Don't read if you need to stay positive

DrMary Member Posts: 531 Member
I'm at a pretty low point - on the plus side, my husband survived to the NED stage and my family is healthy. Why do I still want to go get my favorite knife and open a vein, then?

I did lose my job and had to go into the "pool" of folks who had to be considered for jobs in the system before anyone from the outside could be hired. I got jerked around a bit and did get picked up by a school that is out in the middle of nowhere - nasty commute, but nice folks, so I shouldn't complain.

But still, it hurts to not have more places want me. And my husband is being a total jerk - he has been so critical of me that my daughter finally said something. I guess I got so used to taking it when he felt bad that I didn't even notice. He's been really on me about cooking too much food (the stupid sob hasn't figured out that most of that is special soft, nutritious food so he can actually swallow it, with his burned out throat) and so I tried really hard to keep up on recycling leftovers and such so the fridge wasn't full. Sure enough, last night when I came home from my interview (realizing that I was going to have to accept a long commute to at least keep a job, and wondering how I was going to continue to keep up with chores and such) he bitched one more time about having too much food taking up the fridge.

F- him. We're eating take-out from now on. He won't be able to eat it but the kids will be happy for a while. At this point, I don't care if he loses the 15 lbs I managed to put back on him - he's taken away the one thing I still thought I did well (cooking) because I am not going to cook the good stuff just to have him complain that I spend so much on food (like, NOT cooking food at home will cost less?).

I've put the sharp things out of my reach - I wouldn't do that to my kids - so don't go calling the EMTs.

However, this sucks. And it hurts. A lot. Ow, ow, ow.


  • mswijiknyc
    mswijiknyc Member Posts: 421
    pull the boots on
    yup. You're having one of them days. I felt like dog poo when I got let go from my job in Sept 2010, and mine was a jerk too. I imagine it's harder for you as it can be tough to mentally switch from sick to well.

    Well, all I can say is this sucks and maybe tomorrow things will either look brighter or you will be better able to handle what comes. Until then, do whatever mellows you out and puts your mind in that happy place.

  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member
    Staying Positive
    Double post
  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member
    Staying Positive
    I think staying positive is really overrated. No one can stay positive all the time, and then we feel guilty when we're not. You have a right to your feelings. You have been through a lot. Youmare worn out physically and mentally. You're probably right that your husband was a little spoiled by you taking more guff than you might otherwise have done. Maybe it's time to let him know that he's pushing it now. I'm glad you daughter said something. Now you may have to say something, too. It's time for you to take care of yourself and get a little pampering as well. Maybe a massage, a pedicure, and a manicure. A ladies night out sounds good. You definitely need to stay out of the kitchen for awhile. Fay
  • DrMary
    DrMary Member Posts: 531 Member

    pull the boots on
    yup. You're having one of them days. I felt like dog poo when I got let go from my job in Sept 2010, and mine was a jerk too. I imagine it's harder for you as it can be tough to mentally switch from sick to well.

    Well, all I can say is this sucks and maybe tomorrow things will either look brighter or you will be better able to handle what comes. Until then, do whatever mellows you out and puts your mind in that happy place.


    not to mention the big girl pants
    I do feel like such a baby complaining, April, as I know I should be grateful that the stupid m-f-ing sob is around for me to complain about. And I lucked into a job with nice people who are true believers about helping kids, not just doing a job. Things could certainly be worse.

    It just hurt that not only was he not there to make me feel better when I needed it most, he piled on and really cut my legs out from under me. I alternate between crying and wanting to punch out walls.

    Maybe I will get lucky and a fight will break out between some of the bigger bullies at school tomorrow - I am soooo ready to go bust a few heads. . .

    Ok - I'll try to go back to being happy that I have a husband to complain about. And a job. And a house that we are not toooo far behind on payments for. And a really perceptive daughter. And folks on a list who are kind enough to read tirades. Thanks. We are almost done with leftovers now, so we eat out tomorrow. I haven't had a good taco in months.
  • karenbeth
    karenbeth Member Posts: 194
    DrMary said:

    not to mention the big girl pants
    I do feel like such a baby complaining, April, as I know I should be grateful that the stupid m-f-ing sob is around for me to complain about. And I lucked into a job with nice people who are true believers about helping kids, not just doing a job. Things could certainly be worse.

    It just hurt that not only was he not there to make me feel better when I needed it most, he piled on and really cut my legs out from under me. I alternate between crying and wanting to punch out walls.

    Maybe I will get lucky and a fight will break out between some of the bigger bullies at school tomorrow - I am soooo ready to go bust a few heads. . .

