My dad's surgery on Monday, 4/25 @ Mayo Clinic - UPDATED 5/2

DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
edited May 2011 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Last week we went to Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) to seek a 2nd surgical opinion for my dad. (Brief history: Dx’d Dec 15th Stage 3B. His post chemo/rad scans showed “no change” in the tumor, and slight growth in the one, regional, lymph node that was involved. Because he did not have a good response to his treatment, and that lymph node grew larger, the original surgeon in Chicago we met with no longer considered him a candidate for surgery. He and the two oncologists feel that this just means that the cancer is already metastasizing, yet we do not yet see it on the scan. They gave him 6 months – 1 year). We fully understand what they say, and know there is a good chance they are right, however “what if” they are wrong. My dad wants to do everything he can to try to beat this and had his goal set on surgery from the beginning. We set up an appointment at Mayo Rochester to get a 2nd opinion. In the first meeting we had with the P.A., we asked who of their 6 surgeons does the MIE – we were told Dr. Wigle, so he is who we met with the following day. Long story short, Dr. Wigle reviewed the same scans and feels there is less cancer activity. In regard to the lymph node that grew he said that yes, it could be cancer growth but there is a small chance it could have grown due to inflammation from the treatment. He said we will not know this until it is removed and biopsied. He said that when he begins the surgery, if he sees more tumor spots that were not yet detected on the scans, he will not move forward with the esophagectomy. We are praying very hard that that is not the case and he is able to move forward with a successful surgery. During the 2 days we were there we were absolutely impressed with the facility and the experience with all of the staff we interacted with. We hope that this will be the right place and provide the right answer for my dad! We would love any prayers for him. Thanks!


  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Prayers for you all
    So glad to hear your Dad is getting a chance. Sounds good that the surgeon wants to take a hands on look see. Hopefully, he will give you a heads up on the esophagectomy. Alternately, if the esophatectomy is not an option (hopefully not the results), you will know most definitively that you gave it your best shot. Prayers for you and best wishes.
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Glad to hear that surgery is an option

    It is great to hear that your Dad has a chance at surgery. We have heard positive reports about Dr. Wigle here in the past.

    I will be praying for positive results from the initial exploratory part of the surgery and a positive outcome for the surgical procedure.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams,
    McCormick, South Carolina
  • rose20
    rose20 Member Posts: 258
    paul61 said:

    Glad to hear that surgery is an option

    It is great to hear that your Dad has a chance at surgery. We have heard positive reports about Dr. Wigle here in the past.

    I will be praying for positive results from the initial exploratory part of the surgery and a positive outcome for the surgical procedure.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams,
    McCormick, South Carolina

    Will be praying for your dad and all of you especially for Monday. Do you know the surgeon's name in Chicago and what hospital was that in Chicago?
    My brother goes this Thursday to meet with a surgeon who is reviewing his case for possible surgery when initially they told him in chicago he was not a candidate for surgery but now that the tumor is just about gone except for two masses he may be able to have surgery now.
  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    BMGky said:

    Prayers for you all
    So glad to hear your Dad is getting a chance. Sounds good that the surgeon wants to take a hands on look see. Hopefully, he will give you a heads up on the esophagectomy. Alternately, if the esophatectomy is not an option (hopefully not the results), you will know most definitively that you gave it your best shot. Prayers for you and best wishes.

    Thank you
    Appreciate your words and prayers!
  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    paul61 said:

    Glad to hear that surgery is an option

    It is great to hear that your Dad has a chance at surgery. We have heard positive reports about Dr. Wigle here in the past.

    I will be praying for positive results from the initial exploratory part of the surgery and a positive outcome for the surgical procedure.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams,
    McCormick, South Carolina

    Thank you Paul
    Glad to hear another good comment about Dr. Wigle. Thank you for your prayers!
  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    rose20 said:

    Will be praying for your dad and all of you especially for Monday. Do you know the surgeon's name in Chicago and what hospital was that in Chicago?
    My brother goes this Thursday to meet with a surgeon who is reviewing his case for possible surgery when initially they told him in chicago he was not a candidate for surgery but now that the tumor is just about gone except for two masses he may be able to have surgery now.

    Hi Rose: It was Dr. Mark
    Hi Rose: It was Dr. Mark Ferguson at the University of Chicago. We've been told that he is an excellent surgeon, however is extremely conservative and selective with who he brings to surgery - which is why he was not interested in operating on my dad. With my dad wanting to everything he possibly could, we needed someone a little more aggressive. Best of luck to your brother! I will watch for updates.
  • cindyhils
    cindyhils Member Posts: 27
    DanaMB3 said:

    Thank you Paul
    Glad to hear another good comment about Dr. Wigle. Thank you for your prayers!

    am thinking about you and hope all goes well in mayo. I had my surgery there in december of 09. they were great there. the nurses were very good. i am doing well at this time and will send prayers your way..
  • cindyhils
    cindyhils Member Posts: 27
    DanaMB3 said:

    Thank you Paul
    Glad to hear another good comment about Dr. Wigle. Thank you for your prayers!

