Low WBC and Brain Fog after 2+ years

LoRider Member Posts: 1 *

Frankly, I am tired of my oncologist saying "it's part of the process" and "it's different for everyone." I am still battling brain fog since chemo and radiation completed in Spring 2021. And my WBC have never rebounded either. My last test showed 2.9/uL when it should be 4.0.

Does it ever get better?


  • Bvan
    Bvan Member Posts: 3 *

    I hear you. I am about 2 years out of Chemo, RCHOP. I feel weak, tired, have shooting pain, hurt at most joints. Brain fog. Blood counts are good so I am hopeful. My oncologist says about the same thing as yours. I am not being told 3 to 5 years to feel better. I am frustrated, B