My scan results............



  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Friggin' great report, Buzz!
    Hey, I think this is a wonderful report! And I guess it just all depends on interpretation so it will be interesting how your onc interprets this but I didn't read it as a cancer lesion in your liver at all. I read it as there's a "hypodense area" and a hypodense area can be anything from a cyst, to a collection of blood vessels (blood is considered hypodense), to a fatty deposit (livers are prone to fatty deposits) to scarring. So when that was followed by "There are no other liver lesions", I didn't read the hypodense area as a lesion and there are no other lesions... I read it as, "There is a hypodense area (which could be anything) and no other liver lesions were found anywhere in/on the liver." See how the interpretation can be different, all because of how the radiologist uses words on the report. The fact that this "hyodense area" has not changed since 2008 (almost 3 years!), I'd say it's a 98% chance this hypodense area is absolutely nothing to worry about :)

    The rest of the report is fantastic!! As for the "mild to moderate emphysema"... hehehe... hate to break it to you, old man , but we all are getting older. And for those of us who, back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, were smokers and it was totally socially acceptable to smoke EVERYWHERE, even on planes.... the chances are if we live long enough into our 60s - 90s, we ALL are going to have some emphysema. It doesn't mean we are going to be wheezing and can't catch our breath... I bet a lot of us have it now and don't know about it... and don't have any symptoms/signs of it. I know I was told I had mild emphysema and it shocked the heck out of me... how the hell did a youngster like me get that??? Oh ya... I used to be a smoker and uh... I guess I'm not considered a "youngster" except in my own imagination :)

    Oh... and the 4.8cm cyst on the kidney. Yep... a cyst is a cyst is a cyst.... and benign cysts are fine. Oh, and yes, benign cysts can grow. As my kidney specialist told me... the "cyst" I have in my kidney is the shape of a common malignant kidney cancer... but both malignant ones and benign ones are sooooo slow growing that chances are we all will die of old age before they get large enough to be dangerous. Of course, if one has a malignant one, we don't want it to sit there for years but, in my case, we have to wait until I'm off chemo since they won't do surgery when you are on chemo. In your case, chances are you are never going to have to do a thing with it... unless it were to grow and become uncomfortable. It still wouldn't be dangerous but they might suggest at that time taking it out rather than you living in discomfort.

    So.... time to bring out the champagne and bubbly and celebrate this wonderful report, Sir!!! :)

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    I think good
    My interpretation is GOOD. The emphysema must be a bit of shock but that can presumably be dealt with. The cyst sounds benign to me. And, I agree with Geotina -- if the "lesion" on the liver was there in July 2008 and hasn't grown, it seems highly unlikely to me that it is malignant. (I think many of us have discovered bizarre lesions we never knew we had -- and would have never known about except for the $#$# scans we have!). Hey - I'm not a doctor -- but that's my two cents worth!

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    taraHK said:

    I think good
    My interpretation is GOOD. The emphysema must be a bit of shock but that can presumably be dealt with. The cyst sounds benign to me. And, I agree with Geotina -- if the "lesion" on the liver was there in July 2008 and hasn't grown, it seems highly unlikely to me that it is malignant. (I think many of us have discovered bizarre lesions we never knew we had -- and would have never known about except for the $#$# scans we have!). Hey - I'm not a doctor -- but that's my two cents worth!


    Ya know.....I really didn't think to much of this scan .......
    and really didn't like what I was reading into it..After CEA last time being 1 and all clear margins and no node involvement I guess I jacked myself up to hear" Well there is nothing there, see ya in 3 months"...all this emphysema,hypodense, cyst, ingrown toenail.....all kinda let me down thinking damn , cancer won't kill me damn emphysema is going to....but all of you rallying to me telling me this and giving me reasons to think other than the wrong things, its no wonder this site and the people in it are so dang popular...Ya'll can take a tornado and make it into a windsong.......Thank all of you for brightening my outlook on this hidden fears of what I was thinking are now gone, and I certainly am proud to be in such great company...........again, thank you for making my day a lot better than it started to all of you,,buzz
  • Kenny H.
    Kenny H. Member Posts: 502 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Ya know.....I really didn't think to much of this scan .......
    and really didn't like what I was reading into it..After CEA last time being 1 and all clear margins and no node involvement I guess I jacked myself up to hear" Well there is nothing there, see ya in 3 months"...all this emphysema,hypodense, cyst, ingrown toenail.....all kinda let me down thinking damn , cancer won't kill me damn emphysema is going to....but all of you rallying to me telling me this and giving me reasons to think other than the wrong things, its no wonder this site and the people in it are so dang popular...Ya'll can take a tornado and make it into a windsong.......Thank all of you for brightening my outlook on this hidden fears of what I was thinking are now gone, and I certainly am proud to be in such great company...........again, thank you for making my day a lot better than it started to all of you,,buzz

    Cant be all that bad...
    With all them "NOs" in there. keep the good reports coming Buzz.
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I am not good at reading these reports. I read yours a few times. My conclusion is it is a very good report. It looks like there is nothing new, + the liver thingy does not appear to be a lesion; they use the term "hyperdense area". Hey I would take this report in a hearbeat. Let us know what the onc says, after all she is the one who gets the big bucks to interpret these.
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Ya know.....I really didn't think to much of this scan .......
    and really didn't like what I was reading into it..After CEA last time being 1 and all clear margins and no node involvement I guess I jacked myself up to hear" Well there is nothing there, see ya in 3 months"...all this emphysema,hypodense, cyst, ingrown toenail.....all kinda let me down thinking damn , cancer won't kill me damn emphysema is going to....but all of you rallying to me telling me this and giving me reasons to think other than the wrong things, its no wonder this site and the people in it are so dang popular...Ya'll can take a tornado and make it into a windsong.......Thank all of you for brightening my outlook on this hidden fears of what I was thinking are now gone, and I certainly am proud to be in such great company...........again, thank you for making my day a lot better than it started to all of you,,buzz

    I second that
    The people here are great, and its a great place to be and be a part of. I am so glad they were able to ease your mind some, I think the report is good, and I think you will be happily surprised at your next ONC appointment as she will be happy to...

  • OtherShoeFell
    OtherShoeFell Member Posts: 37
    Not an expert - but it seems good
    No new nodules and no changes are good terminology.
    Hyper = more
    Therefore a "less dense" area that's vague (not well defined) that hasn't changed since 2008. That's good too. Nothing has changed. I like Cheryl's description of why areas might be less dense, and that makes sense in terms of the interpretation.

    I concur with the group. Good luck with your onc!
    Keep smilin'
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Hey Clift! Stoma hernias are painful. Your scan said mild hernia, but when i had mine, it hurt like hell, and it was only mild. I also got some bleeding around it occasionally. I wonder if there's anything they can do about it? I don't have mine anymore (even though my body sometimes thinks i do), so i never talked to the doctors about fixing it.

    Sounds like some heart disease is going on...time to start laying off that red meat! The last thing you want to do is die of heart disease after all the work you did beating the nasty beast. And it sounds like you have done just that...beaten the nasty beast! I don't have any idea how to reverse the emphesema. Once the alveoli are popped, they're not SUPPOSED to come back. They've been saying that about brain cells for ages, and now we know that's not true. I'm living proof of that!

    Congratulations, and here's to many more clean scans!
