New here with some questions



  • marjan55
    marjan55 Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks so much for your post. You do sound like similar cases. My husband hasn’t needed any treatment for BPH (yet). He has no trouble at all urinating… is just way too frequent. Hoping what we find is a low grade cancer. Glad you’re doing well with active surveillance.

  • Stewartc
    Stewartc Member Posts: 10 Member

    GetGet the biopsy. in 2020 I had a PSA reading of 1.2 prior to that it was lower. In November of 2023 I always complained to the doctor that I had to pee all the time and I only peed 4 oz. I told him I was due for a PSA I got the test and I was 3.4 in November I felt I had a problem because it was a fast rise. So I wanted to see a specialist. Long story short I saw a specialist in December and had another PSA. A month and a half later I was 4.3. He did a physical inspection and said he felt something and I needed a biopsy. By January 2024 I found out I had cancer Gleason score 4x3 after that I had bone scan CT scan MRI PET scan found I had metastasize cancer in my sternum in the bone had surgical robotic prostatectomy and found it was outside the margins I am now waiting to do radiation to the sternum and I'm on hormone therapy. Do not wait get the biopsy have peace of mind.

  • marjan55
    marjan55 Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks for sharing. He’s getting the biopsy on Thursday. Good luck to you.