Thick Lining

atcjen Member Posts: 2 Member

Almost 52 over 2 years post menopausal and have been bleeding very infrequently until about 5 months ago. It comes and goes . Sometimes clear discharge, brown, red, etc and usually light. sometimes when i urinate i do have some discharge (assuming some lining). The last 4-6 weeks i had period type cramps in lower back/lower pelvis ,but if anything just a small amount of substance when i wipe. Finally got into my Gyn and couldn't do the biopsy as it was painful and my uterus is tilted. Did an internal ultra sound and a regular. Lining is 16mm and it should be 4-5. Have D&C Wed along with going in with a camera to biopsy/look around. i am scared of them telling me i need a hysterectomy or that i have some type of cancer.. was hoping they could just do whatever procedure they need to in one shot.. Anyone else going through this? Any feedback good/bad?


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,533 Member

    atcjen, it is ok to be afraid, but you are doing the right thing. The D&C is going to be the best way to find out what is going on. After they get results they should be able to tell you what is going on.

    The D&C by your gyn is ok, if they find anything, if they don't offer, you want them to refer you to a gynecologic oncologist, but I don't want to get ahead of you yet. First things first, get through Wed, and when you get the results let us know what is going on. Waiting on the results in the hardest part.

    Take a breath dear, you can do this.

  • atcjen
    atcjen Member Posts: 2 Member

    ty so much. You’re so kind for your response to me. I guess part of it is that I am having such bad lower abdominal pain and just nervous. Not even sure what it’s from. Feels like if I was getting a period. I am not looking forward to Wednesday, but looking forward to getting some answers.