The biggest blunder I ever made........



  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member

    An interesting quote that seems appropriate
    The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."


    that a beautiful quote cheryl
    hi cheryl,

    what a lovelly quote. that made my afternooon.


  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member

    Gave Up
    I gave up beating myself over what signs I missed a while back. Sure, it comes to mind, the should of's, but I quit whipping myself over it.
    I'm just going for today, for tomorrow, for next year, screw yesterday.
    Winter Marie

    Gave Up
    >> I'm just going for today, for tomorrow, for next year, screw yesterday.

    Oh! She said screw!!!

    Winter's being a potty-mouth!! LOL!!!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I think MY biggest was....
    not putting ME at the top of my own 'list of important people in my life'!!!!

    And, old habits are hard to break....I am constantly battling that very thing....(*smile* I'm number 1, I'm number 1...*smile*)

    Knuffels, Kathi
  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    I never stop blaming myself!
    I know I shouldn't respond your post with this but I want to let you know, I share the same feeling... 'what ifs'...

    I hate myself and I can never stop blaming myself, no matter how many times I talk to the father, no matter how many times I pray for forgiveness!

    If I could have being more persistence pushing my husband to arrange colonscopy for my mum a few years ago, if I could have done it myself earlier without relying on my husband to do it for me... if I take my mum's diarrhea and stomach pain more seriously.... all these ifs will never disappear!

    When I see my mum is suffering from chemo, and will suffer from the liver resection in 2 weeks time, I just cannot forgive myself!

  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member

    Gave Up
    I gave up beating myself over what signs I missed a while back. Sure, it comes to mind, the should of's, but I quit whipping myself over it.
    I'm just going for today, for tomorrow, for next year, screw yesterday.
    Winter Marie

    Winter Marie, that's the
    Winter Marie, that's the kind of thinking I need to keep around.

  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    luvmum said:

    I never stop blaming myself!
    I know I shouldn't respond your post with this but I want to let you know, I share the same feeling... 'what ifs'...

    I hate myself and I can never stop blaming myself, no matter how many times I talk to the father, no matter how many times I pray for forgiveness!

    If I could have being more persistence pushing my husband to arrange colonscopy for my mum a few years ago, if I could have done it myself earlier without relying on my husband to do it for me... if I take my mum's diarrhea and stomach pain more seriously.... all these ifs will never disappear!

    When I see my mum is suffering from chemo, and will suffer from the liver resection in 2 weeks time, I just cannot forgive myself!


    Dora, You need to make that
    Dora, You need to make that the last time you blame yourself for not catching your Moms cancer earlier. Just be there for her in the right now and be the wonderful loving daughter that you are! As you read in all of the above, and if you didn't read them, go back and read all of the above posts. We have all been in your shoes and hopefully learned from it. Now is the time to be strong and active in her health care, now that you know what you're dealing with. You can do it girlfriend!! :):):)

    Love and hugs, Gail
  • TMac52
    TMac52 Member Posts: 352
    luvmum said:

    I never stop blaming myself!
    I know I shouldn't respond your post with this but I want to let you know, I share the same feeling... 'what ifs'...

    I hate myself and I can never stop blaming myself, no matter how many times I talk to the father, no matter how many times I pray for forgiveness!

    If I could have being more persistence pushing my husband to arrange colonscopy for my mum a few years ago, if I could have done it myself earlier without relying on my husband to do it for me... if I take my mum's diarrhea and stomach pain more seriously.... all these ifs will never disappear!

    When I see my mum is suffering from chemo, and will suffer from the liver resection in 2 weeks time, I just cannot forgive myself!