    Ok - I'll try to go back to being happy that I have a husband to complain about. And a job. And a house that we are not toooo far behind on payments for. And a really perceptive daughter. And folks on a list who are kind enough to read tirades. Thanks. We are almost done with leftovers now, so we eat out tomorrow. I haven't had a good taco in months.

    complain away
    ...this is the place to do it. Sorry you are having such a rough time...I hope your husband has an attitude adjustment soon. In the meantime, enjoy your taco.

  • mswijiknyc
    mswijiknyc Member Posts: 421
    DrMary said:

    not to mention the big girl pants
    I do feel like such a baby complaining, April, as I know I should be grateful that the stupid m-f-ing sob is around for me to complain about. And I lucked into a job with nice people who are true believers about helping kids, not just doing a job. Things could certainly be worse.

    It just hurt that not only was he not there to make me feel better when I needed it most, he piled on and really cut my legs out from under me. I alternate between crying and wanting to punch out walls.

    Maybe I will get lucky and a fight will break out between some of the bigger bullies at school tomorrow - I am soooo ready to go bust a few heads. . .

    Ok - I'll try to go back to being happy that I have a husband to complain about. And a job. And a house that we are not toooo far behind on payments for. And a really perceptive daughter. And folks on a list who are kind enough to read tirades. Thanks. We are almost done with leftovers now, so we eat out tomorrow. I haven't had a good taco in months.

    well crap
    I'm sorry I was in no way trying to push you off. Lemme put it this way - when Pat was first admitted to hospice I was still treating him normal which included all the normal arguements and me still trying to stand my ground. Listen jack wad I don't care if you're sick you're not getting away with running over me! But the hospice nurses and social workers made a good point to me: there are some things that you just gotta let go. Is this how I want to spend my time with him? Fighting over stupid crap?

    The correlation I was making is this: Pat said from day 1 stop treating me special so that is what I did. When it came time for a mental shift, it took a couple days of me being mad before I got there. You had said that you took a lot when he was sick because he was sick. So this is a shift for you, from sick to not sick.

    As for "complaining" everyone, and I mean everyone, is allowed time to feel awful and sad and mad. I've been where you are a lot lately, alternating between wanting to crawl in bed and curl up in a fetal position and going out with an aluminum bat daring someone to mess with me (gotta a bad mean streak oooooops) All I know is if I give myself enough time feeling icky then I will go out and be ready to take on the world.

    Today may suck, but dammit I'm going to go kick tomorrow's a$$.
  • mswijiknyc
    mswijiknyc Member Posts: 421
    SOBs - not just for hubbies anymore!
    Think every male across the country is having their period at the same time. Just a thought as every male I've had dealings with this week has been a complete (insert name for the male anatomy here).

    So it's not just you.
  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145

    SOBs - not just for hubbies anymore!
    Think every male across the country is having their period at the same time. Just a thought as every male I've had dealings with this week has been a complete (insert name for the male anatomy here).

    So it's not just you.

    International PMS week?
    International PMS week? Thank God we are not on a full moon too.
  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    Is there a full moon?
    I think this is the week when spouses went to idiots r us. I have been trying to figure out how I can affOrd a couple of days in a nice hotel with nice views and room service to get a break from my overly critical husband. I want to scream, but that is wasted energy. He is vegetarian so I plan to cook with meat in my veggies this Sunday. So join the crowd on hubbies that are SOB's. Can I join the girl's nite out. I have the liquor and chic flicks.

    I am taking care of so many people and who the f- is taking care of me?

    PS I have insomnia again.
  • dianelynn41
    dianelynn41 Member Posts: 71
    ketziah35 said:

    International PMS week?
    International PMS week? Thank God we are not on a full moon too.

    I had to yell at Roby the other day. He's gets angry about his cancer and trys to take it out on me. I finally had to tell him to stop it. It's ok to be angry but I'm not the cause and I'm on his side. He changed how he was talking to me.
    One time after his dx, I guess I was being too nice, we had an agrument and he smiled and said he's glad I could still get mad at him and argue.

    Hang in there.
  • DrMary
    DrMary Member Posts: 531 Member

    SOBs - not just for hubbies anymore!
    Think every male across the country is having their period at the same time. Just a thought as every male I've had dealings with this week has been a complete (insert name for the male anatomy here).

    So it's not just you.

    Definition of PMS
    "Just before their periods, women behave the way men do all the time."

    I'd do a girls' night out tonight, but my oldest wants us to come watch her (her theater class is opening a show tonight). By tomorrow night, the hurt will have died down and I might go back to normal life (without cooking, of course). Beer will help, I suspect.
  • luz del lago
    luz del lago Member Posts: 449
    DrMary said:

    Definition of PMS
    "Just before their periods, women behave the way men do all the time."

    I'd do a girls' night out tonight, but my oldest wants us to come watch her (her theater class is opening a show tonight). By tomorrow night, the hurt will have died down and I might go back to normal life (without cooking, of course). Beer will help, I suspect.

