finding things a little difficult - acupuncture update

mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
edited June 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
Since my cancer journery began I have always said that parenting (at least parenting my daughter) is way more challenging than dealing with cancer. That said, she is almost 12 years old and can't understand the consequence of bad grades, that is summer school for 4 weeks, 4 hours a day so life has descended into chaos and we are living in war zone andI am emotionally fatigued.

In addition, I had my Herceptin treatment suspended in Feb. due to the significant drop in heart function although it is still within normal limits. I was meant to be done with Herceptin last Friday however I resumed treatment on Friday but have to have a MUGA scan in a couple of weeks so see if it has affected my heart again. The Onc. feels that 8 months of Herceptin might be enough for me as he doesn't want there to be permanent damage (bless his heart for his concern and caring). Fortunately I got over my attachment to completing the Herceptin treatment. So whatever happens happens.

Just had an ultrasound on my uterus and ovaries. I have a very large fibroid that I have not noticed over the last year since my menstrual cycle stopped during chemo. Now it is protuding like I am 5 months pregnant. My Onc. referred me to the gynae who sent me for the ultrasound. I heard the tech. and the intern say I had fluid on the lining of the uterus as well as a cyst on my ovaries (that I kind of figured out because of the pain and discomfort). I thought the bloating was possibly my body trying to resume a menstrual cycle, maybe not. I will find out tomorrow when I visit the gynae. I am not overly enthralled by him and his very abrupt and dismissive manner however I will give him another chance before moving on and seeing someone else.

Yeah, I know this is all kind of routine, daughter woes, heart affected by Hercptin but still within normal limits and the usual 'women' stuff in the lower half of the abdomen however I am feeling a little down and poopy and in need to just get this off my chest with a group of women who knows how all this goes. And I apologise to the women who have it way worse, I know this all might seem a little trifle.

thanks for reading this.


  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    No bodies troubles are any
    No bodies troubles are any worse or easier than any one elses just different. 12 is a tough age for your daughter too. Just keep that in mind when you want to throttle her. My sister is going through similar stuff with her daughter. Fortunately my girls are 26 and 28.

    It will get better. (maybe 10 or so years..... :) )

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    mamolady said:

    No bodies troubles are any
    No bodies troubles are any worse or easier than any one elses just different. 12 is a tough age for your daughter too. Just keep that in mind when you want to throttle her. My sister is going through similar stuff with her daughter. Fortunately my girls are 26 and 28.

    It will get better. (maybe 10 or so years..... :) )


    Oh Mariam, you have had a
    Oh Mariam, you have had a lot going on and I am so sorry. Seems when it rains, it pours sometimes.

    Wish I could give you some advice on your daughter, but, I don't have one. But, the teenage years are hard. I was one once. LOL

    And, good luck tomorrow with the gyno. Let us know what you find out.

    Hugs and prayers,

  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    DebbyM said:

    Oh Mariam, you have had a
    Oh Mariam, you have had a lot going on and I am so sorry. Seems when it rains, it pours sometimes.

    Wish I could give you some advice on your daughter, but, I don't have one. But, the teenage years are hard. I was one once. LOL

    And, good luck tomorrow with the gyno. Let us know what you find out.

    Hugs and prayers,


    When my gyno told me I had BC he at that time mentioned my Pap was clear but I also have fibroid s. He said we will concentrate on the cancer first, then deal with the fibroid s. When I go back to him, I know he wants to do an ultrasound on me too. That reminds me I really need to schedule that while the deductible is paid up. Thanks for the heads up on problem symptoms. My chemo also pushed me into menopause. I wish you well with the gyno and it's nothing too serious. As far as your daughter goes.. No help from me.. I'm kidless.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950

    When my gyno told me I had BC he at that time mentioned my Pap was clear but I also have fibroid s. He said we will concentrate on the cancer first, then deal with the fibroid s. When I go back to him, I know he wants to do an ultrasound on me too. That reminds me I really need to schedule that while the deductible is paid up. Thanks for the heads up on problem symptoms. My chemo also pushed me into menopause. I wish you well with the gyno and it's nothing too serious. As far as your daughter goes.. No help from me.. I'm kidless.