    My Story is similar to Blakes!
    I went for a routine colonascopy. No symptoms, no pain, I was 51 yrs old and had already waited a year too long. Doctor removed a large polyp 11 inches into my colon. Started at the very end of the colon and worked his way out. I was sound asleep until he burnt out that polyp woke my right up. after he removed the polyp exam was over he said everything else was clean "NOT" he never went back in to do the other 11 inches. (from the polyp to the anal canal) When I write this out my anger starts to get the best of me. anyhow 3 months later I had blood in my stool but didnt think anything but hemroids since he was just in there. I waited another 4 months as it got worse i got scared and my primary told me to schedule another scope. went to the same doctor this time woke up with a cancer diagnosis in the rectum 2cm tumor. I wanted to seriously hurt this guy and i think he knew it, he was all apologies and admitted to missing it on the first go round.
    Now I spent time being mad at him and then turned the anger inward. I hadnt done a very good job of taking care of my insides. I liftrd weights and looked good on the outside but drank too much and ate all the wrong foods. I had quit smoking when my son was born and when he was 16 I was going through a divorce i picked up the butts again.

    So when it comes right down to it I did it myself. could the doctor have saved me from having a permanent colostomy?? Maybe we'll never know, but now that I'm almost done with my mop-up chemo one year later, it's all water under the bridge. Most importantly now is keeping my 2 sons 21 and 18 healthy and i'm not off to a good start. their diet is terrible even though they played sports all of their lives.

    This is a great thread good to get this stuff out and good to hear everyones point of view with regard to diagnosis and diet. I am eating alot healthier now and even juicing once a day. Good health to all!!! Tom
  • luvmum said:

    I never stop blaming myself!
    I know I shouldn't respond your post with this but I want to let you know, I share the same feeling... 'what ifs'...

    I hate myself and I can never stop blaming myself, no matter how many times I talk to the father, no matter how many times I pray for forgiveness!

    If I could have being more persistence pushing my husband to arrange colonscopy for my mum a few years ago, if I could have done it myself earlier without relying on my husband to do it for me... if I take my mum's diarrhea and stomach pain more seriously.... all these ifs will never disappear!

    When I see my mum is suffering from chemo, and will suffer from the liver resection in 2 weeks time, I just cannot forgive myself!


    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    how I wish I had acted sooner
    Oh, how I wish I had acted sooner, myself. Even after I put it off so long myself, my doctor still acted like I wasn't a cancer risk (with no risk factors or family history at all of cancer & I was "too young" supposedly at "just" 40). So, even after I acted and went to the doctor, it was still another 5 months before I had a colonoscopy and was diagnosed as stage IV rectal cancer, with it already quite profusedly spread throughout my liver and both lungs.
    But, as we say too- it's really no use bemoaning what has transpired and what cannot be changed. The only way others can benefit from my loss now is that I can spread the word to others to act on any/all symptoms and get checked out! My own brother still won't act, even 3-1/2 years after my stage IV diagnosis he still hasn't ever gone to the doctor to request a colonoscopy. His angle, he claims, is that his insurance is so bad that it pays for almost nothing so even if they found something, he could never pay for any treatment. I told him how there are ways he could be helped, especially as he is quite low income, but he won't listen. He is so concerned about me, but still won't act for himself. It really does concern me. Fortunately, my cancer genetics were tested and I was found to not have the family hereditary type, but I still know that he needs to be checked soon, as he has now just turned 40.