    am thinking about you and hope all goes well in mayo. I had my surgery there in december of 09. they were great there. the nurses were very good. i am doing well at this time and will send prayers your way..
  • cindyhils
    cindyhils Member Posts: 27
    DanaMB3 said:

    Thank you Paul
    Glad to hear another good comment about Dr. Wigle. Thank you for your prayers!

    am thinking about you and hope all goes well in mayo. I had my surgery there in december of 09. they were great there. the nurses were very good. i am doing well at this time and will send prayers your way..
  • cindyhils
    cindyhils Member Posts: 27
    DanaMB3 said:

    Thank you Paul
    Glad to hear another good comment about Dr. Wigle. Thank you for your prayers!

    am thinking about you and hope all goes well in mayo. I had my surgery there in december of 09. they were great there. the nurses were very good. i am doing well at this time and will send prayers your way..
  • Bobs1wife
    Bobs1wife Member Posts: 150
    Mayo Surgery
    Dana, My husband had surgery August 16, 2010 with Dr. Wigle. We also went to Mayo for a second opinion, and we are so happy we did. From admitting, to surgery and recovery, I can say my husband had wonderful care. We would make the same choices again.

    We will pray for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery for your dad. Linda
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    DanaMB3 said:

    Hi Rose: It was Dr. Mark
    Hi Rose: It was Dr. Mark Ferguson at the University of Chicago. We've been told that he is an excellent surgeon, however is extremely conservative and selective with who he brings to surgery - which is why he was not interested in operating on my dad. With my dad wanting to everything he possibly could, we needed someone a little more aggressive. Best of luck to your brother! I will watch for updates.

    Your Dad
    Hello Dana
    Best of luck to your dad. Sounds like you all have a good plan. Mayo and the surgeon are both excellent!
    Keep us posted as to when the surgery will be.
    Tina in Va
  • GerryS
    GerryS Member Posts: 227 Member
    Me too.......
    I, too, was treated at Mayo, MN. I was treated very professionally and they comunicated with my oncologist from my home town. The staff at St Mary's hospital was equally top notch. I would recommend these facilities to anyone. I have just surpased one year since surgery with NED. I was Stage II at diagnosis. I will be praying for your family as you make these decisions, but I would do it again, ofcourse I hope I don't have too. God Bless....

  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    cindyhils said:

    am thinking about you and hope all goes well in mayo. I had my surgery there in december of 09. they were great there. the nurses were very good. i am doing well at this time and will send prayers your way..

    Thank you Cindy
    Glad to hear you are doing well, and also that you had a good experience there. Thank you as well for the prayers!
  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    Bobs1wife said:

    Mayo Surgery
    Dana, My husband had surgery August 16, 2010 with Dr. Wigle. We also went to Mayo for a second opinion, and we are so happy we did. From admitting, to surgery and recovery, I can say my husband had wonderful care. We would make the same choices again.

    We will pray for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery for your dad. Linda

    Hi Linda
    I saw some of your older posts in regard to your husband's surgery when I searched the message board for Dr. Wigle's name last week. I was encouraged to hear that the experience your husband and yourself had was very positive. I just wish was had gone there sooner!
    Thank you for your prayers as well!
  • DanaMB3
    DanaMB3 Member Posts: 98
    GerryS said:

    Me too.......
    I, too, was treated at Mayo, MN. I was treated very professionally and they comunicated with my oncologist from my home town. The staff at St Mary's hospital was equally top notch. I would recommend these facilities to anyone. I have just surpased one year since surgery with NED. I was Stage II at diagnosis. I will be praying for your family as you make these decisions, but I would do it again, ofcourse I hope I don't have too. God Bless....


    Thank you Gerry
    Congrats to you on your NED status. That is wonderful. Glad to hear of your good experience there as well. With all of the other unknowns in regard to the progression of my dad's disease, it's at least comforting to be reassured we will be in good hands as he takes this next step. Thank you for your prayers.
  • chrissiebass
    chrissiebass Member Posts: 56
    DanaMB3 said:

    Thank you Gerry
    Congrats to you on your NED status. That is wonderful. Glad to hear of your good experience there as well. With all of the other unknowns in regard to the progression of my dad's disease, it's at least comforting to be reassured we will be in good hands as he takes this next step. Thank you for your prayers.

    I will keep all of you in my
    I will keep all of you in my prayers this weekend and Monday!! Enjoy your Easter.
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Prayers Coming
    Such good news that your dad is getting the chance at surgery! I think it's definitely the the way to go. Your really don't have anything to lose.

    I'll be praying that everything will look good when the go in and he's able to proceed with the MIE!

  • chrissiebass
    chrissiebass Member Posts: 56
    sal314 said:

    Prayers Coming
    Such good news that your dad is getting the chance at surgery! I think it's definitely the the way to go. Your really don't have anything to lose.

    I'll be praying that everything will look good when the go in and he's able to proceed with the MIE!


    praying for your family and dad today!!
  • rose20
    rose20 Member Posts: 258

    praying for your family and dad today!!

    Prayers for your dad and family today.