    HI Mariam
    Yeah, the last thing you want to deal with on top of the cancer is a stupid fibroid tumor. I had one before my BC dx
    eight pounds....yes I said 8 lbs! Talk about looking preggo...I had recently lost 70 lbs and all of a sudden here was this hard thing sticking out of my belly.But they are almost always benign, and the surgery wasn't terrible.
    Stick to your guns with your daughter now and when she gets through her tweens she'll be ok.
    Keep us posted on your far I think I'm the champ of ridiculously huge unnoticed
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    When my gyno told me I had BC he at that time mentioned my Pap was clear but I also have fibroid s. He said we will concentrate on the cancer first, then deal with the fibroid s. When I go back to him, I know he wants to do an ultrasound on me too. That reminds me I really need to schedule that while the deductible is paid up. Thanks for the heads up on problem symptoms. My chemo also pushed me into menopause. I wish you well with the gyno and it's nothing too serious. As far as your daughter goes.. No help from me.. I'm kidless.


    Wishing you good luck with
    Wishing you good luck with your gynecologist's appointment!

    Hugs, Kylez
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Poor thing
    Poor thing, I'm sorry you seem to be having issues on so many different fronts. Praying that all your appts. go better than you could dream and all tests come back negative, or with things that are simple to fix.

    As for your 12 year old daughter, all I can say as a grandmother who's raising an 18 and 15 year old, just keep praying and hang on to the fact that soon she'll be 13, although that may not be any better, just closer to being an adult.

  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    We are all in this

    We are all in this together. After I was diagnosed with cancer I really wanted everything removed that could be. That didn't happen, so I worry off and on about my lower extremities. Childre are so difficul sometimes, and they don't understand when you don't feel your best. I will be thinking about you, and if that doctor is not a fit for you, by all means change to someone who can comfort you while treating you.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Not trifle at all
    We can handle so many things, but not so many things at once. My heart goes out to you. If your gyn isn't doing right by you, get a new one asap.

    I have a daughter who is 23 now, but, boy oh boy, I remember 12 - yikes!

    My thoughts, good wishes and prayers are with you.

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    you've come to the right place. I hear you loud and clear regarding the summer school issue. Your daughter is probably dealing with a lot of emotions knowing what her mother went through with cancer. As for your female problems, I hope all tests are good results.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    you've come to the right place. I hear you loud and clear regarding the summer school issue. Your daughter is probably dealing with a lot of emotions knowing what her mother went through with cancer. As for your female problems, I hope all tests are good results.
    {{hugs}} Char

    yes dealing with all the
    yes dealing with all the adolescent drama can be tough especially when dealing with recovery, lack of energy, etc.. and then more issues.I have always thought we should be exempt from any other illness/issue after dealing with cancer.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Not trifle at all
    We can handle so many things, but not so many things at once. My heart goes out to you. If your gyn isn't doing right by you, get a new one asap.

    I have a daughter who is 23 now, but, boy oh boy, I remember 12 - yikes!

    My thoughts, good wishes and prayers are with you.


    Reaching out to you and giving you a big hug! I have to agree with Sue, if you don't feel your gyno is doing his job, please seek another opinion. Praying for you!

    ♥ Kristin ♥
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    carkris said:

    yes dealing with all the
    yes dealing with all the adolescent drama can be tough especially when dealing with recovery, lack of energy, etc.. and then more issues.I have always thought we should be exempt from any other illness/issue after dealing with cancer.

    Dearest Mariam, don't you dare apologize for being "poopy"! As Sue said, you've got an awful lot going on at one time -- and oh, by the way, you're a cancer survivor, too -- you have every right to feel overwhelmed!

    YOUR LIFE IS NOT A TRIFLE -- a trifle is a dessert with sponge cake, custard, and whipped cream, and I think you've earned one, or whatever form of Sugar Therapy does it for you!

    Please let us know how your gynecologist appointment goes today, and know that we're all here for you, anytime.

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    carkris said:

    yes dealing with all the
    yes dealing with all the adolescent drama can be tough especially when dealing with recovery, lack of energy, etc.. and then more issues.I have always thought we should be exempt from any other illness/issue after dealing with cancer.

    I want that pass from issues!

    I want that pass from dealing with other issues. How can we get that through congress!

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    No worry too small, no joy too large
    These are the rules on this board (:

    Share, share, share when it comes to troubles, they get lighter that way.
    And you must admit, some of these posts made you smile.. am I right?

    I KNEW it, so it looks like we're here listening and caring, no matter what.

    Wishing you strength and endurance in the upcoming days!!

    And remember, what you are going through is not "routine"!! I know
    load of people who would shake in their shoes just imaging going
    through it.