    The thing that makes me the most frustrated with my whole situation & I've heard it from so many other people is that the doctor and nurse practitioner that I first saw blew it off & decided to not be proactive and to not take the "better safe than sorry" attitude. I definitely had a lot of blood, so my insurance paying for my colonoscopy was no problem- that wasn't the reason. I really think the doctor and nurse were just ignorant that colorectal cancer can really present itself in someone younger than their standard age of 50 to do colonoscopies & really just thought there was no reason other than hemmorhoids for my bleeding.
    Now, in retrospect, I know that my many, many years of having digestive upset was due to my being gluten intolerant, which in turn caused irritable bowel. It is my hunch that because my colon and rectum were always irritated, that the polyp formed and then grew into a tumor and that is probably what caused my cancer. I had never really complained to my doctor until that point in time about my digestive problems. I had always been that way and my mom was that way too. Being quite ignorant about irritable bowel, colitis, etc., I just thought that was the way I was wired and that it was "normal" for me. I had years of diarrhea, which is why I really wasn't alerted, because there really wasn't a big change in my bowel function- they were functioning the way they had been for years, which was badly, but that was my normal.
    I think word is getting out a lot more in the past couple of years to doctors- I know my family doctor has since said that she has seen several cases of colorectal cancer & in several people in their 30's', 40's, even a couple in their 20's. We know this to be true on the CSN board here- I would say most of us are under 50. I do wonder if we on the CSN board are a true representative of ages associated with this cancer- perhaps the older people mostly just aren't ones to go on an internet support group. Heck, my own mother is 67 and she just finally purchased a computer, so I know she would never go on a board like CSN if she were ever diagnosed with cancer. Hmmm...
    Makes me think a lot...
    But thinking doesn't help unless it is put into action- so now I'm a spokesperson everywhere I go for getting tested and checked out if there are ANY signs or possible symptoms. Better safe than sorry is my motto! Now if only my own brother would listen...

    Hugs to all,
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Some researchers and companies are trying to come up with
    more comprehensive and prognostic ways of detecting CRC other than the pathology analysis that generally follows the snipping of tissue during the colonoscopy procedure,most revolving around blood tests and genetic/biologic markers which may also indicate potential likelihood of mets in lungs/liver in the future......

    Again, guidelines concerning diet, nutrition , exercise and cancer, can be found at the ACS, AICR, NCI,and other cancer.orgs and .govs as well as the CRC-specific orgs (, formerly 3C)web sites and most provide free booklets, info.etc

    One good book to read has been cited here before, "Anticancer: A New Way of Life" by Dr Servan-Schreiber, specifically the shiny,color pages in the middle,- page 9 of these for CRC- between pages 178-179 (if you don't want to read it all)
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    coloCan said:

    Some researchers and companies are trying to come up with
    more comprehensive and prognostic ways of detecting CRC other than the pathology analysis that generally follows the snipping of tissue during the colonoscopy procedure,most revolving around blood tests and genetic/biologic markers which may also indicate potential likelihood of mets in lungs/liver in the future......

    Again, guidelines concerning diet, nutrition , exercise and cancer, can be found at the ACS, AICR, NCI,and other cancer.orgs and .govs as well as the CRC-specific orgs (, formerly 3C)web sites and most provide free booklets, info.etc

    One good book to read has been cited here before, "Anticancer: A New Way of Life" by Dr Servan-Schreiber, specifically the shiny,color pages in the middle,- page 9 of these for CRC- between pages 178-179 (if you don't want to read it all)

    Anticancer book
    Yes, I agree that "Anticancer: A New Way of Life" is a good must-read book for everyone! I know many people here would rather not think about the nutrition aspect of cancer & as I've said before, I don't believe that diet is what causes everyone's cancer. I do believe that it is the case for some, but for others it may have been stress, family genetics, chemical exposure, metal toxicity or "who knows what". Even with chemical exposure and metal toxicity, some people get cancer and others do not. Everyone's body has a different level of tolerance and sensitivity. I guess this could explain why someone who eats horribly, never exercises, smokes, is couch potato, etc. might end up living a long life and why someone who lives a very healthy lifestyle still might end up with cancer.
    I guess with not knowing for sure what causes the cancer, my thoughts are that I want to try to do all I can and minimize the possiblilities of cancer. Since I already have stage IV cancer (as my husband likes to tell me "the cat is already out of the bag- so aren't your efforts of changing how you eat and taking all these herbs kind of pointless now?") No way, I say- I don't know if I can change my immune systems's ability to fight it off or at least keep it from spreading further, but I'm not going down without trying my best to do what I can to get rid of the beast! Of course, I'm still doing chemo and doing what my oncologist recommends, but for me that doesn't feel like enough (especially since after 3-1/2 years of chemo, I still have cancer in my liver and lungs) I feel desperate, I guess, so maybe prompted more than some others might feel, but desperate people do desperate things, and I want to live!!
    Anyhow, the anticancer book mentioned does mostly focus on diet, but also talks about making lifestyle changes. Change is hard & I have resisted doing it for the past 3-1/2 years & now I'm kicking myself for not making changes sooner. Can't change what has already transpired, so I'm not going to beat myself up or feel guilty about what I've done or not done... I'm just going to move forward and do what I can- if I still succumb to cancer, well I'll get satisfaction now that no one will ever be able to say I didn't go down fighting till the end!
    To... LIFE!!

