O/T - Can I brag....please...just a little?

AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
I must preface this post by saying I ususally try not to brag, but I just can't help myself this time. Besides, I know lately I have been sharing more of my stress and worry. Here is some great newa to share. We have 2 fantastic daughters, 17 + 22. The younger one applied to 3 universities for the fall + got accepted to all three! Now she has to choose, but she has until June 2. Our oldest daughter just found out she got accepted into the PhD program she wanted (one of 3 people). We are really happy for both of them; they are succeeding despite my health situation + I could not be prouder of either of them. I just wanted to share this good news with my friends here.


  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    anne they are a chip off the old block
    Its wonderful news, and I like good news.
    Our kids stories really bring me down to earth.

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    anne they are a chip off the old block
    Its wonderful news, and I like good news.
    Our kids stories really bring me down to earth.


    so glad
    Anne I am so happy for you.

    my girl was in 4th year Fine Art at U of T when i was diagnosed for the first time////she lost that year.....by the time she was making up a course the following yeat....i had liver mets

    these kids are so darned wonderful they love their mom and still soldier on

    congrats on both your girls.....splendid news.....

  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    Brag away
    What great news. You must be so proud of the. Congratulations to all of you. Good job mom!
  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    Dear Anne,

    You must be so proud of them!!!! Congratulations!!!!

    Happiness will cure all your health problem! I hope you will keep receiving different kinds of happy news!

    My warmest regards,
  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    Dear Anne,

    You must be so proud of them!!!! Congratulations!!!!

    Happiness will cure all your health problem! I hope you will keep receiving different kinds of happy news!

    My warmest regards,
  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    Dear Anne,

    You must be so proud of them!!!! Congratulations!!!! I really admire their strength!

    Happiness will cure all your health problem! I hope you will keep receiving different kinds of happy news!

    My warmest regards,
  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    How Wonderful
    Well Anne when it comes to bragging rights, I think you have them!

    Sounds like you have raise two wonderful girls.

    A pat on the back for you and best wishes for the girls that they can follow their dream of higher education.


  • Love2Cats
    Love2Cats Member Posts: 127
    That is definitely something to brag about!
    Congratulations, you must be beaming! Things like that are great accomplishments in life, and should be shared. Parenting is not an easy task, and you have done a fantastic job with your daughters.
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Awwwwright Daughters of Anne!! :)
    Not only do you have every right to brag, you can brag and brag and brag any time you hit a rough patch! Oh gee, the doctors mixed up the paperwork... but hey, you have two extremely brilliant daughters! Oh gee, you feel really yucky on the treatments... but hey, you have two brilliant daughters who are wanted at any University they have their eye on. No matter what is going on in your life, good, bad or indifferent... you KNOW you have two huge success stories on your hands :)

    And the universe has put this hurdle in front of you called health... but you will overcome this too and go on to have to (sorry about this) go SHOPPING for new outfits that accommodate the mother of two brilliant scholars. So many ceremonies and award ceremonies to attend. You better rest up, girl!! :D

  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    Congratulations,you should be proud.Good news is always welcome.
  • Erinb
    Erinb Member Posts: 293
    Congrats and hats off

    Congrats and hats off to you for raising two girls who value education.
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Erinb said:

    Congrats and hats off

    Congrats and hats off to you for raising two girls who value education.

    Anne thanks for sharing it! you got excellent reasons to fight!
    Hugs my dear Canuck!
  • Jane822
    Jane822 Member Posts: 50
    Brag On!
    This is what it's all about.........Congratulations on wonderful accomplishments. Jane
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Congratulations!!!! I am waiting to see how that feels. My son has applied but they won't respond until April, it seems like forever to see if he's getting into his 4 year college that he wants.
    So it's got to be a BEAUTIFUL feeling in your heart about now!!! How fantastic that your oldest got accepted into the PhD program.
    You've done good girl!!!! Raising smart intelligent daughters!!
    Winter Marie
  • hopeforcure49
    hopeforcure49 Member Posts: 111
    So Happy for your daughters
    It's so nice to hear of good news. Happy for your family. Our kids are the reason I keep fighting......Blessings Lourdes
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi Anne,

    Brag away- you have a right to! That's wonderful news about your daughters- we need bright points in our life to keep us going! Congratulations for your girls!

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Hi Anne, you know what? I

    Hi Anne, you know what? I think after raising such great kids, you deserve to brag a little! :-) I'm so happy for your daughters, how absolutely wonderful for them. :-)

    All my best, Cynthia
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member

    Hi Anne, you know what? I

    Hi Anne, you know what? I think after raising such great kids, you deserve to brag a little! :-) I'm so happy for your daughters, how absolutely wonderful for them. :-)

    All my best, Cynthia

    Congratulations to you and the girls...........
    You have reached a milestone in your journey....You have gotten the girls raised and looks like they will be fine when they get on their own...That is the relief all parents want for their children. Its great when we get to see it and know that it is genuine...Good for you and great for them. I know you are proud of them, how could they have ever failed when they are a direct reflection of their mom..... Love to you, buzzour....
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member

    anne they are a chip off the old block
    Its wonderful news, and I like good news.
    Our kids stories really bring me down to earth.


    Thanks Pete
    I appreciate those kind words. Wait till they are teenagers, then they really bring you down to earth! Parents don't know much anymore, but you sure have interesting conversations at the dinner. My oldest daughter is in theatre + she has been involved in a production that revolved around the family dinner (she wrote it + directed it. She thanked my husband + I for having the daily family dinner in the program.
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Lori-S said:

    Brag away
    What great news. You must be so proud of the. Congratulations to all of you. Good job mom!

    Thanks Lori!
    I can't even tell you how proud I am of these two.