Exercise and fitness after R-Chop is finished

getsmart Member Posts: 4 Member

What fitness level and or fatigue can a patient expect after completion of 6 cycles of R-chop? I went into therapy in good physical shape for a 66 year old man, golfing , cycling, skiing etc. I’ve tolerated the chemo fairly well. Mostly just fatigue.

Can I expect to regain my pre- therapy activity and fitness level again after I complete the 6 cycles ?How long does it take to start feeling “normal” again? Is there a new normal? I’d enjoy hearing from other patients experience. My cancer is DBC-NHL. I’ve had good results and my scan was clear after 3 cycles. Wondering about my ability to get back to my previous activities and how long that might take ??? Thank you


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. As to the future, it might be helpful to balance everything against what the lymphoma will do if not stopped - well do we know what that will be. Given that we must now deal with our post-treatment self, to a certain extent we are all damaged goods - the walking wounded if you will. Some seem to sail through easily while others struggle. The effects of chemo are cumulative in nature and the low point will likely occur some days after your final round of therapy.

    As to recovery, are you a resilient person? Do you rebound quickly, recover from injuries, surgeries or illnesses well? If so, then you might well recover from treatment quite well. DLBCL is the most common lymphoma, but it is unique to you inasmuch as it is based on your particular DNA. Cognitive and psychological factors also weigh in. There will be good days and others which pose new challenges.

    You might consider consulting with the treatment center's patient support team, as to resources available regarding physical therapy, nutrition and possibly even a patient support group. I realize that this is only a very general response, but to a large extent, you are entering uncharted territory. /just know that there are a few here who have had multiple cancers or multiple relapses and we are still here, supporting other patients to the best of our ability.

    Please fell free to comment or ask questions once your recovery process begins.

  • getsmart
    getsmart Member Posts: 4 Member

    I’m 15 days after my last R-chop. My oncologist decided 4 cycles was all that was necessary. Radiation is the next step. Feeling better about my rehab now.
    thanks to po18guy for your reply.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Be patient. Sometimes we must be very patient, and at other times, resign ourselves to what has befallen us. We are older and it becomes difficult to separate the negatives of cancer and treatment from the aging process. Both, in truth, accelerate that process. Yet, life goes on and we are adaptable creatures.

  • RhaegarShelby
    RhaegarShelby Member Posts: 1 Member

    It's great to see you thinking about exercise after finishing R-Chop. Stay active can make a huge difference in recovery and overall well-being. I found that gentle activities like walking or yoga helped me feel more grounded.

  • getsmart
    getsmart Member Posts: 4 Member

    I’m 3 months out of chemo and doing pretty well cycling, walking, light exercise , yoga and golfing. I’m not back to my “old self” but I remain optimistic.
    Thank you for your reply. Good luck and good health to everyone!

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Great to hear this! I have a different "take" on the cancer journey. I decided that I did not want to get back to my old life, because my "old life" had cancer in its future. I collected what I had left and, with urging from DW, soldiered on into my new life. Bicycling keeps me going. I am increasing the miles I ride as it is excellent cardio-vascular exercise.