    Lisa :)
  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    TMac52 said:

    My Story is similar to Blakes!
    I went for a routine colonascopy. No symptoms, no pain, I was 51 yrs old and had already waited a year too long. Doctor removed a large polyp 11 inches into my colon. Started at the very end of the colon and worked his way out. I was sound asleep until he burnt out that polyp woke my right up. after he removed the polyp exam was over he said everything else was clean "NOT" he never went back in to do the other 11 inches. (from the polyp to the anal canal) When I write this out my anger starts to get the best of me. anyhow 3 months later I had blood in my stool but didnt think anything but hemroids since he was just in there. I waited another 4 months as it got worse i got scared and my primary told me to schedule another scope. went to the same doctor this time woke up with a cancer diagnosis in the rectum 2cm tumor. I wanted to seriously hurt this guy and i think he knew it, he was all apologies and admitted to missing it on the first go round.
    Now I spent time being mad at him and then turned the anger inward. I hadnt done a very good job of taking care of my insides. I liftrd weights and looked good on the outside but drank too much and ate all the wrong foods. I had quit smoking when my son was born and when he was 16 I was going through a divorce i picked up the butts again.

    So when it comes right down to it I did it myself. could the doctor have saved me from having a permanent colostomy?? Maybe we'll never know, but now that I'm almost done with my mop-up chemo one year later, it's all water under the bridge. Most importantly now is keeping my 2 sons 21 and 18 healthy and i'm not off to a good start. their diet is terrible even though they played sports all of their lives.

    This is a great thread good to get this stuff out and good to hear everyones point of view with regard to diagnosis and diet. I am eating alot healthier now and even juicing once a day. Good health to all!!! Tom

    Tom, you didn NOT do this to
    Tom, you didn NOT do this to yourself. It happened. You know... a lot of these posts include that we had symptoms that our Dr's as well as us kind of brushed off or misdiagnosed or goofed in some way. My story as well, although I didn't tell mine on my earlier post.

    I just wanted to tell you buddy to stop with the self blame please. :) It's not true, and I'm in the same situation with my kids. I want them to get a colonoscopy now to have a starting point. And start watching and thinking about their diet. Now I'm not sayin they have to turn the cheek to burgers and beer forever ....just sayin...think about stuff....LOL....or they just might be turning the OTHER cheek if you know what I mean :)

    Love and hugs to you, Gail
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member

    Gave Up
    >> I'm just going for today, for tomorrow, for next year, screw yesterday.

    Oh! She said screw!!!

    Winter's being a potty-mouth!! LOL!!!


    Darn it
    I forgot to watch what I said!!! LMAO
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    An interesting quote that seems appropriate
    The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."


    That's My Story Perfecty
    Leave it to the 'Lama to diagnose my condition - I could not have worded this any better.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    ....made one about a year ago about this time. I cancelled my surgeries and scans for financial considerations - stayed working on my job so I could get my name on a project that I'd worked on - all the while the new tumor grew and grew big.

    Angel "nudged me gently" and made me see the err of my ways. I try not to think about it too much - the last 10 months has been the fight and there's neve any time to wallow when you're up to your elbows in treatments.

