Scared, confused, and stressed...

yv1214 Member Posts: 72
As some of you know my mom is a bc stage IV, triple negative, with mets in the liver. We had a visit with the oncologist last week where she had blood work and she told me that the blood work was better. Therefore, I am confused since I have spent the better part of three nights sleeping in bed with my mom after 3 am cause she is completely exhausted from the nausea/throwing up and the abdominal pain. My mom believes that she will be cured, and I do not want to dissuade her of that notion but I do not know what to believe or even do at this time. I guess I just want someone to tell me that this can get better with the chemo treatment.


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Unfortunately, the chemo
    Unfortunately, the chemo does this, but it can also put her into neds which is what we are hoping for. Other than pain in my hips and ribs, I was not ill when I was diagnosed, but with chemo, I am exhausted and nauseated most of the time. But I am hoping when I have my new pet scan that the radiation and chemo has at least slowed the growth.

    I don't have mets in my liver, but I have it in almost every bone and skin, and a nodule in my lung. Sometimes it is hard to tell if the pain is from tumors or treatment, but at least I know that with the chemo, I have a chance of being around longer, which is my goal!

    As far as a cure, I was told that is a long stretch, so I revamped my thinking to: I will live with stage iv, grade 3 cancer and treat it as a chronic illness, rather than a terminal one.

    Good luck to you and your mom. As long as she is thinking cure, she is fighting!
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    camul said:

    Unfortunately, the chemo
    Unfortunately, the chemo does this, but it can also put her into neds which is what we are hoping for. Other than pain in my hips and ribs, I was not ill when I was diagnosed, but with chemo, I am exhausted and nauseated most of the time. But I am hoping when I have my new pet scan that the radiation and chemo has at least slowed the growth.

    I don't have mets in my liver, but I have it in almost every bone and skin, and a nodule in my lung. Sometimes it is hard to tell if the pain is from tumors or treatment, but at least I know that with the chemo, I have a chance of being around longer, which is my goal!

    As far as a cure, I was told that is a long stretch, so I revamped my thinking to: I will live with stage iv, grade 3 cancer and treat it as a chronic illness, rather than a terminal one.

    Good luck to you and your mom. As long as she is thinking cure, she is fighting!

    Sounds OK
    Being told her blood work is better should leave both of you with some relief.How long?? No one knows.I guess they will keep going with her treatment and things might improve more.

    I know a person with Stage 4 lung cancer.Spread to the bone also.She is doing fine after a year.I know its not a long time but she is young and a fighter. I think she has a good chance if she keeps her treatment going like it is.

    Lynn Smith
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Talk to her Dr about
    Talk to her Dr about different/more nausea meds. There are many fantastic ones available today.

    I am a firm believer in the power of positive thought - and it sounds like your Mom is a very positive woman so that is a big step. Is that going to "cure" her - no - at this time there is no real "cure" for cancer. Will it help her get through what she needs to - you betcha! Sometimes I think that it is easier for older gals (I'm 64) to handle what we have to with our battles with the Monster - we have a wealth of life experiences to fall back on to sustain us that youth don't.

    Your Mother (you too) will be in my prayers!

  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    I cannot offer advice
    I cannot offer advice because I have no experience with this situation, but I am offering you and your mom, along with the rest of your family, my prayers. We are here for you!

  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Always Have Hope
    that chemo will work. But I will be TOTALLY honest with you...when cancer goes to the liver it is a very low % that can beat it. Having said that, there is no reason that your mother can't be one of those lucky people that beat it!

    I'd also consider looking into TheraSphere radiation therapy. It's very new and only available at certain cancer centers around the country. It's showing very good results for people with primary liver cancer as well as liver mets. If you google TheraSpheres you will find their main website.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother.

    Oh, one other thing...your mom should NOT be suffering from pain and nausea. There are too many good medications that help with those issues. You should tell your doctor and have them prescribe something that will stop them. You should consider seeing a pain specialist if your doctor can't make her feel better.

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    I cannot offer advice
    I cannot offer advice because I have no experience with this situation, but I am offering you and your mom, along with the rest of your family, my prayers. We are here for you!


    I didn't have chemo, but, I
    I didn't have chemo, but, I want to offer you positive thoughts, strength and prayers.

    Sue :)
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    With good reason if you ask me
    It must be so hard to see your mom suffer like that. But please don't stop
    believing. What you are doing is something amazing and it takes a very special
    and strong person to support your mom and care for her the way you do. Try
    to focus on what you can control, make your mom as comfortable as you can,
    maybe new meds for pain and nausea. And please don't neglect yourself. This
    is a big emotional burden for you.

    Lotsa Love,