  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    Sorry to hear about your problems...
    Just remember one thing about your daughter... in a blink of an eye she will have her own family and you will wonder where the time went. Please know I and so many of us here have you in our prayers and thoughts always. You truly have more to deal with than any one person should have to but it will make you stronger. At least that is what I believe.
    A big hug to you and yours.
  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
    gagee said:

    Sorry to hear about your problems...
    Just remember one thing about your daughter... in a blink of an eye she will have her own family and you will wonder where the time went. Please know I and so many of us here have you in our prayers and thoughts always. You truly have more to deal with than any one person should have to but it will make you stronger. At least that is what I believe.
    A big hug to you and yours.

    I want that trifle dessert!
    Sugar therapy sounds good right now...

    I have a 12 year old son, and Tweens can be tough.... My little girl is only 8, and she 's having a tough time with the cancer...gotten very insecure and clingy.

    Sometimes, life hits us all at once, doesn't it?

    Hang in there and you know if you need to vent out this board is a wonderful place!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    dbhadra said:

    I want that trifle dessert!
    Sugar therapy sounds good right now...

    I have a 12 year old son, and Tweens can be tough.... My little girl is only 8, and she 's having a tough time with the cancer...gotten very insecure and clingy.

    Sometimes, life hits us all at once, doesn't it?

    Hang in there and you know if you need to vent out this board is a wonderful place!


    I am very sorry that you are having a difficult time. I remember the day when you have jointed the CSN Board. It seems as a very long time ago. We have shared it all:cakes and Champagne for celebration and graduations, ice-cream for spirit, small potatoes, now trifle and sometimes devastation. Please seek a second opinion and do not trust inters and technicians. Please find gynecologist who meet your standards and respectable specialist.
    Sending you a big hug,
    New Flower
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Thank-you for all your
    Thank-you for all your wonderfully kind and encouraging words. It is a relief to come here, read posts and just let off some steam.

    The appointment with the gyne was rather a waste of time! He was a little more friendly but not forthcoming with information and his solution to everything going on in the reproductive region was to remove it. Okay well, maybe that might be the right solution but I need a little more information to get the bigger picture and put things in perspective. You know, you don't go to the hardware store and ask for ice-cream, if you do you end up frustrated 'cause you are just not going to get what you want. So I decided to go in search of the ice-cream store and see another gyne. Actually I came home and made an appointment with an Acupuncturist whom I will see today. She has a great deal of experience in 'Women's health'. I'll let you know how this goes.

    No offense to men but I don't think they make great gynecologists, maybe great at delivering babies but in my experience once you are done with reproduction they want to just remove all those parts.

    On the daughter front, she has calmed down. She found out some other kids she knows are also going to the same summer school. So for now that is a little easier. The other stressor with her was that I found out that she had been on the 'Pro Ana' (promotion of Anorexia)websites and was going to use some of the tips and tricks to lose weight!!! She has a friend who has an eating disorder and told her about the sites. It is fine to lose weight (I lost 30lbs since the end of chemo) but it doesn't have to be abusive. I spoke to her doctor who is also going to keep an eye on her as well.

    Dyaneb I had a good laugh at your comment 'so far I think I'm the champ of ridiculously huge unnoticed tumors'. I think it just goes to show how benign fibroids can really be.
    Tracy thanks for reminding me about Trifle. It was one of my favourite childhood deserts and a great summer one at that. I think making one is in order this weekend. Will let you know how that one works out.

    thanks again for all the support!
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    dbhadra said:

    I want that trifle dessert!
    Sugar therapy sounds good right now...

    I have a 12 year old son, and Tweens can be tough.... My little girl is only 8, and she 's having a tough time with the cancer...gotten very insecure and clingy.

    Sometimes, life hits us all at once, doesn't it?

    Hang in there and you know if you need to vent out this board is a wonderful place!


    I am glad to know that your
    I am glad to know that your life is somewhat better now and that you got it off of your chest here. Hang in there and know we are here!

    Hugs, Jan
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    carkris said:

    yes dealing with all the
    yes dealing with all the adolescent drama can be tough especially when dealing with recovery, lack of energy, etc.. and then more issues.I have always thought we should be exempt from any other illness/issue after dealing with cancer.

    I am very sorry that life is
    I am very sorry that life is so difficult for you now. I wish I could help in some way, shape or form. Please know that I will be praying for you!

    Hugs, Lex