    We just hope that we become wise enough to not make the same mistakes twice - that's the journey, that's the enlightenment.

  • pscott1
    pscott1 Member Posts: 207 Member
    plh4gail said:

    The thing about this thought
    The thing about this thought that now keeps entering my mind is about my kids. I didn't have any family history of colon cancer and I led the so called healthy life. So since I got the diagnosis and my onc told me my children (25 and 24) need to have their colonoscopy 10 years younger than I was at diagnosis....why only 10 years? I know it's not what they want to do or think about, but like you said coloCan...why wait for the damage? Look at the young people on here with this diagnosis. And I consider myself as young at 46, there are kids here in their 20's like my kids.

    Just thinking, Gail

    I'm 1 day away from a liver
    I'm 1 day away from a liver biopsy to see if what the first Onc told me is true. She says my MRI that was done on 2/17, which they didn't do on 1/8 before the colonoscopy or after, but probably had time to do; shows that I have multiple lesions - 15, that it's definitely mets to my liver from the colon cancer, incurable, inoperable, radiation not an option, only chemo and maybe I might see another 4 years! I went for 2nd opinion to Siteman Cancer Center and my new Onc says that he doesn't see what they are seeing. He says spread should never be based off scans alone. So Wednesday I do the biopsy and find out the truth. I have been obsessing over this cancer since I woke up from the colonoscopy and heard those dreadful have cancer. I eat, sleep, walk, talk and breathe cancer; I've dropped 14 pounds that I'm aware of; I'm sure from the stress that is taking me over. Even when I try to push positive thoughts in my mind, it's like the natural disaster that hit Japan; it just rushes over me, the "what if's" and "what next" and I barely feel like I'm alive anymore. I keep saying if I had only asked for the colonoscopy in 2009 during my 50th birthday, if I had only ate better, exercised more, got more rest, not let life's worries overwhelm me, if, if, if..... I'm running out of reasons why I think I ended up with this horrible thing that has totally changed my life as I knew it. I'm not going to lie; I hate this....I feel like some days when I wake up that I just can't take another minute of this. I mean for God's sake, I haven't even started my chemo yet and I just feel like I could lay down and give up. You're all right though...who knows how we got it or why. We have it and I guess we have no option other than to fight it. So I'll keep going down this road of unknowns and try to make the best of it that I possibly can. I have 3 girls that I love dearly and I am just not ready to leave them; not even close. It is what it is.

  • pscott1
    pscott1 Member Posts: 207 Member
    plh4gail said:

    The thing about this thought
    The thing about this thought that now keeps entering my mind is about my kids. I didn't have any family history of colon cancer and I led the so called healthy life. So since I got the diagnosis and my onc told me my children (25 and 24) need to have their colonoscopy 10 years younger than I was at diagnosis....why only 10 years? I know it's not what they want to do or think about, but like you said coloCan...why wait for the damage? Look at the young people on here with this diagnosis. And I consider myself as young at 46, there are kids here in their 20's like my kids.

    Just thinking, Gail

    I'm 1 day away from a liver
    I'm 1 day away from a liver biopsy to see if what the first Onc told me is true. She says my MRI that was done on 2/17, which they didn't do on 1/8 before the colonoscopy or after, but probably had time to do; shows that I have multiple lesions - 15, that it's definitely mets to my liver from the colon cancer, incurable, inoperable, radiation not an option, only chemo and maybe I might see another 4 years! I went for 2nd opinion to Siteman Cancer Center and my new Onc says that he doesn't see what they are seeing. He says spread should never be based off scans alone. So Wednesday I do the biopsy and find out the truth. I have been obsessing over this cancer since I woke up from the colonoscopy and heard those dreadful have cancer. I eat, sleep, walk, talk and breathe cancer; I've dropped 14 pounds that I'm aware of; I'm sure from the stress that is taking me over. Even when I try to push positive thoughts in my mind, it's like the natural disaster that hit Japan; it just rushes over me, the "what if's" and "what next" and I barely feel like I'm alive anymore. I keep saying if I had only asked for the colonoscopy in 2009 during my 50th birthday, if I had only ate better, exercised more, got more rest, not let life's worries overwhelm me, if, if, if..... I'm running out of reasons why I think I ended up with this horrible thing that has totally changed my life as I knew it. I'm not going to lie; I hate this....I feel like some days when I wake up that I just can't take another minute of this. I mean for God's sake, I haven't even started my chemo yet and I just feel like I could lay down and give up. You're all right though...who knows how we got it or why. We have it and I guess we have no option other than to fight it. So I'll keep going down this road of unknowns and try to make the best of it that I possibly can. I have 3 girls that I love dearly and I am just not ready to leave them; not even close. It is what it is.