    Sending wishes for a good
    Sending wishes for a good weekend for you! It be "who" of hubby to join and help make it that way, but if not... Get out there and celebrate your life! Take care, dear one.

  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    Sending wishes for a good
    Sending wishes for a good weekend for you! It be "who" of hubby to join and help make it that way, but if not... Get out there and celebrate your life! Take care, dear one.


    Weekend is here
    Dr. Mary I would cook him something. One piece of brocolli, and 1 carrot, 1 green bean. Then ask is that to much food. In the sweetest tone of voice, of course.

    Since he is better, can he now cook for himself?

    Enjoy the weekend, and tacos.
  • karenbeth
    karenbeth Member Posts: 194
    DrMary said:

    Definition of PMS
    "Just before their periods, women behave the way men do all the time."

    I'd do a girls' night out tonight, but my oldest wants us to come watch her (her theater class is opening a show tonight). By tomorrow night, the hurt will have died down and I might go back to normal life (without cooking, of course). Beer will help, I suspect.

    "definition of pms"
    HA! I like that.
  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    I needed to sign in to post.
    I needed to sign in to post. Problems happened on the site the last time I posted! Dr. Mary you have not only been the caregiver to your husband but also to countless others on this site. I usually go to the head and neck site as I am a survivor but have been a caregiver throughout my life. You have been there for April and so many others. You share what you have learned willingly. It is enough to be a wife, mother, teacher and you had your life turn upside down with the diagnosis and treatment of your husband. I am a teacher also and have gone through many of the roller coaster rides that the district has dished out. Mary, go back to your post of New Years Eve. Remember the good times, they will happen again and again. It is time to sit down with the family--new job and commute will be taking a toll on you, you will need their support and help. Everyone will need to take on some more household chores.

    God Bless you, take some time for you. There has been a lot thrown at you in a short amount of time.
  • DrMary
    DrMary Member Posts: 531 Member
    KTeacher said:

    I needed to sign in to post.
    I needed to sign in to post. Problems happened on the site the last time I posted! Dr. Mary you have not only been the caregiver to your husband but also to countless others on this site. I usually go to the head and neck site as I am a survivor but have been a caregiver throughout my life. You have been there for April and so many others. You share what you have learned willingly. It is enough to be a wife, mother, teacher and you had your life turn upside down with the diagnosis and treatment of your husband. I am a teacher also and have gone through many of the roller coaster rides that the district has dished out. Mary, go back to your post of New Years Eve. Remember the good times, they will happen again and again. It is time to sit down with the family--new job and commute will be taking a toll on you, you will need their support and help. Everyone will need to take on some more household chores.

    God Bless you, take some time for you. There has been a lot thrown at you in a short amount of time.

    The world didn't end when you posted
    Thanks for the pep talks - the sting is fading and I am recognizing how much of my problem was burnout. About 4 months ago, I was spending hours per day on the food issue - he had lost so much weight that I was researching "refeeding syndrome" (not a pleasant topic - shades of WWII and death camps) and planning/recording/analyzing everything that passed his lips (both ways). For 4 months, I've been planning and cooking the most nutritionally-dense, easy-to-eat, attractive and balanced meals I could manage - I also wanted us to eat the same foods at shared meals (dinner mostly - we all manage to eat together almost all of our breakfasts and dinners) so he didn't feel "special" or excluded.

    Our fridge became full of little tubs of leftovers, put there in the hopes that he would be encouraged to snack during the day. However, our fridge always has lots of tubs of leftovers, as I cooked all the time even before this all happened. Eventually, there's too much, stuff goes bad and has to go on the compost heap.

    We both hate waste - I was able to let go of that as it was more important to me that he always had food he could eat and had several choices. He couldn't let go and every time I'd cook something new, I'd hear, "but there's soooo much food in the fridge!" Did he really want an explanation about how there's lots of food, but only vegetables (or meat or starch) and so I need to make some supplementary stuff. Nope. Food is going to waste and it's my fault.

    I spent some of my spare time (how much of THAT do we have) over spring break organizing everything and making better plans so that we had less food left over and it got used faster. It was great for a week, although he didn't notice. Yup, "there soooo much food" popped out the other night and I'd just had it. I'm pissed off, but I also have to realize that apparently I value my work in the kitchen more than he does, so why bother?

    So, we ate leftovers for a few nights (getting boring) and we had pizza last night. Still looking forward to that taco. They just opened a Harris Teeter nearby - I can pick up dinner every night on the way home. I am going through a bit of cooking withdrawal, but I think I can let go of that part of my life and put that energy into something else.

