: ). It's nice to know that I'm not alone!!


    They say the exhaustion can
    They say the exhaustion can last for up to one year. It doesn't for all, but, it can for some. Just give yourself some time to heal and still get lots of rest.

    Hugs, Jan
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    robang13 said:

    Thanks once again for
    Thanks once again for everyones encouragement!! I am glad to hear that it's not just me. I mean after awhile you start to feel like you shouldn't be feeling this way any more! My son keeps telling me to get moving , but at 26 just doesn't get it. My hubby is very patient and tries to understand but it's been a long haul and he's not used to me being so useless~ Even when we go out for the day to run errands, I am done after a few hours and have to go home and rest. We leave for 2 weeks of relaxation on july 3rd. Hopefully being away with no cooking or cleaning will help me. We have a huge jacuzzi in the room that I plan on spending hours in: ). It's nice to know that I'm not alone!!


    They say the exhaustion can
    They say the exhaustion can last for up to one year. It doesn't for all, but, it can for some. Just give yourself some time to heal and still get lots of rest.

    Hugs, Jan