  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Nana b said:

    Weight gain shows thatbyou
    Weight gain shows thatbyou are taking in more calories then you are burning. Meaning little or no excercise. I am not working now, but I must have burned a lot if calories at work! I am a bit over weight, my ONC knows my diet so he just said don't overdo the carbs, and to get off my butt, yes, he said that!

    Wish I had that problem...
    Were it so simple.... weight gain = more calories than you are burning.

    Do you know how many people have tried laying that guilt trip on me over the years? I could play the broken record... and they all sound so self-righteous like the answer is simple. Stop eating so many calories and burn off those that you do eat... simple.

    Such bs abounds in our society.

    For example: You all know how horribly ill I was with the first round of Irinotecan chemo... such a bad reaction that others hadn't seemed to experience. I was literally bed ridden for 14 days... did not have the strength to even walk around the apartment. I could not keep anything down... forget food or solids, but I couldn't even keep broth or water down. I was violently sick to my stomach, bringing up fluids after fluids after fluids. Likewise, severe diarrhea where there was no waste, it was just fluid/water. Major intestinal cramping/spasms that no amount of medication could get under control. I KNEW I was getting seriously dehydrated when my legs shrunk to the point where I did not recognize them. Yes, I should have gone to the hospital to be rehydrated but I was in too much pain and too sick... there is no way I could have sat around in the ER until I got looked after... just too darn sick. 12 days without food and very little fluid (although I did try, if for no other reason, so that I could have something to throw up). It would not have surprised me in the least to have lost 20 lbs in that 2 weeks.... obviously mostly all fluid/water weight, but still. No calories going in for 2 weeks and losing that much fluid should equal a sufficient weight loss. Guess what? I gained 8 lbs. GAINED 8 POUNDS!!

    So that "oh, you just need to take in less calories to lose weight" is so not necessarily true or accurate, but the gullible love to hang on to stuff like that. After all, if you read it on the internet, it must be true. And anyone trying to point out that this is not accurate information in all cases and it doesn't apply to every scenerio or every person... that's when you get those coming out in droves to argue and tell you you are wrong.

    So, sorry if I don't join in on the "If you really want to lose weight, then watch your diet, watch your calories" because that is bogus information and I am actual proof that this is not the case for everyone.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    ....made one about a year ago about this time. I cancelled my surgeries and scans for financial considerations - stayed working on my job so I could get my name on a project that I'd worked on - all the while the new tumor grew and grew big.

    Angel "nudged me gently" and made me see the err of my ways. I try not to think about it too much - the last 10 months has been the fight and there's neve any time to wallow when you're up to your elbows in treatments.

    We just hope that we become wise enough to not make the same mistakes twice - that's the journey, that's the enlightenment.


    So well said, my Southern gentleman cowboy!!!!
    I'm still learning....looking to change my life once again....reached an impass with my beau...After 20 years, we are talking about splitting up....I feel lighter!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • KathiM said:

    So well said, my Southern gentleman cowboy!!!!
    I'm still learning....looking to change my life once again....reached an impass with my beau...After 20 years, we are talking about splitting up....I feel lighter!

    Hugs, Kathi

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