    Why didn't I think of this before????
  • mswijiknyc
    mswijiknyc Member Posts: 421
    DrMary said:

    The world didn't end when you posted
    Thanks for the pep talks - the sting is fading and I am recognizing how much of my problem was burnout. About 4 months ago, I was spending hours per day on the food issue - he had lost so much weight that I was researching "refeeding syndrome" (not a pleasant topic - shades of WWII and death camps) and planning/recording/analyzing everything that passed his lips (both ways). For 4 months, I've been planning and cooking the most nutritionally-dense, easy-to-eat, attractive and balanced meals I could manage - I also wanted us to eat the same foods at shared meals (dinner mostly - we all manage to eat together almost all of our breakfasts and dinners) so he didn't feel "special" or excluded.

    Our fridge became full of little tubs of leftovers, put there in the hopes that he would be encouraged to snack during the day. However, our fridge always has lots of tubs of leftovers, as I cooked all the time even before this all happened. Eventually, there's too much, stuff goes bad and has to go on the compost heap.

    We both hate waste - I was able to let go of that as it was more important to me that he always had food he could eat and had several choices. He couldn't let go and every time I'd cook something new, I'd hear, "but there's soooo much food in the fridge!" Did he really want an explanation about how there's lots of food, but only vegetables (or meat or starch) and so I need to make some supplementary stuff. Nope. Food is going to waste and it's my fault.

    I spent some of my spare time (how much of THAT do we have) over spring break organizing everything and making better plans so that we had less food left over and it got used faster. It was great for a week, although he didn't notice. Yup, "there soooo much food" popped out the other night and I'd just had it. I'm pissed off, but I also have to realize that apparently I value my work in the kitchen more than he does, so why bother?

    So, we ate leftovers for a few nights (getting boring) and we had pizza last night. Still looking forward to that taco. They just opened a Harris Teeter nearby - I can pick up dinner every night on the way home. I am going through a bit of cooking withdrawal, but I think I can let go of that part of my life and put that energy into something else.

    Why didn't I think of this before????

    Cuz you were burnt out!!
    The brain becomes mushy when you burn out, to the point where the only thing that makes sense is what you've already been doing.

    Glad to hear you now have a viable solution. Enjoy the weekend!
  • DrMary
    DrMary Member Posts: 531 Member

    Cuz you were burnt out!!
    The brain becomes mushy when you burn out, to the point where the only thing that makes sense is what you've already been doing.

    Glad to hear you now have a viable solution. Enjoy the weekend!

    and from the ashes of burnout
    comes. . . . I'm still waiting for the phoenix to show up. I have absolutely no idea what to do with my time and energy - I seem to have gained about 2 hours a day and many restless brain cells.

    Suggestions are welcome. The more self-indulgent, the better. (Going shopping for a good divorce lawyer or a trophy husband are nice fantasies, but I won't be getting THAT self-indulgent. He does have a few good points, and he was right there with me when I was crying when Patrick - and others - died, so I'm going to try to put up with him a bit longer.) Cheap or free things are best - our budget sure is taking a hit and I'm not doing much to help it lately.
  • mswijiknyc
    mswijiknyc Member Posts: 421
    DrMary said:

    and from the ashes of burnout
    comes. . . . I'm still waiting for the phoenix to show up. I have absolutely no idea what to do with my time and energy - I seem to have gained about 2 hours a day and many restless brain cells.

    Suggestions are welcome. The more self-indulgent, the better. (Going shopping for a good divorce lawyer or a trophy husband are nice fantasies, but I won't be getting THAT self-indulgent. He does have a few good points, and he was right there with me when I was crying when Patrick - and others - died, so I'm going to try to put up with him a bit longer.) Cheap or free things are best - our budget sure is taking a hit and I'm not doing much to help it lately.

    If you have a Dollar Tree
    take $11 and get 10 things for you and only you. Shopping spree! There must be some free concerts or fairs or something going on near you. Summer is coming so there should be something fun and free or very very inexpensive coming soon too :)
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    DrMary said:

    and from the ashes of burnout
    comes. . . . I'm still waiting for the phoenix to show up. I have absolutely no idea what to do with my time and energy - I seem to have gained about 2 hours a day and many restless brain cells.

    Suggestions are welcome. The more self-indulgent, the better. (Going shopping for a good divorce lawyer or a trophy husband are nice fantasies, but I won't be getting THAT self-indulgent. He does have a few good points, and he was right there with me when I was crying when Patrick - and others - died, so I'm going to try to put up with him a bit longer.) Cheap or free things are best - our budget sure is taking a hit and I'm not doing much to help it lately.

    Thinking of you
    Hey Dr Mary
    Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. You are right....all hubbies had their period within the last couple of weeks! Bah humbug!!! Well...they are from Mars you know? Hope this finds you feeling a little better. Enjoy that takeout....I am sure your hubby will tire of it soon and appreciate the food you are making!!! But....he will never tell you so! D....n men!!
    Tina in Va